V0.73 and release plans The Forest

V0.73 and release plans

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:57 PM PST

Hey Everyone,

We wanted to share our plans for moving The Forest out of early access and into a full v1.0 release. We're aiming for a release date towards the end of April. We'll have an exact date when we are a bit closer. On release of v1.0 the price will increase from $14.99 USD to $19.99 USD

There are a bunch of new features we've been working on for v1.0, and want to give everyone an idea as to what we're planning on shipping with. Languages and controller support will be improved and officially supported. We're going to be adding new reasons and resources for killing the creepies. There will be a rethinking of the cold and warmth system, including a new warm suit. New buildables will be added. There will be some big performance optimizations especially for late game saves. Changes and improvements to how multiplayer save games work and along with this a bunch of dedicated server improvements. The multiplayer clothing system is being improved and expanded, with a new system to allow you to switch outfits. We'll also give some details about a VR game mode when we are closer to release. Along with a bunch more we don't have room to include here, we have some really crazy and fun surprises in store, especially regarding the ending and are really excited to see what people think.

To focus on pushing this out we're going to stop doing the smaller timed patches. To keep everyone involved in the process leading up to launch and to help ensure the release is as good as it can be, we will be putting out release candidates as we get closer to our first final.

V0.73 patch

Todays v0.73 patch includes a new icon grouping system. This will group icons together based on distance. Large games with lots of structures and in progress buildings will benefit the most.

In addition there are a ton of UI fixes and improvements, and a bunch more bug fixes and tweaks, for the full list visit: http://survivetheforest.com and https://www.facebook.com/SKSgames/posts/2010519405628826

If you are running a dedicated server, you will need to restart your server with the latest version to be compatible with this patch release.

As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub

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