Super Smash Bros - Who's one of the best Marth/Lucina mains in the world?- Tournament Tuesday #128

Who's one of the best Marth/Lucina mains in the world?- Tournament Tuesday #128

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:50 AM PST

I don't know it's a Mr. E

That joke was submitted by /u/DaDeltaDrum. You can have your joke featured on a Tournament Tuesday too! Just leave it in the comments of this post and we'll pick from the top jokes. Make sure the punchline is seperate from the reel or we can't use it.

Opf, it's almost the end of the month. Groans as procrastination sets in even more


Dragon Ball FighterZ has entered into the boxing ring! Be sure you have the Steam version before you sign up to join us on Sunday 2PM EST!

Tournament Scheduling

Smash Wii U and 3ds - Saturday, 24th February 2018. Both Wii U and 3DS will start at 12:30PM EST.


For our last tournament we welcomed 6 players for Wii U and 1 for 3DS. Who won? phoen1z in Wii U and DillyDiamond for 3DS managed to climb to the top!

Still wondering who we are? Look no more, we are the Hypest Team: the offical /r/smashbros tournament staff.

Facebook - Twitter - Youtube - Twitch - Discord

These are our various social media sources. Following/Linking/Subscribing will give you an edge on what is happening with us and hopping onto out Discord will give you instant access to out community.

We want to thank everyone who keeps coming to our events. We keep getting higher turnouts, stronger competition, and just plain ol' have a good time. With out continued growth we hope to bring you events that are even greater in the fitire. Keep on Smashing!!

Tournament Tuesday #127 :: 20 February 2018

Dreamt by /u/RipWitch

Dreamt of sending this in and actually didn't (˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣)

submitted by /u/Electric91
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Daily Discussion Thread 02/20/18

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:09 PM PST

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /r/smashbros! Inspired by /r/SSBM and /r/hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:

  • General questions about Smash

  • General discussion (tentatively allowing for some off-topic discussion)

  • "Light" content that might not have been allowed as its own post (please keep it about Smash)

Other guidelines:

  • Be good to one another.

  • While DDT can be lax, please abide by our general rules. No linking to illegal/pirated stuff, no flaming, game debates, etc.

  • Please keep your meme spam contained to the sticky comment provided below.

If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!

Also, if you want to chat with other /r/smashbros users you can do so via our Discord channel.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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The Mango - One Day SoCal Tourney on 3/18

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:18 PM PST

The Mango Announcement Trailer

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:22 PM PST

One of my favorites moments from the Melee documentary, Isai's humble outlook on hardship in life.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:49 AM PST

Life can be tough. I haven't had a tough life though. I've had an easy life. That's why I think I'm really sensitive. I've had it easy. Nothing's really toughened me up. I'm getting better at it though. Yeah. I think so. Slowly, yeah. Take maybe a few more years. Some things... Take more practice then others to be good at. - Isai

submitted by /u/13elievE
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Mew2King just set a subgoal to attend both, The Mango (@ 450 subs) and Full Bloom 4 (@ 500 subs)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

He's going to analyse Zain vs Hbox right now, you can check the subgoal typing !subgoal on his Twitch chat.

submitted by /u/Skydarkou
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The Fox Privilege Series: Fox Aerial Interrupt

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:53 PM PST

Here's the new Fox Privilege Video! A tech stolen from samus players ledge game. This is not to replace ledgedashing by any means, just a mixup. Edited by Tj Kirby(

submitted by /u/KJH_23
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VGBC | aMSa compendium goal is fulfilled and will be attending Full Bloom 4!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST

Local Little Mac main makes a trip to the Library and picks some of the hardest reads ever...

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:20 AM PST

Team Dignitas - Lucky & HugS new team - released a Genesis 5 movie

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

Anyone seen /u/flinnerjon?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:34 AM PST

He used to post here a lot, and he suddenly stopped right before he posted his final "2017 - Top 20 Best Melee Sets".

Just wanted to make sure he's okay if anyone knows him - been checking for a few weeks now to see if he's posted, but no dice yet.

@Mods: sorry if this is against the rules, feel free to remove. Wasn't sure where else to post this.

submitted by /u/SuperMandrew7
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Another Smuckers on Hax$ clip

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:45 PM PST

What's Up Guys! GimR Here! The Final Xanadu Smash 4 Tuesday Tournament Of This Era is Live! Make sure and tune in!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:44 PM PST

We started this event 6 years ago! Isn't that crazy!? Although this era is over we're working on the next one! Can't say much more about that atm but make sure and come celebrate with us by watching here:

submitted by /u/GIMR
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ANNOUNCING - Mason Versus: Big Dick Billy - March 24th

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:39 PM PST

The PGR slayer himself is coming to MDVA for Mason Versus: Big Dick Billy! This event is a part of the Mason Versus Circuit, which features a $1,000 prize pool at the championship in June. With a $10 bounty on Billy's head, don't miss out!!



submitted by /u/SmashFiles
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Captain Smuckers is Pretty Good, I Guess.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:33 PM PST

What would you do if your main was cut in Smash 5?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

I actually have no idea what I would do without Jigglypuff. Hope she makes it in for her 5th game.

submitted by /u/Tbone1178
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Shoutout to My Brother

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:34 PM PST

Would you prefer pre-patch Diddy/Shiek/Rosalina, or current Bayonetta?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:02 PM PST

Amongst all the Bayonetta drama, thought it would be interesting to reflect back on how strong some characters were before patches. I wonder if those characters were better than Bayonetta is now?

Just to remind yourselves:

Shiek was heavier (85 instead of 81), fair was larger/stronger, needles had less lag and more range, bouncing fish was stronger, up-air was stronger, downthrow 50/50 kill confirm

Diddy had a stronger up-air, hoo-hah combo (grab kill confirm at 80%-110% roughly depending on rage and character), monkey flip did more damage, fair stronger by 2% and 3 less frames ending lag on all grabs.

Rosalina had faster luma respawns (9 seconds instead of 13), luma can attack while Rosa is being thrown, up smash stronger, down-smash less lag, f-smash stronger, luma had more hitpoints, back-throw stronger.

Probably missed some things but I believe those were the main nerfs they got!

submitted by /u/1DeaDea1
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Mango's response to M2K's subgoal

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:59 PM PST

[Comic] Getting a friend into Melee

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:13 PM PST

Pentashine-Grab (Sorry for bad quality)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:34 AM PST

Wanna record melee netplay for free but your computer is too shit? Well, if you have windows 10, I have the perfect solution for you!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:38 AM PST

Title was meme yes but I'm serious

My pretty bad laptop from 3 years ago can't handle obs while playing melee dolphin solo, but I always wanted to record my sessions on netplay for analysis/cutting cool clips, so i was sad obs lagged my computer. That is when I found "Windows 10 Game Bar" which when I hit the win key + G when melee netplay loads, I can start a recording and it doesn't lag. My laptop can only handle 30 fps recording, but it still looks completely fine for analysis/cutting clips. You have to change some settings around but I love that it's a thing, just thought some others would like to have this option as well

submitted by /u/Wtfetika
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Project M Clips of the Week Episode 32

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:12 AM PST

Good Players who haven't been out of their region?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:04 PM PST

I can't really think of anyone. Halp.

submitted by /u/DiplomaticTucan
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"Never save your teammate except for when you should." - an essay by Shears (applies to all doubles gameplay imho)

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:19 PM PST

This was originally written by /u/supershears in the worldwide Smash 64 group but I thought it was a good read and worth sharing and he probably won't so I will

made some edits to make it less smash 64 specific

Original post:

Here is a lesson in teams. Most of the time saving your teammate by hitting them after their Up Special or off stage or whatever is almost always a bad idea and its better to never do this if you aren't fully confident you can make the save 100% and can perfectly distinguish the subtle differences between when a save is good and when a save is a stupid terrible awful idea. These situations are very nuanced and its better to just never ever save until you're considered a top level doubles player.

If your teammate is recovering its better to threaten and challenge the edgeguards of your opponents than tunnel vision your teammate. Your teammate is likely dead even if they get an Up Special off so better to punish their edgeguard by confirming stock trades, or disrupting it all together by clearing the ledge and giving a safe path for your teammate to recover.

Off stage saving risks both of you still in disadvantageous positions meaning you're just committing suicide for an unlikely chance your teammate dodges near certain homicide. If your teammate can't recover on their own then the fault is on them, not you. Risking your life to save someone who got themselves in a jam is trading 2 stocks for a chance at saving 1, terrible investment.

However, I'm going to go through two examples at the expense of a new guy this week because he made 1 really great save and 100 bad ones (specifically one that cost the set). Use this as a learning experience not to shame rookie doubles play.

The good save:

I'll start with this one because its always better to end life on a tragedy. This is a great save but its very circumstantial. Its great for a number of reasons:

  1. Fox is dead without it
  2. These are the final stocks of set
  3. Pika didn't extend himself for the save
  4. Pika was naturally in position to make the save
  5. The save directly gets Fox back on stage
  6. The save doesn't require Fox to upb again and try to play the recovery edgeguard lottery
  7. The ledge wasn't double occupied
  8. The single occupancy had to commit to an edgeguard that would have low probability of success on the saved teammate and on the teammate performing the save
  9. The save is noncomittal and puts the Pika in a 0 risk position
  10. The save earns the team stage control

Unless all these 10 conditions are met, a save is too risky and should be ignored (unless you're really one of the best teams players which I can assure you that if you're reading this you probably aren't).

There are some exceptions and not all 10 items need to be met, Fox (Falco in later games) can save simply firing a laser across stage without creating any risk, Mario and Luigi as well, Samus can use Up Special invincibility to ledge stall and nick their teammate, etc. These are all subtle differences that don't challenge this generalization. Until you're a master at doubles in every other way, don't worry about the nuanced saves, instead ignore saving all together. But to continue.

This only works because the Pika is hit off stage to not be threatening and Kirby commits to attack Pika. Pika naturally has to run off stage to dodge Kirby and then jump to gain a position advantage to ensure his own recovery without risk of Kirby following up a deep vertical edgeguard. This coincidentally aligns with Fox recovery that needs a save so Pika can easily UAir and save Fox without risking anything of his own. This situation is a net positive or neutral. Either Fox dies and Pika is doing what it would've been doing without risk or Fox lives and now they gained a stock, stage advantage, etc. This is very rare though, nearly every pathetic rookie save attempt any of you will make in your life will end in tragedy, just like this save...

The bad save (aka every save every one of you have ever attempted):

This is a rookie save attempt and something you all do to try and make a highlight reel because you think if you get one cool moment you'll instantly be SuPeRbOoMfAn. You won't, you'll lose, your partner will die and so will you.

This attempt fails because not all of the 10 reasons can be met. Ledge is double occupied, Pika is extending for the save, Pika is not naturally in position to save, Pikas save attempt would not get Fox to safety, Pika forfeits certain trade for hope that they either stay even instead of probably losing. In this case Pika could've jump nair and killed Kirby leaving a 1v1 vs Pika. This is a trade, 1 Fox stock for 1 Kirby stock.

The alternative is 0 Kirby stocks for Fox to recover again and still likely lose their stock and now Pika is at risk of losing their own so its gambling 2 stocks to save 1 and take 0. Stupid terrible awful idea, and even worse investment. Let Fox die, its his fault for being in this position by overcommitting against Kirby earlier. Take the Kirby stock, its free. Your job is to take stocks, not get edgeguarded trying to save what you don't have. Especially considering the nature of the sequence, a save was impossible.

With the double occupancy on the ledge Pika had to jump out and double jump before Fox was in position to even be saved. This simply ends in a dead Fox that was happening even if Pika somehow hit him, and now a pretty easy edgeguard for Red team since Pika is deep and low without a double jump. Saving is about clearing the ledge for your teammate, giving them a recovery path, it is not about giving them another upb at the expense of yourself. A good save is pushing your opponents away, not risking it all just to hit your teammate.

TLDR: Never save your teammate (none of you are good enough to understand the 'when you should part' so ignore that and just stop being stupid and get better at doubles before trying to be fancy).

submitted by /u/paperfairy
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Four minutes of Super Smash Bros. 64 | Feat. Isai, SuPeRbOoMfAn, Wizzrobe & more

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:55 AM PST

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