True Dota 2 - I want someone better than me to murder me over and over again in the midlane. Please (sea).

I want someone better than me to murder me over and over again in the midlane. Please (sea).

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:32 AM PDT

This is a request. Okay so I'm 2.9k MMR , 270ish hours in DotA and I really want to get a legend medal.

I want to get better at laning so I have a certain request. If someone from SEA is legend 3 or higher (even better if ancient or higher) I'd love it if you could make some time and we could 1v1 in a lobby. I know I'm trash , it's pointless and I sound dumb, but I think this will be the fastest way to get better at laning. I want to get murdered each time we play and the improve a bit each time we play.

I'll keep records of my winrates vs whoever volunteers and hopefully win 2-3 out of 10 after losing 100 lanes straight.

I'd be really happy if someone volunteers although I know you have absolutely no reason to, I think it won't hurt all that much if we play when you're free.

Steam :

I mostly play mid meepo or pos4 pudge and have recently been trying lycan and tinker. (Hate tinkers but he's too OP).

submitted by /u/rival2reality
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Why is Underlord rated so highly against WraithKing?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:32 AM PDT

Noticed on Dotabuff that Underlord is considered the best counter to Wraith King and couldn't work out specifically why. I get that Pit of Malice and Firestorm are great tools against tanky immobile melee carries, but not sure why they see WraithKing as more susceptible to this than other examples.

submitted by /u/Ehren253
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How do you deal with instakill safelanes as an offlaner?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:24 PM PDT

Let's say the enemy picks two of [Disruptor, Kunkka, Pudge, Shadow Shaman, Lion] + a dominant lane core such as [Jugg, CK, Gyro]. Trying to fuck with the equilibrium head on is deadly, so is attempting an offlane pull, or even a side neutral camp pull. Kiting around the trees is risky since if they see you there's no way out. Ideally occupying 3 heroes in your lane allows the rest of your team to apply pressure elsewhere on the map and force rotations, but in pubs this can't always be relied upon.

Heroes that can force the wave back are great [Enigma, Lich, Clock, ES], or heroes that can semi-jungle from level 1 [SK, LC, Enigma, Enchantress], but let's assume you are not one of the few heroes with such an ability due to an early offlane pick. What are some decent decisions in such a situation?

Throwing yourself at the wave hoping to disrupt the equilibrium enough to get some XP once you respawn, attempt to jungle with salves, try to do a long offlane pull (the one where you fuck with the wave inbetween enemy T2 and T3 for several seconds before TPing away), or are there some other options to get those seemingly unattainable Boots of Speed and 1-2 levels?

Up to this point I've been getting by by trying the things mentioned above, but the majority of the time the games where I'm playing catch-up as an offlaner are the ones I'm more likely to lose. So I'm wondering if there's something else I could be doing that would yield better results. Maybe stack camps for my safelane or mid cores to clear if they have some capability to do so while I share the XP, but is that worth giving up the early T1 tower and allowing their supports to pressure the rest of the map?

submitted by /u/orangefiltersky
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How can i consistently block to get the range creep first?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:33 PM PDT

Pretty much what the title says. Is there a particular trick or is just mostly trial and error and perfecting it? I'm mostly referring to the safe and offlane i am not a mid player.

submitted by /u/meizinsane
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Why does TA have such a low win rate across all skill levels?

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 09:35 PM PDT

Was thinking of playing some TA and just thought I would see how she is doing in the meta but she has quite a low win rate across the board. Why is this?

Dotabuff link:

submitted by /u/TheExplodingKitten
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Just came back dota after a long break, i have a few questions

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:24 AM PDT

I've been busy with studies after 7.06, Would be nice to hear you guys opinion about this patch's meta and what are the current fotm heroes. Used to be around 5.5k MMR so i'm curious what'd be the equivalent medal to that skill level atm.

Before I stopped playing the game I was spamming TB, Arc Warden and Invoker, are they still good now ?

When I saw the diffusal blade rework I started to wonder what item can replace it on Stats-based carry like TB, possibly Nullifier? And how people deal with that Aeon Disk item that pretty much ruins heroes pickoff potential?

I can't remember how impactful it was if you can coordinate a surprise gank on their key heroes and turn around the game, but with the existence of this item, how it changed the game?

Haven't watched a lot of matches since then but I've noticed people talking about the Battlefury trend on almost every heroes and Ember spirit's new talents.

Why are pros picking important cores in the first pick phases, did the meta shifted to revolve around supports now?

submitted by /u/ShingetsuSSS
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Do you ever main specifically two heroes? If so, who?

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 10:47 PM PDT

Visage item discussion

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 09:33 PM PDT

I play a decent amount of core Visage and I always find myself opting for aura and utility before aghs almost every game. I know some people like to just go aghs after Medallion/Crest and Atos but I feel like I almost always want Auras. It seems to make sense and work well with the deathball nature of Visage. For example: HotD+Vlads is only 4250 gold and Aghs is 4200. For the same price you get team damage, team sustain, and a 1500 health tower tank that you can buff with medallion to stay alive longer. Whereas with Aghs you just get 1 extra familiar which I feel doesn't accomplish as much especially if you're ahead and pushing the enemy base. I also feel like it's a waste building hard to build up items on visage and it's better to just opt for smaller cheaper items to further your ability to sustain between towers and fights. Of course as the game goes on you will want Aghs but I feel like prioritizing it over other small items is just a waste of time and gold.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Is Dota just a numbers game?

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 08:19 PM PDT

I'm having the hardest time getting motivated to play dota. I'm at a loss. I feel hopeless. Here's some background.

So I start picking visage and going mid or carry because w33ha did it and hes a god. Every game I do the exact same thing: dom>medallion>brownboots>aghs>pipe/ac. Over the last week, I play visage whenever I get frustrated and want to win, and I do win. I went on a 7 game streak with visage in 3.2k. Most of not all of my games are sup 30 minutes. But then I get this game with a pos 1 windranger. No one says a word about it and acts like it's normal. Obviously, she loses her lane, and has 388 gpm at the end of the game. All of this happening while I get 4 man ganked for most of the game. This included naga song committed to kill birds. I'm fucking raging. I'm heated. We lost late game to a medusa. I'm livid. Regardless of the constant pressure on me, I still pull a solid kda and a little bit of tower pressure, but any time i push it's a 4-5 man response.

Now I'm a legitimately good visage. He's proof I could've done even better in that game and I know i could've with more practice. But after the defeat that happened right after this stomp, I've lost all courage to keep queuing.

But to my main point. Is Dota just a numbers game? Do I really need to think and review what I did in that windranger game to win? Or should I just forget and keep grinding? I've been at a stall at 3.2k for about a month and a half now. Every other game has some kind of insanely bad player in it that picks random shit. I don't even feel like I control the outcomes of most games. With visage, I can win the midlane and then push objectives to give space, but as a true to heart pos 4 main, I can't rely on anyone to do anything. Should I just spam visage until I get to a skill rating where players know how to win a game? I feel so hopeless in this grind. I know I'm good enough to start playing and learning near divine (because I play in ncn div 1 and win most of my games) but I simply can't fucking get there and it's so infuriating. I swear to god if I jumped to 5k I would win atleast 1 of my first 2 games and have enough impact to say I created that win.

I'm sorry to ramble. I just want my feelings to be read. This game is stressful and I just want to be good but I can't stand hitting my head against the wall anymore. I'm in the brink of quitting.

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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