World of Warcraft - Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:13 AM PDT

Weekly healing thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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How I feel browsing r/WoW at 2 am

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:32 AM PDT

zandalari fishermen are called fishermon

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:01 AM PDT

Suggestion: Replace Catherdral Square with Grand Exchange

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:07 AM PDT

Good doggos

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:38 AM PDT

With Mag'Har orcs arriving from Draenor in BfA and the Legion defeated, I think it's time for Velen to step down and make way for this war-maiden to lead the Draenei against the Void.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:54 AM PDT

Do ya little turn on the catwalk

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:53 AM PDT

The Dark Iron have the right idea about Elves.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:30 PM PDT

of course i know my legendary orc warriors! there's saurfang, blackhand, doomhammer, and uhh...... *looks at smudged writing on hand*

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 07:48 PM PDT

In highmountain, the red star in the sky from a certain angle looks like it very well could just be the big red spot in Sargeras giant sword.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:10 AM PDT

can wield a weapon, has walk/combat/death animations... future allied race confirmed?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:05 AM PDT

Still My Favorite Inn

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:54 AM PDT

Bot spamming in trade that stupid amounts of Spirit of Harmony being dumped on AH across a bunch of servers, new dupe in the works??

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:48 AM PDT


Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:57 PM PDT

Now that Legion is winding down and many are playing alts - can we finally have Balance of Power Account-Wide?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:19 PM PDT

It seems absurd that each class should have to grind to revered/exalted with Valarjar/Nightfallen respectively each time, not to mention all the other stuff involved.

submitted by /u/Meth_AQ
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Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:20 AM PDT

Is it time that the ingame report system actually got fixed or does blizzard genuinely not care about reducing botting numbers? Autorelease, instant realm change, etc make it next to impossible to report bots, and when you do, 90% of the time you DC because the system is bugged.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:58 AM PDT

The end of Legion Addon list! - What addons can you not live without!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:11 AM PDT

Hey guys,

Noticed a lot of new players and returning players in the starting zones recently and i thought it would be a good opportunity to create a nice community filled addon list.

So please recommend the addons you can't live without in Legion!


submitted by /u/Ashton187
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Casually leveling on my alt, get invited to a guild, accept it, see the daily guild message, /gquit

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 05:56 PM PDT

Why the light in the sky is the Vindicaar and not the Seat of the Pantheon.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:20 AM PDT

How many times has the boat left booty bay?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:21 PM PDT

Asked a guildmate to help me make a WeakAura for my Fury Warrior Execute Phase...I don't trust him anymore...

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 07:57 PM PDT

I always wait up for the portal to spawn because I'm a priest main and I have a paladin alt.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:28 AM PDT

Pre-Wrath event in Shattrath. Only lasted for a week.

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 04:13 PM PDT

Story time: Bad Tanks

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:17 AM PDT

I posted this in the official forums in the "worst experiences" thread but thought I'd share it here and see if you guys have any similar stories because we all like stories right?

Last night I'm leveling my Fury Warrior up by questing while que'ing up for dungeons. The que pops for Halls of Valor and the tank is level 102 or 103 DH but he's acting like he's a 110, rushing ahead, pulling multiple trash packs at once, not avoiding any trash packs "for the xp", and not taking the time to wait for the rest of the group before moving on to the next trash pack and/or boss. We repeatedly ask him to slow down and stop trying to pull all the trash. We go towards Fenryr and being a fast moving DH he gets there before anyone else and as soon as he ports in he mounts up and pulls the entire room Fenryr included all the way up to the Giant rare spawn. So of course we wipe and he starts blaming the healer. You know, the guy who couldn't keep up because he was keeping the rest of us alive while we finished off the trash this guy was blowing past. After we regroup he then says, and I quote, "let's do the other boss, I'm not feeling this one". Well, the rest of the group isn't feeling this guy so I initiate a vote kick and it passes. Then it gets worse.

Fast forward a couple of hours. I'm at level 109 and pushing that last half level when my que pops again for Eye. Lo and behold I get that same DH tank, or at least one who was very very similar, and he's gained a level up to 104. I can't positively confirm it was the same guy since I'm terrible at remembering names but they were both DH's, same level, and exhibited the same behavior so I'm 90% positive they were the same guy.

So he's apparently learned his lesson about pulling too much because he's pulling smaller groups this time. However after we clear all the trash up to the first boss(except for the three that are down in the little bowl area with the boss, more on that later) then decides to just skip the boss altogether and starts heading to the second one. Some of you might know that you can't skip any bosses in Eye. We'll get back to that.

So we get to the second boss and he decides to change to DPS spec "because we have good heals". Said healer was a lvl 110 Disc Priest. From this point I will go on to "tank" the rest of the place in Fury spec just because I'm top of the meters so I can confirm that yes, we in fact had good heals. Anyhow this guy's DPS somehow gets worse and he spends the rest of the dungeon at the bottom of the meters, even below the healer. He clearly doesn't know the mechanics of the fight and gets stunned for not getting on land every time.

So our current status is first boss skipped, second boss down, and making our way to the big worm boss. My dude runs straight up to the boss without clearing any of the trash in the swamp area. Miraculously we survive and down the boss. Again, thanks to good heals and myself and our mage having some pretty good AoE DPS. There was also a 110 Warrior but he must've been a fresh 110 because I was out DPS'ing him by a large margin.

On the way to the fourth boss the tank continues to pull unnecessary trash but otherwise everything is uneventful. Boss goes down smooth and we head towards the final boss.

Like I said some of you might know that you can't skip any bosses in Eye. If you try you won't be able to pull the final boss. The tank rushes towards the boss trying to skip the channeling casters. You might also know that this will kill you, as he found out the hard way. So now we head all the way back to the first boss while the tank lays there asking for a rez. We finally convince him to just release and come to us since it'll be faster for him to get back to the first boss that way.

Remember how I said we didn't clear the trash that's down in the bowl in front of the boss? Tank rushes past them and pulls them along with the boss. Everyone gets on the boss except me and the healer(with whom I have been having a great conversation this whole time about the tank), we stay behind and duo the trash.

We managed to get those last two bosses down pretty easy but it was definitely one of those memorable dungeon runs. I don't know why I didn't try to vote kick him again, I guess I was anxious to knock out that final stretch to 110, and also he at least wasn't trying to blame anyone else this time.

submitted by /u/kcox1980
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