Showing posts with label Legion TD 2. Show all posts

Legion TD 2 Final Update on Launch Server Issues & Compensation

Final Update on Launch Server Issues & Compensation

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:26 PM PST

Hey all!

Just wanted to give a final update on the server issues that we experienced in the first week after the game released.

Server Stability
As you probably noticed, things are quite stable. There's always room for improvement, but launch server issues are officially resolved. You should be able to log in and play Legion TD 2 consistently.

Name Issues
A small percent of players have missing or incorrect names. Type /resetname in Global Chat to change your name. If your desired name is taken, pick your second favorite name for now. We'll give out another name-reset next week. If you still have issues, post in the Help & Support forum[].

Future Improvements
Right now, we estimate that the servers can accommodate 10,000 concurrent players. Legion TD 2 currently has 35,000 players, 12,500 daily players, and a peak CCU of 3,500. We'll continue making improvements so that servers stay stable as the playerbase grows.

As a small token of appreciation for your patience and support, we're going to do the following for one week (December 8 - December 15):
  • Increase the rate of card drops by 100%
  • Increase the amount of essence you earn by 50% (can be used later on cosmetics, guilds, name changes, etc.)
  • Increase the amount of XP you earn by 50% (used to level up, which unlocks normal games, mastermind, avatars, guilds, enchantments, etc.)
This type of compensation is not something we plan to do often. We specifically designed these systems in a way that we believe is best for the progression, fun, and longevity of the game. With that said, we know we dropped the ball with the launch server issues, and this is our best way to say sorry.

Steam Reviews
We received hundreds of negative reviews on Steam due to the server issues, the vast majority of which came from players with 0 hours of actual gameplay. For a 2-man indie studio, player reviews are critical for helping the game grow. We hope you will consider reversing your negative review. If you still believe we deserve the negative review, you have every right to keep it.

Thank you to everyone for your support as we continue making Legion TD 2 the best game it can be. If you're curious about what our current priorities are, check out our Major Features Priority List[]. We work on the game every day and release patches every week.

Lisk and Jules

Legion TD 2 v1.61 Patch Notes

v1.61 Patch Notes

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

Client Updates

Name Changes
- Fixed a bug where players trying to set a display name that was taken or had invalid characters weren't notified why their name was invalid
- Names allow periods now
- An additional name reset has been given to all players. Type /resetname in Global Chat to change your name.

- Fixed a crash that prevented 32-bit build from connecting to Steam (disabled discordrpc.dll)

- Fixed a bug where in some situations, viewing someone's profile would cause your client to become unresponsive

- Now only autoscrolls if you're at the bottom or if you type a new message
- Now has timestamps

- Improved responsiveness in a number of areas - implemented a separate call for fetching only display name (so when we only need the display name, we don't fetch unneeded profile info)

Game Updates

Mercenary Send System
- Changed to make West/East even, to allow you to more easily strategize with your allies, and to make it easier to remember
-- East mercenaries are now sent as follows:
  • Player 5 sends to 2
  • Player 6 sends to 1
  • Player 7 sends to 4
  • Player 8 sends to 3
- Now prioritizes having parties be similar rating over having perfectly even teams. The matchmaker is now less likely to put high-rated parties on teams with low-rated parties as a way to balance things out.
- Now waits longer to find fairer matches and match you with players closer to your skill level. High-rated players may notice slightly longer queue times.
- In the future, we plan to add an option that allows you to select a preference between "fast queues" and "fair games"

Party Adjustments
- Partying with your friends is now generally less punishing but slightly more punishing if your party has one player who is significantly higher rated than everyone else
-- Duo/Trio/Quad adjustment decreased to +20/40/70 from +35/70/120
-- The highest-rated player in the party now has a higher weight in determining the party rating

- A quad with ratings 1200, 1200, 1200, 1200 now has a team rating of 1270 instead of 1320
- A quad with ratings 1800, 1200, 1200, 1200 now has a team rating of 1510 instead of 1470

Custom Games
- Fixed a bug where if you viewed a player profile while in a custom game, you wouldn't be able to get back

- Fixed a bug where the scoreboard would have buggy white names after reconnecting
- Fixed a bug where player values would be 0 until they built/sold something

- Fixed a rare bug where Upgrade Supply would be missing from the HUD

Game Balance


- Attack type changed to Pierce from Magic

- Attack type changed to Pierce from Magic


Fire Archer
- Health increased to 440 from 420

Dark Mage
- Damage decreased to 32 from 33

Bone Crusher
- Health increased to 1020 from 1000

- Chaos Hound: Degenerates 2% max health per second instead of 1%
- Chaos Hound: Health increased to 380 from 350

- Chaos Hound: Degenerates 2% max health per second instead of 1%
- Chaos Hound: Health increased to 380 from 350

Lord of Death
- Undead Dragon: Degenerates 2% max health per second instead of 1%
- Undead Dragon: Health increased to 1000 from 800

- Imp: Degenerates 2% max health per second instead of 1%
- Imp: Health increased to 500 from 420


- Health decreased to 780 from 790

- Attack speed (attacks per second) decreased to 0.877 from 0.893


(10) Granddaddy
- Attack speed (attacks per second) reverted to 1.96 from 1.85
- Reconstructive Exoskeleton now only heals when out of combat
- Bounty to leaker/killer/opposing team changed to 100/20/40 from 100/50/0

(14) Killer Slugs
- Health decreased to 1700 from 1750


- Health increased to 7100 from 7000

Legion TD 2 v1.60 Patch Notes

v1.60 Patch Notes

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:59 PM PST

Client Updates

Play vs. AI
- Now fully enabled
- Now teams you up with other players, or bots if no players could be found after 1 minute
- You can no longer use -debug mode (it is now only available in custom games)

- Now waits slightly longer to find fairer matches and match you with players closer to your skill level. Matchmaking should still be fast, especially for players near 1200 rating.

Custom Games
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't sell towers in a custom game (due to an incorrect failsafe)

- Improved consistency of suspensions (Suspensions/Mutes are now always 24 hours from the moment you are flagged)
- Improved griefer detection to reduce false positives

Chat Rooms
- Now limits spamming (throttles you if you try to send too many messages)

- Now shows your in-game name

- Fixed some missing country names

Player Count
- Now more up-to-date (refreshes every 60 seconds in addition to when you connect to the lobby server)

- Fixed missing Head Chef art

Game Updates

- Added a report player button next to the mute button

No Bounty Bug
- Fixed a bug where an enemy rewarded no bounty (fixed a bug with buff stacking removals)

- Now displays a chat message when workers start gathering mythium
- Fixed bot names on scoreboard
- Added Bot avatars to loading screen

Fixes & Stability Improvements

- Fixed a bug where avatars would be rendered incorrectly due to improper caching

- Fixed a bug where you cards wouldn't show up as selectable avatars until you restarted the client

Lobby Stability
- User info cache now updates faster, so info should be more up to date

- Improved autobackups of builds, for more reliable reverting in case things go wrong

- Added additional performance monitoring for game servers to prepare for scaling later

Account Creation
- Fixed a bug where the early access popup would display in the middle of setting your display name (added a failsafe)

- Fixed a bug where windowed mode would have low FPS (ignores background FPS if windowed mode)

- Fixed some crash bugs (moved discord-rpc.dll into Plugins folder)

Game Balance

Wave 1 Preparation Time
- Increased to 70 seconds from 60 (Mastermind players were being overly rushed)


- Crushing blow: Now has pseudo-rng to reduce variance (for those curious about the math, check out Team Liquid's article on pseudo-rng[])

- Leech: Lifesteal increased to 6 + 10% from 5 + 10%
- Leech: The flat component no longer affects spells (the percent component still does)

Head Chef
- Cannibalism: Lifesteal increased to 12 + 15% from 10 + 15%
- Cannibalism: The flat component no longer affects spells (the percent component still does)
- Fixed a bug where Necromancy wasn't giving +1 mana for nearby dying units

- Fixed a bug where Necromancy wasn't giving +1 mana for nearby dying units


(6) Rockos
- Impale: Now has pseudo-rng to reduce variance

(10) Granddaddy
- Now stronger and more threatening to the king but less punishing economically to leak
-- Bounty to leaker/killer/opposing team changed to 67/33/0% from 15/22/73%
-- New ability: Reconstructive Exoskeleton - Regenerates 0.5% max health per second
-- Attack speed (attacks per second) decreased to 1.85 from 1.96


- Maul: Now has pseudo-rng to reduce variance

Ghost Knight
- Mythium cost decreased to 300 from 400
- Income and bounty decreased to 72 from 96
- Health decreased to 3800 from 4950
- Damage decreased to 166 from 240
- Defense type changed to Swift from Fortified

- Mythium cost increased to 400 from 300
- Income and bounty increased to 80 from 72
- Health increased to 4000 from 3350
- Damage decreased to 210 from 224
- New Ability: Cleave - Deals 50% (30% to flying) splash damage to nearby enemies

The Legion TD 2 Guide by LForward

Introduction The Legion TD 2 Guide by LForward

Hey there, I'm LForward.

I’ve been following the Legion TD 2 project since 2014 and I gave myself the goal to help wherever possible to make the game a better experience for new players and to make it possible for everyone to become a competitive player. I started playing the Warcraft Mod again shortly before Legion TD 2 got announced. I was very hyped at that point and decided to spend my time playing the Warcraft Mod to get better at Legion TD in general. At the beginning I was slightly overwhelmed as the current version was so much different from what I was used to play in 2011/2012 so I searched the internet for some kind of guide, I found something but it wasn't exactly what I was searching for, I wanted a source that gives me in-depth information and helps me get actively better.
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