Heroes of the Storm - Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | February 24 - March 02

Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | February 24 - March 02

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

Are you a new streamer looking to get your name out there? Maybe you just need someone to watch after a long tiring week? Ask for recommendations on what streams to watch or promote your own stream in the comments.

Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.

Previous Streaming Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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TIL that Boss' locust on Warhead give more xp than minions and can be farmed as 4th lane

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:49 AM PST

I was always ignoring locusts treating them as projectiles (kind of). And today someone told me they give xp! So I immediately hopped into a custom game to test this.

Here's the video

Each locust was giving 100xp (at 12 min). I failed in the end but with a proper kiting they can be farmed indefinitely (and eventually you can take the boss as a bonus). Since xp income is limited by minion waves this additional income might be crucial in getting ahead of your enemies.

P.S. Boss appears at 5 min mark.

submitted by /u/rumovoice
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Exploiting TL

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:59 PM PST

So me and my buddies were enjoying some rounds in TL until we came across a 5 stack of known high ranking players (GM's in HL/TL). Now we always take it as a challenge or a learning experience to be matched against players that are on a higher skill level than us, no big deal if we lose... until draft ends and the loading screen shows up...

Their 5 stack composed of 4 GM's and 1 Bronze player. My team composed of Master players and 2 Gold players. We already know this match was going to be tough but to be farmed by an exploit in matchmaking is just bogus.

Match ends, we lost badly, oh well.. looking up the season statistic history of the enemy team and well... you see this


This isn't something new but its definitely something wrong that has been going on for a loooooong time. Tanking an accounts MMR then grouping with high rank's just to climb the ladder is pathetic. Blizzard, having a party rank cap on TL would fix this. No reason the highest rank division in the game would be in a TL party with the lowest rank division.

TL,DR : A bunch of mouth breathers exploiting matchmaking in TL.

submitted by /u/xWretchedWorldx
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Why can Silenced players use Voice chat?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:25 PM PST

seems kinda ass backwards to me. if someone was being horrible enough in chat, why would you let them continue to be horrible on voice? is it a bug or not implemented fully yet?

submitted by /u/deshfyre
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Voice chat was a fantastic step towards improving the competitive play experience of HotS. The next step is allowing hero swaps.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:36 AM PST

Not being able to swap heroes prevents players from making the best competitive choices for bans and picks.

If I am the first player to pick a hero, and I cannot play a hero that is very strong in the meta and on the map, but someone else on my team can and is willing to play that hero, my entire team is hindered because of the randomness of the pick order and the lack of hero swaps in the game.

Take the time to implement it Blizzard and the ranked play experience will probably be superior to Dota 2 or LoL.

submitted by /u/Stiverton
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The Mewn Bam Bam Grand Slam is live

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:35 AM PST

TIL: Artanis' Phase Prism Model does not fire from the center of Artanis (but the impact does)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:41 PM PST

No wonder I have few Artanis games today that the prism went though the enemy, but it didn't swap.

Here is the casting: https://gfycat.com/FamousPinkFireant

And here is the impact: https://gfycat.com/RegalUnawareDeviltasmanian

Also useless fact, when using Dash, use W can cancel the animation (no mobility), makes it looks so wired: https://gfycat.com/NippyReasonableCheetah

submitted by /u/jamiephan
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Critical Hanzo Bug playing against Chromie

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:37 PM PST

Just experienced a game breaking bug playing as Hanzo against Chromie. If you're charging your Q and get Time Trapped by her E, once you come out you cant use any abilities anymore.

submitted by /u/Camefrombutt
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Here's a list of reasons not to push the enemy teams core and win the game

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

  • You can't get xp off the core
  • The minion wave might push our core if fewer than most of the team doesn't defend
  • Why not take a fort instead? That way we can get the keep next time and then the core
  • When you think about it, 60 seconds isn't really that long
  • The boss will take care of it
  • Hold on, the objective is about to spawn
  • Yeah but if you take all the forts, then you win for sure
  • We barely won that last fight, we'll probably win the next one
  • Oh sorry, I tabbed out to update my tinder profile
  • I treat these games like I default on my student loans, I'll get to them eventually.

*Turns out, that was actually a good idea and I'm glad we didn't push

submitted by /u/Sean12434
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I think slowing down hero releases will hurt this game more than it would bring good

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:17 AM PST

Most people use argument that when Hero Releases slow down, we can get more Hero Reworks and Balance Patches. Even tho I think it would be completely fine to get both ( I guess fund is low for the game unfortunately) at the same time.

What do we do when we get all the reworks? Hero releases will be slow then too. Are we gonna cycle infinitely into reworking heroes over and over, year after year. Balancing Heroes patch after patch. Its never gonna stop, why do people think more Balance Patches and Reworks will make all heroes viable and playable? Its never gonna happen, no matter how hard you try.

This game is called HEROES of the Storm for a reason. I don't want to wait 3 years to see some of my favorite Blizzard heroes in this game. I know it cannot happen instantly but delaying it sure doesn't help either.

It already feels kinda ,,stale''. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but god damn, waiting 5-6 weeks for new heroes while we were getting new Heroes 3-4 weeks before sure feels bad. I know slowing down needs to happen at some point, but this feels to early in my opinion. And I kinda secretly hoped before that they will never slow down, that they will add all our favorite heroes from all universes but that sounds more and more like a dream each day. Now it feels like we need to pick top few heroes that we really want and hope that they will reach the game in atleast 3 years.

This is just my 2 cents on this. I know that some of you enjoy reworks ( I do my self, but I'd rather take a hero than a rework) and balance patches ( Which I think we should get without slowing the Hero release, like what??). Anyway I hope we all get the heroes we want in somewhat near future.

submitted by /u/Wersus69
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Stats of the Storm: A new personal/league replay parsing and stats app that also detects bsteps

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:04 AM PST

hey i wrote a thing

In the interest of keeping this post short-ish, I'll say that most of the features and screenshots of the app are in Info and screenshots and I'll give a summary below:


  • Open source parser and stats app
  • Presents all stats hidden in replay files (clutch heals, teamfight damage, escapes, etc.)
  • An as detailed as possible match timeline
  • Did you know you can track mercenary uptime in addition to captures? This app can.
  • Track your taunt stats, including takedowns within a 5 second window of the taunt, and a count of how many times you died within 5 seconds of taunting. Yes this includes bsteps.
  • View stats for every player in the database, including map win rates, individual hero stats, awards, win rate over time, talent choices, and more
  • Create teams to track how you and your friends do together, or use them to create a database of scrims, or use them in a league like NGS/Chair League/HGC to track stats for all involved teams.
  • Use Collections to keep fast access to your favorite matches, or to create divisions. Check out the HGC demo database to see collections and teams in action.
  • Built in HotsAPI/HotsLogs uploader
  • Movable database
  • Automatic app updates (uhhh hopefully, I tested this like once)


  • Windows x64 only (for now, if you have a mac and want to help we can get a Mac version up pretty fast I think)
  • English Replays Only. Sorry KR/CN/a lot of EU I didn't get Locallization support ready for first release. I'll get something up soon hopefully.
  • This app isn't signed because I'm a grad student with not so much money, so you'll have to tell windows that you trust a random person on the internet to install the app.
  • award stats might get funky for pre-2.0 replays

Find a bug? Got a comment? Got a feature suggestion? Let me know! You can DM me on Discord (falindrith#0623) or on Telegram (@falindrith). Or if you find a bug, no need to DM just file an issue on the GitHub page. Have fun!

Also shout out to the heroes-talents repository, which powers the talent descriptions, images, and hero icons in the app. If you're building an app, check them out since they do all the heavy lifting of extracting the images and info for you.

[edits: formatting]

submitted by /u/falindrith
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Hammertime thruster mine talent is a bit silly - Solo boss with Hammer

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:10 AM PST

[2018 HGC] Western Clash UNOFFICIAL Teaser

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:51 AM PST

TIL: Some skins, mounts and sprays are banned in pro games

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:05 PM PST

  • Prohibited animated sprays: All Animated Sprays
  • Prohibited character skins: Archangel Diablo, Twilight Archangel Diablo, Skyborne Archangel Diablo, Toxic Archangel Diablo, Cyberhawk Kael'thas, Sapphire Cyberhawk Kael'thas, Cyberhawk Kael'thas, Spectre Cyberhawk Kael'thas, Maraudin' Muradin, Raider Maraudin' Muradin, Dominion Maraudin' Muradin, Umojan Maraudin' Muradin, Striker Li-Ming, Scarlet Striker Li-Ming, Canary Striker Li-Ming, Sapphire Striker Li-Ming, Mecha Tyrael, Strike Mecha Tyrael, Deathreaper Mecha Tyrael,
  • Prohibited character mounts: Arthas Bat Form, Kerrigan Bat Transformation, Prohibited mounts, Invisible Horse,

More rules: https://heroeshype.com/naopen/

submitted by /u/shanadar
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What's wrong with combo Stukov?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:41 AM PST

When Stukov first came out, I no-lifed him and played the combo build religiously (Pustule quest level 1, Targeted Excision level 7 for the reset, Universal Carrier and other enablers. (Virulent Reaction, late-game Bio-Explosion Switch) Basically when played right by level 13 you could have a permanent 5 second uptime on Bio-Kill Switch with good aim.

It's a little rough for QM because in the billions of matches where no one gets a tank, there's no target for it and you can get poked out pretty hard. However, although it's very hard to play, I find it hard to believe that it's not even mentioned as a build anymore when it gives you half of a teamwide Ancestral Healing every 5 seconds.

Is a more-annoying silence really worth all of that?

submitted by /u/765Bro
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Diablo global charging enemy team

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:07 AM PST

Tyrael's trait being useful

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:10 PM PST

HGC China: The Road to the Eastern Clash

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:30 AM PST

Overall, I would say this game is much less toxic than other MOBAs in general

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 06:32 AM PST

Just my own two cents. I started playing both HoTS and LoL one year ago (occasionally visiting other mobas for pc and iphone) and toxicity is always a problem. However, overall I feel like HoTS is so much better at keeping toxicity on a lower level (at least in normals/quick match) for a hand full of reasons:

  • the matches are much shorter (HoTS QM = 15 ~20 min, LoL Blind/Draft = 30 ~50 min, (no one feels trapped in a loosing game that bleeds out over 30 minutes)

  • no surrender option (people fight over this so much in other games and some like LoL show who started the surrender vote which often times lead to a small bully experience towards that person)

  • cross team chat is doesnt exist (no-brainer)

  • shared experience/no gold (this one is huge, I'm not sure what it is, but people straight up eat each other in LoL over farm)

  • friendlier punishment system (instead of a leave buster like having to wait 20 minutes for 5 games before entering queue, HoTS makes you play with other leavers for a few games)

  • everyone can play exactly the role/hero they want in QM (no brainer, especially when a new hero comes out, people fighting over roles/champs and being auto-filled causes so much drama)

  • carrying basically doesn't exist/team-effort is more important (some criticized this, I say it's brilliant. People have to work as a team here even more, no one can alone get everyone through this)

  • much better balance (now this is a bit of a personal preference, but I would say HoTS is among the most balanced mobas, you have no Yasuo, Katarina, Zoe, Riven etc, these broken champs that kill entire teams)

  • chat is by default disabled (can be disabled in the preferences), really head over to the LoL sub, they really want this feature

  • everyone feels equal, I never had an experience in HoTS where the enemy team was so far ahead that a comeback wasn't possible while in currency-based MOBAs snowballing team are VERY hard to stop, once they are ahead it's usually over

  • early mistakes are much more forgivable here (not quite sure why that is, probably due to the shared level-system)

  • you can complete quests even if you loose (some MOBAs have this quest system like win 5 games, kill 20 enemies in ranked (?!) etc. that rely on you winning. For the most part, HoTS quest are more simple like play 3 times support, play 2 OW heroes. Easy stuff)

I know the game isn't perfect and it received plenty of criticism over the time. But if I have to compare my entire MOBA experiences over the last year, I would say HoTS got it right.

tl;dr Blizzard is doing a good job in removing certain communication and gameplay features that cause plenty of toxicity in other MOBAs

submitted by /u/WuxiaLover93
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How do you set up a 3v3 on the ARAM map?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:24 PM PST

Every time we try it makes us pick random heroes like in brawl.

submitted by /u/iiicarus91
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Anubarak beetles probably need a buff now that towers don’t have ammunition

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:08 PM PST

They have only around 2/3 the HP of a ranged minion throughout the game, and the damage is relatively low / unimpactful. They used to be good for soaking tower shots but without ammunition they really don't do much, except block a couple of skill shots throughout the game.

Would be cool to have a viable beetle build with him. The talent upgrades for those aren't worth it with how quickly they die.

submitted by /u/ESOLurker101
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Voice Chat has let me draft my main, Abathur, in HL more often!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:23 PM PST

Hey, I'm an "Abathur main" but I rarely ever actually play him in HL (only 2 games as Abathur in HL in each of the last 2 seasons) because I used to find it hard to communicate properly how to draft around Abathur in draft.

This, on top of the fact that he's a niche pick who's somewhat dependent on what the enemy team has and what map we're on, has made it so I could not pick Abathur 90% of the time in the past in draft unless I already knew my teammates beforehand.


For that reason, along with other reasons, I have not played HL much recently. Today, I just played a set of games where I experienced a ton of support from my teammates in voice chat during the draft mode. In around half of these games, my teammates identified that my B.Net name was Abathur and instantly started communicating ways to draft around an assumed Abathur pick from me, even when the map was not right.

This is really an eye-opening experience, because I often had trouble gauging in the past whether my teammates knew how to play around Abathur or not, so I rarely ever seriously considered playing him in HL. Now, with voice chat, I've been able to pick my main more often, and I'm really happy about this.

I've also been getting so many complements from my teammates in game over my mediocre (although rarely seen in plat HL) Abathur skills, and that's honestly making me so happy right now :D. Voice chat is awesome!

submitted by /u/DlSSONANT
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What were the best series to watch for EU HGC during Phase 1?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:03 PM PST

Looking for something to watch during bye week, I watch all the NA games on the HotS youtube channel. Since I'm current on NA and they don't play until Midseason Brawl, I'm looking for something to watch in the interim.

What were the best series to watch from EU this split? Great matches? Ones that will help me know what I'm looking at for the Brawl?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/EwokDude
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Game is unplayable on EU

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:14 AM PST

Since the voice chat patch my latency went from 60 to 150 for some reason. EU servers has lag spikes issues every day for the last 2 weeks. what is the deal with the servers? cant play the game anymore and didn't find any response from blizzard on the matter.

submitted by /u/mcdeepre
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