True Dota 2 - Guide to watching high level replays (core)

Guide to watching high level replays (core)

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 01:57 AM PDT

I wrote out this as a reply to the "How should I watch replays?" thread and promptly deleted by accident it when I went to edit it. However I think what I wrote could be very helpful to players out there so I decided to rewrite it as a guide.

About me: I'm a 4.8k player (soon to be 5k hopefully) so I'm relatively high, but still nowhere near the level of professional players. However I've climbed over 4000 mmr over the past couple of years and much of that is from watching replays. My hope is that people out there will find this helpful for learning and climbing! The idea behind this analysation technique is that a pro players movements will always be based around 3 things: Farm, Threats, and objectives. Using this guide helps you understand how to play around those 3 things and when to move from one thing to the next.


Without further ado, my Guide to Reviewing High Level Replays (Core roles)


Things to look for

There are 4 things I look constantly check: Benchmarks, Game Events/Objectives, Farming Patterns, and Teamfighting.

There are 3 contributing factors that affect these: Past Game Events, Threats (based on enemy and ally positioning), and Powerspikes. (Well, there are many many more factors, but these are some good factors to focus on)



Game Event: Anything that changes the way the game will play out past the point. Examples include towers falling, enemies rotating, key items on heroes, key levels and key cooldowns. This could be your mid tower falling, enemy carry rotating to your lane, axe getting blink, nyx getting level 6, blackhole being used or even a support using their TP to get to lane.

Benchmark: The time which the player gets a core item (such as blink on meepo being between 8-12 minutes). Also check how many last hits they have at every 5:00 interval.

Farming pattern: The set of camps and lanes that the player farms over and over against for a period of time (often between 3 and 15 minutes)

Objective: Closely related to game events. It is the game event that must occur for the team to proceed to the next objective. The ultimate objective is the ancient. Most of the time your objective will be a tower or roshan.

Threat: A threat is anything that can kill you. Most of the time it is some combination of stuns and nukes (eg, axe + qop). Sometimes it is a single hero. Sometimes you're literally invincible (ie ember against zero disables).


What to look for at different stages of the game

There are three different stages of the game. Laning stage (0:00 - 10:00/15:00 mins, mid game (10:00/15:00 - 30:00/35:00 mins), and late game (35:00+). Almost every game is won or lost in the first two stages so that is all we will talk about.


Laning Stage

  1. CS Benchmarks (last hits at 5:00, 10:00, 15:00)

  2. Shop usage

  3. Lane equilibrium (look at how their actions now affect the positioning of the lane in 30 seconds).

  4. Jungle usage (at what point do they start farming the jungle? What's happening with the lane when they do? Where are their threats and did any significant game event just happen)

  5. When do the leave the lane? What game event triggered this? (hint, it's usually either the enemy carry rotating, the enemy offlane becoming unstoppable (such as ench lvl 6), or them taking the offlane tower and rotating).


Mid Game

  1. CS Benchmarks

  2. Farming Patterns

  3. What area of the map are they playing? (Break the map into 4 quadrants based on the 4 jungles. You'll find their farming patterns almost always sit within 2 of these areas). What objective is this based around? (Hint, usually a tower or roshan). When they change up their farming pattern, what game event triggered this? (Hint, it's usually them getting an item)

  4. Item timing benchmarks

  5. What are their threats and how do they play around them? (Hint, it's usually because their threat wants to play in a different area of the map than they do)

  6. Take note of how much uptime they have farming. Ie how many seconds are there that they're hitting creeps compared to how many seconds they're not hitting creeps?

  7. Lane vs jungle farm. Consider lane and jungle farm as completely different. Whenever they're farming jungle ask yourself why they aren't farming lane. Whenever they're farming lane, ask yourself why they can do so safely.



  1. What game events occurred just before this fight?

  2. What game events occur right after the fight?

  3. What objectives do they threaten because of the fight?

  4. What objectives do the enemy threaten to take if they lose the fight? (Hint: In high level games there will always be an objective at risk for at least one of the teams. In low level games it's common for people to take fights with no objective to take after them. DO NOT TAKE THESE FIGHTS unless you can pick up free kills with no risk of dying and it wont impact your farming speed)

  5. What is the positioning of their allies (consider TP cooldowns)

  6. What is the positioning of the enemies (consider which enemies are missing, the TP and spell cooldowns for key heroes/spells)

  7. Which enemy do they target? (Eg as Slark this would be Warlock)

  8. What enemies/spells do they avoid? (Eg as Slark this would be Axe)

  9. Do they wait for any key spells to be used before the engage the fight?

  10. What items do they have and what items do the enemies have? Did they just get an item before they took the fight?

  11. What do they do straight after the fight? How does this change the way the mid game is played out?


Where to get replays?

Dotabuff has their guides section for each hero ( I recommend using that. You should watch replays on a per-hero basis. Watch about 5 games of a single hero and you'll get a strong idea of how the game should play out on that hero. You can also use this site:



Welp that's about all I can think of right now. I personally have found this technique extremely helpful for learning how to play heroes. After reviewing several replays of the same hero you quickly notice structure in how every game plays out. By mimicking this structure you truly find the strength of a hero.

If anyone has other suggestions then by all means comment below! I'll edit in any I think should be included.





My Dotabuff: (I have it turned off at the moment since I'm spamming Meepo and dont want Overwatch users banning and countering him every game)

submitted by /u/user0fdoom
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Utterly clueless how to win games. 43% winrate. 745 solo MMR. No idea when to teamfight. WTF am I doing wrong?

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 09:48 AM PDT

These are my solo ranked games. I am working on my last hitting and farming patterns using Cookie's challenges, so that's the obvious thing to fix first, but for the life of my I cannot win games. I have played pos 5 for so long and I decided to learn safelane carry and I am seriously bad at this game from that perspective. I don't know when to teamfight. I lose the late game. I don't really know how to itemise.

Can anyone spare me some time to run me through what I'm doing wrong? Maybe give me a top 3 list of things to absolutey fix before anything else?

Many thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/LaminatedPissFlaps
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Getting back into ranked. Some questions

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 03:45 PM PDT

  1. What are the top tier supports?
  2. What are some good support players I can look up in Dotabuff to learn from?
  3. I'm doing my placement matches right now, if someone would like to give me some criticism on my latest game that'd be cool. (Ancient bracket)


submitted by /u/SOMMARTIDER
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My skill has declined

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:26 PM PDT

I reached 6.3k mmr 2 months ago (top 1000 eu) and i took around 45-50 days break from dota due to irl stuff.I started playing dota around january 2017,but i wasnt playing seriously and had bad pc.Around 2017 april,i bought new pc and started playing daily,every day like 10+ hours,hardcore.And 2 months ago i realized i was playing too much and quitted. Now im playing again on new account and im 5k,but i dont feel the passion anymore,everything i do is slower,dont have that spark that i used to have.When i was playing daily,i was only into dota,now when i see the bigger picture in life,suddenly i can't play dota,im playing like trash,i was so good before,what could be the issue ? my current account,im barely winning and dont feel confident even tho i get good kda. my former main.I was a farming machine,now i feel like washed up trash player,i feel like im not even at dota.Has anyone had similiar issue ?

submitted by /u/badromance99
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How should I watch replays?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 04:03 PM PDT

I'm starting to realise that I should probably watch some pros replays in order to improve.

What sort of things should I be looking out for? Seeing as I can't get an idea of what they're actually thinking about, what do you guys typically look for when you're watching replays of particular heros/roles?

Hope this question isn't too vague to post.


submitted by /u/badspleen
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advices for ranked games

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 04:03 PM PDT

Hello i play ranked matches in euw and eue i am 4k pos 5 player who sometimes plays pos 4 i find this new meta 2-1-2 very punishing,the laning stage is so hard,coming back from a bad early game is near impossible and so on i don't know which supports are better in this meta for safe lane,i play dw lich ss warlock wd cm oracel dazzel i am looking for some advice or some replays even match id(s) gonna help i want to improve thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Arsinaref201272
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CW as tanky Rclick

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 12:33 AM PDT

Q/E/W/W/W/R/W max R, max E, max Q. Talents: 10% MR, 75 damage, 20 str, @25 whatever.

Tango/salve/stout -> boot, wand, hood

boot -> treads!

hood-> hood of defiance (main farming item, clear camps, cut waves, etc.)

Basically you're looking to win a lane 2 v 2 vs strong/soft carry, bully lane, get vision up, cut wave after hood, take tower early if carry leaves lane.

If you get room, flash farm camps and push offlane.

Here, I think you can farm a blink rapidly.

Hood of defiance+treads+wand+stout -> blink -> pipe

vanguard-> CG is good, but BM is also good.

CG helps if you're already seiging HG, but if you think you're AT ALL behind, get BM instead, because in terms of value, you get 22 damage, 6 AC, 10 intel for mana/regen, which is much needed.. but a CG helps you close out game harder faster if you're already going HG with activated aura for creep def on HG push.

Next item: AC. This is where shit gets crazy, but CW actually has pretty fucking good Rclick. It's not critty like PA or jug, but his strength gain is beastly and with the 75 damage talent I find I hit harder than many traditional Rclick carries.

But... here's the thing. If you already got some BM, thats 6 AC. Add 15 more and you're actually getting stupid tanky to Rclick AS WELL AS MAGIC DAMAGE! The only time this doesn't work is vs OD or silencer (pure damage you want more HP for). But the AC actually does a fucking world of good:

Return damage is frequently WAY more than what you take. Think about that - it's fucked.

Even at about 2.5-3k raw HP, the AC is boosting the shit out of your EHP, it's amping friends survival, making your seige amped AF, boosting creep hit rate, creep survival, and amping the fuck out of the damage you return BEFORE it's calculated on self.

There are no heros other than silencer+OD who can trade with you. Basically you just facetank towers, heros, then GTFO with stampede if shit gets hairy.


  • BKB replace wand (game dependent)
  • Heart for regen later
  • Shivas if you want to fuck with the PL/Jug/PA/CK
  • radiance if you're rich AF but not really needed

I don't do this build every game, but if you start as position 3 you can sometimes end up with higher net worth than the position 1 just due to the 'never die' thing.

Try it!

submitted by /u/The_other_lurker
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