Learn Dota 2 - Purge casts a pub (Herald/Guardian)

Purge casts a pub (Herald/Guardian)

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:36 PM PDT

POLL: What is your preferred role in Dota 2? I want to know if everyone prefers mid and safe lane carry or if it is just me.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:16 PM PDT

Yesterday was a great day

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:01 AM PDT

I've had struggling with lack of motivation pretty much my whole teenage and early adult life (I'm 21yo), I mean, I guess it started on high school or somewhere back then, the thing is, due to that, I'm unable to finish projects, sometimes I'm even unable to start projects. And the worst thing is that this affects my grades on my university (I'm like 2 years behind, and it getting worse, sigh).

And this happens with DOTA too. I started playing on 2014, and since then I was only playing with bots (Can you believe that?!). But deep in myself I wanted to play competitively, and y'know, just enjoy the victories and learn from the defeats. But this nonsense and without-reason lack of motivation was stopping me. Throughout this week I finally completed my 10 ranked matches, every match I was nervous, I don't even know why!, afraid of lose? afraid of start something? Who knows. But finally I did it. As expected I belong to Cruzader, butt hey! That's something!

Do something like this could seems very mundane, but it was worth for me. This is for me my best game I had so far, it was unranked, but still (I was WD).

TL;DR: I completed my 10 ranked matches, it was very helpful cuz my lack of motivation. My best game (I think) so far. I was WD

Edit: FeelsGoodMan

submitted by /u/Fenix_MX
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Made it to 2k. Grinded from 1.3k where I calibrated 6 months ago. Feels like I'm finally average at Dota.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:42 PM PDT

You're a Juggernaut. You are getting bullied in lane(safe lane radiant) by qop(offlane dire) and you cant get all your cs(cuz you are unable to convince your supports to stay in your lane and support you), does it still makes sense to carry on and get that Battle fury or do i go for smaller items ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:03 AM PDT

I am 2.5k SEA player and i would love some insight i have been spamming juggernaut and i am trying to perfect him!

I would love to have some idea of how my perspective should be towards the lane when i am getting overly harassed

I would love for some fellow juggernaut players to help a brother out with a little inssight

submitted by /u/pspprithvi979
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Easy 4x Stack with SD

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:00 AM PDT

Dota+ Relics: to roll or to buy?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:30 AM PDT

If we accept a regular relic's value to be 5000 shards, then the expected value of rolling for it when you have 9/10 unlocked already:

E = [probability to get the one we need] x ( [value we get] – [shards we lose for rolling]) – [probability to get a duplicate] x ( [shards we lose for rolling] – [shards we get for recycling the dupe])

With the numbers substituted in, we get

E = 0.1x(5000-800) - 0.9x(800-400) = 0.1x4200-0.9x400 = 420-360 = 60

E > 0

And it's obvious that rolling compared to buying is the more beneficial the less relics we have unlocked. Thus, whenever you decide to roll instead of buying a relic for 5000 shards, you get 60 (more if you have more than one relic to unlock) shards on average PLUS a small possibility to get a 10k golden one.

Of course, this reasoning works only if your goal is to collect all the relics.

submitted by /u/bulgak_off
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New to Dota 2, looking for mentors/people to play with

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:50 PM PDT

Hi my name is Bobbo The Blobbo and I have played LoL for a long time, and am now interested in playing Dota 2. I am looking for someone to play some games with and who can help me learn how to play the game. If you want to play just add me here (BobboTheBlobbo https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113852298/) on steam. Thanks!

Server is NA Timezone EST

submitted by /u/bobbotheblobbo
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You're Spectre. Your lane drew even, offlane lost hard, and middle lane lost hard. Mid-game is starting. You've lost offlane towers and mid t1. Your jungle isn't warded and the other side has map control. Your team is calling GG, one of them is getting toxic. How do you come back and win?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:52 PM PDT

Those 25 MMR points are on the line!

They've got Antimage, Invoker, and Riki as their cores. Your lane drew even with Riki.

submitted by /u/tagus
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Why can I not report intentional feeders?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 03:22 PM PDT

I have been playing ranked recently and never really found reason to report, usually everyone tries their best and I dont find much reason to report despite the losing team screeching to report the losing lane.

But one lane in particular gave up at first blood (Veno) and made his Tiny go AFK, which made the Invoker AFK, and so I attempted to report Veno and Tiny after the game but found I couldnt report for anything but coms abuse?

Can anyone provide some insight as to why we cannot report an enemy for feeding so blatantly? My overall conduct is good and I barely ever report, so I shouldnt have restrictions right?

Sauce: Game Overview) https://imgur.com/a/rhp0S5G Cannot report) https://imgur.com/a/E1SqVtk Proof of good account conduct) https://imgur.com/a/6LDTCKY

submitted by /u/Karma0neTrick
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Mangoes or Clarity for Offlaners.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:07 AM PDT


I was watching bristleback games on YouTube where a Guy was spamming Bristleback with stout + Tangoes + Mangoes in his Backpack + Inventory.

On Top of that He Managed to get a Vanguard in 6 Minutes.

Is it ok to spend gold for buying 7 mangoes or should I ferry clarities and sit under tower to replenish my mana, If I am wrong please correct me but buying basi + raindrops is good on paper and does not help me while playing however the quick burst of mana from mango is somewhat very helpful.

If You have any better suggestions, I'm open for it.

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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Someone help me understand this incredible 25k gold throw [low MMR, duh]

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:36 AM PDT


I was the Mirana. At one point almost 9k net worth ahead of anyone else in the game (though at the time I didn't think it was anything near that much). I seem to have this problem ALL the time, although this was probably the worst one yet.

Basically from 30 minutes on it turns into the enemy being backed up into their base while Bristleback stands in front of their high ground trying to bait us into a fight. Eventually we take all their T3s and barracks by pushing two lanes at a time, but it's a slow process. Finally it drags on to the point where everyone is level 25 and six-slotted, the gold advantage doesn't mean as much, and respawn timers are long enough that losing a teamfight costs you rax at minimum. We lose a fight for the fourth Roshan, and shortly thereafter the game.

Obviously something should've been done differently, but boy would it help if someone explained what. Probably a textbook learning example, but I am too downcast and defeated to see what it was.

As far as items: By the end of the game I was just piling up gold and didn't know what to do with it, except save enough for buyback. Manta felt kinda meh and may have been a mistake, that is one I'm really having second thoughts about in hindsight.

I considered Silver Edge because it was good against PA and BB, but we had two of them on our team, and I already had MKB, and SE seemed silly since I was a Mirana with 5-man invisibility on a 12-second downtime.

Linkin's Sphere was doing serious work all game, it probably blocked 20 stuns and slows and swaps, so I think that was the right call.

That damn Manta though. What else should I have done there? Or in general? Man, this is one of the most frustrating losses I can remember.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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850+ hours of playing with bots. have never been calibrated. some questions.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:50 PM PDT

dota is mainly a way for me to unwind after work, and since i actively try to avoid toxicity, i've almost never played with people. never cared about mmr and have never been calibrated at all. less than 20 real matches so far in 850+ hours of playing (my team has placed second in a work-sponsored dota tourney though!). going offlane with a very small hero pool, since i don't think i'm mechanically adept enough to go carry nor have the amazing game sense to go support.

am currently spamming legion commander offlane in my bot matches (am using unfair bots on botexperiment from the workshop, since it feels like the hardest bots publicly available). here's some questions:

  • for those people with extensive bot experience, what's a good baseline to determine if i'm doing great at cs? here's a video of day9 getting 43/19 in 7 minutes, and i'm getting way below this during the same timeframe (around ~ 28-30/6 iirc). what gives? what am i missing here, how do i get this much cs?

  • for some reason i end up with most kills and best kda ratio for offlane lc. i consistently end up becoming the carry. yeah i know, bots and all that, but does this mean i have never learned anything significant about the offlane role? should i have actually tried to practice being a carry? btw this also happens fairly regularly when i pick something like a tidehunter and building only team utility items (mek/greaves, crimson guard, ac, shiva, etc)

  • is offlane lc actually a thing? i felt that her Q is a good way to get some cs and harass, while the W/E skills are real ways to sustain yourself in lane. i also do try to build some teamfight items as the matchup dictates (pipe, etc). not a big fan of blink though, usually going for sb.

  • because i played with bots this long, does this mean i can never translate any of my play to humans (if i ever did decide to play unranked)? aside from team communication (of course), what has the offlane role lost from never practicing against humans?

  • can anyone estimate what my mmr would be (assuming i cared enough to have an mmr). i can win almost all the time against unfair BotExperiment bots now on offlane lc.

submitted by /u/loser4lyf
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Control Groups

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:16 PM PDT

I have been using the control groups for heroes that is like this... 3 binds for one unit. A bind for all units. A bind for every unit except the main unit.... Is there anything else I should do?

submitted by /u/reformingindividual
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Trying to decide between Mango and Clarity for pos 5 Warlock

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:20 AM PDT

It seems that clarities restore so little extra mana compared to mangos, and given that mangos also help with regen, that I should just get 3 mangos and ignore clarities completely (in the laning stage).

What are your thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/keshi
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Is there any way to help my other lanes as Broodmother?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:56 PM PDT

I just played a game as brood where everything should've been going fine, except my bottom lane was feeding insanely hard. Basically I was snowballing, but so was the bloodseeker on the other team. He was able to swap lanes and move around the map quickly which isn't really possible as broodmother, but is there any way I could've slowed him down.


link to the match in question, also I'm aware i have way too many deaths, they basically all came after the twenty minute mark because i started tilting off the face off the earth after we lost all of our outer towers by the 15 minute mark

submitted by /u/swigo
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Should spectre buys battle fury or just rush to radience?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:21 PM PDT

I am a 2K player. Sometimes i watched pro player plays spectre buys battle fury first but sometime not. If spectre buys battle fury first, spectre will get expensive items pretty quick (before late game) like radience, heart etc. But if spectre dont buy battle fury and just rushing to buy radience, i think it takes a lot of time. So which one is better?

submitted by /u/adddddddy
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Counters to Drunken Haze/miss debuffs as Sven/right-click heroes?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:47 AM PDT

Aside from BkB, what are other possible solutions to this debuff? I have considered Manta Style or Linkens but the former is agi based and has alot of wasted stats on Sven while the latter is too pricey for Sven when i build him with dagger + echo sabre/armlet + bkb. It fucking sucks as Sven to go up against a Brewmaster offlane especially in laning phase and in fights.

For me BkB is fine but i dont want to have to rely on a long cooldown. You guys have any tips for this kind of matchup?

submitted by /u/Iczero
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Is Vlads Outdated?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:11 PM PDT

Since the removal of UAMs, I hardly ever see (or make) the purchase for Vlads anymore. Given, I play mostly carries that do not rely on many summons that would really benefit from AOE life steal, but even then, it seems like people simply value more regen or items that just make summons more tanky through additional armor.

submitted by /u/Pavlav_
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Learning Morphling

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:32 AM PDT

I'm relatively new to DotA2 (less than 250 games total). Every time the enemy team picks Morphling we seem to get wrecked, so I've decided to try and learn his hero.

Can anyone recommend any guides/builds/players I can learn from. I've tried him in bot games so far but he seems really difficult to play (more skills than usual with no passives, limited attack range, lack of mana for abilities etc). From what I can gather the main builds are shotgun or right click, what are the pros/cons of each and which line ups are best to use these against? Is he viable as a midlaner instead of safelaner?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

submitted by /u/Enthoo82
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Dota 2 Warlock - 4-Golem Game

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 05:59 AM PDT

Arc Warden vs meepo mid ending game by 30

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:37 AM PDT


I'm the Arc Warden and I did decent against a meepo mid. I do wonder how to stop the enemy from ending too soon before I can get to my full power. they ended by 35 minutes and same thing when I'm against a drow lineup.

What itemization should I have changed ? How could I have extended this game to the late game instead of dying in the mid game?

I died once then once they were doing the throne I tried my best to defend and bought back.

edit: second game losing by 35 mins by https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3992030122

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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Vengeful Spirit support (with Replay Commentary)

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:23 PM PDT

  • Consider taking the Vengence Aura at level 1 instead of the Magic Missile. It helps you and your allies deal higher right click damage. It means more harass and better ability to last hit and deny.

  • As position 5 Venge, my personal favorite item build is Tranquil Boots into Vladmir. Get Medallion, if there is someone like TA and thinking about Roshan early.

Venge is a good pick against:

Faceless Void: He chronos someone, you swap.

Juggernaut: You can force him to use Blade Furry by throwing your stun. When Jugg is using Spin + TP, Venge can interrupt him by using Nether Swap.

Monkey King: When he's on the tree, you can use Wave of Terror to provide vision and swap him out. MK will get stunned immediately.

Tinker: Use Wave of Terror when he's hiding inside the tree. Swap him out and stun.

Pudge: When your allies are caught by Pudge, you can save them by swapping either Pudge or your allies depending on the situation.

Venge is a good pick with:

Luna, Drow Ranger, Life Stealer, Templar Assassin; anyone that has high physical damage.

https://youtu.be/eNig_WUmK50 (Replay Commentary)

Check the link above if you want to find out how I played Venge in my own game. I tried to talk a lot about my decision makings and thinking process. It was played around Divine 3-4 average.

submitted by /u/profHam
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New to Dota2 hero problem.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 05:04 AM PDT

Hey there,

I'm new to dota2 and willing to learn. I've used dotabuff to figure out which hero would fit me best (based on what champions in LoL I'm playing) and surprise surprise, it's Pudge. Now have some of my friends warned me that this is the worst time to start playing (with pudge in first hero) because he's too strong right now and my only hero would eventually get nerfed. With a sidenote that I would be hated for playing pudge.

Should I just wait a bit. Try other heroes?

submitted by /u/Spookje93
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