Hearthstone - Mammoth Moments Celebration - Reddit Edition!

Mammoth Moments Celebration - Reddit Edition!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:33 AM PST

As the Year of the Mammoth draws to a close, Blizzard is celebrating Mammoth Moments by calling all content creators to showcase their best moments on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Here is the official announcement.

So Reddit, show us your best gameplay clips, screenshots and fan art (Reminder - No NSFW!) from the year of the giant woolly beast in right here in our very own thread of mammoth proportions!

submitted by /u/ZedHS
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Making friends in the dumpster

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:48 AM PST

How to counter Ultimate Infestation.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:02 AM PST

The Yogg Giveth...

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:04 AM PST

Interesting Interaction: Silencing the Darkness, then Copying it.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:07 PM PST

New Hearthstone Class?????

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:14 AM PST

That’s a creative way to use Millhouse

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:11 AM PST

The only card you can have twice in your Reno Arena deck

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:50 AM PST

Hearth Arena doesn't like Gorehowl at all...

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:23 PM PST

3X10=30. EZ game

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:16 PM PST

My Recombobulator turned into a miracle worker in wild arena

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:30 PM PST

When Skull of the Man'ari was first revealed people said it was trash because it summoned demons at the start of your turn, but now that's the only reason it's viable

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:38 AM PST

Really weird to see how the community didn't see the opportunity with cubes

submitted by /u/VariableWalrus
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Were you looking for Barnes ?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:25 AM PST

"Welcome to the Grand Tournament, Champion." "Gaaaah" "Welcome to the Grand Tournament, Champion."

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:21 PM PST

You guys ever get the play 50 rogue card quest?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:39 PM PST

FFA should I get the 8/8 ?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:33 AM PST

Al'Akir badly needs a buff

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:38 PM PST

[Serious] For a game emphasizing fun, crazy card interactions, with a casual oriented approach, Hearthstone focus too much into winning, imo (with tl,dr)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:20 AM PST


If a player is anything other than a "whale"/BIG spender, chances are that gold is relevant for him/her and, since beta, when HS didn't have an e-sports ambition, that was strongly tied to winning. I thing that's controversial, design-wise.

The netdecks, the meta, the wins, but were the casual fun went, again?

We live in a world where netdecking exists. It exists since the dial-up days, on Magic: The Gathering. There is no escape from that. A handful of decks will dominate "the meta" for anything ressembling competitive play, making it somewhat stale after a certain point.

HS probably could have reduced that by not focusing on winning since the beginning, specially because the game seems to be designed around "crazy fun duels" AND has a casual approach.

Let's take an entirely different game for context - Poker. Poker players don't play for the crazy random interations, winning in a strategic manner is kind of the game thing. Rewarding wins more than you reward participation is nothing but expectable.

Hearthstone, however, should have followed a different path (imo). It should reward people for playing 10 games, playing 3 games with a class, chests based on the number of games played, etc. That would give us the chance of getting at least one casual multiplayer mode (that's actually casual, not "gold farming mode").

People could argue that it would lead to conceding, however, they could use a system like the friendly challenge one. Because the current system actually rewards conceding:

  • You are playing Rock because Scissors is popular - you just concede when you see a Paper, because farming gold for the next rotation is a thing and playing against Paper would be a "waste". (That's what you do when you are playing Dude Paladin - a huge variety of "Scissors", tho)

This brings us to problem number 2: for a competitive, serious, game, HS has way too much "clown fiesta", non-interactive, moments. If you reward winning above pretty much anything else, it turns a game with a great pitch into something more stressful than it should be. That's why it should reward playing above everything else, imo.

The rats' race

HS needs to make money, I get it, but if you have a huge successful game, you can more or less counting on two things: whales and people with a winning mentality. If you slap the word ladder in your game just because, that's enough to draw the "winners". The problem with HS is that it seems to neglect the rest of players, that came for the "crazy fun" pitch, turning the game into a "rats race":

"Farm gold - Spend Gold (and some $) on new packs - Wait two weeks and save dust, because it doesn't come easily - Craft meta decks -> Farm gold..."

This might be ok for some people that only care about wins but, unless you are blessed by RNG to open all the epics and legendaries for a fun deck; odds are that you will stick to meta decks, high tier ones. And the people look for fun, not a part-time job, feel "left out" - or that "they didn't get enough for their $/time".

Even if you aren't easily sway from your fun goals and would rather spend your hard earned dust into a "meme deck", well, there will be no real "casual mode" to play it, safe from tier 1 meta decks... I'm starting to suspect that this is a even bigger problem than the prices/dust mechanics. Either you will get sucked into the rats race or those people will take away your fun, by taking over casual mode. A whale that spends $ for a golden collection AND wants to play fun meme decks would probably quit - and that's a problem (since whales are really important to keep the f2p possible, the more, the merrier).

Conclusion/mandatory tl,dr

Yes, dust and costs are a problem, but I'm starting to think that pigeonholing all player demographies into a "farming wins meta", across all the multiplayer game modes, is THE problem which made the "crazy fun" game start to go wrong. All in all, selling a "casual fun" game and delivering only the usual "cutthroat competitive card game meta" on multiplayer is, best case scenario, weird. Based on it's premise, HS should reward "just" playing way more*

*For some people, if expansion nº 6 made less money than expansion nº 5, that's "going wrong" for some people - you can only play the "increased average users" card for so long... Anther thing that increases MAUs is to reward playing casually, btw.

submitted by /u/Baron-Scarpia
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150 IQ play

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:16 PM PST

Has anyone ever discarded anything other than Bloodreaver Gul'dan while it's in your hand?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:42 PM PST

I'm only slightly kidding. I've watched that DK get tossed every single time.

submitted by /u/DanielAlexHymn
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Chakki's decks for wild tournament

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:32 PM PST

Between a growing card pool, the supposed power creep and several nerfs, do we have too many dead cards?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:05 AM PST

Premise: I'm a mediocre player that mostly plays to complete daily quests and I seldom venture beyond rank 10. So I'm writing this post only out of curiosity.

Probably the fact that my collection is far from complete makes this issue even more relevant as it is quite hard for me to get that specific legendary and I usually have to make do with what I've got. My point is explained better that I could ever do in this post, although it is now really old.

In general I think the devs do a good job at keeping the game in a relatively healthy state, but why do they only tune down busted or broken cards, sometimes obliterating them, while never adjusting those that have been proved weak? I understand the need for pack fillers, because sales, profit and all that, but just look at how many legendary cards never see play in both standard and wild. Doesn't that feel like a complete waste? We're not talking about redesigning anew and investing tons of resources. It doesn't sound crazy to me to consider a tweak to certain stat lines or mana costs to bring a Knuckles, a Boogeymonster or a Hobart Grapplehammer back from the dead - and I don't think I mentioned the actual worst ones.

EDIT: I mentioned a few legendary cards just because they were the first that came to my mind but the most striking example is probably Warsong Commander.

submitted by /u/virgilivs
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7 mana Mind Control

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:57 AM PST

A call to modify Naga Sea Witch

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:24 PM PST

Hi Blizzard, this is a player from the Chinese server. I'm a Wild player and the best ladder rank I've got is about Legend 1800. After the nerfs of Patches, Raza, etc., Warlock has definitely risen as the most popular class both in Wild and Standard. However, a deck constructed around Naga Sea Witch, Giant Warlock, has been one of the most boring deck both to play with and against. If a Giant Warlock has all its AOEs before turn 5 and is holding Naga Sea Witch with a couple of giants, its opponent might just immediately lose the game unless he's very lucky. I'm not sure if this is the case for the American server also, but the existence of this extremely boring and overpowered deck has been a very destructive influence on the Wild ladder and really hurts us players' game experience. PLEASE modify this card, Naga Sea Witch, blizzard. Thanks so much for reading my post!

submitted by /u/CNHeart_eartH
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