Smite - SML European and North America Open Brackets!

SML European and North America Open Brackets!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:58 AM PST

The SMITE Minor League Open Bracket Qualifiers are going on right now, with tons of teams competing to earn there time in the spotlight.

The European Open Bracket is today, and the North American one is tomorrow after (starting at 11:00 AM EST). Hi-Rez is not broadcasting this event, due to their SPL office being renovated, so I'll link Streamers here. If you know someone who is streaming, but they aren't listed, just give me the channel name and I'll add it.

European Open Bracket


Here's a list of streams where you can watch (on either Twitch or Mixer)

Top 8 Teams:

Here's a link to the Bracket.

These are the teams that will advance to the Group Stage next week:

North American Open Bracket

Tomorrow at 11:00 AM

submitted by /u/beatlesboy67
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How good is Vote's Anubis?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:16 PM PST

Please change the fox chest

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:26 PM PST

Its not okay to grind for over an hour to just get a booster or an emote. Make it give either the skin, 100-200fp or an actual enigma chest thats not rigged to just give emotes.

submitted by /u/flarezi
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This Cabrakan’s reaction made my day

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST

Vamana’s Mana Costs

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:15 PM PST

At max level his all his abilities cost 100 mana, except for his 1 which costs 90 mana. It's quite high and since others are receiving buffs that reduce mana usage I think it would be fitting to lower his as well.

submitted by /u/Yewzer_Wun
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What are the odds...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:12 PM PST

Playing Terra in duel montage :)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:35 PM PST

Chibi Achilles

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:29 AM PST

Suggestion: HiRez should tell us what’s been added to Enigma chests, Awesome chests, etc. each patch.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:47 AM PST

Some of us have an abundance of chests like this and every patch we open them until we get a booster which is a waste of a chest. It'd be nice to know how much has been added each patch.

submitted by /u/Roids_P_Manlon
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Hi-Rez are arachnophobic

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:37 PM PST

Arachne is one of my favorite gods, I think she is a very strong jungler. I love the majority of her skins however, I feel like they all carry sinister undertones, most notably 'Ma Chérie'. I understand that a lot of people are afraid of spiders therefore going for the darker, more evil tone is more 'edgy'. I just think it would be really cool to have some bright colors, make her a little bit more flamboyant. Any thoughts or opinions?

submitted by /u/Vorbidox
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Need some drop rates on chests on SMITE!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:28 AM PST

Just your weekly rant about chest drop rates on SMITE. I know this is a topic beaten to death already but come on it's 2018 and Hi-Rez still doesn't show drop rates on chests. I'm mainly posting this because Riot decided to release some info regarding drop rates on their chests. With SMITE's cosmetics being mostly through chests I think it's due time we knew these drop rates as well! Rolling a chest and getting a ward skin already feels bad when u paid more than what they normally cost. The least you can do is show some "justification" on why we got that ward skin instead of the sweet skin we were targeting.

P.S. I showed my friend some cool skins from SMITE and he was pretty impressed but when I told him about how chests are he was quickly turned off.

P.P.S. Hi-Rez get with the times!

submitted by /u/b0kkr
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Jing Wei mains, I need your help!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:38 PM PST

I am trying to get better with Jing Wei and was wondering what you think about some things.

First of all, The build I use is from . I use the Crit build from Barra but feel like its not doing the damage mid game. Also, how do play her early game. She drinks her mana. What do you max on her? I tend to max the 1,2,4,3 but I feel like its wrong.

As for her steroid, when should you knock yourself up to get the attack speed steroid and when should use it to poke? Also, general Adc mechanics would be appreciated. I am a Solo/Supp and have the mindset to get in and tank. What kind of mindset should I have for adc(more specifically for Jing)

submitted by /u/blackskull345
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TFW you have to put your own dog down

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:58 PM PST

How hard was the freya nerf

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:33 PM PST

Seriously I keep seeing it was a lot and now she's shit. Is it true. I don't understand how she is shit now.

submitted by /u/ViraLCyclopes
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Spicy Ganesha Play

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:28 PM PST

What's the most assists in a match ever?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:22 PM PST

Got to love five sobeks

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:48 AM PST

ICYMI: my NRG roster breakdown

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:25 AM PST

A bit of fun math about Zhong Carry

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:24 PM PST

So I was having some fun the other day playing around with Zhong Kui in the ADC role, which is honestly quite fun. But what was really fun was when I realized that at Level 1, if you Level your Book of Demons first, Zhong's basics can actually hurt more than just about any Hunter's with the right start. I did a quick little bit of math on it just to see some number comparisons.

So here's some numbers between Zhong and a few of the more relevant hunters, indicating which item combos are at work. For the Hunters, I opted for the combination of Hunter's Blessing + Mace (The tier 1 of Jotun's wrath) because it provides the most physical power of any combination of things you can get at Level 1 with 1500 Gold. So bear in mind while looking at this that while these are the numbers these Hunters can reach, most of them won't, since buying Tier 1 boots (which provides 0 physical power) is usually starting priority.

Zhong Kui: Hunter's Blessing + Emerald Ring (1300 Gold): 52 Base, + 26 from Book of Demons = 78 total Per Basic

Verdict: 3% Move speed from Emerald Ring is half of what Shoes provides, which is still a nice something to start with at least, and this start leaves you with enough gold leftover for a couple health and mana pots. As such, Zhong can sustain in lane for the first few levels, earning his way into his 1 and 2 and thus providing himself with more sustain and tankiness from that combo. Since you start with the Book leveled, pair him with a Support that has a good clear ability, like Bacchus or Athena, so that he can safely reach Level 2 and get his 1 online. The slow + Tick damage it provides, on top of his basics, means Zhong can really bully his enemy carry early when played right.

Hou Yi: Hunter's Blessing + Mace (1350 Gold): 70 per Basic

Verdict: Hou Yi comes close, but has less leftover gold for pots. Additionally, without boots, his speed is equal to Zhong's with the Emerald Ring, so he can't really outposition him at Level 1. He gets the benefit of more reliable clear though, making him less Support-dependent.

Cernunnos: Hunter's Blessing + Mace (1350 Gold) + Summer Stance Level 1: 72 per Basic, +18 If he is in Heavy Glaive striking range

Verdict: Cernunos is the only one who can outdamage Zhong's basics at Level 1 (by himself), but he has to be within melee range of his target to make it work and has to take Shifter of Seasons at Level 1, which means sacrificing his Clear Ability (which, to be fair, Zhong also has to do to get his basic attack damage that high). However, due to the requirement of Melee range for his Glaive, it also means he puts himself in more danger trying to compete with Zhong's damage against the minion wave.

Skadi: Hunter's Blessing + Mace (1350 Gold): 65 per Basic, +26 from Kaldr if he also hits Skadi's target at the same time

Verdict: Kaldr gives Skadi an edge that enables her to deal more basic attack damage than Zhong by having him target the same target Sakdi is hitting, and since he can be used at Level 0, she doesn't have to sacrifice her clear to do this at Level 1. She's also faster than Zhong even without Boots while he has Emerald Ring, so she has a number of advantages in this matchup. Unfortunately, unlike Zhong's book, Kaldr can be dismissed via receiving damage, and can even be interrupted out of it by Zhong's stun (which no longer puts the book's shots on cooldown now). So Kaldr doesn't quite have the luxury of being able to be out all the time. Pair Skadi with a support with strong peel like Khepri or Athena and you can help her avoid getting bullied. Otherwise, Zhong can gradually deal with Kaldr and still force Skadi out of lane eventually.

Ah Muzen Cab: Hunter's Blessing + Mace (1350 Gold): 68 per Basic

Verdict: Fairly straightforward, Muzen Cab has weaker basics by ten points. However, he is slower without boots unless he has a Hive nearby, which he won't because no one is taking that at Level 1 and sacrificing clear. Muzen Cab is forced to hang back at Level 1 lest he boiled down quickly by faster enemies, but his wave clear ability puts him in a comfortable position for avoiding being bullied too hard. Just remember you don't have a real escape though, and Zhong can always pick up Horrific Emblem just for the sake of settling that matchup (not at all an uncommon choice given his Ult, either).

Ullr: Hunter's Blessing + Mace (1350 Gold): 68 per Basic

Verdict: Same as AMC in terms of his Basic damage, but Ullr is slower than both AMC and Zhong without his boots. He has very strong clear for Level 1 (though that is catching a nerf), but even so, his 1 is also his Axe stun, which is what makes him so dangerous (and kinda dumb, lol). Still, with the move speed disadvantage, he'll have a harder time landing it, and can get stunned himself by Zhonger Donger. Assuming Zhong has that good-clearing Support I mentioned earlier, like Bacchus, Ullr can end up paying for it badly if he tries to flex on Zhong at Level 1. He will also need a heavy peel support to avoid bullying.

Do please note that I am by no means a professional player or anything, these are just my assessments based on my experiences using Zhong, the math on the basics, and general game sense as a fairly experienced player.

Also, reiteration: Most Hunters are going to prioritize their boots first over a power item, and so will arrive in lane with HB and Tier 1 boots, which means their Basics won't even be doing as much as I have indicated above. This can give Zhong a very strong early advantage where wave clear is concerned, as he and his support will kill the enemy minions faster than the other carry can do the same, giving Zhong freedom to start attacking his foe backed by his surviving minions. Transcendence builds were not calculated here since Hunters that go for that Start (starting with T1 or T2 Morningstar) are going to have even less power than the HB+Mace combo.

Also a final reminder: This damage is only concerned with minions. Due to the varying Protections on Gods, you can expect that these are not the exact numbers these gods will be putting out when attacking each other. This is just Level 1 wave clear numbers.

submitted by /u/thatendyperson
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Quick montage of some funny stuff from yesterday

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:38 AM PST

Towers get no respect

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

I'm coming over to Smite from Paragon and still getting my feet wet. Is it me or do towers get even less respect in Smite than they do in Paragon? The damage is pretty laughable... Is this deliberate or is HiRez planning on buffing the towers? I've run to the "safety" of the towers more than once to just have the opponent come in and kill me.


submitted by /u/WalkingParadox42
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What puts you on "competition" mode

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:33 PM PST

When I see a 10 star Susano/Aphro or Loki. The spam laugh feels soooo good to show them up.

submitted by /u/daji1
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2 Arena Juggernauts spawned in our arena. 1 was glitched and stayed there. (It could still be targeted and attacked.)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:17 AM PST

It’s been a while since the last one, and a lot has changed since then but, what are your unpopular or controversial opinions in Smite?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:52 AM PST

Does the jungle support just not work on console?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:47 AM PST

I've seen the top streamers run jungle support. I tried copying it in ranked, but my hunter loses lane, and I up underleveled - lower level than the enemy support. I run the same routes Incon runs, but it never seems to work. Is it just something that doesn't work well on console, yet?

submitted by /u/lJUSTNEEDANANSWER
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