Showing posts with label Citadel: Forged With Fire. Show all posts

Citadel: Forged With Fire Broomstick League: Launching Wednesday, March 7th!

Broomstick League: Launching Wednesday, March 7th!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:21 AM PST

The roar of the crowd intensifies as you step through the gate and enter an arena surging with excitement and magic. Your pulse quickens as you take your position and stare down your opponents. This is the moment your House has been training for: Are you ready?

It's time to polish your brooms and practice your aerobatics: Broomstick League is officially coming to Citadel on Wednesday, March 7th!

With the Broomstick League update, players will have the freedom to challenge friends and strangers to a game of intense broomstick-based athletics. Organized into teams of up to five players, wizards will face off in a brand new arena environment using new passing and shooting mechanics to rack up points in a five minute match.

Additionally, the Net and Ball Dispenser items will be available as buildable structures in the main sandbox. By unlocking these pieces, players are given complete freedom to design and build their own completely unique arenas! With these new tools, you'll be able to get creative and organize informal matches with entirely new rule sets and gameplay styles.

We'll be sharing more details about Broomstick League later this week, so stay tuned!

Citadel: Forged With Fire Patch Notes - 12/06/2017 - Shard Drops Increased & Boss Dungeon Rebalances

Patch Notes - 12/06/2017 - Shard Drops Increased & Boss Dungeon Rebalances

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST

Good afternoon, Wizards!

We're so excited to finally have our huge Forsaken Crypts update out there for everyone to play! Countless hours were spent designing and creating the various dungeons, bosses and items within it, and to see people engage with the new content has been extremely fulfilling for us here at Blue Isle Studios.

As with any major update, there has been a ton of feedback -- both positive and negative. While we're happy to accept the praise, we've really been interested in digesting some of the constructive criticisms you, the community, have offered us since the update's launch. To that end, we've taken the opportunity to use today's patch to address some of the more common boss dungeon comments.

First and foremost, we've taken your feedback to heart and have increased the drop rate of the boss dungeon shards. While we do want these items to remain quite rare, many players reported spending hours hunting without the slightest hint of a drop. This is certainly a little more extreme than we anticipated, so we've made some changes to hopefully improve the overall shard-farming experience.

We've also made a number of tweaks to the dungeons themselves based on player feedback. We've altered a few parts of the terrain to reduce the cheeseability of some of the bosses, made adjustments to the power and behaviour of the bosses themselves to make them a little more imposing, and have made some striking aesthetic changes to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the dungeons themselves. Take a look at our pretty new lava, for example:

On top of that, we've made a number of fixes outside of the boss dungeons. An exploit that allowed some players to use Telekinesis on structures owned by other players has been fixed, along with a bug that prevented some of the resources scattered across Ignus to be harvested. Additionally, falling damage has been decreased.

As always, we've compiled a complete list of the changes below. Take a look, give the servers time to come back up, and share your feedback in the forums! Thank you for continuing to support Citadel as we work through our Early Access journey. We look forward to seeing you in Ignus!

Patch Notes

  • Telekinesis no longer works on doors owned by other players
  • The second Boss Phoenix no longer gets healed after the first dies
  • Boss Phoenixes can no longer hurt each other with their Tornados
  • Boss phoenixes can no longer level-up
  • Fixed a bug that caused boss chests to refill every 5 minutes
  • Fixed instances of abusable terrain in boss arena entrances
  • Falling damage reduced
  • Fixed issues with spell physics affecting party members
  • Fixed an issue preventing beach rocks from being collected
  • Shard drop rates slightly increased
  • Aesthetic changes to Blood Soul Dungeon
  • New lava pools in Dragon's Heart Dungeon
  • Fixed spell spamming issues with weapon switching
  • Fixed various server crashes

Citadel: Forged With Fire Patch Notes - 12/01/2017 - Improvements & Bug Fixes

Patch Notes - 12/01/2017 - Improvements & Bug Fixes

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:20 PM PST

Hey guys, we just submitted a patch today which is mostly cleanup, bug fixing and back end work. Here's a bit of a summary on the fixes that went in today as well as an extended list of patch fixes that were included with the latest release.

Fixed Today:
  • Fixed an issue that affected creatures from properly respawning in the Forgotten Crypts
  • Spells that apply force will no longer affect gargantuan creatures
  • Multiple server stability fixes

Fixed in the latest release:
  • Beam spells should now properly clean up instead of lingering on clients
  • Fixed issues where some characters could get into a state that did not allow them to log back into the server
  • Improvements to NPC targeting and ranged attack selection
  • Navigation mesh generation time improvements
  • Multiple client crash fixes
  • Fixed an issue where loot chests would sometimes not be interactable
  • Fixed areas where footsteps and landing sounds were missing
  • Fixed an issue where the player map arrow could disappear
  • Fixed an issue where NPC's would not be flying while dismounted mid-air
  • New lava shaders added to improve volcanic environment look and feel
  • Improved NPC server performance
  • NPC movement speed and pathing improvements
  • Knockback effects no longer affect partied members
  • Animation reacts only happen on critical strike, added a subtle shader effect to acknowledge connected hits
  • Fixed an issue where switching weapons while charging would cause the effects to persist
  • Fixed the Deathweaver's kiss of death spell to properly show effects

Citadel: Forged With Fire Patch Notes - The Forsaken Crypts

Patch Notes - The Forsaken Crypts

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:35 PM PST

Accessing the New Boss Dungeons
Accessing the three new boss dungeons will take time, patience and strength. The first step in the process is to find the hidden mausoleums that house the entrances to these new challenges. Each mausoleum is situated on its own island, all three of which are brand new and have sprung up somewhere in the world of Ignus. Within each of these mausoleums is a pedestal, upon which you will have to place an arcane stone to open a portal to the relevant dungeon.

To acquire these stones you will have to explore the world, slay high-level beasts and collect rare shards. Shards have been added to the game as extremely rare drops from the creatures that roam the Tundra. It is advisable to gather a party and pool your efforts toward collecting these shards. You will need ten of them to create a stone.

Dragon's Heart Shards, which are used to create the Dragon's Heart Stone, are the one exception to this process. Unlike Blood Soul Shards and Phoenix Soul Shards, they can only be found from drops in the Blood Soul Citadel and Phoenix Soul Citadel. This is because the Dragon's Heart Citadel is the ultimate challenge, and demands that a wizard first prove his or her worth.

The creation of these legendary stones – Blood Soul Stone, Phoenix Soul Stone and Dragon's Heart Stone – is managed via the crafting system. After the update drops, everyone will receive these recipes for free under the Inventory heading in their crafting menu. Simply craft the stone, take it to the relevant mausoleum, and place it on the pedestal. You and your party will now be able to use the pedestal to instantly teleport to the dungeon. A 1 hour time limit is imposed upon each run, so make sure you're ready.

New Weapons & Armors
We want these dungeons to feel special, and worth replaying multiple times. To that end, we've created a ton of dungeon-exclusive new armor and weapon variants specifically balanced for high level, end-game play. You can unlock these amazing new items by looting the chests and monsters that have been liberally sprinkled through each cave.

Additionally, as a reward for fully completing a dungeon, each boss will randomly drop pieces from three brand new weapon and armor sets. These are specifically themed around the motif of the dungeon and boss.

Even further, we've also added three new sets of craftable weapons and armors to the game, available through non-dungeon play. The Wand of Thorns, Staff of Sacrifice and Dark Iron armor set have been added as new top-level crafting options for each of their respective item types.

Other Changes
Another smaller change worth noting is the new flight visual effects we've added to the game. Every flight potion and broomstick has been given its own unique visual style to enhance the experience of progressing through the flight trees.

Check out the full list of changes below, and enjoy our first big addition to the Citadel: Forged with Fire endgame. See you in Ignus!

  • Three new endgame dungeons: Blood Soul Citadel, Phoenix Soul Citadel and Dragon's Heart Citadel
  • Three new boss monsters within each dungeon
  • Three new sets of unique boss armor
  • Boss dungeon shards now drop from Tundra monsters
  • A large selection of new armor and weapon variants (dungeon drop exclusive)
  • New flight visual effects
  • Two new craftable weapons: Wand of Thorns and Staff of Sacrifice
  • One new craftable armor set: Dark Iron Armor
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