Learn Dota 2 - Need help with "last pick" Broodmother problem.

Need help with "last pick" Broodmother problem.

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:23 PM PST

Hello, i'm now at Ancient 4 and i struggle with one guy who is always last picking broodmother. First game brood destroyed bottom lane solo vs carry+support even when they had aoe abilities, and the second game i went mid as zeus, then he last picked brood and game ended in like 6-7min.

I want to ask if you guys have any ideas, or tips how to play against BM, what to pick (but BM is mostly last picked).

/Dont be so harsh on my performance, i was tilted in both games, this guy is just smurf/booster and im helpless when i see him :X

Thanks for any help! and sorry for terrible english.


https://pl.dotabuff.com/matches/3749302108 https://pl.dotabuff.com/matches/3753055499

submitted by /u/Necroscope006
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Passive statsy/manta jugg or fast paced sny+blink jugg

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 11:15 AM PST


(4k game , I got to 4k by spamming lycan and had like 8 winstreak before this, wasn't confident on my other heroes and lycan was banned)

This game i had a 14 min fury with aquila , but something in me felt that TA will be going for an orchid so i opted for 23 min manta , died once before buying it , overall the map was a bit dark so I was mostly splitpushing with manta trying to get some tps back, after aegis ta had to tp bot due to which we were able to take a good fight top.

Should I have gone sny+blink after bfury this game to be super active , and initiating with omnislash , tiny had sb+blink but was going for daedalus so we didn't have a clear cut initiator.

Game might look pretty one sided with sniper but I personally felt a bit lack luster , I was in the frontlines alot for sniper to do his stuff but I could have gotten better omnislashes with blink.

submitted by /u/Searchnewgf
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Kunkka playstyles

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 03:31 PM PST

So I've played a few games as kunkka, and I'm not sure if it is best to play him as a carry or support. On the one hand late game with the right items I have literally one shot most of the enemy team, on the other hand, espcially in the early game his x marks the spot is fantastic for ganking.

He doesn't really need much farm to be useful to his team, but with a ton of farm and abuse of tidebringer he has the potential to make the entire enemy disappear. How do you play kunkka and what works out best for you

submitted by /u/ContestedWit
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I really suck. How can I improve?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 04:36 PM PST


Just about every game I play, I do absolutely terrible. I can do well against bots on the highest difficulty, but then I go into an unranked match and get shit on. I've linked a game that's pretty typical honestly. My friends carry me to victory, while I feed like no other. I'm the earthshaker.

submitted by /u/ClashTooMuch
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Why not build Desolator on Ursa?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:25 PM PST

The build on Ursa is usually
Phase > Blink > Basher/BKB > Basher/BKB

Ursa is quite comparable to PA, except that he lacks her gap-closing ability. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to get Blink as fast as possible. However, since nearly all of Ursa's damage is physical and he relies on bursting, why is Desolator so uncommon on him?

submitted by /u/Kelseir
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+75 Range Talent

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 10:30 AM PST

How come people say the talent is worthless on Lion, yet I constantly see people picking it up on Tinker? I imagine the spell damage has to be way better since he is constantly using spells and it's more than half a kaya, +19 damage to his laser for example.

It also makes me curious, if +75 cast range is garbage, how much better is +100?

submitted by /u/RikiRude
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Farming Sven vs Max stun Sven

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:08 PM PST

Nowadays, the meta regarding sven is to go a point in stun, then going cleave and warcry. Standard build for him would be to go madness>sny>dagger>bkb. Personally I've had better success by going armlet first after threads, THEN going madness dagger bkb, and going stun max trying to participate in kills whenever I can. It seems that I'm more help to my team by being somewhat active whenever my ulti is up and trying to have an impact, then catch up on farm when ult is on downtime. How do you guys build sven?

submitted by /u/pinoygalingthings
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Position 5 Support Disruptor Reflection at 4.3k/Ancient 2

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 12:33 AM PST

I just broke Opendota's top 100 Disruptor rankings as a shitty Ancient 2 (4.3k) after spamming this hero 46 times in the last month going 31-15 solo ranked pubs USE. I just wanted to reflect a little bit because I have a very standard routine that doesn't really deviate much and so if someone wants to follow my particular playstyle (which is not for everyone), they can watch the replays to get a very consistent idea of how to start playing safelane position 5 Disruptor (poverty support version) in ranked pubs.


It goes like this:

  1. I mark Disruptor in safelane and I first pick Disruptor in virtually ALL my solo ranked pubs.
  2. I buy 2 observers, 1 sentry, 2 sets of tangos ... and the last items are varied (most often 2 clarities to round out my items, but sometimes 1 clarity and 1 gg branch if I feel like I need to extra regen via gg branch, or 1 healing salve). I also make a judgement as to if my mid gets 1 or 2 tangos (1 from me and 1 from my position 4 teammate is best). I forgot ... if the enemy has a Riki or Bounty Hunter ... I make some decision about whether or not to go with 2 sentries and make a judgement on which lanes to give them. Dust is an expensive option that I leave to my position 4.
  3. Queue up the following items using shift + ctrl + left click items ... boots, stick, clarities, sentry, obs, smoke, and raindrop.
  4. I decide who to give the obs to before the game starts. Most often at least 1 to my offlaner and using your judgement, the other to mid or safelane ... but usually it's 1 to offlane and keep 1 for safelane.
  5. I run to see if I can spot the enemy offlaner placing his observer.
  6. Sometimes I invade to get the 0 min bounty rune depending on how strong my team is.
  7. If we invade I will tend to place a ward on that high ground spot deep in the enemy area. If we don't invade, I place a standard in lane ward near the enemy tower. I make sure I am doing so from behind the trees.
  8. I try my best to intercept the enemy wave so that I tank their ranged creep if the enemy offlaner creepblocked that way. Sometimes my safelane core wants to immediately buy a quelling blade from the side shop which case I go back and block for him while telling him to intercept the enemy wave if the enemy creepblock needs to be tanked a little.
  9. I do NOT skill up my level 1 until I know I need to. Best case scenario is I skill level 1 W and get a very good trade OR even a kill if my other position 4 is around. This is when everyone is level 1. A decent amount of time I will make the judgement that level 1 Q is the way to go because the enemy solo offlaner is trying to juke in the trees to sap exp. Q allows me to hit them while they are in the trees because I get vision.
  10. I tend to get ALL the obs/sentries on my team so knowing that obs will time out 5 min or so i try to get those 2nd round of obs to 2 of my lanes in a decent timing. I will very often use a smoke if I feel like I need to.
  11. I ferry a LOT of clarities and even a tango or healing salve if needed. This is a big change in playstyle from before. I've realized that I prefer tranquils Disruptor in the 5 position and just constantly ferrying clarities. It's annoying but that's the hard support life.
  12. Although I typically go 1-4-1-1, I've realized that 2-3-1-1 is also viable and sometimes preferable if your positioning is good (tranquils helps) and the enemy is somewhat tanky.
  13. Since I'm a hard 5 position support, I tend to babysit my lane, zone out, very rarely stack, pull and connect the pull when the lane equilibrium is bad and I know my core lane partner will be ok, and get bounty runes (steal them from enemy side if possible).
submitted by /u/lac29
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Playing Broodmother?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:01 PM PST

Hi guys,

This Recent ESL Katowice had quality broodmother plays that gives me the urge to learn this hero, How do you Play Broodmother?

I have played around 10 - 15 games with Brood and have got a decent understanding of the mechanics of this hero.

What are the Items I should prefer, Where should I spin my webs, What is the general playstyle of this hero.

I would really appreciate if someone helps me in understanding this hero and when do I Pick it and what Items do you rush for.

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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Can someone explain what debuffs and procs mean?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:01 AM PST

For eg, I was playing lc and her 'w' removes all debuffs and disables.

submitted by /u/howtosleep2
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Tactics for split pushing when you're getting focused...

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:38 PM PST

It seems to me like one of the main skills for split pushing is knowing when to push and when to retreat.

I've been attempting to learn split push and general lane dominance by playing some lycan lately...but I am dying so much after I get that first tower down...

It feels like (just my feelings) - that the other team starts focusing me...feeling the push in my lane and then concentrates on stopping me...hunting me and picking me off.

So question is - what should I do in that situation as a Lycan? Should I double down on split pushing and just be better and figuring out where they are (buy some wards or w/e) or is it better to switch out of that role and perhaps try and get an item or two to help the teamfight?

Here is opendota: https://www.opendota.com/players/32089486

Thanks for any help/thoughts/flames lol.

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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How could I have played this mid game better?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:05 AM PST

Hello, I'm trying to get better at legion to counterpick the billions of AMs you see in 2k. I went legion offlane, and I'd like to think I crushed my lane, AM had an omni supporting him in lane and I still pressured the bottom part of the map enough that I was outleveling them and my score was like 6 0 after 15 mins. However I thought that after blink I would further cement that lead with a shadowblade so I can hunt for the supports and anti mage even though they had a lot of wards up.


Eventually they just hunkered down together, I tried to ward aggressively and deward since our pos 5 dazzle refused to do so and I couldn't utilize the massive lead I got early game to close out the game, I tried to hunt them instead of farming since I was so ahead . What to do in this situation when the enemy recognizes how to play defensively and my team just won't try to make plays with me?

Since they refused to communicate, void would simply jungle, I thought I should try to ward myself so I can buy some more space but I kept getting picked off, eventually I tilted and made stupid mistakes.

In this situation where the enemy team starts to get vision up throughout their jungle, should I just stay back and farm passively even though I'm very much ahead? Or pressure towers... I thought that you want to stay off the map as much as possible when playing predatory heroes.

Also my bad at getting pissed in game, I'm just trying to analize what the correct play would have been and get better myself. Thanks.

Match ID 3751381063

submitted by /u/Snowfire23
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Monkey King

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 09:06 AM PST

Is MK a better roamer, offlaner, or carry

submitted by /u/KamikazeBears
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After 144 Invoker games...

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 02:35 AM PST

I feel like I can finally say I'm not bad at this hero. I do hold a sub 60% winrate with the hero, but thats with clowny builds like this. My recent Invoker games are starting to look really good, but I would still like to improve at playing the hero.

I know Invoker has a very hard time this patch with laning, due to the meta being lane dominators, but is there a way to lane him (if you pick him at all) this patch that I may not be seeing? My starting build has usually been Faire Fire, Iron Branch, Tangoes, Circlet, Mantle of Intelligence, building to Salve Null for laning phase. I always start with Exort, then skill Wex if I'm not taking damage and need to out cs the enemy mid. Generally I feel like I can kill the enemy mid, but expend a lot of resources doing it, so I just end of up farming the lane until I get my drums, then I push the tower with drums alacrity forge spirit & the seige creep for an early tower.

TL;DR: I am good at Invoker after the laning stage. I would like to know some improvements I can make for this patch for the laning stage.

submitted by /u/nyffpro
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What map does singsing use and how can I get it?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 05:36 AM PST

I know this sounds like a noob question. How do I get that map? Can I trade for it, I have some cosmetics because my friend bought me a compendium for last TI.

submitted by /u/staytrue1985
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How to play pudge

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 08:48 AM PST

I have been recently spamming pudge a lot because I like playing the hero.

How should I play him? As a support or roamer?

I normally go boots and tango starting(offlane) then build according to the enemy team.

I get wards too sometimes for map control.

Also are there some tips or tricks in playing him?


submitted by /u/TheOneWhoIncites
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Lycan unplayable in 2-3k mmr?

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 01:43 PM PST

In most of my games people dont buy wards, so how do you push when you get jumped by 5 players the second you approach a tower?

submitted by /u/apricosomoso
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How could I have played this late game better

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST


Okay so this game I picked tb and the enemy picked a techies.

Everything was well but pushing against a techies and Riki made it hard for me to actually try and push solo so we couldn't really take highground. It took us a while to break down their tier 2's and the game just went late.

The riki was permabashing me along side pangolier which nullified my bkb that is down to 5 seconds.

I bought a heart for sustain because techies mine, ignore the desolator I got that because I wanted to push and deal extra damage but looking back now AC would have been better

I did make several mistakes throughout the game like accidentally sundering someone, tunnel vision, not checking enemy items which cause issues as I tried to sunder themm, sundering pudge at the 30 min mark when he has urn to heal me which cause him to die to a riki.

What are your thoughts if spectre was picked rather than TB? Would it have been a better late game hero?

Edit: I watched my own replay and I thought maybe if I asked zeus to ult to reveal the enemy I could have split pushed safely also my teammates should have bought bkb I didn't even notice bought a fucking shadow blade instead of a force staff.

Edit2: 45 minute mark I decided to push mid t2 which was really low hp instead of helping my teammates which caused 3 of them to die, push was "successful" in that I got the tower but cost me my life, tanked techies mine that brought me down to critical health without heart I would have failed. Died due to permanent invis riki bashing the shit out of me.

submitted by /u/Von_Siegfried
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How to deal with Windranger offlane as a hero like Gyro? [Question]

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:48 PM PST

Preview: I'm just a 2k scrub looking to improve in dota for the first time and learning carry.

https://www.opendota.com/matches/3748919137 <---- So this is a Gyro game I played a couple of days ago. It's a hero I'm still learning. this game I got destroyed in the lane by windranger in the offlane (died 3-4 times in lane) Windranger has a larger attack range than Gyro and also has windrun to dodge any flak harass. She also just started spamming powershot from fog at lvl 3 so I was constantly bullied away from the creepwave and then spirit breaker used to come and finish me off.

Even though we managed to win the game I really didn't know what to do against WR and basically got lucky as she decided to dive past our T2 tower and feed me a godlike spree to get my items. Any help is appreciated thanks!!

submitted by /u/kdestroyer1
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