What is the low-down on Naga ?

Naga Siren seems like a really great hero to play, but a bit over my head. I can play Enchantress fairly well, my micro isn't shabby, but whenever I watch RTZ play Naga, I feel a bit overwhelmed. The last challenging hero I sat down to master was Templar Assassin, but Naga Siren seems to be on another level of required competency.
What can you guys tell me about Naga Siren mid lane/safe lane/suppport?

When should Naga Siren be played where? What lane is absolute hell for her?...

You need a lot of mana regen while you farm for Radiance Radiance. A lot. The more you have, the faster you farm. If you are safelane, you pretty much need an Ring of AquilaRing of Aquila or BottleBottle if mid will allow you to. Do not steal the crow from mid to BottleBottle - you're not as important as mid. If mid loses, You won't have space.

Where you can select all illusions and then left-shift-click (on the little "portraits" at the bottom left corner) each one out of the group to send them to different jungle camps. The build has to be a Radiance Radiance rush though. If you learn to do this quickly, you would become a better farmer as Naga Siren.
If you're playing midlane/safelane ultimate RAT Naga Siren, the fastest way to splitpush your Radiance Radiance illusions is a technique called cloning. Group all your illusions, send all of them to the first destination, shift click to deselect one of the illusions, then send all remainder to the next destination. Repeat for every illusion.

If you wanna see this in action, watch how SC2 players splitpush their workers when Maynarding them to a new expansion. Also, if you're filthy rich and need to rat down an entire base by yourself, Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere/Black King BarBlack King Bar makes you immune to almost every single type of lockdown. Works better on Morphling, but still works on Naga Siren.
Getting Drum of Endurance Drum of Endurance first is seen often because it gives you some more survivability and sustain, plus you can wait on the boots for after the Radiance Radiance (since Naga Siren is very fast w/o boots and Drum of Endurance Drum give move speed).

Usual build after Radiance Radiance is Manta Style -> Heart of Tarrasque -> Butterfly Butterfly ->Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade . Keeping a  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade for a long time increases your farm too.

At some point your are able to push all the lanes out by yourself. Just do constant chip damage to their structures and Song of the Siren -> TP when you are in trouble.


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