Fortnite Today /r/Fortnite is joining Operation #OneMoreVote to save net neutrality

Today /r/Fortnite is joining Operation #OneMoreVote to save net neutrality

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:05 AM PST

This past December, the FCC voted to kill net neutrality, letting internet providers like Verizon and Comcast impose new fees, throttle bandwidth, and censor online content.

If this happens, subreddits like this one might not exist. But we can still block the repeal using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), and we're just one vote away from winning in the Senate and taking the fight to the House. That's why we're joining Operation: #OneMoreVote, an Internet-wide day of action on February 27.

This affects every redditor and every Internet user, and we only have a 60 legislative days left to stop it.

Please, take a moment of your time to join the protest by contacting your lawmakers.

submitted by /u/FinallyRage
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We want the dances from BR

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:53 PM PST

We want the dances or emotes we unlock from Battle royal to be given to us in save the world

submitted by /u/Rustery
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Mods can you make auto mod remove the "how many V-bucks can I earn" post.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:16 AM PST

Thanks. Nobody would complain.

submitted by /u/MysteriousVDweller
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“So this is my life now”

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:43 PM PST

Epic Flux Suggestion - playing game better than waiting game.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:21 AM PST

Could there be a way to grind for flux directly, mission rewards of some kind? Or perhaps raise the purchase cap? I really enjoy playing and grinding for stuff, but I'm to the point where the week resets, I buy the 5 flux and have to wait a week. I have the money, just can't spend it. Even if a mission reward was a single flux it'd feel like I was making some headway. But the system as it stands makes me feel more like a waiting game than playing game.

submitted by /u/mulletpullet
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Outlanders need some proper love with their skills.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

As the title states, Outlanders really need some love with their skills, right now it feels like no one wants them on their team besides for gathering materials.

So a friend and I have been discussing some ideas that could make them considerably better. These are mostly either or's that could be decent.

A] Make ALL the outlanders have "kills generate charges" this would help immensely on defense missions

B] Charge abilities can be used without charges, but with charges they're beefier.

submitted by /u/Twikkix
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Release the Skill Points!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:06 PM PST

Just wondering when and if you guys are thinking about increasing the Commander Level so end game players can continue leveling up their characters?

I have 25 skill points to go and I'm going insane trying to track out what I'm unlocking. And on top of that having to unlock items I don't necessarily use in order to reach 5 Star Heroes.

I know many people that are maxed out and still have plenty of Skill Tree points to unlock. Just kinda sucks that we are still without completed story lines, and stuck in character level limbo.

submitted by /u/CHIEFHUSKER
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Hoverboard part with no mission in progress

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:48 AM PST

Participation and rewards (Afk'ers, farming etc.)

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:54 PM PST

Considering there is no respons on ingame feedback, I'm gonna write it here, and hopefully an Epic member can answer me so I can know what's going on, or if I should just quit.

Situation: I'm experiencing around every 3rd mission, a player constantly running around far from the objective farming, or sitting on the edge of the map afk just waiting for us others to finish the mission so they can reap the reward.

What I need to know is are you planing on doing anything about this behaviour? Change how rewards are given, xp for contribution, a map just for farming? The fact that I'm spending my resources, durability etc. on defense, for some random explicit to gain from it by doing nothing is wrong!

submitted by /u/mpv3000
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How to temporarily fix Canny and Twine missions

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:06 AM PST

Before I start this rant/suggestion, I am going to quickly define two terms I am going to be using. A "mission" is the mission that you complete on a map - it can be a Category 1, a Retrieve the Data, Build The Radar Grid, etc. "Quests" are the quests that are in between each Storm Shield Defence (SSD) mission.

A big problem for players in Canny and Twine is the monotony of the quests in those zones. For those not there yet, the quick explanation is that there is no story. This means that Ray is no longer around to give you context for doing quests. Instead, the quests turn into simple "Complete 3 X/Y/Z in a Level+ Zone". For example, a quest could be "Complete 3 Category 1, Deliver The Bomb or Evacuate the Shelter in a 58+ Zone".

There are a few problems that this brings up. The first is that if you are playing with friends, and you have no overlapping mission requirements, someone has to play missions with the group where they are not progressing their questline until there is overlapping missions for the whole group. Another problem with this is if you are trying to progress via soloing the content, sometimes you can be faced with missions that are very unfriendly towards solo players (Repair The Shelter, Cat 3, Cat 4 for example). Another huge problem is simply the availability of what missions are actually available. A huge speed bump for me, and I am sure other players, was a specific Level 70 quest saying "Complete 3 Category 1, Category 2, or Category 3 in a 70+ Zone".

What we originally had was a quest system where you could simply complete 3 of ANY type of mission to progress. What this led to however was people only ever doing Encampment, Survivor or Radar missions. People never had to farm materials, or build anything (other than Radars), and they were speeding through Canny and Twine quite fast. I agree that this had to change, but the system we have now is really not great.

So here is my suggestion. Overhaul it back to requiring any mission to progress the main quest line, however weight the missions for progress. What I mean by this is that each quest in between SSD's will require a certain amount of "points" to progress to the next quest. These points can be earned by doing missions, but with certain missions awarding more points than others.

Here is an example of what I mean. Let's say that you have just completed Twine SSD1, and you are about to begin your Twine Peaks journey. There are 18 quests until Twine SSD2. Each quest will require you to earn a certain amount of mission completion points (between 200-500) to progress to the next quest. A breakdown of what completion points may be awarded by each mission type could be -

Rescue The Survivors - 30 Points
Build The Radar Grid - 30 Points
Destroy The Encampments - 40 Points
Category 1 - 70 Points
Deliver The Bomb - 80 Points
Retrieve The Data - 90 Points
Ride The Lightning - 90 Points
Category 2 - 100 Points
Evacuate The Shelter - 120 Points
Category 3 - 125 Points
Repair The Shelter - 140 Points
Category 4 - 150 Points

Now of course, these are just hypothetical numbers, and your feedback on those numbers would be great. Obviously the first 3 are quite easy to solo, and should award low completions points, so that in a sense they grindable for solo players, but a poor option for players in a group. As you move down the list, the missions go from single objective and static spawn (possible to solo, and easy for a group) through to multiple waves, multiple objectives and just general pain in the butt missions.

I apologize for the semi wall of text, but I feel like this system is a win win for both solo and group players. Considering that Epic have said Canny and Twine are on the backburner in favour for events, I feel like a change like this is needed for Canny and Twine.

TL;DR Change Canny and Twine back to requiring any mission to complete a quest, however give harder mission more weighting than easier missions.

submitted by /u/scullzomben
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How to have fun with little

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

Increase difficulty needs to be voted on or gotten rid of.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

I'm sick of trolls increasing it to max level and then leaving. It's ruining Save the World mode.

submitted by /u/endl0s
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Fortnite Account Hacked - £1200 worth of vbucks bought

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:02 AM PST

As title says, I was hacked and £1200 worth of vbucks was bought. I emailed epic support on Saturday (24/02/18) but haven't heard since. The money's yet to come out my bank account but I don't even have that much as I'm a full time student at university. How long with support take? Any epic staff on reddit that can help me out?

EDIT #1: I contacted my bank and they reversed the charges!

EDIT#2: Epic have now contacted me and escalated my ticket, so I should expect a response soon.

Thanks everyone for your advice

submitted by /u/Rossyboy2442
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Dragon's Breath with crazy reload perks - awesome or awful?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:21 PM PST

Random: "Pyramids are the worst defense ever, I hate when people build them!" Me:

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:09 PM PST

Customizable crosshairs?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:55 PM PST

Am i the only one who feels like this is needed?

Like different colors and sizes. Dynamic and static crosshair, etc

submitted by /u/Raindz
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Just save the world thing ....

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:41 AM PST

Epic Mini-Boss TELEPORTING into Objective

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:03 PM PST

Alrighty. So this has happened twice to me today. Once during a Retrieve the Data in Twine Peaks (Epic Shotgun Transformation Alert) and around 10-15 minutes ago in Canny Valley during a Repair the Shelter (20 Rain drop Alert).

Each time the mini-boss has teleported he was affected by the Slow Field Gadget and in or near a 2x1 trap setup containing at least 1 gas trap, freeze trap, wall darts, and Wall Launcher.

Can't remember what type the Twine Peaks mini-boss was but I'm pretty sure the Canny Valley one was a Husky Husk. Can't remember their exact perk loadouts either.

Anyway, in both cases the mini-bosses teleported right next to the objective past all the defenses and proceeded to run roughshod over the base FROM THE INSIDE. Both were dispatched without doing TOO much damage but it was pretty jarring.

Has anyone else seen this happen?

submitted by /u/Riftsaw
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“Who wants to trade add me?” Seriously this crap needs fixing

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:26 PM PST

It's got to the point it makes me laugh. There is no hope if you need help with a ssd. The sheer trade spam is so frequent it's like having yahoo mail.

What do the want to trade lol? It's such a general statement. It's like saying what should I do with my life? I don't know. And what do they mean add me. Why would I add them.

submitted by /u/ic_md
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Help a noob plz

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:37 PM PST

Can anyone tell me how I upgrade backpack/storage space also what I should keep/throw away when trying to get space thanks

submitted by /u/LiamC-10-
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I'd really enjoy a single player game option without a storm, just a pure building mode.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

Basically Minecraft in the Fortnite universe.

submitted by /u/namidya
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I want to level a gun and was wondering if this one was okay

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:21 PM PST

Just hit canny valley (yay! Or so I thought lol)

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:38 AM PST

Okay so my first quest is 2 play with other missions, which makes sense right ? New place you need to scout it etc, but why is my first reward a RARE schematic choice ?

I haven't used a rare since Stonewood lol

P.s. if the first storm shield is any indicator, t'would seem the difficulty skipped going up little by little and just hopped a few stories higher 😂

submitted by /u/Riotz_4W4R
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Please Remove Alert Limits

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

Like the title says, it'd be great if alert limits were simply removed from the game, or if the system could at least be reworked to allow us to play reward missions without having to claim the rewards. It sucks when an alert with terrible rewards comes up but it's something that you need for your quest or is the only thing giving the EXP you need and then afterwards you're locked out of an alert that actually gives a decent reward. It'd be an easy fix if either:

A) Alert limits were removed entirely. Alerts aren't even close to giving good enough rewards to justify locking people out of receiving more of them after claiming just a few of them. Decent rewards are few and far between and end up getting missed because people have been locked out of receiving them for doing quests in alerts with terrible rewards.


B) Make claiming an alert reward optional. It'd still be an obnoxious system, where every alert completed would ultimately mean that the player is gambling that nothing better comes up in the next four hours while he waits for his cooldowns, but it'd still be a much better system than we have now. It'd keep somebody from having to use up an alert reward on 600 survivor EXP to help out somebody in Plankerton or to do their Play With Others daily, and would then allow them to use that reward on something that's actually useful, like an Epic Transform Key. Those two things are clearly not of equal value so they shouldn't be weighted as such in the first place, but if they're going to continue to be weighed as such then receiving one of them needs to be optional while still allowing players to complete whichever missions they like.

submitted by /u/Bizzerker_Bauer
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Daily Llama Thread 27/Feb/2018 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:02 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama Percent
Ranged Weapon Llama 28.57%
Weapon Llama 15.13%
People Llama 11.76%
Melee Llama 9.24%
It's a Trap! Llama 8.4%
Super Ranged Llama 4.2%
Super Hero Llama 4.2%
Legendary Troll Loot Truck... Llama 3.36%
Super People Llama 3.36%
Legendary Troll Stash Llama 3.36%
Super Melee Llama 2.52%
11x Upgrade Llama Bundle 2.52%
Upgrade Llama (Seasonal Sale Freebie!) 1.68%
Six Pack Llama 0.84%
Triple Llama 0.84%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Save The World isn't 50% still?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:08 AM PST

I'm on xbox and I thought I wanted to buy Save The World because it still says 50% off for me, but when I hover over the prices its not 50% off anymore, is the % over now and they just never fixed it or is this an issue?

submitted by /u/8odnar
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