League of Legends - Sources: Optic removes zig and LemonNation from starting lineup

Sources: Optic removes zig and LemonNation from starting lineup

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:31 AM PDT

Rush Just Hit Rank 1

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:39 AM PDT

With 1,221lp he passes him teammate Kingen as the new rank 1 player. Hopefully he can get some play time now. Can't link his opgg but his account name is RushRush for anyone who doesn't know it.

submitted by /u/IImJustAMyth
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New Frostblade Irelia is a huge disappointment

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:54 AM PDT

Currently, the newly reworked Frostblade Irelia skin looks way too out of place in terms of concept and design compared to the original one, and I'm not referring to the Frostbutt aspect but rather the complete execution of this skin: https://puu.sh/zMmYx.jpg

I think most Irelia players and others alike would agree that out of the 4 reworked skins, Frostblade got the short-end of the stick. I was really excited for Irelia's rework and the gameplay and visuals all look great so far, however this skin really needs to be re-evaluated as right now it does not the least resemble the quality and iconic look of the old one at all. It literally turned from one of Irelia's best skins to perhaps her worst one, even compared to the base.

The hair looks straight out unnatural and out of place, her face looks even worse as it does not look like Irelia at all. I understand Riot is trying to recreate a champion's skins when they are reworked in order to make them feel fresh and exciting, however the reworked Frostblade might as well be a Snow-Day or Winter-wonder themed skin at this point due to the white fur and purple clothing. This skin would be much more unique and better off if they stuck with the original 'cryocore' armour feel and looked to adjust it from there rather than building something completely from scratch that does not feel like the original Frostblade skin.

Hopefully if we bring enough attention to it Riot can look to change some of the designs because right now it just doesn't feel like Irelia and looks more like Karma at this point: https://puu.sh/zMn94.jpg

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Achiba
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It Isn't Just the Splash - Issues With Frostblade Irelia

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:35 AM PDT

There seem to be a lot of individual posts focused on different specific attributes of the problems surrounding this skin, so I hope to consolidate those in one place and hopefully get some exposure. I'll start with my own thoughts, but please contribute your own in the comments and I will update the OP with them. My goal here is to try to gather a consensus regarding this skin in the hope that Riot might see our feedback and consider revising the skin, even if those tweaks don't get finished until after the re-work release.

As a note, overall I think the rework is looking very solid. The gameplay of the new Irelia looks fun, the VO and animations are very solid, and the other skins all look very good with a few nit-picks. Frostblade Irelia, however, seems to have fallen by the wayside and is in a very disappointing state. This is a shame, because based on what I have seen in games over the years, it seems to be the most popular skin. That doesn't mean it should be better than the others, but I do think that it should be up to par and thus deserves a second look by Riot before release.

The breakdown:

  • The Outfit - The new Frostblade outfit looks completely different from the old one, and I don't believe that this is a welcome change among most. The most egregious offender here is the absolutely massive fur scarf, which is both distracting and covers up the rest of the skin. The fur dominates the appearance of Frostblade Irelia, and it really detracts from the overall look. The old Frostblade skin featured a sleek and somewhat futuristic body suit, while this one seems to feature more casual winter clothes. Now, a "snow day" style skin isn't a bad idea, but that isn't what Frostblade was, and it isn't what we paid for. The fur needs to go (or at least be cut down to a meager fraction of current volume) and I'd really like to see the overall outfit look more like the original sleek suit, which had a nice fluid feel. The "armor" style sleeves and chest are simply out of place when compared to the old skin.

  • The Hair - This isn't all bad, but it is a major departure from her old hair. The most common complaint I see is regarding the color choice - the reddish hue seems very out of place, certainly compared to the old skin. To be fair, it looks better in-game than it does in the splash, but at the same time that isn't saying too much. I believe that making the hair a little less red and/or a little darker would preserve the look and feel of the old skin much better. There is also a single "spike" of hair that sticks up from all the others and looks very out of place. Maybe we could give Irelia a comb so she could fix that?

  • The Colors - There is a major color palette swap with the reworked skin, which not everyone is a fan of. The old Frostblade skin's primary colors were a sharp cobalt blue, a darker navy blue, and gold/brass armor accents. The reworked skin features blues which are not nearly as deep. The colors seem washed-out by comparison, with the "bright" blue portions seeming much less bright. The dark blue portions of the suit have also been replaced with (again) a purplish color. These color changes make the skin "pop" a lot less, and it is further diluted by the abundance of washed-out gray armor bits and fur. Once again, the dominant fur collar overwhelms the colors of the skin with a giant white blob. Again, cut off all this fur and bring back the brilliant blues of the old skin. Cut back on the red hues and return the darker portions of the suit to their deep navy of yesteryear. The omission of the gold/brass armor accents is something I am less certain about, as refreshing the other colors may look good - it may be sorely missed by some people, though.

  • The Blades - When the new skin was first revealed, the asymmetry of the blades was something I immediately noticed and was a huge fan of. They really look like a core component of her new visual style and I think those sleek, curved, asymmetric blades look fantastic both while static and in motion. I was crushed when I saw that the Frostblade blades did not follow this visual style update. The symmetrical blades just look out of place, and I can't help but imagine how great they would look simply as icy-blue reskins of the new Infiltrator's blades.

  • The Overall Style - On a more abstract note, when considering the overall look and feel of the skin it seems like the visual style was not preserved. I have seen a lot of complaints saying that the skin more closely resembles Winter Wonder Karma, Snow Day Syndra, or Winter Wonder Orianna and I can't help but agree, This goes back to the outfit to some extent, and I think that correcting the other specific issues would take care of this overall critique.

  • The... Assets - At the risk of getting deep into meme territory, I'll be blunt here: there is a reason that everyone (including Riot) referred to this skin as "Frostbutt" Irelia. That reason has been nerfed in the splash art, and cropped out in the first iteration. Riot seems to be aware of the cropping issue and seems willing to fix it, but there are still widespread complaints that the assets in question are meager by comparison to the old version. It has been noted, however, that these are in a healthy state in-game.

Overall, I hope Riot can take a look at these issues and address them. The Irelia rework in general looks outstanding and it would be a terrible shame if this specific skin's deficiencies held back the success and general public opinion. All the other skins look very good (especially Aviator), though there are a few issues like "cardboard" hair that seem to be generally agreed upon. Once again, please contribute any feedback you have below and I will do my best to incorporate it into the OP.

As a final note, in the event that Riot is not receptive to our requests and feedback, I encourage everyone to vote with your wallets. If they set the precedent of reworking skins to be vastly inferior/different to their original designs, one has to wonder about the wisdom of spending money on a skin that could be changed at any time. I for one plan to open a ticket requesting a refund/swap of Frostblade if no changes are made, and I encourage others to consider doing the same if Riot does not address our concerns. This cuts both ways, though - if they do address them then I hope the community will consider opening up the wallets to reward that.

Cheers, and happy Wednesday everyone!

submitted by /u/Combat_Wombatz
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Tyler runs it down mid

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:31 AM PDT


The game was a remake, so he was having a bit of fun with it

submitted by /u/Defzone1
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TFW after several months of buffs, Lucian’s win rate jumps by 1.2%

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:10 AM PDT

Then Kai'Sa comes along and jumps 5% from 1 patch.

I'm ready to escalate this to racial profiling, my boy Lucian has been held down for too long, just because he isn't getting a skin soon doesn't mean you guys can be mean. If Olaf/Nocturne and Rakan can get buffs while still being relevant picks in the LCS, then Lucian can too.

Lucian has been picked 19 times so far this season and won 5 times. 5/19 win rate.

submitted by /u/matt18932rox
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Payback is a Goddess | Gun Goddess Miss Fortune Animated Video - League of Legends

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:01 AM PDT

Irelia's hair is about a foot from her shoulders in most of her skins and it looks really just... off

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:07 AM PDT

The update in general looks great (rip Frostbutt), but this aspect of it is really unpleasant to look at from a multitude of angles.

Here is an example

submitted by /u/DoctorGlorious
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Aphromoo: “Pr0lly is really good with keeping the mentality where it needs to be. He keeps good synergy and relationships between us all.”

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:50 AM PDT

European Masters, tournament for EU instead of EUCS is currently handled pretty poorly

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:36 PM PDT

Hello guys, I'm hatchy, ex EUCS coach and I'm worried about how Riot decided to handle the European Masters Cup,

so as you know, Riot has removed the EU Challenger Series and in return we have received the European Masters tournament. Sadly, there are multiple problems with it.

First of all, the teams that have already qualified do not know enough about how the tournament will be played and where, even though it's going to be played very soon. There's a serious lack of information, and these things should be known for teams for months before the tournament was played.

Second of all, there's an Open Qualifier for this tournament. It would be a great opportunity for teams from many regions to check their strength vs teams from other regions. However, for whatever reason, Riot decided to deny teams who have any players who played in any regional league from participating, direct quote:

"Players and Teams that have played at least one game in any European Regional League will not be allowed to participate. For European Regional Leagues with an open circuit (e.g france), Players or Teams that have earned any points in that circuit will not be allowed to participate. Any Player or Team found to have violated this rule will be immediately disqualified and also banned from participating in the next European Masters event. Additional sanctions may be assessed at the sole discretion of Riot Games and the European Regional Leagues"

It is pretty sad. Some regions are very strong (look Spain) with a great team like Mad Lions (being a favourite in upcoming finals), but there's also a bunch of good teams over there that would give us a good show vs teams from other regions. It would be super interesting to see how good the 3rd team from Spain can do versus the best team from, let's say, England. Open Qualifier would give us a chance to find out.

Right now, this system suggests that if you are not sure if you can win your Regional League (because a good team is already there) it's better to not participate in it at all and not even try to win, because then you can at least qualify through the Open Qualifier. It would maybe even be fine, if this rulebook would be known months ago (some teams might have cared more about playing there than in a regional leagues) however, the rulebook was announced AFTER the regional leagues were already being played, so you automatically lost your chance to participate.

I hope Riot can give it another thought, the qualifier is soon, it would be awesome if Riot would allow all these teams who were not the best in their region to participate.

Source (rulebook): http://esports-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/production/files/EM%20OQ/OQ%20Rules%20-%20European%20Masters.pdf

I can tell you that from an investor perspective, Europe is already struggling with LOL. We don't know how the amateur system will look like, we didn't know for the longest time how European Masters will look like, we don't know if we will have franchising for LCS, we don't know if CS will ever come back, we don't know if there ever will be a chance for amateur teams to join LCS again. All we have is rumours, and it makes investors back off - and it makes players earn less, or nothing at all.

It would be great to get some information about EU from Riot. We have quite some talent!

submitted by /u/hatchyeuw
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Ovilee talks to Travis: favorite LCS moments, swearing pro players, Miami

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:01 AM PDT

Dynamic background should use our most used skin.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:11 AM PDT

Pretty much title. Instead of only the most used champ, also show the most used skin on that champ.

Edit: I have to expand this apparently. It would be cool to show off some of the awesome splash art that the skins have. A lot of people want it to just be choosable, I'm never for taking away choice but if that is the direction they go, I hope there is still a dynamic mode. Maybe make dynamic champion and dynamic skin seperate options as well for people who like a skin but hate it's splash.

submitted by /u/TimeoftheYearGaming
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Who is the ROCCAT Reddit Guy? Get to know me in this podcast! PLAYOFFS BABY!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:09 AM PDT

RIP irelia's brutal death animation

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:32 AM PDT


RIP to the most brutal death in-game, irelia's swords stabbing herself. The new one is just her falling over.

submitted by /u/potatozzminions
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Quick Gameplay Thoughts: March 21

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Buying red trinket by accident then buying yellow at the beginning of the game will put it on a 2:00 min CD and you cant undo this

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:08 AM PDT

Just a warning for players who fidget click like me!

submitted by /u/iProZambie
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Showing off the new Rageblade on Master Yi!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:04 AM PDT

Reddits EU & NA LCS Spring Split Awards

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:12 AM PDT

I thought it would be interesting to compare who reddit would vote as best Player compared to the offical awards.
Infolinks about the offical awards and how the voting works (EU, NA)

EU LCS Voting link:

NA LCS Voting link:

I'll create a post with the results some time this week.

submitted by /u/eXtreme206
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Kingzone DragonX vs. Jin Air Green Wings / LCK 2018 Spring - Week 9 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:24 AM PDT


Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Kingzone DragonX 2-0 Jin Air Green Wings

KZ | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Twitter
JAG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook


Winner: Kingzone DragonX in 34m | MVP: Bdd (900)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
KZ sejuani braum swain taliyah azir 70.2k 21 9 M1 H2 C3 I4 I5 B6
JAG sion varus gangplank camille ezreal 54.0k 9 0 None
KZ 21-5-64 vs 5-21-8 JAG
Khan gnar 3 1-1-12 TOP 0-4-1 4 ornn SoHwan
Peanut olaf 1 4-1-13 JNG 1-6-1 2 skarner UmTi
Bdd galio 2 7-0-12 MID 4-3-1 3 ryze Grace
PraY jhin 3 9-1-12 ADC 0-4-3 1 xayah Teddy
GorillA tahmkench 2 0-2-15 SUP 0-4-2 1 rakan Wraith


Winner: Kingzone DragonX in 31m | MVP: Bdd (1000)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
JAG sion sejuani galio gangplank kogmaw 48.6k 7 1 I1
KZ olaf varus rakan thresh alistar 64.3k 20 9 M2 C3 B4 M5
JAG 7-20-8 vs 20-7-41 KZ
SoHwan gnar 3 2-2-1 TOP 4-0-3 4 jayce Khan
UmTi skarner 1 2-4-1 JNG 2-2-11 2 zac Peanut
Grace azir 2 1-5-4 MID 9-1-8 1 swain Bdd
Teddy caitlyn 2 2-4-1 ADC 5-2-7 3 ashe PraY
Wraith tahmkench 3 0-5-1 SUP 0-2-12 1 braum GorillA

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/adz0r
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With the addition of voice chat, as someone with social anxiety, I have a request to the community as well as some thoughts I’d like to vent about if that’s alright.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:29 AM PDT

Making this post in order to get some things off my mind. I'm sorry for clogging up this subreddit. I'm just hoping to stop the swarm of thoughts currently flooding my mind about what could happen when voice chat comes to live for my server.

I'm okay with typing but when it comes to voice chat, I'd rather not participate. Talking doesn't seem to come naturally to me. Words feel forced, my throat seems to object whenever I attempt to speak and it feels like my mind is just telling me to not say anything.

I use this game as an escape from real life and since voice chat is linked to many of the issues I have irl, I'm feeling rather worried about its presence in parties now. This is what leads me to my little request to the community.

If an online friend says they are not comfortable with talking in voice chat, they probably have a good reason or perhaps some shitty anxiety reigning over their lives. Thank you if you can respect that and not pester them about participating.

submitted by /u/alittleanxioustw
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Broxah's message to the Fnatic fans: "Thank you for welcoming Bwipo so nicely."

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:09 AM PDT

KSV eSports vs. ROX Tigers / LCK 2018 Spring - Week 9 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:41 AM PDT


Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

KSV eSports 1-2 ROX Tigers

KSV | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Twitter
ROX | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: ROX Tigers in 34m | MVP: Lava (600)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
KSV azir xayah sejuani thresh tahmkench 56.7k 6 2 None
ROX velkoz galio gangplank braum taric 66.7k 15 9 None
KSV 6-15-13 vs 15-6-38 ROX
CuVee gnar 2 0-3-2 TOP 1-0-9 1 swain Lindarang
Ambition skarner 2 1-3-2 JNG 3-3-8 1 olaf Seonghwan
Crown karma 3 3-2-3 MID 6-1-7 3 taliyah Lava
Ruler varus 1 2-3-1 ADC 5-1-5 2 kogmaw Sangyoon
CoreJJ rakan 3 0-4-5 SUP 0-1-9 4 alistar Key


Winner: KSV eSports in 33m | MVP: CoreJJ (300)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
ROX velkoz camille gangplank ornn karma 51.0k 0 1 None
KSV azir swain xayah thresh anivia 60.7k 3 9 M1 M2 H3 I4 B5 C6 B7
ROX 0-3-1 vs 3-0-9 KSV
Lindarang sion 1 0-0-01 TOP 0-0-3 3 gnar CuVee
Seonghwan sejuani 2 0-2-0 JNG 1-0-1 1 olaf Haru
Lava taliyah 3 0-0-0 MID 1-0-1 4 malzahar Crown
Sangyoon kogmaw 2 0-1-0 ADC 1-0-1 1 varus Ruler
Key lulu 3 0-0-0 SUP 0-0-3 2 braum CoreJJ


Winner: ROX Tigers in 33m | MVP: Sangyoon (500)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
KSV azir xayah swain jhin ezreal 51.2k 0 0 M2
ROX velkoz varus olaf camille gnar 67.4k 11 11 M1 M3 B4 O5
KSV 0-11-0 vs 11-0-42 ROX
CuVee ornn 3 0-2-0 TOP 1-0-10 1 gangplank Lindarang
Haru zac 2 0-2-0 JNG 1-0-10 1 skarner Seonghwan
Crown malzahar 3 0-3-0 MID 0-0-10 3 karma Lava
Ruler caitlyn 2 0-2-0 ADC 9-0-2 4 jinx Sangyoon
CoreJJ braum 1 0-2-0 SUP 0-0-10 2 thresh Key

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

submitted by /u/adz0r
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Kai is mentioned in Irelia's new lines, implying the two might be related

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:31 AM PDT

One of her new voice lines, for when she's moving long distances, has her mourning over several people she used to know who she thinks died in the Noxian invasion.

Those she mentions include members of her family (including Zelos) as well as Kai.

For those who don't know, Kai is one of the humans that Varus possessed as part of his revivement

This could indicate that Irelia and Kai are related, or at the least are close.

How Interedasting

submitted by /u/Solash1
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On updated Irelia skins/ splashes. Suggestions and why some of the new skins feel underwhelming.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:19 AM PDT

In the following Im gonna try to express what I and based on the threads that have been popping up here and on the Ireliamains subreddit, a lot of people feel when it comes to the updated irelia skins.

First of all I think that overall quality of the splashes and skins really did improve and I´m actually really happy with how most of her VGU turned out. None the less there are some "flaws" that would make her just that much better if fixed IMO.

  1. Her Hair: Her Hair feels underhwhelming on almost all of her new skins, but it seems especially bad on Aviator, Infiltrator and Order of the Lotus. The hair seems really clumpy which downgrades the skins a lot to be honest. (Discussion on the topic on /r/Ireliamains)

  2. Order of the Lotus Irelia downgrade: Even though the skin was only 750 RP it used to have new particles for the ultimate. Now with the update it lost those which is really sad since there is so much potential to upgrade the skin with simple things. It doesnt even take much to make the skin really awesome: Add some generic lotus petals to her passive aura like with the Infiltrator skin and its electricity. Also changing the color of her W and E to pinkish lighter colors would make her look way better since the gray/ blue ones look kinda anti-climatic on the skin. Same could be done for Aviator and Nightblade but those fit the basic animations and particles way better.

  3. Frostblade Irelia: This skin has it own kind of problems. I don´t even want to talk about this to much since there are already a lot of Threads talking about this on the frontpage and on new. Basically comes down to some people not liking the direction Riot chose with this skin. It used to be kinda like a special unit in an acrtic outfit but is now more like a winter wonderland skin that may as well be Karmas unknown sister. Also her scarf? seems way to big and out of place and feels forced just because the asset was already there form the other winter skins. Apart from that the animations look really good though.

  4. Apart from what I wrote in 2 and what Riot said in the past Im surprised only 2 of her skins got new particles. Previous VGUs like Urgot and Galio showed that simple recolors and simple effects can go a long way in making skins feel just that much better. Best examples for this are probably Giant Enemy Crabgot and Hextech Galio which both are really awesome even though they are only 520 rp. Riot themselves also said that people value good skins with new Particles and new animations a lot which is one of the reasons they are mostly doing 1350 RP skins nowadays.

All in all I can say the the VGU is good but could be just so much better seeing as the skins are gonna stay like this for a long time and are gonna be used like this by many people. TGhanks for taking the time to read my post. Please share your opinion in the comments and tell me when I made mistakes somewhere :)

submitted by /u/hannesmc
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