Learn Dota 2 - All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.09 (660 changes)

All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.09 (660 changes)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:49 AM PST

Mask of Madness on Dragon Knight

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

I have been playing a ton of DK lately. My usual build is sheild, soulring treads, wand, Mask, Bkb.

I find mask insane on dk. Dragon Knight has armor to spare. Dk's shortest CD is 9 Seconds and mask lasts for 8 which means the silence doesnt hurt him. The lifesteal is nice. It lets him push like crazy and fight too.

submitted by /u/Darkon-Kriv
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How to toggle armlet effectively?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:35 PM PST

Title says it all lol,

submitted by /u/Slaterzzz
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Just cannot win anymore. Need pos 4 and 5 help

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:58 PM PST

Dunno what's happened to me but I can't climb at all in the rmm ladder. Used to be 4.3k before the rank update now legend 3 around 3.5k and stuck. I play a lot of pos 4 and 5, and am finding it very hard to find a rhythm in this patch. I play a lot of es, tusk disruptor and not having much success. What annoys me is that I used to play with and against 5k mmr players and often do really well on roaming/support heroes, tping to counter gank, smoke rotations, shot calling all that stuff. Often I would be complimented on my play etc. In this bracket I seem to do well early game then fall off and become useless late, Just following my cores around trying to keep them alive and such. I probably deserve to be 3.5k but it annoys me since I have played at higher levels and understood enough to do ok there. Fellow support and roaming players is there any pub advice you can give to me, what heroes you pick how you approach the game etc. Feel demoralised atm

submitted by /u/epaj95
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In-game Guide/item build empty

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:43 PM PST

Title, does anyone know the cause/fix to the problem?

submitted by /u/qqcar
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How do I get back into the game?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:09 AM PST

Hey guys, last time I played this game was at patch 7.06f. I played at a low 3k level.

What should I do to slowly ease myself back into ranked? I'm curious to see what my new rank would be, but I don't want to rank super lower than my previous rank.

Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/BigFatGooglyEyes
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Why not just play high winrate heroes?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:29 AM PST

Has anyone done this? Like, go on dotabuff.com/heroes/winning, play the top heroes, and achieve better chances of winning?

submitted by /u/trench_master
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Can I get some feedback on this match?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:42 PM PST

Had a match as arc warden today and I was wondering if there was anything I could have done better to have higher chances of winning. Any feedback is appreciated!

Match ID: 3742609926 https://www.opendota.com/matches/3742609926

submitted by /u/Chapi92
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How do people make builds?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:54 AM PST

I am a noob. I am trying to understand how dota2 works.

I get the whole "How to kill" thing (damage+stuns .basically your TTK should be less than theirs)

I get that I should look at my replays to see why I got ganked or where I made an error. Or if 2 people are coming towards me and that 1 lina who has 5 health left is getting smacked I should run.

But when I see things like "you should have made power treads instead of phase boots" i get very confused.

I get the whole "Look forward and predict your opponent and trap them" mentality

but when I look at builds and i don't know what to take , when to take , why to take it makes me pretty confused and I feel like i'm doing a job of pushing buttons to not get yelled at and not playing a game and interacting with people... by horrendously murdering their in-game avatar.

So... How do I make builds?

Why does an Ursa take a morbid mask instead of a damage item? Why don't all heroes do so , like wind ranger?

When do I take radiance? When do I take a battlefury ? if i have a 150 damage then a radiance would do the same damage as a battlefury once I hit creeps right? ( attack speed... somehow my brain yells. But I have no math to back it up and something bugs me... if attack speed is the answer then isn't radiance obsolete and what is the point of tanks )

So yea I am not asking specific questions . I am asking if there is a general guide to build making?


More specifically ... What is the point of a build? To decrease your ttk? To raise health? to push better ? What is the point of a support's build. Hell what is a support. Aren't all heroes supporting one another ( plz no pub jokes. ;( )

submitted by /u/Testing2521995
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0.9k MMR Replay coahcing request by Roams were Trojans (Offlane Pangolir)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:43 PM PST

Hi guys. Sorry its been so long guys, my recoring rig has been in for repair for almost 2 months(long story).

I picked this video to talk about offlane priorites. Its something I feel is difficult to talk about well. Its either over simplified or incomplete but since we are focusing on low MMR, over simplified is usually good. I wish I had more time to talk about Pangolir specific stuff but the video was running long already so I focused mainly on talking about offlane priorities. What I really wanted to get accross in this video is that in a lot of matchups just stopping the enemy core farming is enough to consider the lane a win in a lot of cases.

If theres an Pangolir sammers out ther I'd love to hear your thoughts on starting and early items.

So heres the video guys

and the dotabuff

submitted by /u/bigmonmulgrew
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How to control the poof with Meepo¿?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:37 AM PST

I have seen players sometimes proofing at the same location and proofing to some other meepo with the same meepo. So I wanted to know actually how does the poof in meepo works. And how to make my meepo that m controlling at the moment to poof at the same place and poof to another place. Also I would appreciate any other tips n tricks while playing meepo. I kinda like playing that hero right now somehow 😅😅😅.

submitted by /u/ThisIsntMyId
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Can I get some feedback on my Spec choices?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

Quite frustrated with this hero as I feel I am not building her right or playing her right into the mid game.

I feel that I am able to get a good hold on the early game and am able to secure farm, but then as we move into the mid game, it feels like the opposing team always gets a huge advantage, my farm slows down and they push on for the win often.

I think this where my mistake is - figuring out how to play Spec in the midgame. I try to run and help teamfights when my ult is up.

Am I better to ONLY fight when my ult is up and I can make a difference?

If they fail to take advantage in the mid, I am able to farm and get to late, and then have a good chance at the win.

But I feel I am doing something between the 10-25 minute mark that I'm hoping someone can maybe point out.


Feedback appreciate. Thank you.

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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I wanted to know how can you do thus kinda of settings (key bindings to be presise)?¿

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:01 AM PST

How do I know what kind of style a carry/heroes in general have?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:11 PM PST

Watching a video by BSJ saying that he recommends playing carry heroes of different styles, like not using just farmers, just team fighters, just gankers etc. Even when I played the game a lot I had a hard time understanding what hero was better at what style. This is the video I'm talking about


submitted by /u/LiquidAurum
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Playing mid to late game as pos 4/5 supports

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:59 AM PST

In the later stages of the game, the cores seem to have more overall impact (hd, td, split push). Besides, as a carry, it seems like the actions you are supposed to make are rather rigid, continue with some farm and kill when there is chance. But supports farm less(or none) and their impact on teamfights are much less.

As a legend 2 player, I find it hard to know what to do, like when to smoke, when and where to ward. Especially the where to ward part, I find that in the late game, most supports (particularly enemy supports) will start to deward more often, so sometimes it is very hard to keep up with the vision needed with limited amount of ward stocks. By saying this, how do I know if our team has enough vision? And how do I ward and dewsrs when the enemy has gem?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/captaincaasi
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mid lane t1 in new patch

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 08:38 PM PST

anyone else getting fucked over by it? idk it just seems really unnecessary and really weird for me. Literally just going up the cliff causes u to be in tower range. idk it makes it hard to harass and dominate a lane, just seems stupid to me. anyone else feeling similar?

submitted by /u/ThePentaMahn
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Can anyone explains why there are so many Legion Commanders players who use Shadow Blade as a mean of initiation?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:48 AM PST

I'm currently a Crusader (3) in SEA and most LCs I've played with prefer to use shadow blade instead of blink, honestly, in my opinion, this seems very impractical, because: 1. You have to sacrifice the bonus damage most of the time, except when using silver edge to apply Break, I don't see how the bonus damage worth more than item usage and Press the attack (W). 2. To ensure a successful duel, you have to use spells and items prior to the duel like Blade Mail, Armlet of Mordiggian, BKB,... you have to weight between duel immediately to make use of the element of surprise, or give the enemies time to react. Blink Dagger doesn't have any of the problems above, yet Shadow Blade is still way more popular (even among players who obviously play LC a lot). Can anyone explain why? Does Shadow Blade have any advantages over Blink that I didn't know?

submitted by /u/Noname932
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Why was the reduced damage for silver edge removed?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:45 PM PST

I haven't played Dota 2 in a while and since coming back I've noticed that silver edge no longer reduces the enemy's damage output by 50%. Why was it removed? Was it really that strong?

submitted by /u/wertyarty
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Playing Clinkz

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:32 AM PST

How to Itemize this hero, he is rare pick in the professional scene and is a decent hero to play.

I usually build Ring of Aquila -> Power Treads - > Medallion of Courage -> Desolator -> Orchid -> Nullifier -> MKB.

What build do you prefer.

I often skip Medallion to rush deso or Skip Orchid for Nullifier.

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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Where can I go to learn from the base up?

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 09:11 PM PST

I haven't been getting literally anal fisted every match, and I'm about to reach the point of just deleting the game. It's not fun going 0-10 every single game, and having no idea why you suck so much. I thought I had some sort of idea how the game worked, but apparently I'm utterly clueless. I get dominated in lane and team fights consistently. It sucks that I'm going to have to stop playing with my friends because I can't deal with getting fucked by players ten times better than me. I see the Purge videos get recommended all the time, but those go too far into depth about stuff that's way above my head. I need to start at the absolute basics, like how to not let the other laner get fed. Basically the whole time I'm playing, I have no idea what to do, so I end up just doing random shit with no goal in mind. Nothing I do has a purpose, because I don't know what I should be doing at any point in the game. I know this is ranty, I'm pretty much tilted from going something like 0-40 over 3 matches.

submitted by /u/Only82pounds
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Pulling safelane at 5minutes and 10minutes?

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 10:06 PM PST

I play support heroes most of the time and try to pull as much as I can to avoid leeching experience from the carry, but if I pull the 5th mi Utes wave the tower ends up taking damage from the enemy cart. Since creeps give less priority to the cart it ends up staying in the lane for another 2mins!

What I am trying to ask is how do I pull the wave after the cart wave (5-7minutes ) without damaging my tower.

submitted by /u/senurasenura
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Question about miracle's recent AM build.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:19 AM PST

Why did he build an aquila before bf? He also skipped brown boots and went bf after aquila.

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3737111564

submitted by /u/_EverythingCanWork_
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I know how to play fairly well, but my friend does not and I have no clue how to teach him because what I think are commonly known things are not for him. Where do I start?

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 11:46 PM PST

Shadow Shaman ulti

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:38 AM PST

I'm spamming this hero and i'm usually in condition that i'm solo pushing but the enemy come before i'm killing the last wave of t1/t2 tower. The question are: why they come alwais in that moment? I'm doing bad in pushing? Not hiding enough maybe? Is it worth to release the ulti in that moment and run away, or maybe i should tp in another lane and start pushing there? In general when i should use the ulti? I sometimes use it in team fights but i find it pretty useless sometimes, coz enemy avoid it, and it's like i'm wasting hero pushing potential.

submitted by /u/diego_italy
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Guides on how to farm with Medusa

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 08:31 PM PST

I need one. Timings and what not. I just started playing her and she's so overpowered and I feel would be more so if I farmed optimally.

submitted by /u/ErrorProxy
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