Civilization - /r/Civ Weekly Questions Thread - February 19, 2018

/r/Civ Weekly Questions Thread - February 19, 2018

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:16 AM PST

Greetings r/Civ.

Welcome to the Weekly Questions thread. Got any questions you've been keeping in your chest? Need some advice from more seasoned players? Conversely, do you have in-game knowledge that might help your peers out? Then come and post in this thread. Don't be afraid to ask. Post it here no matter how silly sounding it gets.

To help avoid confusion, please state for which game you are playing.

In addition to the above, we have a few other ground rules to keep in mind when posting in this thread:

  • Be polite as much as possible. Don't be rude or vulgar to anyone.
  • Keep your questions related to the Civilization series.
  • The thread should not be used to organize multiplayer games or groups.

Finally, if you wish to read the previous Weekly Questions threads, you can now view them here.

You think you might have to ask questions later? Join us at Discord.

Vote for the next Civ of the Week. Civ of the Week will resume in March.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I don't normally pay attention to the achievements, but this one was pretty funny.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 07:29 AM PST

You can do some fun stuff with tundra cities now.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:31 AM PST

Wheat Fields are Forever. (R5)

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:25 AM PST

A map of my empire from an old Civ 6 game.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:36 PM PST

Extreme commercial hub

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 12:11 PM PST

Best start I have ever had!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:25 AM PST

Suggestion from an Indian player and a lover of history

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:35 AM PST

As the title suggests, I have one very simple request from the devs, I don't know if any frequent this space and I apologise if they do not and I am not sure if I can change this in the code, but Chandragupta's capital city was named Pataliputra rather than the modern name of the same city Patna. I understand that the new name might be easier for people to recognise quickly, but I think it'll be better if the capital was still given the old name.


submitted by /u/ameya2693
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Found a Marine unit in Civ 6!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:31 AM PST

[Suggestion] Holy Site Prayer works like Bread and Circuses after getting Religion?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 05:02 AM PST

Right now the Holy Site Prayer is only for Faith output if you already had Great Prophet. How about making them work like current Bread and Circuses project, increasing the Religion Pressure to nearby cities?

submitted by /u/datvm
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Walls should provide loyalty in R & F.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:42 PM PST

The title says it all. I would imagine that cities with walls would be a bigger draw than cities without walls and would go along way to encouraging people to stay.

Not sure how it would play out mechanically and maybe it only gives loyalty if adjacent to enemy territory to keep things balanced but I think it gives another incentive to build walls and gives a decent buff to Georgia.

Just a thought.

submitted by /u/Shall-Not-Pass
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I managed to make a Seaside Resort with 11 Appeal

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:46 AM PST

Started next to 4 civs on a crappy, snowy, snaky island

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:03 PM PST

Baba Yetu on Spotify got removed

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:14 AM PST

I was listening to Baba Yetu just a little over 6 hours ago on Spotify, the original by Christopher Tin. However I just tried looking for it and it won't show up in the search results, and it's not showing up on Christopher Tin's artist page. Does anyone know why it got removed?

submitted by /u/legend_kda
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When you get a 58 pop city in the desert

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:54 AM PST

There needs to be a way to stop allies from attacking your suzerain states.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:14 PM PST

In my current game, I am playing as Indonesia on an island plate map. I was friends/allies with Scotland more or less since we met, and I had no active intention of breaking that.

However, I was suzerain of Auckland which, as you might imagine, is kind of a big deal on an island plate map as Indonesia.

About 5 turns into an alliance, Robert the Bruce decides that he wants to go to war with Auckland. This is simply not acceptable... but I can't do anything about it whatsoever.

I basically sent a number of ships over to Auckland to watch the battle, and when Auckland was just about to fall the alliance ran out. Robert then tells me, "Get your troops away from my borders!" (he had settled a city next to Auckland), and I just decide that it's time to declare war.

I saved the city-state and my bonus, but it wasn't the direction that I was anticipating the game would go. And all because we simply have no way of stopping an ally from attacking our city-states, which is silly - in real life, you would simply say something, but we can't.

I understand that the AI is tough to make competent, and I'm happy to forgive that in general, but this is an easy thing to fix and IMO should be fixed. All you need is something in the diplomatic screen, for example, or even perhaps just make it so declaring war on a suzerain state means that you declare war on the civ that's linked to it.

submitted by /u/En_lighten
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Oh the irony...

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST

Should martyrs get relics when killed by military units?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:39 PM PST

Getting relics is really hard in multiplayer. Most people just declare war and burn the heretics if you try to convert them. Which is fine. But shouldn't martyrs still get the relic if they are killed?

submitted by /u/weirdmarine
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Nooo! Don't settle on me!

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

Looking for feedback on my new mod - 19 leaders for existing civs.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:39 AM PST

You can download the leaders individually here:

I'd love to get some advice on balancing the abilities, as I'm not exactly an expert Civ player. Any other feedback is also welcome, including about how shitty of a job I did cropping the art.

Abd al-Malik of Arabia

Dome of the Rock - Cities with a Holy Site receive +20% production towards wonders. Desert and Desert Hills provide +1 adjacency bonus for Commercial districts.

I wanted to make this a bonus towards wonder production in holy cities, but I couldn't figure out how to make a modifier to do that.

Aethelstan of England

Witenagemot - Receive +2 Influence points per turn towards envoys. Each envoy at a city-state produces an additional +1 culture and +1 science.

I'm reasonably happy with this one, but I'm not sure what reasonable values are for per-envoy bonuses. Is +1 too little?

Ahuitzotl of the Aztecs

Terror of Tenochtitlan - Recieves +25% production towards military units. Combat victories earn 5 bonus Great Engineer Points.

Is 25% production for military units too strong? What's a reasonable amount of Great Engineer points to award on a combat victory?

Berengaria of Spain

The Mothering Queen - Temples generate +4 Culture, and Amphitheaters generate +4 Faith. Construct Entertainment Districts and Holy Sites in half the time.

I'm not happy with this one. I had planned to give her a diplomatic power to represent her role in uniting the crowns of Aragon and Castile, but trouble finding fitting modifiers. I settled on representing her patronage of religious art, but I plan to revisit this.

Chandragupta II of India

Vikramaditya - Receives a 50% bonus to great person points for writers, scientists and engineers. Great works of writing produce double culture.

The art for this guy is ridiculous. I found it on a book cover. Turns out it's tough to find a full body painting of him in a standing position.

Clovis I of France

Lex Salica - Grants an extra Economic policy slot, and monuments provide 50% more Culture.

How much is an extra policy slot worth? Does he need a better second bonus?

Ferdinand II of Germany

Edict of Restitution - Combat victories provide Faith equal to 50% of the defeated unit's strength.

I like this one. Not sure about the exact percentage, but happy with the concept.

Henry Clay of America

The American System - Domestic trade routes provide +3 Production, +3 Food and +3 Gold.

This one I think is too strong. Maybe +2 instead?

Honorio Hermeto of Brazil

Melhoramentos - Builds can build one extra improvement. Plantations generate +2 Production.

This one I'm pretty happy with.

Indanthyrsus of Scythia

Tactical Retreat - Light Cavalry units can move after attacking.

A little worried about this one. Not sure how weak/strong this is.

Kangxi of China

Sacred Edict - Receive a free builder when completing a Holy Site or Campus

This seems pretty reasonable, I think?

Kimpa Vita of Kongo

Nganga Marinda - All districts receive +2 Fath from being adjacent to other districts. Apostles automatically receive the Chaplain promotion.

This is another one where I had ambitious ideas, but didn't have the know-how to implement them. I envisioned Kimpa Vita as having a power that could subvert or take over a foreign religion in your country, but it seems like it would require a lot of work to implement something like that.

Kubaba of Sumeria

Alewife of Kish - Cities recieve +2 Amenities and +15% faster growth.

My original idea for Kubaba was to improve the bonuses cities get for having excess amenities, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.

Olga of Kiev of Russia Avenger of Igor - Units receive +5 combat strength against Barbarians. May purchase cavalry units with faith.

I like the extra combat strength against barbarians. The purchasing cavalry with faith seems a bit disconnected though. I want to revisit this one.

Polycrates of Greece

Master of the Aegean - Receive a second copy whenever you train a naval melee unit. Yields from plundering sea trade routes are doubled, and fishing boats produce +2 Gold.

Originally I wanted him to get bonus gold from plundering fishing boats, but the modifier for plundering only gives more of the default plunder yield (which is just health for fishing boats).

Shotoku of Japan

Cap Rank System - Receive +50% Great Scientist Points. International trade routes produce +4 science.

I like the theme of this one, but not sure about the numbers.

Sigurd I of Norway

Jorsalfar - Units receive +6 Strength and +1 Movement when on another continent. Relics produce double faith.

This one was a pain to implement and test. At one point it was giving the bonuses to other civs' units.

Tarquin the Elder of Rome

Ludi Romani - Receive 50% extra Production towards Entertainment Districts and Buildings. Arenas, Zoos and Stadiums produce bonus Faith.

This one seems fine, maybe a bit weak?

Thutmose III of Egypt

Pharaoh's Tribute - Receive +5% Gold for every city state you are Suzerain of. Conquering a city earns a free envoy.

Very happy with this one. Not quite sure how big the gold bonus should be, though.

submitted by /u/Imnimo
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Anyplace to get tips for a civ V veteran converting to VI?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

I kinda dipped out of the civ life for a while, but I'm falling back in. I think I have around 2300 hours into Civ V. Is there anywhere that gives a nice overview of what I need to know when jumping from one to the other that isn't just a super basic how to play kind of thing? I've grasped the concept of how trade routes, workers, and buildings/districts are working, but I don't know what kind of strategies are worth it and which stuff is disposable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


submitted by /u/CrimJim
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[Civ VI] What it takes to win Space Race as Netherlands on Deity...

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 11:26 AM PST

Suggestion: Make Celestial Navigation and Military Tactics non leaf techs.

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 04:45 PM PST

Currently, Celestial Navigation and Military Tactics hold the dubious distinction of being part of a handful of leaf techs (that is, techs not required for anything else on the tech tree). This poses a few issues:

  • mechanics-wise, it's possible for you to get to the Future Techs without ever learning how to build a Harbor or letting your Traders embark. In addition, it's possible to entirely miss out on building your unique unit if you're Georgia/Norway/Japan/Zulu because you can obsolete their UUs simply by following the rest of the tech tree. Not to mention that there's no reason to research Military Tactics at all.
  • Immersion-wise, it's mind boggling that you can build aircraft carriers and submarines without learning how to build a harbor. Or that your spearmen can upgrade straight to pike and shot without going through the pike only phase first.

My suggestion is to make Celestial Navigation a requirement for Cartography and to replace the Mathematics -> Education link with Mathematics -> Military Tactics ->Education.

So what do you think?

submitted by /u/rattatatouille
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Sandwiched continents, is this normal?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 06:40 AM PST

Culture victory needs an immediate change

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

Currently it is very difficult to actually win a domination victory due to the fact that you will accidentally achieve cultural domination beforehand.

This could be easily remedied by either:

a) making a minimum threshold culture that has to be achieved in order to win a culture victory, and perhaps make this a per city / per population metric too. This would avoid a culture win when dominating the map unless your culture in each city was also high.

b) returning to an idea from vanilla Civ 5 or Beyond Earth, whereby the culture victory has to be actively won by constructing a "utopia" style project at the end. Now to differentiate this from being too similar to other victories in requiring high production, I'd suggest that it can only be built once your culture is dominant over others, and then the production per turn is dependent on the degree to which you are dominant. Of course this would require slight re-balancing against other victories, but nothing too drastic.

I would also suggest that being at war (any war other than defensive or liberation) with other civilizations should have a significant penalty to culture victory applied.

submitted by /u/jonathanrmcleod
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