How to efficiently play Radiance Naga Siren?

The best advice I can give on this is to not listen to what people judge to be good item timings. Most people throw around the item timings that pros can achieve in their games and see these as reasonable timings for themselves. This is not the case. Pro carry players often get pure free farm in the safe lane thanks to their two supports. In some pub games, having even one good support can be rare.

I would never rush Radiance Radiance without getting at least Power TreadsPower Treads, as well as a BottleBottle or Ring of AquilaRing of Aquila. BottleBottle and/or Ring of AquilaRing of Aquila is core on Naga Siren because she is so Manta Style dependent. These items will more than pay for themselves over the course of a standard game. BottleBottle is better if you start in the mid lane, whereas Ring of AquilaRing of Aquila is better if you begin in the safelane.

Post Radiance Radiance try and identify how safe you are to split push and which hero's pose a threat to you

For example, Clockwerk can kill you easily solo when you have only a Radiance Radiance, so in a game against him I would constantly check the map to identify where he is and therefore where I can farm. In general, don't try to contribute to teamfights until you have at least Radiance Radiance + Manta Style, regardless of what your teammates say. Naga Siren is a greedy carry which means her team very rarely wins the early game. This can easily be turned around but many newer players don't understand this.

Assuming you go mid, get a BottleBottle and BottleBottle crow like crazy. It's possible to play Naga Siren early with minimal mana use, but to really maximise your early GPM you're going to be spamming Rip Tide and illusions pretty much on cooldown - the more mana you have, the more you can cast them and the more GPM you're going to get as a result.

Use Rip Tide to secure last hits that you wouldn't get otherwise and to harass your opponent at the same time if they're melee

If you hit all the creeps a few times first, you can use it to clear the whole wave before going to meet the courier or grabbing a rune. Practice your regular last hitting too though - Naga Siren is such a gold hungry hero, you really need good last hitting to get that early start that you need.

Once you have illusions and providing you have the mana to use them, spawn illusions periodically and send them all to the nearest medium camp (I generally give a move order, then an attack-move order to make sure they don't get distracted en route). Once they're in the camp, look for an opportunity to use Riptide in lane so your illusions can benefit from it too.

The illusions

Early on, your entire set of illusions will need to take camps together (in fact early on, you might need multiple waves to actually clear a camp). As the illusions get stronger (and especially after Radiance Radiance), you can start to split them up via cloning - send the whole wave to attack one camp, then deselect the illusions that you want to remain there and send them to the next camp, etc.

Just stay active and be constantly farming or pushing

Post Radiance Radiance, just stay active and be constantly farming or pushing. Remember that Radiance Radiance auras don't stack, so there's rarely a reason to have multiple illusions in the same place unless you're fighting heroes or attacking a tower - send one to the lane, and clone the others to camps for the extra gold.

Be careful using Song of the Siren 

Bad song doesn't just use your cooldown, but can actively make things worse (for example by accidentally nullifying an ally's big teamfight ult, or giving an enemy Tidehunter/ Magnus a window to mash their big ult as soon as Song finishes). Use it either to initiate if your team has a good follow-up to it, or to disengage if it's clear that this is the team's plan.

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