RimWorld Monthly Challenge! -- February 01, 2018

Monthly Challenge! -- February 01, 2018

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:26 AM PST

Attention Colonists! A situation has arrived, and we need your help! In the stickied moderator comment below is a save and a map, last as long as possible, and the winner can win custom flairs or other prizes! I am a bot, so I can't compete. If you'd like a Monthly Bot Competition, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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These raiders brought a 2 hour old baby with them

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:01 PM PST

Hey everyone! Check out my new parka!!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:07 PM PST

Any chance for better building AI in the future? This keeps happening

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:33 AM PST

Doctors in rimworld

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:29 AM PST

I finally launched my first ship. Cassandra Extreme. I learned a lot during my playthrough, 31 lessons I learned.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST


I wanted to share my story, and aslo share some of the lessons I've learned. And maybe spark a discussion on whether some things are too strong/weak. The whole playthrough was pure vanilla and permadeath.

First my colony on take-off: https://imgur.com/a/TV3uK. Scenario was tribal and 40 days growing season. Temperate forest. It wasn't the hardest possible scenario. But Cassandra extreme can be very unfriendly.

Without further ado, 30 lessons I've learned. Some of you might not want to read this and make the mistakes for themselves, but for others:

  1. Floors areoverrated. My colony doesn't have any floors, except for the hospital, and an area behind the killbox (where speed can be vital). I found that cleaning the floor is an annoying task, which nobody likes (making colonists moody). But mostly dirty rooms have a big impact on colonist mood. I really enjoyed the mood stability the no-floor strat gave me. Especially in the aftermath of raids, when cleaning can't be done because you're too busy tending/feeding, not having a dirt debuff can be the difference between a mental break or not. Also it reduces wealth.

  2. Megasloths eat a lot. I had one in my farm area and I tried taming him, but really he just ate too many of my plants, I had to kill him.

  3. Snipers are extremely dangerous. A single shot to the neck can kill a pawn. I have experienced this. I wanted to save a downed pawn, but a sniper shot my brave rescuer through the neck, insta-killing him.

  4. When doing something dangerous (like rescuing a pawn under sniper-fire), send out the most disposable pawn.

  5. Muffalo herds will aggro all together. Herd revenge, most of you proably knew this, but it was new for me.

  6. Don't leave a marblechunk in a dooropening. This mistake brought my colony extremely close to its death. A manhunter pack of cougars attacked my base and I was readying my pawns behind a corridor of deadfalls, but the open door let the cougars get onto my pawns directly, downing all but 1 pawn who couldn't do medical care. Luckily a pawn who could had been downed by an earlier raid/fight but he was still in bed. But after a couple of hours he got up. Just in time to save 3 out of the 5 downed pawns. Still 2 died.

  7. If a pawn of yours is about to die, you may cry, but don't forget to strip him.

  8. Cougars are fast. I would have been able to react if it were a manhunter pack of capybaras. Also when killing a cougar that is killing your animals, you should be extremely careful. Bring all your pawns and:

  9. Don't melee animals, or risk losing fingers.

  10. When a poison/psychic ship hits, set up a defense! Build some walls and some doors and hide behind them. The cover is 100% worth it. Put all of your pawns on construction to do it fast. I also built a field hospital with 2 beds (prebuilt, just install), a torch (light for better care) and brought over medicine for immediate care, reducing infection chances. Lastly some food to feed hurt animals. I am contemplating making a 2x1 table in future playthroughs. (https://imgur.com/a/quGL1). Last but not least, don't make any of these walls out of wood.

  11. You can manipulate untrained animals. It has to be day (or the animals will sleep): set the allowed zone for the animals very small and then move the area on top of an enemy. I used this tactic to fight poison/psychic ships. I never trained "release" on any of my animals.

  12. You can also make animals move at night. Have them sleep on an animal-spot. Then set their allowed area outside of the animal spot, then deconstruct the animal spot. I used this tactic to make my animals move inside my walls during raids.

  13. Don't forget to reconstruct the animal sleeping spots after the raid to be able to use the tactic again.

  14. Animal sleeping spots create home area, which is annoying because your pawns will clean the outside of your base.

  15. Boomrats are funny, they explode. Bonuspoints if the enemy is melee. However I found boars to be more effective as you can create a ball of doom with about 20. They chew through anything, even centipedes. Their only fear is aoe weapons like inferno cannons. I had quite a few of them: https://imgur.com/a/pdg42. I still like boomrats to break sieges. Setting their camp on fire means they will leave it (I think).

  16. When you have a lot of animals you need to have their sleeping spots outside, or they will starve whilst walking towards food. My boomrats already failed their pregnancies in 25% of the time because of starvation.

  17. Animals with asthma are free medicine experience.

  18. When deconstructing your field hospital, make sure that you deconstruct the roof first. Or risk getting the neck of your pawn crushed for an insta-kill.

  19. There is no way to protect the necks of your pawns. No clothing covers that area. (except for power armour)

  20. Resurrector mech serums are pretty good, and they can revive valueable pawns, whose necks have been crushed by roofs you should have deconstructed.

  21. If you want a raiding pawn, shoot him a couple of times and then let him bleed untill he's incapacitated.

  22. If you want a high social skill, just try to recruit a pirate!

  23. Don't have your weaponstash next to your prison. The prisoner will take the weapon and be more dangerous.

  24. If you want to down a prisoner but not kill him, unequipping your sword might seem like a good idea, but its not. The prisoner will take the sword and smash the skull of you poor pawn.

  25. Brain damage can't be healed without rare quest items. Take your loss and euthanize. Also kill the prisoner who did it.

  26. After burning a room of corpses with a Molotov, don't forget to unequip it. A pawn hunting with molotovs is a recipe for disaster (or atleast burns).

  27. Boars are very good animals to send along on caravans. They can graze, they can fight and they're disposable.

  28. Bring medicine on a caravan, preferably some glitterworld.

  29. Bring enough food. You might be attacked halfway through and you'll need more food. If you are to run out you can also settle and gather some more. You can also send out a pawn with food to merge with the other pawn.

  30. If you're trying to merge a downed caravan, you have to do this on the tile where the caravan was coming from, even if it is over halfway to the other tile. I had a colonist starve less than half a tile away from my base.

  31. Your base is disposable, your pawns are not. I had pirates drop on top of my base and I just patiently picked them off 1 by one as they set fire to my living room/workshop. I was also waiting for my boar-deathball to arrive.

I hope your learned something. Most of these lessons I learned the hard way. Maybe they can save your colony. Ofcourse there are many more lessons I learned, but there are some of them. Feel free to ask questions.

submitted by /u/DutchDefender
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Of course...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:36 PM PST

Cassandra Extreme

(if this even matters)

Just now

Early beginnings... colonist decides to go tantrum mode, it's just too darn hot!

Let's see what they're about to destroy to see if it's worth a risk. It's my chemfuel. Which stupidly is just in my regular stockpile. This cannot pass.


Right click


Of course the colonist isn't going down without a fight. Now they're berserk. But that's okay!

I have help.

The friendly neighbors had conveniently parked a pirate trade caravan in my base right before this all went down.

And wouldn't you know it? They have a boomalope and two boomrats for sale! Not for long they don't, as they caravan guards decide to assist me dealing with this unruly mental snap!

Who steps in? OF COURSE-

It's the grenadier and the flame thrower wielders!

...On top of the chemfuel

...Next to the boomalope/rats.

...In my store room.

I just needed to get my feelings out. Thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/JMJ05
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Impressions after my first "melee drop" on an enemy outpost.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:22 PM PST

After 650 hours in the game, I recently did my first melee base raid with a fully EPOE'd individual (advanced power claws and other advanced bionics that let her stay alive after 15 gross infections and a 70%/d bleeding mark with no treatment needed) in power armor and with a shield. Well… IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! I killed 20 people before they fled and then stole their tables. The raid didn't pay off, since I spent more resources on sending the raider and her emergency wingman with a bunch of muffalo to the raiding site than I got out of the raid itself! Still, an awesome experience and an empowering feeling, recommend it to everyone that is in late-game with nothing to do.

P.S.: now my prison has plasteel tables...

submitted by /u/dan_prisoner
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Crappy Comic II- Armor

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:25 PM PST

Working on the sprites to mod my dog into the game!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:54 PM PST

welp. there goes my first attempt on sea ice. completely overrun by two scythers. two fucking scyters

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:14 PM PST

My first attempt at sea ice ended, ironically, in fire.

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:15 AM PST

Heat killbox : anyone else using it ?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST

A few monthes ago, I stopped playing Rimworld, but right before stopping, I was able to make a super-efficient killbox for my colonists (few pictures : https://imgur.com/a/PuolT ).

Around that time, I realized that to down someone, you usually need to incapacitate them, but I've always wondered if there was a way to properly incapacitate them, without causing much damage, while doing it consistently (also, free clothes).

On top of that, I wanted a killbox that would defend easily against animal raids, because Randy LOVES animal raids.

Anyway, so I first tried to use heaters and all, but that was not super efficient. So I figured I could re-use the ideas I've seen on the net, by blocking raiders in a room with fire : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRYVLSzE6dM

But really, it would just burn everything away, since even the raiders' clothes will burn. However, I found out it was possible to lower the heat caused by the fire, by using a lot of space. When you do that, you actually have a little (~5-10seconds) window, during which raiders will be downed, without having their clothes burn under the heat.

If you time things well, you can open the locked room, instantly lowering the heat to outside temperature. Then, you'll have 70-90% of the raiders downed, and only a few burning away. So you focus on stopping the fire, and you have all the time you need (they should stay down for a day or so) to take clothes, guns and recruits you need. Then, you proceed to kill and feed the others for the dogs, and you're set !

So, the trick to block the raiders inside used in the video doesn't work anymore; Instead, you make a snake-like corridor, long enough for your colonists to close both ends and use a molotov on the wood and garbage inside.

TL;DR : Snake-like corridor. Block entrance. Put fire. 70-90% downed, rest dies. Open. Profit.

Note : Sometimes raiders might lose an eye or two in the process.

submitted by /u/Plantarbre
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Raiders tried to break into my base through the Ancient Danger.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:43 AM PST

Life on sea ice on randy extreme with permanent cold snap is harsh. When you come to my place and threaten my best pawns be sure you die fast enough on your way out.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:48 PM PST

Rimworld jokes: How many pyromaniacs does it take to make one parka?

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:05 AM PST

Huh, this game is fun! I think I might be pretty succe-

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:10 PM PST

Temporary colonist?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

Hey folks, I've gotten random events where a colonist said they want to join "temporarily". Are they truly temporary? Will they leave after a while? I want to know before I allow them to train their skills.

EDIT: I flaired the post wrong when I made it; my bad. I definitely run mods, and I definitely have the Hospitality mod running in my current game. It looks like that is probably the culprit.

submitted by /u/jrmint14
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Useless Colonist

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:22 PM PST

What mods should be in Vanilla?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:05 PM PST

So I feel personally that Rimworld is made great by the modding community. I can firmly say that I have never played vanilla RW and I'm proud of that. I just recently got the Children & Pregnancy mod from the forums and it made my play a lot more interesting and it got me thinking "this should be vanilla." So I'm making this post to have r/Rimworld come up with mods that make the game more interesting and maybe can be implemented in the future by Ludeon.

submitted by /u/ChosenChub
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A timber wolf demonstrates how hard it is to kill a turtle.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:12 AM PST

How to Deal with Giant Infestations

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:53 AM PST


Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:45 PM PST

Does anyone know how to make the "Smokeleaf Distillate" from the mod? I have checked every production station and can't figure out how to make it. I have everything researched

submitted by /u/DrLovesFurious
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Best possible melee pawn

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:30 AM PST


since I just got a pawn with Brawler + Nimble + high passion for melee I was wondering what the best items for him would be, or more general: what would the perfect melee soldier look like?

Shieldbelt + Power Armor / Power Helm for sure

What about traits? Nimble + Brawler + Jogger ?

Biggest question for me is the weapon. I've watched Bjorn Strongndarms Video about Melee Combat and it seems like a Thrumbo Horn is the best weapon. Is that still true? It seems weird, i feel like a pawn with 2 Scyther Blades should be better, since you sacrifice his ability to do pretty much anything else, right? I like the idea that the Thrumbo Horn is a strong weapon, since it's hard and dangerous to get, but balance wise it seems like a weapon with zero downsizes should not be better than something that requires full dedication

submitted by /u/matrium0
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