Pokémon GO - Happy to have gotten this shot on Pokemon Day, as Kabutops has always been one of my favorites!

Happy to have gotten this shot on Pokemon Day, as Kabutops has always been one of my favorites!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:14 PM PST

[Art] Have some shoddy morning/aftermoon/evening motivation, everyone.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:37 AM PST

Anybody Else Hate Pikachu’s Catch Rate?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:18 AM PST

I think, for events where there's a hat Pikachu, they should up the Pikachu catch rate. Pikachu has a 20% catch rate. To put that in perspective, Jynx, who is not only a fully evolved Pokémon but also a much better Pokémon in every way, has a 30% catch rate. Pikachu should have a 50% catch rate at least. It's annoying how many balls you waste on them. At least this event sort of makes up for it by giving you 300 stardust per Pikachu, but that doesn't make it any less tedious.

submitted by /u/jack0017
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What the heck did I walk into?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:36 PM PST

[Video] I screamed, then I screamed again, and then I cried.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:15 PM PST

[Idea] make Unown spawn during community day spelling out the featured Pokemon's name. Let them spawn at about the same rate you would encounter a shiny.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:15 PM PST

Anyone that plays the entire 3 hours in a highly dense spawn area can usually get 5-15 shinies in community day (apologies to those that got unlucky).

I think while walking about we should be able to catch between 5-15 Unown to increase the hype and give non scanners or spoofers a chance to start working on their Unown medals.

submitted by /u/Shipoffools1
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Community reaction to PoGo

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:41 AM PST

I missed Surfing Pikachu Community Day, doesn't matter now, still found one that surfs

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:28 AM PST

[idea] Can we get pokedex images for event pokemon like we have for shinies

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:28 PM PST

It would be great if we could get pokedex images for event Pokemon like party hat Pikachu, Santa Pikachu, etc.

This already exists for shinies, unown, and castform so it should be an easy change

Shiny dex format https://imgur.com/gallery/0JSjY

Unown dex entry https://imgur.com/gallery/zzPbV

Castform dex entry https://imgur.com/gallery/9SroN

submitted by /u/ThePopojijo
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Go home Mewtwo egg, you’re drunk

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:19 AM PST

Wurmple is joining the party too!!!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:15 AM PST

[Complaint] This is a minor complaint, but PLEASE can we mass transfer event pokemon?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:24 AM PST

With this Pikachu event I've had to sit and hand transfer every single one. Even like 30 cp ones with terrible IVs. I get that they're special, but saving something from being transferred is what favorite is for. Tiny rant over.

submitted by /u/PigmentFish
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[Complaint] Dear Niantic I do not think that Go Trainers should depend on Ingress Agents!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:20 AM PST

Should we talk about unfair treatments? I guess so! The way Niantic handle Ingress Agents and PokemonGo Trainers is far from equal.

I'm a Go Rural Player LV 39, but here I do not want to focus on the fact that the game is not FAIR for players like me, but rather, talk about how all Go players (all of us, no one excluded, that I know at least) are disadvantaged by Niantic in comparison to their Ingress colleges. I often play in my Town where we have created a community large enough to allow us to face any raid bosses, the focal problem here is not the community but the lack in numbers of gyms in the area, many neighboring town do not even have one, even though they have some pokestop, this creates not few problems for earning the daily coins for all. The Points of Interest don't lack either, when I walk around I see so many good spots for possible portal submission, but the problem lays in the lack of Ingress Players, and since I do not play or I do not know anyone who plays Ingress I can't do anything and it is really frustrating. What I want to get to is obviously the "Portal submission" featured in Ingress, possibility that allow Agents to submit new Portals, as almost everyone knows now become pokestops or gyms in Go. This means that all Go Trainers must depend on other Ingress Players, because in Go this feature do not exist.

For how many similarities the two titles have among themselves there are however as many differences.

Ingress is based on a control mechanics of zones or areas called field that are obtained from the connection between at least 3 or more portals, the longer the connection the wider the surface will be covered and therefore the more points will receive the single player and his faction. Following this concept, Hardcore players have developed over time, pushing the game mechanics to the limit, deepening it more and exploiting it to their advantage. One of these possibilities is to be able to request and then place portals (granted to players of level 10 or higher, which to give an idea of ​​comparison represents about the achievement of the 33rd level in Go) in strategically useful points to get more and more earnings prestige within the game (anyone would do the same, I'm not criticizing the gameplay of Ingress players, I would probably do the same thing I was in their place).

This disparity is pointed up because nowadays we had discovered the methods adopted by Niantic to manage the conversion of the portals from Ingress into Go in the form of stops and Gyms (I'm talking about S2CELL). This discovery opens up a whole new way to study the placement of portals, but the same it cannot be said for Ingress players (unless one plays at both titles, but that is a different pair of sleeves) for the reasons mentioned above.

What I want to emphasize is the fact that two types of players with so many differences cannot and should not depend on each other and vice versa for something fundamental as the positioning of the points of interest, essential and at the base of the game, without which the experience of the game itself would be affected. For this reason it is necessary that Go players, as is done for Ingress Agents, must be conceived and developed suitable conditions that enable them to request and judge the placements of these points of interest.

I apologize for having gone on so long, and I thank you if you had the patience to read and listen to what I had to say about a subject that is particularly dear to me because affects so many players, I hope I delivered a clear and well-spoken content.

Anyone else feels the same way as I do about this? Let me know.

We have limits but if we join those limits can be exceeded! I hope that something can change in the future I really hope so. ;)

A Rural Go Trainer.

submitted by /u/Yemmello
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Been in labor for almost 12 hours...but our hospital room is right on a pokestop so I’m not too upset��

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:10 PM PST

Pokémon go - An ultra-short survey for a master thesis

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:22 AM PST

Did anyone else get an email from Niantic?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:14 AM PST

Niantic can we get an Unown community day.

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 09:19 PM PST

It's practical impossible for most people to get one. Plus a community day would allow people to grind the unown medal. Maybe give double stardust and shines.

submitted by /u/Timelymanner
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Pokémon Bag Storage

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:00 AM PST

I think with recent shiny releases, exclusive moves, Niantic should increase Pokémon bag storage to 2000. Of course we are collecting so many pokémon with special moves and I don't think people would transfer them just yet. Just a thought worth looking at, Niantic.

submitted by /u/hitman1007able
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Annoying Pokéstop

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:20 PM PST

In the downtown area near where I live, there is this one Pokéstop that is on private property, so you can't get to it, but it's been spawning really rare (at least for the biome I live in) Pokémon, for example one day during windy weather I saw a Dragonite nearby at that stop (I don't care that much now, thanks to the Dratini Community Day) and tonight there was a Whiscash (I don't know about you, but where I live, I've only caught two Barboach) almost every time I'm near the stop, there just something rare there, usually it's something like Rhydon, or Venosaur, Lairon, Flaffy, Breloom, or other Pokémon like that. Do any of you have stories about annoying Pokéstops?

submitted by /u/SpaceCilantro
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What it feels like when you get an excellent throw [humor]

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:08 PM PST

I guess there was a party at my place tonight.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:48 PM PST

Rare Candy Dilemma

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:24 AM PST

Hello everyone! So I have a question about rare candy and what I should do with it.

I'm honestly not into powering up my legendaries or other top tier Pokémon. That being said I do always power up my best attackers for raids.

I would like to use my rare candy to evolve Pokémon to fill out my dex but I don't know I that is the best use of my candies. I have a good amount but by no means do I raid every day.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/nwinterrowd
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[Idea] Just some things I would love to see put into PoGo someday!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:21 AM PST

I'm an amateur game designer, so I'm cursed with playing every game ever thinking to myself: "Man what if this game had this!!!! Here's how it'd work!!!" So here's just a list of stuff I've thought of every time I think about the future of Pokemon Go. I'm sure not all of these are 100% original, but I'll provide credit where applicable. (Warning: a lot of reading)

  • Trading: Self-explanatory. We all want it. It was previously confirmed to require proximity. At least that way spoofers will have a harder time selling off their spoof-caught Pokemon to legit trainers.

  • Wild Pokemon Battling: Opt to battle a wild Pokemon to increase your catch chance or earn some candy for your buddy.

  • Player-Affected Real-World Locations: Players planting virtual seeds in the real world. These seeds can be watered and/or fertilized by fellow players. When fully grown, they'll be able to be harvested for berries, let's say once a day or so (per tree).

  • Pokemon Center Pokestop Module: Heal a limited amount of your fainted or hurt Pokemon at a Pokestop with this module attached to it.

  • Item Spawns: In the same way a Pokemon spawns on a spawn point, perhaps there could be a chance that a lootable item(s) spawns on one instead. Similar to how you find items just on the ground in the mainstream games (This could be a way for players who might not live near a lot of Pokestops to get items, but have spawn points here and there).

  • Official Gym Leaders: (NOT my idea!) - Credit to this post by u/Arthischoki: Single, official gym leaders in big cities that you can battle for a unique badge. Would be a neat tourist attraction, and a fun thing to show off. I'd certainly wanna travel the world and earn those badges!

  • Breeding: More specifically, social breeding. This is a social game after all! I link up with one of my friends, I select a pokemon to breed, my friend selects theirs, and after a certain amount of time (or even instantly?) we each get an egg to walk and hatch into the offspring. The pokemon that hatches from that egg has higher IV threshold, increased shiny chance, etc. This way players could target specific species in-game, socially, and without having to rely on trackers for the more elusive species.

  • Quests: We got a sneak peek at some code for this, but I'm excited at the possibilities! Especially if there were weekly quests that put everybody on the same objectives.

  • Friends List: Self-explanatory. You can see when your friends were last online, and maybe see what gyms their Pokemon are in. Send some PMs (PokeMessages :P)

  • Pokemon Amie/Pokemon Refresh: Like in the more recent 3D Pokemon games, can you imagine caring for your Pokemon after a tough battle? Grooming them, petting them, making them happy and temporarily more combat effective. Great way to get more attached to your Pokemon imo!

  • Remote Gym Spinning: If I can feed berries to Pokemon in gyms I'm defending even if I'm not physically at that gym, why not also spin the stop for some items? Maybe reduce the amount of rewards, or increase the timer in-between spins if done remotely.

  • Different Pokeball Types: Nest balls, increased chance on nest Pokemon. Quick balls, increased chance on the first throw. Luxury ball, increased chance for Pokemon that have been fed a nanab berry. etc. Besides just providing new catching strategies, a lot of collectors (like myself) like the idea of catching Pokemon in specific balls that correspond to their color schemes.

  • Item Trading: If I've got 120 Max potions that I never use, and my friend needs some, why can't I trade them to my friend? The more I hear about people running out of items in a SOCIAL game and having to farm them all by themselves, the more I hurt inside.

  • Skip Raid Lobby Timer: If I've started a private group and all my friends are joined in that lobby with their teams ready to go, there's no use standing around for another 100-or-so seconds doing nothing but waiting. Specifically in private lobbies, the player who was the first one in/created that lobby would have the option to skip the lobby timer and start the raid instantly.

That's my wishlist at least. What kind of stuff would you like to see added to the game someday?

EDIT: Formatting, typos.

submitted by /u/flakride
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[Discussion] Is Crawdaunt a solid dark attacker?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:37 AM PST

I caught a very high level (32/33) Crawdaunt in the wild and it has double dark moves as well as solid IVs.

Thought that this might compare to Houndoom for dark attackers and possibly a second team for Mewtwo. Looking at the stats per TSR, they have equal attack (224), Crawdaunt has slightly less defense (159 vs 156) and less stamina (150 vs 126).

Being that I would be considered a dedicated player but not hard core as well as short on Dark attackers, I was wondering if it was worth anything. Did some light research but couldn't find anything helpful. Obviously Crawdaunt is not the best attacker but it could slot it in for me if it's worth it.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/TacoBill8
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