Patch Notes - 12/01/2017 - Improvements & Bug Fixes Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:20 PM PST Hey guys, we just submitted a patch today which is mostly cleanup, bug fixing and back end work. Here's a bit of a summary on the fixes that went in today as well as an extended list of patch fixes that were included with the latest release. Fixed Today: - Fixed an issue that affected creatures from properly respawning in the Forgotten Crypts
- Spells that apply force will no longer affect gargantuan creatures
- Multiple server stability fixes
Fixed in the latest release: - Beam spells should now properly clean up instead of lingering on clients
- Fixed issues where some characters could get into a state that did not allow them to log back into the server
- Improvements to NPC targeting and ranged attack selection
- Navigation mesh generation time improvements
- Multiple client crash fixes
- Fixed an issue where loot chests would sometimes not be interactable
- Fixed areas where footsteps and landing sounds were missing
- Fixed an issue where the player map arrow could disappear
- Fixed an issue where NPC's would not be flying while dismounted mid-air
- New lava shaders added to improve volcanic environment look and feel
- Improved NPC server performance
- NPC movement speed and pathing improvements
- Knockback effects no longer affect partied members
- Animation reacts only happen on critical strike, added a subtle shader effect to acknowledge connected hits
- Fixed an issue where switching weapons while charging would cause the effects to persist
- Fixed the Deathweaver's kiss of death spell to properly show effects
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