Street Fighter What does Nadeshiko do when R. Mika is busy in a match? ��Metro City Crackstyle! ��

What does Nadeshiko do when R. Mika is busy in a match? ��Metro City Crackstyle! ��

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:38 AM PST

The best part of Blanka's story

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:01 AM PST

Finally Landed this mixup in an online match

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:52 PM PST

Sagat drawing I did

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:43 AM PST

Just made my first street fighter friend after a match today. (Google translates it to ass fucker or somethikng like that)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

Let me show you the dance of my people.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:55 PM PST

Justin Wong (Menat) Vs Justakid (Juri)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:43 AM PST

PSA: You can't get a win in Extra Battle Mode with a timeout

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:37 AM PST

Found it out the hard way.

submitted by /u/LancerBro
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In honor of Blanka, I present you a Blanka theme metal remix!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:50 AM PST

Because Eels by Matias Lehtoranta (alias: ShreddingDragon)

A little backstory: I started playing Super Street Fighter IV in 2012 as my first Street Fighter game. For some reason I picked Blanka as my first charchter (and that became my main char for eternity). By that time I had just started to study soundengineering. I soon met a guy named Matias in the school who also played SSFIV so we started to meet up regularily to play together. Somehow Street Fighter became quite a big deal in my life, I reflected many things in life through Street Fighter.

Fast forward a year or two, we were in a huge lan party that also consisted a kind of shadow-party in a nearby woods. We went there to drink and have fun. At somepoint quite late in the night when we had already enjoyed pretty exessive amounts of alcohol one of our friends asked me "Hey! You are such a big fan of Blanka, why is he so green?" and I instantly replyed "BECAUSE EELS!!!" with such ferocity that I fell downhill into a bush just like a drunken blankaball.

So this piece is my good friend's and a long time Street Fighter sparring partner's composition. I personally think he is a mastermind in writing drum patterns and fills. Enjoy this green, electrifying package of djenting eels!

submitted by /u/Gloyard
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Any Cincinnati players in here?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:24 AM PST

Looking for Cincinnati players to spar with offline/online? I don't have Fb so I know a lot of local players are in those groups. Wasn't sure who'd be on reddit.

submitted by /u/ronthalegend
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What do you enjoy about FGC streams? Is there anything you want to see that isn't currently being done?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:50 AM PST

Hi guys, Sheldon here.

Recently I've been working day and night on my stream. I've been trying to think of new and fun ways of breaking up the constant ranked grind, and while I have a few ideas I'm going to be doing, I'd love some community feedback.

Is there anything you think would work great in an SFV stream that streamers aren't currently already doing?


submitted by /u/SheldonRedditing
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Missing Street Fighter EX Games

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:33 AM PST

Who misses this game? It's sad that this was not hyped unlike the others... :(

submitted by /u/Dreimon06
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Understanding Zeku (or stance characters in general)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:09 AM PST

So I (usually ultra silver/gold Ryu/Sakura/Alex main) have been trying to learn Zeku, since I really like the aesthetics of his moves and how he moves about.

But I'm really struggling with figure out when to stance swap between the forms. I usually find myself playing only Old Zeku, and I have no idea when I should be old and when I should be young. It feels like vs a certain character I would simply just want to stay one form, even when trying out VT2 I would just switch back ASAP. So how do I think about stances with Zeku? Or any stance character in general.

I also struggle a bit with a general gameplan with Zeku, I have fun with him but I dont know what to focus on during a fight...

submitted by /u/Flygplanet
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Extra Battles not working right

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:17 PM PST

Cammy White (Alpha/Zero) by Niku Senpai

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:35 PM PST

Anyone else find it funny that Urien is overshadowing Gill in SFV even though Urien was always meant to be in Gill's shadow?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:38 AM PST

Like seriously the whole point of Urien is that he was always in his brother's shadow and jealous of his position yet in SFV it's the other way around. Urien is playable in SFV while Gill is not, Urien gets a Gill costume, Urien is the final boss of the SFIII arcade mode and Urien just gets more attention than Gill.

Can we please just get Gill as a playable character in SFV? C'mon Capcom, I'm begging you here make Gill playable and show how much of a badass he is.

submitted by /u/DeadAmongUs
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Blanka Frame Data including normals, throws, specials, KD advantage and anti-gimmick notes

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 04:07 PM PST

Sajam tells such a good story - WNF Blanka-Chan

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:11 PM PST

How to Bait a Critical Art Mid-Combo

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:19 AM PST

Need Help Menat VT1

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST


During VT1, if we throw orbs ( QCF + P ) the ball from the VT is also thrown and the only way to prevent it is by holding the Punch button, right ?

But here :

AutoMattock do not hold the LP button when he is doing QCF+LP and the LP ball from the VT are not thrown. So i don't understand ... when i try in training mode it's impossible. The only way to prevent it is by holding LP after the LP orbs. How can he spam like that ?

submitted by /u/CisgenrePenisDoncH
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How the f*** do you practice light confirms/counterhit?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST

So, I'm super platinum .. and I play pretty casually.. but.. it seems like every other day (only time I get to play) I'm in training mode .. set the dummy to random block and I go to work.. and I can honestly say I'm pretty good at it... but here is my problem.. once I'm in a match it's like I don't remember ANYTHING .. so this is my question how do you get comfortable with lights IN GAME? Any advice is appreciated & if it helps I main Cammy (lights are 40% of her game) and I play Juri

submitted by /u/DontGetMurked
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Funny thing about Blanka

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

Has anyone else noticed? When you charge down back and then forward with punch to do a Blanka ball and your brass hand comes flying off?! Has anyone else noticed? Have ya?

submitted by /u/thefauxbot
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How do you ex lightning in vt1 like this? Cant figure it out

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST

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