Learn Dota 2 - Your thoughts on a Dota 2 support package? |
- Your thoughts on a Dota 2 support package?
- Why did Dendi make 3 RoA on sniper
- Razor - The ultimate low MMR Carry?
- So, what do you mean by "unplayable" and "not viable"?
- What team would be the most powerful if it only consisted of the same hero?
- Assasult Cuirass VS Shivas Guars
- How exactly do medals work?
- Offlane Heroes.
- Arc warden safe lane?
- Hotkey to center camera on teammate
- TIL You Can't Lifesteal Off Of Enemy Illusions
- Rubick support. Rip me a new one.
- Easier to learn: Visage or Lycan?
- Dealing with duo lanes as a support (Archon[0])
- I want to change my mentality.
- How to improve at Divine 5?
- What supports are strong in the laning stage?
- How do I avoid getting gimped in lane?
- When to get Ring of Aquila?
- Meepo post 7.07
- Trying to improve my offlane
- Confused on Yapzor Ember Spirit build.
- Lifestealer build
- Could you explain me how we lost that game ?
- Need some help/guide to being a support
Your thoughts on a Dota 2 support package? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:35 AM PDT Hi there. I've played Dota for around 3 years, with about 1700 games under my belt. I specialise in support play, with winrates averaging 60.22% in my top 5 played support heroes. I think we can all agree that there's times when you might have played 500-1000-2000 and even 5000 games of Dota, think you've seen it all, and then this tiny, crazy detail pops up that you never knew about and just helps you see the gameplay through an entirely new perspective? I see this all the time. Players who have many many games under their belt, but are unaware of a simple, easy-to-overlook mechanic that is critical to achieving higher levels of play. I'm sure you've seen it too, because Dota gives you less than the bare minimum and says "Hey, go play in the sandbox kid". Basically, i'm toying with the idea of condensing my approx 2000 hours of Dota2 experience, into a series of content designed to offer massive value to those who wish to take their supporting, and game insight to the next level. To help your average player learn the game at an accelerated rate and become a better player, faster. Whilst i'm by no means an 8k player, the value i'm able to provide to new and intermediate players is doubtless. Who knows, maybe I could help inspire the next generation of pros, gotta think big, right? I'm testing the waters right now, checking how much interest there is before diving in to create the material. If this is something you'd be interested in signing up to, please leave a comment or an upvote - thanks for reading. Well Played! [link] [comments] |
Why did Dendi make 3 RoA on sniper Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:52 PM PDT |
Razor - The ultimate low MMR Carry? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:45 AM PDT Hey guys, low MMR Pleb here. I just wanted your thoughts on Razor as an ideal low MMR carry to "get gud". What does Razor give us? Laning Presence: In low MMR we end up with a lot of Dual Lane vs Dual Lane setups, and usually if safelane I end up against an Axe, Bristleback, or melee carry. Razor has the ability to Static Link and bully these normally pesky heroes in lane as well as have kill potential. Lack of Dependance on low MMR players: Because Razor can be the bully in lane he doesn't need to rely on a support hero to be super effective in lane and you can be more independent/aggressive rather than hoping you have a good support. Farming Ability: - Razor isn't the fastest farmer, but his nuke is superb at hitting and/or stacking multiple camps. His ultimate is also on low cooldown and can help flashfarm. Mobility: - Razor is a racecar, being mobile feels good Anti-carry: - Razor also does well at acting as an anti-carry if you can latch the opposing carry in teamfights. Overall Razor isn't the strongest hero, but I feel like he is well suited to the low MMR due to the dual lane and offlane meta. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
So, what do you mean by "unplayable" and "not viable"? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 05:12 PM PDT I see lots of people say "this hero is unplayable in this patch/meta etc. etc." it seems to me that those people are generally nowhere near the level where the inherent power level of a hero becomes such a big handicap that that hero cannot be picked. so, if you're one of those people, what are you really saying? do you mean it's impossible to win with such heroes? [link] [comments] |
What team would be the most powerful if it only consisted of the same hero? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:10 AM PDT My guess would be Omniknight. All that heal and spell immunity. It'd be pretty crazy. [link] [comments] |
Assasult Cuirass VS Shivas Guars Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:07 PM PDT hi guys yesterday i was playing bristle back and met wk, huskar which did high physical damage to me. i was arguing with my friend wether to go ac or shivas and i bought shivas. what do you think? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 10:17 AM PDT I originally thought that your medal was based on which ever had higher MMR. If your party MMR was higher than solo, you would get a medal based on party MMR and vise versa. Now I played quite a lot more solo ranked recently since I wanted to get back to 4k (dropped to 3k) and am now sitting at 3.4k I got promoted to Legend[0] once I was something like 3.2k, which should still be Archon 4/5. I was a bit confused but the interesting thing is what happened next. I played some Party Q and my party MMR is only 2.5k. I won like 3 games in a row and then I got promoted to Legend 1. Now this would make sense if my party MMR was higher than my solo MMR but it isn't. Legend 1 should also be about 3.5k MMR so my solo isn't high enough either. This leads me to believe that the medals are not strictly linked to your MMR. Might your performance play a role on the medal promotion? Any of you know more on the subject? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:08 AM PDT I've been Spamming Bristleback in the offlane for some time to climb and I find the offlane Quite Entertaining (1k cannot counter him). Some times when the Enemy team pick LC I resist the urge to spam Bristleback and rather pick Timbersaw which is not in the meta. The Real question is what other offlaners are decent to spam? I've been seeing the recent Pro Matches and fount Batrider and Pugna being picked widely? Should I learn these heroes or are there any good offlaners? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 01:38 PM PDT I'm looking to become an arc warden main. I cant get mid most of my games, obviously so what lanes do other warden mains play him? [link] [comments] |
Hotkey to center camera on teammate Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:22 PM PDT is there a feature where when hitting a hotkey it will center the camera to a teammate. This could be helpful to see my teammate's items and abilities' cooldown without having to click him on the portrait on the top or clicking on him on the map. [link] [comments] |
TIL You Can't Lifesteal Off Of Enemy Illusions Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:49 PM PDT Feel stupid for not noticing this, but it makes sense. Also it can be useful to go for a rightclick on like MoM Void just so you can't pull a TI7 where you just chrono an illusion. Also, it didn't say on the wiki that you can't lifesteal from Vlads, but the other forms of item-based lifesteal (including Octarine) can't, so I'm not sure if that means you can or can't from Vlads, considering that lifesteal isn't the only thing the aura provides. Edit: Got rid of misinformation. You can lifesteal from illusions, but not from most Lifesteal-based items. [link] [comments] |
Rubick support. Rip me a new one. Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:45 AM PDT https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3792813863 I know you're thinking hey he posted some good matches as slark and pl. But I didn't post the match where we had sniper pl TB spectre and riki in one team(I first picked so ...) And then they fed.and I lagged. So anyway I subbed out ember for the time being and got in rubick to win more. No wtf moments yet but he's one of my favourite supports and I like supporting as much as carry Tell Me what to do to support better Also there was this kunkka who spent the whole game dying and complaining about wards...(I warded) maybe better warding spots? [link] [comments] |
Easier to learn: Visage or Lycan? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 11:51 AM PDT Want to practice HotD rushing deathball strats in low MMR. Should I learn Visage or Lycan? [link] [comments] |
Dealing with duo lanes as a support (Archon[0]) Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:49 PM PDT I play mainly support (pos 5) I really struggle when laning against a duo. Options:
Thank you for any advise in advance! [link] [comments] |
I want to change my mentality. Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:37 AM PDT Hello goodevening goodmorning and goodafternoon. I have some issue about win-lose-win then sometimes i tilted. I dont know how to remove this mentality, i cant get back to 4k flat (thats my highest mmr i get). I create a tons of account because i think that im not lucky on that account but suddenly is my attitude being toxic when i lose. So i create another account since my brother bought my account that have pubg. Now on this account im toxic but i changed my attitude since the 6 months ban is implemented. But this morning my attitude is back being toxic and tilted, i really want to rid of this mentality. My acc: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/385515294 PS:Sorry for my English, im not fluent. And im not buying an account, better i waste on arcana than account. You cant improve if you buy an account better to create than to buy. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Mar 2018 09:37 PM PDT So recently I went from 4400 MMR (highest before was 5800) to 5700 (Rank 1300) but I've seem to hit a wall where I can't get anymore MMR no matter how hard I try. I usually offlane but lately I'm always highest MMR and in these games I fill the mid and carry role because everyone which is most of the players just end up giving core to whoever is higher. Now should I be playing offlane still despite my other cores not being the best players or should I start playing mid/carry? Was told by a friend if I want to move to the 6K bracket and move up higher on the leaderboards I should start considering mid and carry and switch back to offlane when I am into the 6K bracket. [link] [comments] |
What supports are strong in the laning stage? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 03:33 AM PDT and how do you distinguish between a weak laner and a strong one? [link] [comments] |
How do I avoid getting gimped in lane? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 02:04 PM PDT Hello everyone of /r/learndota2. I've recently started this game after watching a ton of competitive, so I know how most of the game works. However some things still confuse me: my biggest question is how to avoid getting destroyed in lane. Recently i've been playing a lot of Anti-Mage, and I went 0/5 in the first few minutes due to laning against a Huskar and being 1v2 since my "support" left me to go roam in the safe lane (this is 30-hour all-pick). My question is, in a situation dire like that, how do I fight to stay relevant in the game? I ended up getting a 25-minute battle fury and it was just very rough. All help would be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 06:10 AM PDT Lately I've seen pros getting Aquila on non-agility heroes like OD and Invoker. Why do they get it, and is it situational on the game or just an ordinary pickup now? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:42 PM PDT Is hero viable right now? i played him with great success in 2012-2015 . Any links to guides or i just should watch pro replays?thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 08:03 AM PDT Can someone please link me a good video to learn how to offlane? And I mean something "advanced", not for the new players. Since the change in lane equilibrium I started struggling a lot with the pos3, especially in the first minutes when their Roamer and support gang on me and makes 0:30 lane pulling hard as hell. Even general pro tips are more than fine, just avoid something like "ask your Roamer to gank" because usually either they don't come or just sap exp in my tier (3k) [link] [comments] |
Confused on Yapzor Ember Spirit build. Posted: 20 Mar 2018 08:29 PM PDT So, I watched this shortened highlights from a Yapzor Ember Spirit game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDYvfD5Zcc8 and dotabuff here: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3788112642 I'm super confused by his skill build. He prioritizes Flame Guard dead last to the point of not putting points in it until level 11. I don't understand the logic behind not prioritizing it given the superior dps and protection. I don't really see a lineup reason either. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:25 AM PDT Why is everyone building radiance on lifestealer? He just cannot for the life of him right click with that. Why is the armlet, s and y, deso and AC build not seem much? [link] [comments] |
Could you explain me how we lost that game ? Posted: 21 Mar 2018 12:22 AM PDT I was playing TA and I was sure that our draft was much better than our opponents line-up. I think we all stomped our lanes, the game was going in our way and we destroyed 3 raxes. I am sure that late game was for us. Suddenly we got rekt in every fight and lost the game. Could someone explain me what we did wrong please ? https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3791723534 Thanks in advance for your advices [link] [comments] |
Need some help/guide to being a support Posted: 21 Mar 2018 07:14 AM PDT So is there like an advanced guide/stream for supports where it there is information on pos4/5 and how to be efficient in lane as well as itemisation and doing a lot with little, pulling, stacking, efficient smoke plays etc.. I have some basic experience in dewarding and do play a lot of support roles in my squad but I have difficulty in laning/itemisation especially against any invis lineups or push strats. Lately I have also been having trouble with picking good supports or making use of my first/second picks. I am only <2k player but the average party mmr games I play are around 3k+. I really want to improve my performance in game and would like to know if there are any updated guides/videos/streams which talk about advanced strategies(4k+ or something idk anything that can improve my game sense). Also something that talks about warding and dewarding efficiency cuz sometimes against invis I tend to spend like 2x or 3x more money on sentries ending up really poor in the end. [link] [comments] |
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