RimWorld Not That Sneaky (RimWorld Comics)

Not That Sneaky (RimWorld Comics)

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:27 AM PST

This is two seconds before things started spiraling out of control

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:38 PM PST

Randy Prime™ Home Delivery Service

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:47 PM PST

Sure just let me get right on that...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:29 PM PST

Assassination Attempt Leads to War with Outlander Union

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:26 PM PST

So I'm playing Rimworld. I'm many hours into this colony, and I'm in the process of remodeling my kitchen, when I see an alert pop up: "Lily is being burned by superheated air" What the fuck? How did that happen? I quickly scroll up and indeed Lily is injured. She's in the Mayor's (mod) room which is 300 degrees Fahrenheit. He's sleeping, but his wooden dresser is now a pile of rubble.

How the fuck did a fire start in here? Then another alert pops up: "Fire!" I scroll over two room and see a guest from a friendly Outlander base ignite the furniture. I check his stats and yep hes a Pyromaniac, but hes also a known weapons trafficker. I attempt to arrest him so he doesn't light the whole building on fire and the leader of the Faction uses this as an excuse to declare war on me! Suddenly all the guests are hostile, attacking my dudes and killing my puppers.

So basically the Faction Leader sent a Pyro and a known weapons smuggler into my base to break into my Mayor's bedroom and light in on fire while he was asleep and when I arrest the dude trying to murder my colonists he claims it's grounds for war.

I have more than enough silver to buy his favor back but you know what? You want war? I'LL GIVE YOU WAR. I just finished my brand new, late game killbox. THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING TO TRY IT OUT. I will CAPTURE your soldiers, REMOVE their organs, and send them CRAWLING home on peg legs and then I will follow them and BURN your colonies to the GROUND.

You think you can attack my colony in broad daylight and get away with it? I will turn you into KIBBLE feed you to my dogs.

submitted by /u/Mycellanious
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Myles, you okay there?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:38 AM PST

LPT: if you use Prison Labor you can make your prisoners butcher human corpses and have them carry the guilt

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 05:25 AM PST

The prisoners will have the mood debuff but your colonist wont. Also, the prisoners will be fed and you won't have to bury or cremate the corpses.

It's a shame prisoners are not allowed to tailor their own clothes though. I have them mining inside the mountain and cutting the rocks into blocks.

Also the prison is the only place where infestations can occur and I can't say I'm looking forward to that but man is it satisfying to know.

submitted by /u/cilvet
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The pyromaniac in me was like...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:01 PM PST

My Special Colonists

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:06 PM PST

Who's ready for some popcorn?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:08 AM PST

Is there any way to increase the limit for colonists?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:17 PM PST

I know that the story tellers have a limit for how many colonists you should have, and it starts getting exponentially harder to get more colonists after a certain point, is there any way to change this? i've tried to look around in the files, but nothing seems to have changed.

submitted by /u/Kulfyr3
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Posion Ship? Where it is...Oh

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:29 AM PST

Beating up prisoners to gain melee xp is nice i guess

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 03:19 AM PST

EPOE List B18

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:58 PM PST

Doctor with brain damage

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:31 AM PST

My previous best doctor got some brain damage, 40% consciousness, and I put it to lower doctor priority.

But when I put to install a wooden foot on another colonist, for some reason it was the doctor with brain damage that took the job. I didnt notice.

Everyone can probably see where this is going. Yes he failed. he cut of the poor colonists leg. Like, how? you weren't even supposed to do anything that high up on the leg... It was just the foot.

submitted by /u/MihleGaming
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This has been a thoroughly stressful plague

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:07 PM PST


Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:37 AM PST

Someday.... I'll remember not to allow a refugee in.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:32 PM PST

I probably will always say "yes" to refugees, but there are days I really wish I thought it through.

So my desert colony. Going fairly good. 5 inhabitants, building a new prison, just laid sterile tile down in the new hospital (only 1 bed). 4 of the 5 have range weapons. (bolt action rifle, revolver, 2 short bows). So I get a message about a 22 year old lore keeper and say "sure, come on down"... thinking I can stop any attack.

I get 9 sapper raiders, 2 with frag grenades, 1 with molotovs, the rest with guns.........


everyone dies horribly to the frag grenades.

So. Here we go again, what shall I start with this time? :P

submitted by /u/mvargus
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Coming back to Rimworld after 2 year break. Some ESSENTIAL mods

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:49 PM PST

As the title states, I've come into a lot of free time and thought I'd get back into Rimworld. I haven't played in abput 2 years seriously and thought I'd see what you guys think about some essential quality of life mods.

I'm looking for some simple quality of life mods the don't change vanilla all to much as I know the base game has been updated quite a bit since I last played.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/DaveTron4040
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Destroy the Hive, Before the Hive Destroys You

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:38 PM PST

So I, a bit of a noob on my third attempt at being successful, established myself pretty well. I was researching ship parts, had a steady supply of food, several colonists, etc. I really thought I was going to leave the planet and beat the game. But then, in one of my old mines, halfway across the map from my colony, an insectoid infestation occurred. I had dealt with one much closer to home and I wasn't prepared at all. Several colonists were severely injured. So, remembering the ordeal that was the previous encounter, I decided to leave it alone. What harm could come from a single hive halfway across the map?

Cut to a few weeks later and there are now 15 hives and around 45 insectoids. Fearing for my safety a bit (they dug through the wall I used in an attempt to seal it off) I tried to build a wall about halfway between me and them. It was the last mistake I'd make. Something set them off and a whole hoard of insectoids rushed my only working builder (the other didn't have any thumbs or a left eye). After they were done with him, the hoard triggered some turrets, which killed a few, but only enraged the rest. They rushed my colony, destroying walls, solar cells, everything in sight, while killing my cowering colonists. Except two. The only two who are incapable of labor, dumb or skilled, and just about anything else that would be useful for rebuilding a colony. And one of them is binging on yayo while the other is about to die.

10/10 would play again

The Hive


submitted by /u/Archada
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How did my boar manage to go through a mountain and into a insect-infested cave outside his zone?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:43 AM PST

I tried to use a psychic animal pulser for raid defense and it work. REALLY well...perhaps too well...

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 12:35 PM PST

What is the benefit to having prisoners instead of just killing invaders?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:40 PM PST

I don't know a lot about this game so please inform me

submitted by /u/jackblack2323
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