Rainbow Six /r/Rainbow6 Discussion Series - The Operators: Ela | (21.Mar.18)

/r/Rainbow6 Discussion Series - The Operators: Ela | (21.Mar.18)

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:54 AM PDT


Welcome to r/Rainbow6 Discussion Series: The Operators! This series has been re-created to facilitate the gameplay, metagame, and strategy discussion that often gets buried or lost in the abundance of others posts.

The goal of this series is to not only give new players a primer on an operator but also for mid-level or competitive players a chance to share the knowledge that they have accrued in their experiences and maybe let people know something that they did not know before.

You can find an archive of past discussions in the subreddit wiki.

About: Ela

Ela was released with Operation Blood Orchid, the third Operation of Year 2, alongside Ying, Lesion, and the map Theme Park. She is part of the Polish Special Forces unit GROM.

Talking points

The community has outlined a couple of things that they want to converse about with every operator, but feel free to branch out should you feel a piece of information warrants its own discussion.

  • The operator's primary or ideal role in the team.
  • The operator's gadget and how it will help the team achieve its goals. Please share any tidbits you may know to help expand the discussion.
  • The operator's loadout, and how best to optimize it. This includes primary weapons, secondary weapons, and secondary gadgets.
  • What maps and game modes does this operator do well on?
  • What maps and game modes does this operator struggle with?
  • What teammates synergize well with this operator?
  • What opposing operators check or counter this operator?
  • What strategies have you adopted while playing this operator? What is something that a new player should know when playing this operator, or what is something you know that would help a veteran player take that next step?
  • What is your overall opinion of this operator? Where would you rank them among the other operators?

Ela was nerfed with Operation Chimera. The changes include increased recoil and a damage reduction to her Scorpion EVO 3 A1 as well as a deployable shield replacing her impact grenades.

Talking points to consider:

  • How did the balance changes affect her?
  • How viable is the operator in Casual/Ranked/competitive play/Pro League?
  • The goal of the changes was to counteract her doing all the roaming work by herself (preparing rotations, being warned by Concussion mines, and killing with her SMG). How successful were the changes?
submitted by /u/jeypiti
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XB1 Server Outage

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:18 PM PDT

Trust issues | Dokkaebi fanart by IFrAgMenTIx

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:59 PM PDT

Finka is the only operator with no trigger discipline, consider me triggered.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:55 AM PDT

May the Holy Moot bless your defending rounds

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:23 PM PDT

The Shells are color-tipped Orange, which identifies as Incendiary/Dragon’s breath.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:24 AM PDT

When blitz uses a calculator

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:39 AM PDT

Tachanka playing a game of casual in 1955

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:31 AM PDT

to climb ranks is my real test, to TK friends is my caaaauusse

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:48 PM PDT

Capitao has Caveira's name patch instead of his

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:28 AM PDT

Rest assured, the game has been uninstalled after this.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:51 AM PDT

This light switch on Kafe Dostoyevsky

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:51 AM PDT

Whatcha looking at?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:31 AM PDT

Okay Ubi

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:32 AM PDT

First 10 seconds of a ranked match. I should really find a team to play with.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:40 AM PDT

What are the odds?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:50 AM PDT


Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:29 AM PDT

I'd Trade My Teammates For Smokes TBH

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:41 AM PDT

Almost done with Buck's C8 SFW!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:03 PM PDT

New Casual

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:23 AM PDT

i created a new ops icons, hope you like it :V

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:44 AM PDT

The old switcharooo!

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 04:19 AM PDT

Oh, Mira. The Lord praises thee for your Black Mirror.

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:41 AM PDT

This community keeps saying that Vigil countering Lion doesn't make any sense, but Mute countering Lion does?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:08 AM PDT

When Lion using his ability, Mute's jammer 'realistically ' doesn't mask your position; by that logic IQ should never know where Mute's Jammers are located. A realistic Mute Counter to Lion's Ability would be if Lion was in the radius of mute jammer, then using his ability would be unavailable, similar to Jackal. So, for the sake of balance, not realism, Vigil's gadget should allow him to be undetected to Lion's gadget.

submitted by /u/skills641
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thoughts on my lord cosplay?

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 10:52 PM PDT

How many violations of the Geneva Convention happen in the usual R6 Match?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:14 AM PDT

I was playing Smoke the other day and I was wondering how fast this guy would go to jail for war crimes then I realized... Half the cast in this game violate the Geneva Convention.

For those who don't know the "Geneva Convention" is a set of laws that prohibit excess brutality in times of war.

For Example: -Using Fire or Napalm (Capitao) -Using Poison Gas is illegal/inhumane -Knowingly shooting a medic (Shooting doc) -Murdering an injured Solider/Hostage (Cavieras interrogations) -Poisoning traps (Lesions mines)

There are probably TONS that I missed, please share other violations that you know of.

I'll provide Rainbow the benefit of the doubt that they might exist in a legal gray zone but still, my curiosity is fired up.

Edit: There are also restrictions of WHERE you can fight too, for example using Church on the "Clubhouse" map to hold a captured hostage is a big no no

submitted by /u/Mockingjay55
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Best way to end the game :)

Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:42 AM PDT

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