True Dota 2 - Is BF OP or in the perfect place?

Is BF OP or in the perfect place?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:30 AM PST

BF has really seen a renaissance recently. Not too long ago I would have said the item was almost exclusively for AM, most other common BF useres like PA's were preferring Deso, Jugg was getting Diffusal/Manta. After various item changes, we started seeing BF on core Monkey King, it came back to Jugg and Void, then to many peoples surprise it was being used on PL and TB. It got some nerfs in regards to illusions, but I would say those builds are still perfectly viable. Now we are seeing VP pull out safelane BF Omniknight, which got me thinking about the item and it's current place.

I think the item has finally become what is was always meant to be, the physical farm accelerator for melee cores, and not just a standard build for a few select heroes. I feel like people might jump on the item due to it's new found relevance, but I can't say that it dominates these heroes, and it is just a new viable option. It is cool to see build and role viability get to the point that it has.

submitted by /u/fibittydoo
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BB pro scene

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:15 AM PST

Why is bristleback not picked in pro matches? Is he weak offlaner, what is the problem?

submitted by /u/Barksdalee
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Best way to build Ember recently and when to pick him?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:42 PM PST

Hey guys,

haven't played ember for a while. Recently, every game feels like it is not a good ember game.

It usually feels like, "but X will work better than ember here"

anybody finding any success with him recently ?

How are you guys building him? Cleave? utility? Radiance?

submitted by /u/ace-s
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Omniknight: From Support to Carry

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:37 AM PST

What has prompted this massive shift in Omniknight from a pos 5 to a pos 3, and now (through Ramzes) to a pos 1 building items like battefury? To my knowledge, nothing significant has changed with the hero to prompt this, but that's why I'm asking.

submitted by /u/Nexavus
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How do i create fake lag in my offline games?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:21 AM PST

the "net_fakelag (number)" command doesnt work for me at all. Does anyone know the way to create fake lag? it's pointless to practice lasthitting if my real games are inherently different

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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Pos 4 wraith king in pubs?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:13 PM PST

I saw it get picked by Puppey at Katowice, decided to meme around with it a little bit the other day because he was one of the "Heroes of the day" and I've been spamming roamers lately.

Had huge success with it in the Archon level, and it's a lot of fun, plus easy to transition in to a carry if the game goes long.

I typically start with OOV, Tango, Mango, Clarity, and either a smoke or a obs ward, depending on if the 5 is willing to buy.

The stun is spammable for easy first blood, with the combined slow from that and the OOV. Easy smoke gank mid if your mid can get them off the high ground.

I usually go with an early wand and blight stone with brown boots, then depending how things are going either Midas, or Drums for first item. I typically build the blight in to a quick solar crest for pickoffs/rosh as my second item, the boots can be made in to treads or BoTs, and if I went midas early I usually go for Radiance. Halbred is also great for the tank/passive slow, and the active if they have a heavy right clicker.

He doesn't need a ton of items to be an effective ganker/roamer, so easy to do a lot of the warding, and the drums/vampire aura/skellingtons make for easy pushes.

Anyways, I've had a ton of fun playing him the last few days like this, just wanted to hear anyones thoughts or inputs.

Quick edit to say talents are pretty ez: attack speed, strength, no mana cost reincarnation, and I usually go for wraithfire blast on death. Also, picking up the occasional blink dagger for initiation.

submitted by /u/throwawaycanadian
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What are the meta supports (pos 4-5) right now and when should the be picked an what are good combinations?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:45 PM PST

It seems to me we are moving towards a movementspeed Tanky meta. What supports are doing well right now and Why? I'm currently legend 0 right now if you want to suggest heroes based on my bracket.

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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