Heroes of the Storm - HGC Korea :: Tempest vs Team BlossoM :: GLuck vs Ballistix :: Discussion thread

HGC Korea :: Tempest vs Team BlossoM :: GLuck vs Ballistix :: Discussion thread

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:00 AM PST

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


  • Tempest vs Team BlossoM: 1:00 PST / 4:00 EST / 10:00 CET / 60 minutes from this post
  • GLuck vs Ballistix: 3:00 PST / 6:00 EST / 12:00 CET / 180 minutes from this post

Prediction challenge


HGC KR links

Game version

HGC Phase 1 Week 5 is played on patch 2.30.2, which is the last patch before the latest balance patch. Maiev is probably not allowed, but I haven't seen an official confirmation.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | February 22 - February 28

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Developer Update Q&A – Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:03 AM PST

For the people who insist Voice Chat is mandatory.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:25 AM PST

I am COMPLETELY deaf. For this reason, I also do not bother to buy headphones and I mute my volume so that I do not bother my family members. I have been able to climb to diamond in ranked. Should I not be able to play in ranked now? It is also a pain explaining to every game to my teammates how I cannot hear. Surprisingly on one occasion, one of them still pestered me to join even after I explained I am deaf and cannot hear. After continuously getting abused for not joining, I now just join voice chat and pretend to hear other people.

submitted by /u/ObjectiveCollection
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The Lost Vikings are dead. In depth analysis.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:43 PM PST

Hey there. I'm by no means a top level player, and I can't even say I have the most hours on TLV or HotS in general, but I feel that most of the things I'll bring up are universal, and not really controversial.

It makes me really sad to see the most unique HotS hero so neglected. I want to take the time and go over some large aspects of what's keeping the vikings down, and go over individually why it's an issue, what's causing it, and what could be changed / fixed to better level them out.

Everyone hates them-

This one I think could have polar opinions, and is the only thing I could see being subjective. I'd say about 9/10 games I pick TLV, I'm met with waves of grief and flamed out. People out right hate these fucks. And while I hate that this is a common issue, it kinda makes sense since they get no love, but that's not the issue I want to outline here. More people would rather see TLV fail then succeed. People hate having to play with them becasue they ask so much of the rest of your team. Not only with comp, but even playstyle needs to cater to a viking strategy. But regardless of how well TLV do, if you ever lose a game with them, someone is surly going to blame them. There is no fix for a toxic community some times, so you just gotta roll with the punches until blizz fixes them or the community is more excepting.

It's unrealistic to git good with them-

I don't think TLV should ever NOT be niche, but there isnt enough universal support for them in terms of maps, team comps, and player synergy. Like I said before most people are already on edge when tlv are on their team, but it's the reverse effect for the other team. More people are strategic how to beat the vikings, since games tend to blow up with them if they go unchecked. So now you have a team that's less willing to watch you succeed, while the other team has a united strategy on dealing with you, which gets personal more often than not. Practicing them is a nightmare since you can't use quickplay, and if you wan't any chance of a team to back you up, you need to be last pick on a top win rate map to not get hyper countered. Maybe make try to match tlv when queuing for quick play with teams that have high win rates with them, and three lane maps to truly practice your micro game. Enough of this Haunted mines bullshit with two tanks and two aoe healers. If I queue as tlv for QP i'm okay to wait an extra 2 minutes to get a good game.

They don't work in any meta- Just as I mentioned above, the counters for TLV are absurdly strong. People tend to over look how many people answer them so well. Everyone knows KT and ming are obvious picks, but other sleeper counters exist (I'm not putting out my least fav MU's in case this gets enough views, and just makes my life harder having to play them :) ). Any assassin with gap closers, and or high burst makes lane phase damn near impossible if you don't have someone there with you. Sure, you can play safe, not get all the soak and orbs you can just to not die, but then you lose your towers and soon a fort. New character design has started to show that they don't consider tlv. Maive, Genji, Lucio, and Hanzo are all nightmares for them, and even if you had the freedom of a diverse talent build, nothing stops Lucio from being able to chase you down, and nothing stops Genji from getting dash cd reset.

I guess stop making characters that blatantly exploit TLV sequentially for the next 5 heroes?

The level of niche they currently are-

This is something I can't even suggest a fix for, since the game has started to internally turn into something where tlv don't work. Maps are becoming more and more 2 lanes, which aren't what they want. You can't pick them in a draft before the second to last pick, and even then you can still get a game ending counter.

They aren't hype or rewarding-

Games tend to always be the same. You goal with tlv from 0-5 minutes is always the same, same with 15 - endgame. The stagnant talent tree makes you pick the same things over and over, giving you no wiggle room, and no interactive builds. I'd argue the only thing you take to help your team is Large and in Charge, which gives olaf his stun, but that's not until level 16, and either your team is rolling or dying at that point, and your stun just isnt that high impact as it could be if it was a lower pick.

As for rewarding, the rush of a tlv win fades away after a week of playing them. Nobody is grateful, nobody seems to care how well you do (unless you don't do above average, in which case everyone cares and will gladly point a finger at you), and even you don't feel great about it, since it's entirely an uphill battle. Your team fight prowess is next to none if you don't take Longboat Raid!, and by 20 youre better off still splitting with Erik and Baleog, and keeping olaf with the team. With the addition to voice chat, I can now thankfully communicate with my team, since god knows you get zero down time, but before that it's always people complaining about how tlv don't communicate.

Drafting them is unrealistic-

I touched on most of this before. Not only are they very map locked, but last pick is almost a requirement. Other mobas have a trade feature that makes it so you can have some chance when going for a niche team, but not in hots. That's the only change I can really recommend.

Talents are beyond garbage-

The biggest issue by far is the absolute shit talent tree you get. Most of your talents are micro buffs for only one viking, which non are truly interactive, and aren't goign to get picked in any situation. Why do I have to pick my abilities as talents? Is it really that bad an idea to have Viking Bribery also have Mercenary Lord? Those are insta picks always, but leave my vikings just as sparse. Abilities like Jump! and Spin to Win! shouldn't be things i have to pick. Are they actually broken if they had them at level 1? No. Sure it's a little more intimidating having to micro abilities at level 1, but you're gonna have to get them later anyway.

Final thoughts

I get that this hero is painfully hard to balance, and that they've been top tier before, but with the painfully low play rate they have, it's not justifying they winrate they show. As for fixes that don't fall under the complaints I outlined, i have a few quality of life changes. Olaf should be bigger. Body blocking was underestimated by designers when the game came out, and since then, they've developed a lot of the game around it. I think making olaf bigger, and maybe giving him some armor resistance can give him more use then a 8 second cd stun. Baleog needs more range. His clear is actually wicked fast since he get's 50% splash damage behind his targets, but trying to optimize him takes more energy then you have to give. Giving him Eriks range would help him micro better, and be less prone to getting nuked when trying to push or hold lanes. Currently, even behind your gate, you can't hit things your towers shoot at well enough without over extending if someone is still in that lane pushing. Erik need's to do more damage. I like his range, and his Hp fits his speed and flavor, but he's ultimately useless. Of all the vikings, Erik has the hardest time farming globes since he can't do enough damage fast enough to get in and out without getting CC'd down and dying.

Well, this is the end of my rant for now. I might come back for an edit if a TL:DR is needed, but I genuinely think it's all important. Let me know what you think, so I can bicker with you in the comments as all good reddit OP's should.

submitted by /u/2ZettaSlow
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This is why I play HotS. Shout out to amazing Stitches player.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:09 AM PST

Had the most amazing game last night.

(Edit: Screenshot or it didnt happen! - https://imgur.com/a/ge1b6)

As Kharazim, I got caught too far forwards alone and had 3 of the enemy team chasing me. I burned both my dash and my W, but they were getting close and Maiev Valeera was about to grab me.

Then, from out of nowhere, our team's Stitches (who was a full screen away from me, towards our base) threw a hook and pulled me AWAY from the enemy team out to safety.

It was the most magical hook I have ever seen, 100% precision at maximum hook range.

And then, when a FORTH enemy team member appeared from the flank and was bearing down on me (I had 5% health), the same Stitches swallowed them, walked the other direction (so I could finally get to a fort tower) and fought off 3 of the enemy team.

Not only that, but afterwards we coordinated to win a big team fight and win the game.

Anyone else finished an evening of HotS with that "WOW" feeling and a smile on their face?

I certainly did! And a big shout out to "aEpic" stitches on EU server - you were imba!

PS. Stitches ended with 4 - 13 - 3

submitted by /u/LoktarOgarrr
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Request to Blizzard: Pay for masterleague.net or copy some of what they did

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:35 AM PST

I was a huge fan of Masterleague, mostly for two reasons, one of those being the builds section. When Blizzard made their esports site it was a good start but some information, such as builds, are near impossible to find. Currently, if you want a Stukov build, you have to go through all series and games until you see that Stukov was drafted, then click on that one instance and see that one build.

On Masterleague, as seen here https://masterleague.net/hero/stukov/builds/ , you can just go to a hero and it will automatically find every time it was played ever, show the builds and the winrates.

submitted by /u/Vraex
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February 21st, 2018 Patch - 48 Hours Later

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:35 PM PST

Red-Bull Esports partners with Blizzard

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:20 PM PST

"Do we go for stream highlight? We go for stream highlight." – AlexTheProG

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:28 AM PST

This why I play HOTS Out shout to scared little monk man

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:58 AM PST

I had good game last night.

I saw little monk man running away from bad guys about to die Stitches did not want Al Lie to die, so Stitches send out hook to save little bald monk man from bad men.

It was magic hook. With stitches magic.

Stitches save Karazeem, but then another bad man appeer.

Stitches ate him.

Then Stitches run away to keep bad man away from friend. Stitches throw him up and then run away from 3 bad man.

Then stitches do some random things when people say so to win game.

Anyone else finish game with feeling of HAHAHAHAHAHA:stitcheshappy: and smile on face?

me did, karazeem, me like you

PS. Me end with 14 new bodies to play with. (but die 3 times :stitchessad;)

submitted by /u/the_real_Lasondo
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McIntyre - How to Merc like a True Boss

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

Math of the Storm: DPS Racing

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:30 AM PST

Tempo Storm Kala - Coaching - Silver-Plat Team

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:02 PM PST

There's no point in having separate "Abusive Voice" reports unless silenced players have to get silenced in both types to be blocked from ranked

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:47 AM PST

Observe the title, Blizzard. You said they "can't communicate" so they shouldn't play ranked, but now you made that argument moot by introducing two channels of communication.

I would actually find such an experiment hilarious, where we observe how trash talkers chat in real life. Maybe they're tolerable with voice. Or maybe they get silenced twice and get locked out for life.


submitted by /u/Meadows_the_panda
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Voice chat getting me back into this game! Best feature this game has ever introduced.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:16 PM PST

It feels like how this game was always meant to be played!

  • WAAAY more coordination and teamwork! I've lost count of the amount of ganks I successfully pulled off with gold/plat/diamond teammates just by calling out the opponent or that we had the number advantage as if they were masters/GM.

  • Consequently winning a lot more and feeling a lot less frustration. Communication lets me shout call and help stop teammates from making poor decisions or break their tunnel vision.

  • An actual social experience. Sitting quietly for 20+ min every match and mumbling to myself in random spurts was my typical experience for hundreds of HotS matches in the past. It feels great to hear others laugh along and hold a conversation.

  • I'm a lot less of a sour asshole. Admittedly, I'm more toxic than most players but when I feel frustrated, it's a lot easier to say nasty things through typing than it is to hear yourself saying dickish things to another human. I think literally 100% of people I've talked to so far have been decent folk. Not a surprise that the only toxic teammates I've run into both only typed. Match quality still isn't really that good at times but losing doesn't feel as tilting.

I know there are some folks out there who are reluctant to try voice chat but you're missing out! Like 50-80% of the players dont even talk but just listen for tactical purposes. It's a disservice to not at least try it out!

submitted by /u/mutedwarrior
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Lore of Thrall — Character Lore

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:00 AM PST

Hello, everyone!

After a one-week hiatus, I'm back with another lore thread, this time covering none other than Thrall, Go'el, the Son of Durotan, Green Jesus, or whatever you want to call him, doubtlessly one of the most important and iconic characters in all of Warcraft.

As you can probably imagine, this thread is quite massive. I can attempt to provide a TL;DR in the comments if people request it. Also, as usual I'll save Thrall's Heroes of the Storm abilities, quotes, and skins for a separate post on Sunday.

All previous "Lore of" episodes

The Son of Durotan

(Okay, so this first section is going to consist of a lot of exposition about things that don't really have that much to do with Thrall directly, but I think they're important for establishing the proper context for things that happen later on, so bear with me here.)

During the rise of the Horde, when the demonic Burning Legion and their servant — the warlock Gul'dan — manipulated the orc clans of the planet Draenor to unite into a single army, the noble Frostwolf clan and their chieftain Durotan were among those who joined. As the Horde made war on the peaceful draenei race, some orcs began wielding the Legion's corruptive fel magic as warlocks, and their rampant use of the foul magic began turning the orcs' normally brown skin a sickly green and caused Draenor to begin slowly dying. Durotan was one of the only chieftains to speak out against the growing corruption among the orcs and notably forbade his clan from partaking in drinking of the blood of the demon Mannoroth, which greatly empowered the orcs who drank it but also bound them to the Burning Legion. These actions earned Durotan Gul'dan's ire, and shortly after the Horde later invaded the world of Azeroth through the Dark Portal to wage war on the human kingdom of Stormwind, the Frostwolves were exiled from the Horde by Gul'dan. Durotan and his clan — including his pregnant mate, Draka — eventually settled in the Alterac Mountains in the north, a region reminiscent of Frostfire Ridge, the homeland they had left behind on Draenor.

Shortly afterward, 1 year after the opening of the Dark Portal, Draka gave birth to a son whom she named Go'el. However, to their horror, Durotan and Draka saw that their son's skin was green, a sign that he was infected by the orcs' blood-curse. Durotan, Draka, and Go'el traveled south to warn Durotan's old friend, Orgrim Doomhammer — a lieutenant of the Horde's tyrannical leader, Warchief Blackhand — about the dark forces the Frostwolves suspected were manipulating the Horde. Orgrim agreed that the Horde's corrupt leadership (namely Blackhand and Gul'dan) needed to be dealt with and sent some of his trusted guards to escort the Frostwolves back to Alterac while he himself returned to the Horde to bide his time until he could move against Blackhand. However, unbeknownst to Orgrim, his guards were secretly loyal not to him, but to Gul'dan. A few days into the journey north, they attacked and killed Durotan and Draka and left Go'el to die in the snow. However, a day after his parents' murder, the infant orc was discovered by a hunting party led by the human noble Aedelas Blackmoore, who decided to take the child back to his stronghold of Durnholde Keep.

Over the following years, many things transpired. Orgrim Doomhammer killed Warchief Blackhand in a duel and took control of the Horde as its new warchief. The Horde won the First War by destroying Stormwind, but the other human nations and several other races formde into the Alliance of Lordaeron to combat the Horde, leading to the Second War a few years later. Due to a betrayal from Gul'dan, the orcs were ultimately defeated by the Alliance and placed in great interment camps throughout the northern kingdom of Lordaeron. A few years later, events that I won't go into detail about here led to Draenor being torn apart and transformed into the shattered realm of Outland, the Dark Portal being destroyed, and one clan — the ferocious Warsong — being left stranded on Azeroth. The Warsong, as well as the Frostwolves in Alterac, remained uncaptured by the Alliance, but the majority of the orcs remained prisoners in the internment camps. Many of them fell into a lethargic state due to withdrawal from the demon blood that had once empowered them.

The New Horde

One of the interment camps was located at Durnholde under the command of Aedelas Blackmoore. In secret, Blackmoore had over the years continued raising the young Go'el, whom he had given the name Thrall, meaning "slave". The young Thrall was nursed by a human woman, Clannia Foxton, and later in life grew to befriend Clannia's daughter, Taretha. Blackmoore had Thrall taught to read and write, tutored in leadership and military strategy, and trained in gladiatorial combat, secretly intending to mold him into an obedient general that Blackmoore could use to rally the imprisoned orcs into a private army and take control of the Alliance. The drunkard Blackmoore was cruel and abusive to Thrall, frequently forcing him to fight in Durnholde's arena for monetary gain. Eventually, Taretha helped Thrall escape from Durnholde, and the young orc sought out the wayward Warsong clan and its chieftain, the legendary Grommash "Grom" Hellscream, who took Thrall under his wing. Learning that he was a member of the Frostwolf clan, Thrall soon left the Warsong to seek out his roots in Alterac. There, the shaman Drek'Thar informed him that he was the son and heir of Durotan and taught him of the shamanistic culture the orcs had cultivated prior to becoming corrupted by the Burning Legion. Thrall soon became a respectable shaman, wielder of the power of the elemental spirits, and took his place as chieftain of the Frostwolves. He also befriended a frost wolf named Snowsong, who became his mount and companion.

One day, Drek'Thar summoned Orgrim Doomhammer — who had escaped from human captivity and gone into hiding as a hermit — to Alterac. Initially incognito, Orgrim provoked Thrall into dueling him, and after being bested by the younger orc he revealed his identity and assigned Thrall as his second-in-command in his plan to liberate the other orcs from the internment camps. Orgrim, Thrall, and Grommash worked together to overrun the camps and free the captive orcs, but during one battle, Orgrim was killed by a human knight. With his dying breath, he bequeathed his family's ancestral weapon — the legendary Doomhammer — and his distinctive black plate armor to Thrall and named him the new warchief of the Horde. Thrall proceeded to lay siege to Durnholde, where he demanded to parlay with Blackmoore to avoid bloodshed. Blackmoore responded by tossing the severed head of Taretha Foxton at his feet. Enraged, Thrall commanded the Horde to attack, and during the ensuing battle he personally killed Blackmoore in single combat. After the battle was won, Thrall called on the spirit of earth to level Durnholde, but he allowed the surviving humans to leave unharmed and sent a message to the Alliance's leadership stating that he would be willing to live in peace with them if they freed the remaining orcs. During the following months, Thrall's Horde continued liberating the remaining orcs, avoided the best efforts of the Alliance — including the paladin Uther the Lightbringer — to corral their hit-and-run attacks, and worked to ensure that no orc would ever be enslaved again, be it by demons, humans, or others.

The Invasion of Kalimdor

One night while camped in the Arathi Highlands, Thrall received a dire vision in his sleep in which a strange Prophet urged him to lead the Horde to its destiny. Awakening, Thrall was met by the Prophet, who told him that the Burning Legion was returning and that Thrall had to gather his people, leave the Eastern Kingdoms, and set sail for the western continent of Kalimdor immediately. After gathering the clans and rescuing Grommash from a nearby Alliance naval base, the orcs set sail across the Great Sea on stolen human ships.

However, on the journey west, the orcs were forced to seek shelter at a small island chain due to a storm. There, they met the jungle trolls of the Darkspear tribe and their chieftain, Sen'jin, who claimed to have seen Thrall in a vision and informed the orcs that the trolls were being beset by a recently arrived force of humans. Thrall's forces destroyed the human base, but suddenly an army of murlocs (Murky's species) emerged from the sea, captured humans, orcs, and trolls alike, and imprisoned them in underground caverns beneath the island in order to sacrifice them to the powerful "Sea Witch" Zar'jira, whom the murlocs worshiped. Thrall managed to free himself, his orcs, and many of the trolls from their cells and killed the murlocs' leader, but was unable to prevent the fish-men from mortally wounding Sen'jin. Thrall offered the remaining trolls a place in the Horde, which they accepted, and emerged back onto the surface, where nearby volcano had erupted and caused the islands to begin sinking into the sea. Thrall gathered the scattered trolls and held off the minions of the Sea Witch long enough for the orcs to repair their vessels, flee from the islands, and resume their voyage.

Weeks later, the Horde landed on the shores of Kalimdor, though Grommash's forces had become separated from the others during the journey. As Thrall's warriors ventured inland and explored the dusty Barrens, they encountered savage horse-men called centaur attacking a race of bovine humanoids called the tauren, led by Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof. Thrall and the orcs helped Cairne defend his village from a centaur attack and escorted them on a march towards the grasslands of Mulgore. In gratitude, Cairne told Thrall of the Oracle, a being that might be able to tell him about the Horde's destiny and which could be found in the bowels of Stonetalon Peak far to the north. The orcs and tauren parted as friends as the Horde set out through the Barrens towards Stonetalon. A week later, Thrall's forces suddenly came across Grom and the Warsong clan, who were battling a group of humans that had landed in Kalimdor under the leadership of the sorceress Jaina Proudmoore and had cordoned off the pass leading to the north. Thrall planned to hire zeppelins from a nearby goblin laboratory to fly above the pass and ordered Grom to leave the humans alone, but the Warsong chieftain defied these orders and attacked the human settlements anyway. After securing the zeppelins, Thrall confronted Grommash, informed him that he and his Warsongs' bloodlust was a liability the warchief couldn't afford, and sent Grom and his forces to establish a settlement in Ashenvale Forest in the north while Thrall's main force continued to Stonetalon.

A few days later, Thrall's warriors reached Stonetalon Peak and, with the help of Cairne and his tauren (who stated that they owed a blood debt to the orcs) destroyed a human base guarding the mountain. The orcs and tauren headed into the peak's depths until they came face-to-face with the human leader, Jaina Proudmoore, but the confrontation was interrupted by the appearance of the Oracle, who turned out to be the Prophet. He revealed that the Burning Legion's invasion had begun, that Lordaeron had already fallen with Kalimdor as the next target, and that the orcs and humans had to band together if they wished to stand against the Legion. The Prophet also told thrall that Grommash had fallen to the demons' influence by drinking the blood of Mannoroth in order to fight Ashenvale Forest's native night elves and kill their demigod Cenarius. Jaina was reluctant to ally with the Horde, but the Prophet insisted that all would be lost if they did not band together. The human and orc forces returned to the Barrens, where they found Grom's encampment of demons and corrupted Warsong orcs. Thrall and Cairne battled their way through Grom's forces while demons rained from the sky, until the warchief confronted his old friend, who revealed that the orcs hadn't been unknowingly corrupted by the demons back on Draenor, but had given themselves up willingly by drinking Mannoroth's blood, with Grommash himself having been the first to do so. Enraged at this revelation, Thrall dueled with Grom and managed to capture him in a soul gem that Jaina had given him. The Warsong chieftain was brought back to Jaina's base and cleansed of the demons' influence by the joint efforts of Horde shaman and Alliance priests. Thrall and Grom proceeded to head to a nearby canyon to face Mannoroth. During the ensuing duel, Grommash sacrificed himself to kill the demon, finally freeing the orcs from the blood-curse that had plagued them for more than a generation.

Thrall and Jaina continued to battle against the remaining Legion forces as well as Kalimdor's night elves, until the Prophet summoned them to a meeting with the elven leaders Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. There, the Prophet revealed his true identity as Medivh, the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, and convinced the leaders to join forces against the Legion, whose commander, the demon lord Archimonde, planned to scale the sacred Mount Hyjal to claim the powers of the World Tree Nordrassil. By setting up a defense along the holy mountain, the orcs, humans, and night elves managed to delay Archimonde's advance long enough for Malfurion to blow the ancient Horn of Cenarius, summoning countless wisps that destroyed Archimonde and sealed the Legion's defeat.

The Founding of Durotar

In the months following the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the night elves vanished back into Ashenvale while Jaina led her Alliance forces south to establish the island citadel of Theramore off of Kalimdor's eastern coast. Thrall led the Horde back into the central areas of Kalimdor to settle a rugged land on the Barrens' eastern coast that the orcs could call their own. The warchief named this new nation Durotar in honor of his father, and its capital city Orgrimmar in honor of Orgrim Doomhammer. Meanwhile, Cairne Bloodhoof's tauren settled in Mulgore, while the Darkspear trolls and their leader Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, settled on the Echo Isles off of Durotar's coast. Thrall remained friends with Jaina, with whom he signed a non-aggression pact.

One day, the half-ogre beastmaster Rexxar arrived in Orgrimmar, bearing a report to Thrall from Mogrin, an orc warrior who had fallen in the wilds. The warchief welcomed Rexxar to the city and offered his hospitality, but the beastmaster insisted on earning his own keep. Thrall sent the Darkspear shadow hunter Rokhan to accompany him and directed him to assist several inhabitants of the city: Thrall's old mentor Drek'Thar, the guard captain Nazgrel, and the goblin engineer Gazlowe, who had been contracted by Thrall to oversee the warrior city's construction. While carrying out his tasks, however, Rexxar gradually discovered a hostile human invasion force encroaching upon Durotar's shores. The humans razed an orc settlement, and even tried to lure Thrall into an assassination attept disguised as a parley. The warchief immediately sent Rexxar, Rokhan, and the pandaren brewmaster Chen Stormstout to infiltrate Theramore Isle and deliver a letter to Jaina demanding an explanation for this unprovoked aggression. However, it was soon discovered that the human invaders were actually in service to Jaina's father, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who was planning to invade Durotar to exterminate the orcs.

After escaping from the admiral's forces at Theramore, Rexxar helped gather allies against Proudmoore by recruiting the tauren and the Stonemaul clan of ogres. Thrall commended the beastmaster for his efforts and gave him the honor of carrying a newly-crafted standard of Durotar into battle as Champion of the Horde. Rexxar led the Horde's forces in destroying Proudmoore's base on the coast, forcing the admiral to pull back to Theramore, but Thrall knew that Daelin would never stop hounding the Horde unless he was killed. Moments later, Jaina teleported in, claiming to have had no part in her father's plan. She told Thrall to do what he must but asked him to spare her men if possible. Thrall promised to do what he could. After destroying a blockade Daelin had assembled around Theramore, the Horde stormed the island citadel, fighting their way through Daelin's forces until they eventually managed to corner and kill the admiral, much to Jaina's sorrow. Having no further quarrel with the humans, Thrall pulled the Horde forces back and departed Theramore in peace. Back on the mainland, Thrall thanked Rexxar for his efforts and offered him a place in Durotar. However, the beastmaster replied that he belonged in the wilds, but he would always be there whenever the Horde needed him. With that, the half-ogre departed.

The Uncorrupted

During the years that followed, Thrall continued to govern the Horde from Orgrimmar, becoming known as a wise diplomat and ruler as he recruited more of the world's outcast races into the Horde. The most notable of these alliances was when Thrall was convinced by the kind-hearted tauren to accept the Forsaken, a Lordaeron-based faction of undead led by Sylvanas Windrunner who had broken away from the undead army known as the Scourge and its evil ruler, the Lich King. Later, Thrall also brought the blood elves of Quel'Thalas into the Horde. When the demon Lord Kazzak reopened the Dark Portal, Thrall immediately gathered his advisors and began planning an expedition to Outland, hoping that the orcs might discover new insights into their history among the ruins of their homeworld.

Before long, the Horde and Alliance invaded the shattered realm, and it wasn't long until Horde forces led by Nazgrel discovered a faction of uncorrupted orcs in Outland called the Mag'har (meaning "uncorrupted" in Orcish). Due to falling victim to a disease called the red pox many years earlier, these orcs had been quarantined and lived in isolation from the rest of their people during the rise of the Horde and had thus remained uncorrupted by fel magic, retaining their natural brown skin color instead of turning green like the other orcs. The Mag'har were astonished to learn that there were orcs free from demonic taint living on Azeroth under the leadership of the son of Durotan, and welcomed the Horde forces. When word came to Thrall back on Azeroth of the Mag'har's existence, he immediately dispatched his most trusted diplomats as envoys to them and later personally traveled along with Drek'Thar to the Mag'har's home village of Garadar (named in honor of Thrall's late grandfather Garad) in the grasslands of Nagrand.

There, Thrall met the Mag'har's elderly leader, Greatmother Geyah, who was none other than his own grandmother, being the widow of Garad and mother of Durotan. Their meeting was an emotional one. They discussed Thrall's late parents and other fallen heroes in the form of Orgrim and Grommash, and Geyah revealed to Thrall the name that his parents had intended him to have: Go'el. Thrall also met with the forlorn son of his old friend Grom, Garrosh Hellscream, who had long lived in shame of his father's legacy and the fact that Grommash had been the first orc to drink Mannoroth's blood. Thrall showed the young Hellscream a vision of Grom's death, revealing that the Warsong chieftain had also been the one to free them all from the blood-curse by killing Mannoroth. Garrosh was invigorated and filled with pride at this revelation.

War in Northrend

When he returned to Azeroth, Thrall brought Garrosh with him, and later also took on the former gladiator owner Rehgar Earthfury as an advisor. While Rehgar favored a more diplomatic approach to the Alliance, Garrosh wished to destroy them completely to take over Azeroth for the Horde. Some time later, Jaina convinced Thrall to attend a peace summit in Theramore with the recently returned king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn, in order to improve Alliance-Horde relations. Bringing Garrosh, Rehgar, and several members of the elite Kor'kron guard with him, Thrall arrived at the summit and discussed matters peacefully with Varian, but after agents of the sinister Old God-worshiping Twilight's Hammer cult posing as members of the Alliance and Horde attacked the summit, the peace talks were soured and Thrall was forced to depart back to Orgrimmar.

Shortly afterward, the newly reawakened Lich King Arthas Menethil drove his Scourge to launch major attacks on locations across Azeroth. Thrall met with Garrosh, Rehgar, Sylvanas, the orc veteran Varok Saurfang, and the Forsaken apothecary Putress in Orgrimmar to discuss this threat. However, while most of his advisors urged the warchief to take the fight to the Lich King in his own domain — the frozen continent of Northrend — Thrall favored a much more cautious approach. Garrosh was greatly frustrated by this decision, but Thrall told him to not make the same mistake as his father Grom. Enraged by this insult to his father, Garrosh challenged Thrall to a mak'gora duel (an orcish custom in which one may challenge another for leadership) in the Orgrimmar arena. However, the duel was interrupted when the Scourge attacked Orgrimmar, and after the undead attack was repelled, Thrall complied with Garrosh's wishes of being sent to Northrend by telling Varok to begin war preparations.

The Horde and Alliance eventually marched into Northrend to combat the Scourge, with Garrosh as the leader of the Horde's offensive. However, during the Battle for Angrathar the Wrathgate, in which the Alliance and Horde banded together against the Scourge, a group of renegade Forsaken led by Grand Apothecary Putress betrayed their allies by unleashing their deadly Plague on Alliance, Horde, and Scourge alike, an act which the Alliance incorrectly assumed had been ordered by the Horde. At the same time, Putress' ally, the demonic dreadlord Varimathras, staged a coup and took control of the Forsaken capital of the Undercity, forcing Sylvanas and her people to seek refuge in Orgrimmar. Thrall soon led the Horde in invading the Undercity and killed Varimathras, who was attempting to open portals to summon Burning Legion reinforcements, but at the same time, Varian led the Alliance in striking at Putress. After killing the apothecary, Varian rushed to confront Thrall and end the Horde once and for all, but bloodshed was avoided when Jaina used her magic to teleport the Alliance army back to Stormwind. Some time later, Varian, Thrall, and Garrosh were summoned to the floating city of Dalaran by Jaina and Rhonin (the leader of the mages of the Kirin Tor) to discuss the threat posed by the Old God Yogg-Saron. However, Thrall and Jaina were unable to prevent Garrosh and Varian from coming to blows, and the king sternly refused to cooperate with the Horde after the Wrathgate incident.

The Cataclysm

After Arthas' defeat, the Horde's victorious forces returned to Orgrimmar, where Thrall gave Garrosh — who had become known as a war hero in Northrend — his father's legendary axe, Gorehowl. However, all was not well, as Alliance-Horde tensions flared and Thrall discovered that the elements on Azeroth were becoming increasingly restless and uncontrollable. The warchief eventually decided to investigate the elements' unrest by traveling to Outland and inquiring with that world's own elementals. Before leaving, Thrall appointed Garrosh to serve as acting warchief in his absence, with Cairne, Vol'jin, and the orc veteran Eitrigg as his advisors. Cairne strongly opposed this decision, but Thrall soon left for Nagrand regardless.

In Garadar, Greatmother Geyah asked her own apprentice, a young Mag'har woman named Aggralan (nicknamed "Aggra") to guide Thrall in the ways of shamanism. The two initially disliked one another; Aggra insisted on calling Thrall "Go'el" and was annoyed at his clinging to a name that meant "Slave" and his continued wearing of Doomhammer's plate armor, telling him that he could not keep toeing the line between warchief and shaman and would have to devote himself fully to one side if he wanted to help the world. However, despite their rough beginnings, Thrall and Aggra gradually grew closer to one another, eventually becoming mates. Thrall met with the four Furies, the most powerful elementals on Draenor, and learned from Gordawg, the Fury of Earth, that Azeroth's elementals were in disarray due to being fearful of an imminent disaster.

Thrall later learned that back on Azeroth, Cairne had been killed in a duel with Garrosh due to the treachery of the tauren crone Magatha Grimtotem, whose Grimtotem tribe had seized control of the tauren capital of Thunder Bluff before being defeated by Cairne's son, Baine Bloodhoof. Thrall and Aggra immediately returned to Azeroth and attended Cairne's funeral. Thrall also decided to appease Aggra by removing his plate armor and donning a set of shamanistic robes. Not long after that, the great Cataclysm occurred when the Old God-corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing the Destroyer, formerly Neltharion the Earth-Warder, burst forth from the Maelstrom in the middle of the Great Sea, rupturing the magical barrier between Azeroth and the Elemental Plane and causing natural disasters all over Azeroth. Sensing that the Maelstrom was the source of the Cataclysm, Thrall and Aggra set sail from the port town of Ratcher on a ship provided to them by Gazlowe and which Thrall named Draka's Fury in honor of his mother.

However, while en route to the Maelstrom, the ship was attacked by the Alliance and Thrall himself was captured by the Alliance spy organization known as the SI:7. He was soon rescued by the other orcs and the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel, who had been shipwrecked on the nearby Lost Isles, and in return worked with the goblins to defeat the SI:7 and the Bilgewater Cartel's corrupt leader, Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix, who had tried to enslave his own people. Thrall allowed Gallywix to remain leader of the cartel and sent the goblins to Orgrimmar to join the Horde to join the Horde. Thrall and Aggra resumed their journey and arrived at the Maelstrom, where Thrall began stabilizing and maintaining the rift in the whirlpool with the help of the shaman organization known as the Earthen Ring, particularly the Broken draenei Farseer Nobundo and the Earthen Ring's leader, the tauren Muln Earthfury (no relation to Rehgar).

Some time later, Thrall was recruited by the green dragon Ysera, Dragon Aspect of Dreams, and a dragon named Desharin for a special task. He and Desharin traveled to the Caverns of Time — home to the bronze dragons led by Nozdormu, Aspect of Time — but were suddenly attacked by a mysterious stranger who killed Desharin and forced Thrall to flee through a nearby time portal which sent him into an alternate timeline where he witnessed the murder of his parents during the Second War. After being attacked by the stranger again, Thrall ended up in another timeline, where he himself had died as an infant and Aedelas Blackmoore crowned himself king by taking control of both the Alliance and Horde with an army of mercenaries. After escaping from this "false" timeline and returning to his own timeline, Thrall found the Dragon Aspect Nozdormu, who explained that in the distant future, Nozdormu would become the mad dragon Murozond, create the infinite dragonflight — a faction of corrupted bronze dragons trying to disrupt the timeline — and send the assassin after Thrall. Thrall realized that his attacker was actually King Blackmoore from the alternate timeline he had visited.

To combat Deathwing, Nozdormu asked Thrall to find and rouse the red dragon Alexstrasza, Aspect of Life — who had fallen into a deep depression after the death and seeming betrayal of her consort Korialstrasz — as well as recruit the aid of the blue dragonflight, which had been left leaderless since the recent death of their Aspect, Malygos, and were about to elect either the noble Kalecgos or Malygos' fierce son Arygos as their new leader. The blues eventually chose Kalec was elected as the new Aspect, enraging Arygos, who had secretly allied himself with Deathwing, the Twilight's Hammer cult, and the evil twilight dragonflight. As the blue dragons were celebrating Kalecgos' ascension, twilight dragons attacked the ceremony. Arygos himself was betrayed and killed by the Twilight's Hammer's shadowy leader, the Twilight Father, and his blood was used to awaken Chromatus, a five-headed monstrosity created with the combined power of all five dragonflights to serve Deathwing. Thrall aided the blues against the twilight dragons and killed King Blackmoore with the Doomhammer. During the battle, he was granted a vision of Korialstrasz' death, revealing that the red dragon had actually sacrificed himself to prevent countless dragon eggs beneath the sacred Wyrmrest Temple from becoming corrupted by the Twilight's Hammer.

After revealing this to Alexstrasza, rousing her from her grief, Thrall joined forces with the other Aspects — Kalecgos, Nozdormu, and Ysera — to battle Chromatus. By working together and by having Thrall temporarily take the place of the missing Neltharion, Aspect of Earth, the Aspects were able to defeat Chromatus and sealed him in a magical prison, unable to completely destroy him. The Aspects then gathered atop Wyrmrest Temple, where Nozdormu informed them that the Hour of Twilight — the prophesied moment when the Old Gods would end all life on Azeroth — was fast approaching, but that the dragonflights, with Thrall's help, were now ready to face it. The former warchief then returned to Aggra at the Maelstrom and made the decision to cast off his old name, embracing his new identity as Go'el.

The Hour of Twilight

One day while meditating at the Maelstrom, Thrall was granted a terrible vision of Ragnaros, the Elemental Lord of Fire and a servant of the Old Gods, telling him of the imminent Hour of Twilight, but when the vision ended and Aggra rushed to help him, Thrall was assured that regardless of what would come to pass, he and Aggra would face it together.

Some time later, Thrall and Aggra gathered with the Dragon Aspects and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage at the World Tree Nordrassil for a special ritual to restore the tree, which the Aspects hoped would also heal Azeroth. However, the summit was interrupted by the appearance of a group of Twilight's Hammer led by Fandral Staghelm, a traitorous night elf druid who had joined forces with Ragnaros. Claiming that Thrall was the Twilight's Hammer's last obstacle, Fandral shattered the shaman into four elemental essences that were then scattered across the four regions of the Elemental Plane. Fandral and his followers fled, but while the Aspects believed Thrall to be lost, Aggar refused to give up on her beloved Go'el and traveled into the Elemental Plane with adventurers to rescue him.

In Skywall, the realm of air, Thrall was tormented by doubts that he had failed the world and the Horde and that he was unworthy of Aggra. In the Abyssal Maw, the realm of water, Thrall's spirit became a vortex of desire for peace with the Alliance, for a life with Aggra, and for children of his own. In Deepholm, the realm of earth, he became frozen in stone, embodying his resolve and patience. Finally, in Ragnaros' own domain of the Firelands, the realm of fire, Thrall's spirit burned with fury against Gul'dan's murder of his parents, Blackmoore's enslavement of him, Varian's war against the Horde, and Garrosh's murder of Cairne. Together, Aggra and the adventurers were able to save the scattered aspects of Thrall's spirit, freeing him from his bonds. Go'el and Aggra returned to Nordrassil and finally wed to become life-mates.

Eventually, the time came for the Aspects to destroy Deathwing, and they concluded that the only weapon powerful enough to do so was the Dragon Soul, an artifact created by Deathwing during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago with the powers of the other four Aspects. The Soul had long since been destroyed, but Nozdormu worked with adventurers to travel through time and retrieve it from the distant past. With the Soul in hand, Thrall and the Aspects gathered at Wyrmrest to infuse their collective powers into the artifact, eventually using it to obliterate the Destroyer at the Maelstrom. Afterward, Alexstrasza revealed that Aggra was pregnant.

Civil War in the Horde

Following Deathwing's defeat, Muln Earthfury stepped down from being the leader of the Earthen Ring and gave the position to Thrall instead. Some time later, Jaina Proudmoore tried to convince Thrall to return to the Horde and do something about Garrosh's warmongering, but the former warchief refused, citing his new path with the Earthen Ring and the important task of healing the damage from the Cataclysm. Not long after, Garrosh ordered the dropping of a mana bomb on Theramore, obliterating the city. Jaina barely survived but was filled with hatred towards the Horde. Retrieving a powerful artifact called the Focusing Iris, she traveled to near Orgrimmar and began summoning a massive tidal wave of water elementals to drown the city in retaliation, but was confronted by Thrall, who had received a call for help from the elements. Thrall was unable to deter the sorceress, but Kalecgos arrived and convinced her to stand down by stating that she would be no better than Garrosh or Arthas Menethil if she destroyed Orgrimmar. Jaina dispelled the tsunami but told Thrall there could be no peace until Garrosh was removed.

Though Thrall wished to live in peace with Aggra and their newborn son Durak, he was pulled back into the action when Garrosh tried to assassinate Vol'jin, who had long spoken out against the warchief's increasing tyranny. The troll narrowly survived thanks to the help of Horde adventurers and Chen Stormstout and sent the former to find Thrall in Durotar, who helped the adventurers liberate the Echo Isles from the Kor'kron — once the elite guard of the warchief, now more akin to Garrosh's personal legion. Eventually, Vol'jin recovered, returned to Durotar with Chen, and gathered the Darkspear tribe and the other leaders of the Horde to declare an open rebellion against Garrosh (with assistance from the Alliance). Thrall initially fought with the rebellion against the Kor'kron, but after telling Vol'jin to look after Aggra and Durak should anything happen to him, he left to infiltrate Orgrimmar in search of orcs opposed to the warchief's regime.

Meeting up with his old friend Varok Saurfang, Thrall fought his way through the massive Underhold Garrosh had constructed beneath the city. Meanwhile, the Alliance and Darkspear Rebellion besieged Orgrimmar, with adventurers eventually making their way to the warchief's inner sanctum, where Garrosh defeated Thrall in a duel. The warchief was instead defeated by the adventurers, after which Thrall tried to execute Garrosh with the Doomhammer. He was stopped by King Varian and the pandaren Taran Zhu, who declared that the warchief would need to stand trial in the land of Pandaria. After Hellscream was led away in chains, Thrall and the other Horde leaders named Vol'jin as their new warchief.

Draenor and the Doomhammer

During the trial in Pandaria, Garrosh managed to escape with the help of the bronze dragon Kairozdormu and fled to a past alternate universe version of the planet Draenor, where he convinced the alternate version of his father Grommash not to accept Gul'dan's gift and instead forge the orc clans into an Iron Horde, free of demonic corruption but still intent on conquering Draenor and the main universe's Azeroth. When the Iron Horde invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal, Thrall donned his old plate armor and battled the invaders, later accompanying the small, elite force that entered Draenor to destroy the Dark Portal from the Draenic side. After rescuing several orcs from the alternate Draenor's Frostwolf clan (including a young version of Drek'Thar) and destroying the portal, Thrall and the Horde traveled to the home of the Frostwolves — Frostfire Ridge — to recruit their aid against the Iron Horde. There, Thrall met the alternate versions of his own parents, Durotan and Draka, and aided them in various battles against the Iron Horde. The Horde eventually made it to Nagrand, where the Warsong clan had been left in the hands of Garrosh after Grommash became the warchief of the Iron Horde. When the Horde marched on the Warsong fortres of Grommashar, Thrall challenged Garrosh to a mak'gora. During the ensuing duel, Hellscream yelled that Thrall had made him what he was, but Thrall was adamant that Garrosh had chosen his own destiny. Thrall used his power over the elements to trap Garrosh in a stone fist and ended his life with a single bolt of lightning.

Many months after the Iron Horde's defeat, the Burning Legion once again invaded Azeroth, and the Alliance and Horde — including Thrall — rushed to face the demons on the Broken Shore. The battle ended in disaster; Varian was killed while Vol'jin was mortally wounded and named Sylvanas the new warchief. After the battle, Thrall and the surviving Earthen Ring members gathered at the Maelstrom, but the area was soon attacked by a Legion force led by the fel lord Geth'xun. While the other shaman dealt with the other demons, Thrall grappled with the fel lord, but during the battle the Doomhammer slipped out of his grasp and fell into the Maelstrom, passing through the rift into Deepholm, the elemental realm of earth. Shortly after, Geth'xun was knocked off of the cliff and fell into the rift as well. Thrall, a shaman adventurer, and a dwarf named Stormcaller Mylra quickly pursued the Doomhammer into Deepholm and found that the weapon had landed in a place called the Crumbling Depths. Thrall explained that the elements had become silent to him after he had used them to kill Garrosh and that the Doomhammer had begun to feel like a "dead weight" in his hands. The three shaman traveled to the Crumbling Depths, but as Thrall was still heavily wounded from his battle with Geth'xun he soon fell behind. Mylra and the adventurer confronted Geth'xun, and by picking up the Doomhammer the adventurer was able to kill the fel lord. Thrall, seeing the adventurer as a worthy wielder of the hammer, passed leadership of the Earthen Ring to them and told them to return to the Maelstrom and listen to Aggra's counsel. Go'el then left to do some much-needed soul-searching.

It was briefly mentioned at BlizzCon 2017 that Thrall will have a role to play in the upcoming Battle for Azeroth. Personally, I feel like Blizzard hasn't quite known what to do with Thrall after Cataclysm, but all in all, it remains to be seen where Go'el's story will lead in the end.

In any case, I'll see you all on Sunday for Thrall's abilities and quotes thread.

submitted by /u/StuntedSlime
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Voice Chat is Great, but we Still Need a MMR based Party Finder for Team League

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:42 PM PST

Integrated Voice Chat has made Team League better than ever. Your party of 3 can instantly connect with a party of 2. No need to link your discord server or clog up your skype friends list. One barrier that still exists however is the struggle to find players of your same skill at a time you have to play.

This is why Hero League has remained the go to mode inspite of being competitively inferior. If you want to level up your game, Team League is absolutely the place to go, but it can be a struggle to find a party. Maybe you could find any players, but the match quality will be poor if you're two or more leagues apart in skill.

You can go into Hero League, make some friends, and do Team League after, but it's unlikely those players will have the same schedule as you. Time you have off work or school may not be the same as them. So even if you want to play Team League, a lot of the time you'll have to resort to Hero League instead.

Here are some logistics and things to keep in mind when designing the Party Finder.

-Searching through the playerbase for MMR is a complex task, so it would require a dedicated queue. Like readying up for Hero League, but without getting pulled into a game.

-Since it only has to find half of a team, the queues will be significantly faster, and because the groups are already matched according to mmr the Team League queue itself will be a lot faster as well.

-All in all, the party queue plus the match queue in total, will be the same length as a normal Hero League queue and faster than current Team League queues.

-The Party Finder queue can be used to find groups for all modes as well. QM, UD, Brawls, and even AI xp farming.

-Consider adding leaver status or a 5 minute time out for leaving a created party. With any queue, there should be a consequence for leaving, but it should be mild for this queue. No more than one game of leaver.

submitted by /u/fartofwisdom
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League stops you from earning loot boxes for a period of time after suspensions. Do you think that would help toxicity in HOTs?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:32 PM PST

What are the coolest looking unreleased characters from Blizzard lore?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:27 AM PST

I don't know much about Blizzard lore at all. But I do love looking at concept art and characters from Blizzard.

What are the coolest characters that we have not seen in hots yet?

Example, this blue dude.

List of suggestions so far (from the comments):

Closing in, post images you lazy murkies! Thanks for all the great suggestions, I really see many of these for Hots, hell all of them.

See you in the Nexus!

submitted by /u/ChalkCultPen
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I upgraded to a higher-res screen, and only now realized that the minions on some maps have faces.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:35 PM PST

Maybe the vikings should get reduced death timers after collecting enough regen globes.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:58 AM PST

The old trait was overpowered, the new trait is underpowered. It would be cool if there was a decent reward for collecting globes real hard.

submitted by /u/captain_gordino
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We have 3 options for the new hero now

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:32 PM PST

1) PTR-less release. Maybe reveal at Western Clash then everyone can play on the 6th
2) 5 week release. Where they're revealed and then PTR ensues.
3) Reveal is on the weekend and PTR happens next week

Edit: Not sure why this is/was flaired as esports and I'm dumb, its the 6th not the 5th lol

submitted by /u/bran76765
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I just had someone throw a ranked game because they weren't going to play with a girl.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 01:13 PM PST

I cannot believe someone is this shallow. We get in the draft, I'm talking so he knows I'm a girl, so far we have Kharazim (me), zagara, Sonya, and samaru. What does he pick? Murky. We get in the game and he says "sorry I'm not playing with a girl, a girl that plays video games is probably fat."(Which I'm 6ft not fat and hot as heck, and by your heavy breathing and gross sounds I cannot say the same for you.) He then proceeds to run around his egg all game, come out in the last five minute to do damage and steal a couple kills, probably so if I report him it wouldn't look like he was afk. We lost obviously.

I'm getting tired of the voice chat complains on this subreddit too so sorry about this being another one, but this is just on a whole different level than toxic.

Everyone up till now has been very nice, am I going to have to expect this now? Like, what am I even supposed to do about this? Voice chat in game is so helpful, am I really going to have to not use it just because I'm a girl?

This guy was plat and account over level 600, so it wasn't like he was a full time troll either.

submitted by /u/Remembraday
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Chen does not only have drinking problem......

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 03:17 AM PST


He also committed suicide. My Chen killed himself after Storm, Earth, Fire ended then one of the elements just exploded. Aged 42. RIP worst way to go.

Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centre offers a 24-hour crisis hotline.


National toll-free: 800-810-1117(全国免费)

Phone/IP/user extension: 010-8295-1332 (手机/IP/分机用户)

submitted by /u/ZiggyOnMars
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[SFM] Maiev_Pissed.wav

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:38 PM PST

For people using voice chat- how has it been when you're on the losing side?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:41 AM PST

I haven't had a chance to play since the patch, but am looking forward to diving in this weekend.

I'm glad a lot of people are happy with voice chat, but the threads I've seen on Reddit praising it have been from the winning team's perspective. Of course everyone will be in a good mood when they win.

How has the experience been for people on the losing team? Do people still flame or call "GG" after the first lost teamfight? Do people end up just not talking when the game is over? If it reduces toxicity for the losing team, then I'll be all in.

submitted by /u/Jomungur
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