Overwatch - Overwatch World Cup Roster Megathread

Overwatch World Cup Roster Megathread

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 06:41 AM PDT

Full Rosters (up to 12 players)

Teams may select up to 12 players to roster, but only 7 will travel to the events.

Country Tank Support Damage
Australia Trill, Quatz, Adam, Punk Custa, Bertlog, Tongue, Akraken ieatuup, Hus, CKM, Yuki
Austria Wat7, Sensotix Eclipse, MiniMi MrDragonLol, Stvn, HeroRay
Brazil neil, Fastie, Wetter, Stylo, honorato ole, kolero1, dehzinho, alemao liko, dudu, murizzz
Canada xQc, Chayen, NoTe, Kevin Bani, Joemeister, Crimzo, Roolf Surefour, Agilities, Mangachu, Kellar
China guxue, LateYoung Sky, Yveltal KHeart, Krystal, leave, Shy
Chinese Taipei ATing, TenTen, Kant OYO, Craz1S Blue, ShaiuLin
Denmark Pagh, Nerfdd, Danii, Molf1g Hunni, Ding, Scaler, Kellex Fischer, naGGa, SpoXez2, Shax
Finland Fragi, LhCloudy, zappis, rCk BigGoose, Masaa, Shaz, Zuppeh, Ripa LiNkzer, Taimou, Davin
France Kolsti, Benbest, Poko, Shuh Hyp, Unkoe, Dridro, Winz SoOn, Asking, Nico, aKm
Germany Mete, NexX, ProGi, TerenZ immortal, Kodak, Talyx, xenlon Adi, crnkz, Massie, Nesh
Hong Kong GZQQ, JazZy, YiWind ManGoJai, Amcrazy Moowe, Mikouw
Italy LUFT, Midna, DragonEddy, fighteR Adnar, Bimbz, Nisa Hinu, HearTHBeaT, Najini, thebigone, carnifex
Japan Rimlime, SamuraiD, pocky, kenmohororo CLAIRE, Yoz, Xeraphy, SABAGOD AmeKen, dep, Hoshimi, Ta1yo
Netherlands Corn, Brussen, Sweex, A10 Crusade, Sab, Trispear, TheWrongName Jona, Vizility, Dante
Norway Decod, Tricky, Crow Iko, iPN , Melk Goodest, Track, Frost, OniGod, Invision, Yiqids
Poland3 Dxtr, Philion, Setrox, MatWoj, Shaddo Koby, Webster, Duku, Xyzano Danye, Redzoik
Russia Alexey, Txao, Rez, Tonic Engh, Mayn, Bezpalivo, Vlad Shadowburn, Nlaaer, Mistakes, Unfixed
South Korea Fate, Fissure, Mek0, Fury Ark, Anamo, JJonak, Kariv Saebyeolbe, Carpe, Libero, Fleta
Spain Networkz, BromaS HarryHook, LinePro, Neptuno, DhaK Toxiken, Popifresh
Sweden Cwoosh, Reinforce, Manneten, Nevix Graceful, Luddee, Chipshajen, Zebbosai SharP, Snillo, TviQ, iddqd
Switzerland Helv, Kiba, Gintoki, Mimi7 R3m1x, Flow, Skorpi0n, Niv Luux, Djinn, Aisey, Shinoda
Thailand Mickie, Teetawat, QueEn, BOOMBURAPA Phannys, Rocket, tae, Thitikorn oPuTo, SaiyajinGOD, Patiphan, Yahhang
United Kingdom ChrisTFer, Fusions, Smex, Moursi Boombox, Daiya, Kruise, FunnyAstro Kyb, MikeyA, KSP, Jellis
USA Muma, McGravy, Space, Super Sleepy, Elk, Rawkus, Moth Danteh, Hydration, Sinatraa, Zachareee

1 kolero declines the invitation for the 12-man Brazil team. Replacement is unknown [2]

2 Kragie leaves the 12-man Denmark team and is replaced with SpoXez[1]

3 MATTH resigns from the 12-man Poland team. [3]

Travel Roster (7 players)

Country Tank Support Damage
Australia Trill, Punk Custa, Akraken Hus, CKM, Yuki
Austria Wat7, Sensotix Eclipse, MiniMi MrDragonLol, Stvn, HeroRay
China guxue, LateYoung Sky, Yveltal Krystal, leave, Shy
Chinese Taipei ATing, TenTen, Kant OYO, Craz1S Blue, ShaiuLin
Finland Fragie, Zappis BigGoose, Shaz Taimou, LinkZer, Davin
France Benbest, Poko Winz, Unkoe SoOn, aKm, Nico
Germany Mete, ProGi Kodak, immortal Nesh, crnkz, Massie
Hong Kong GZQQ, JazZy, YiWind ManGoJai, Amcrazy Moowe, Mikouw
Italy LUFT, Midna, DragonEddy Bimbz, Nisa carnifex, HearTHBeaT
Netherlands Corn, Brussen Crusade, Sab Jona, Vizility, Dante
Norway Decod, Tricky Iko, iPN Track, Frost, Onigod
Poland Setrox, Dxtr, MatWoj Duku, Xyzano Danye, Redzoik
South Korea Fate, MekO JJonak, Ark Saebyeolbe, Libero, Carpe
Switzerland Helv, Kiba, Mimi7 R3m1x, Skorpi0n Luux, Shinoda
United Kingdom ChrisTFer, Smex Boombox, Kruise KyB, MikeyA, KSP

Group Stages

Each of the 4 Group Stages will host 6 teams. The top 2 teams from each Stage will play in the Finals at BlizzCon in November.

Location Date Teams
Incheon, South Korea August 17 - 19 Russia, Finland, Chinese Taipei, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong
Burbank, California September 7 - 9 Canada, Austria, USA, Brazil, Switzerland, Norway
Bangkok, Thailand September 14 - 16 China, Australia, Sweden, Thailand, Spain, Denmark
Paris, France September 21 - 23 United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, France


We've re-added all 24 country flair back in. Rep your favorite team!

This thread will be updated as new information comes out.


submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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Hanzo Gets Touched by Winston

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:50 PM PDT

I wasn't able to choose any skin of Tracer from game, so I made my own design in steampunk style

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:53 AM PDT

"Sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother"

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 03:50 AM PDT

This Hanzo player made me cry

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:44 PM PDT

I'd like to share a little story of what happened to me today that restored my faith in the online community of Overwatch:

I was playin a round of competitive, (ranked gold somewhere in the 2100's on PS4) the enemy team was attacking on Route 66 Map. They pushed it pretty far but we managed to hold them before reaching the end only receiving two points at the end of the round. When it was our turn to attack, there was this Hanzo on the enemy team that was getting pick after pick. I was also playing Hanzo because he's my main DPS pick. I won't lie I was kind of annoyed that we kept getting picked off one by one from this Hanzo main. My team was losing their minds and HATING this Hanzo. But I for one, was impressed. So after the match (we lost) I PM'd the Hanzo main and I said "Your Hanzo is amazing, (jokingly) please teach me your Hanzo ways!" Not really thinking much of it.

Okay okay here's the good part

Soon after I received a invitation from him to join a game. And he made a private match just us two and he actually gave me tips and tricks on how to play Hanzo! He was so kind and patient and encouraging that it kinda confused me; so I asked. "Why are you helping me like this?" He said "In a game that's full of toxic players, I feel like it's my job to break the mold and show some positivity. Especially for other Hanzo mains because we all know they get a bad rep"

So that's my long story okay bye lol

submitted by /u/AndySleazy
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Jeff Kaplan's Official Overwatch World Cup Endorsement

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:01 AM PDT

Eliminating All Sense of Hope in 12 Seconds

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:00 AM PDT

"Oops, messed that up, no worries, I can still get back up with my ult... errrmm... WHAT?!"

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:12 AM PDT

Would love to see Doomfist in a boxing skin for the summer games!

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:32 AM PDT

I think it'll bring back memories of Mike Tysons punch out. One boxing glove or Two? I can already hear the ding ding of the boxing bells, and the KO after he kills someone.

submitted by /u/fartingpinetree
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Has anyone else noticed that QP has become a lot less toxic and people are actually playing real comps since the endorsement system came out?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:33 AM PDT

It just seems so much better. A lot more 2-2-2 or 3-2-1

submitted by /u/rendeld
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Secured the point in Overtime, thanks to Sombra's EMP, Reinhardt's Earthshatter, and my Deadeye! This is why communication/teamwork is key here!

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:05 PM PDT

Shouldn't all the groups listed as "Throwing to Bronze" in comp get bans?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:01 PM PDT

I've been seeing a ton of groups in the group finder flat out stating they're throwing matches. Isn't this straight up cheating the rank system and advertising it?

submitted by /u/Nikashi
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Petra Loop

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:06 PM PDT

My proudest ult

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:30 AM PDT

88% of Players with Private Profiles, Average 2 Player Endorsements per Match (Data Analysis)

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:34 AM PDT

What real team coordination looks like

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:44 AM PDT

Blizzard please nerf Zen's kick

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:25 AM PDT

This is how you play Torb

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:08 AM PDT

Wall Too OP

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:21 PM PDT

The perfect boop(why i like no limits)

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 03:04 AM PDT

When You are Backfilled and You Spawn in as Your Main

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:09 AM PDT

Reinhardt Summer Skin Please

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:58 AM PDT

This is something I need in my life. While I do love all the skins Reinhardt has, all of them feature his armor instead of him. So maybe for summer games, Blizzard could make something like Grillmaster: 76 or Beachrat! It could even poke fun at his outdated tastes, like wearing an old floral swimsuit that looks like something straight out of the 70's. And maybe his giant shoulder plates could be replaced with inflatable tubes, kinda like Beachrat has on his back? I'm open to more suggestions in the comments :)

submitted by /u/Articious12
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Redecorating is a more dangerous profession than I expected

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Try, Try Again

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:28 PM PDT

The dumbest Zarya complaint

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 07:13 PM PDT

Roadhog's hook does 30dmg, but Zarya gets no charge if it bounces off her shield. WHY!?

submitted by /u/Jesus-chan
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Made a cross-stitch of the Ana pixel spray!

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:05 AM PDT

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