Heroes of the Storm - HGC China - Playoffs - Day 2 :: SoA, TheOne.SGTY :: Discussion thread

HGC China - Playoffs - Day 2 :: SoA, TheOne.SGTY :: Discussion thread

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:00 AM PST

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


  • Match 4: 1:00 PST / 4:00 EST / 10:00 CET / 17:00 CST / 60 minutes after this post - SoA vs BTG
  • Match 5: 3:15 PST / 6:15 EST / 12:15 CET / 19:15 CST / 3h 15m after this post - BTG vs winner of match 4 - winner qualifies to Eastern Clash
  • Playoffs continue tomorrow at 1:00 PST / 4:00 EST / 10:00 CET / 17:00 CST.


HGC China - useful links

Game version

HGC China is usually played on the live patch. Maiev is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Thank you Blizzard for letting us unlock Skins with Shards

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:55 PM PST

It may or may not be the best system, but HoTS is closer to real "F2P" than other games of this genre. I already bought a good number of skins only using shards. And the more you play, the faster the duplicates come, the more shards you get. I just saw that the new Morales Enforcer skin is 600 shards, it'll take a while but it's defiantly doable.

submitted by /u/WuxiaLover93
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Shout out to Blizzard for the amount of communication regarding the PTR changes

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:17 AM PST

It's nice to see them being anything but stingy with information regarding the 2 upcoming reworks.

submitted by /u/TheRealXiaphas
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We Live Games E-Sports expands to Heroes of the Storm - Looking for players, analyst and coach!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:28 PM PST

Hey everybody!

We Live Games (www.welivegames.com), a Luxembourgish E-Sports organisation with competitive teams in CS:GO and Hearthstone, looking to expand to Heroes of the Storm.

We Live Games is currently trying out potential players and contacting current amateur teams. If you're interested in attending one of the tryouts, or think your team is ready to 'take it to the next level' feel free to message me.

In addition, We Live Games would like to take a more in-depth, professional and effective approach to coaching and analysing our players. Therefore we are looking for a role as coach and analyst. Please contact me if you think one of these roles might suite you.

We hope to talk to you soon, and maybe meet each other in the Nexus!

David de Vries

submitted by /u/dvddv
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With the Sonya and Medivh changes, can we take a look at Chen and Artanis?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:32 AM PST

All Chen memes aside, I'm really hoping we'll be seeing some Chen changes soon. He has a great kit to shut down the mobile heroes so prevalent in this meta, but he himself is also easily shut down. I feel like he doesn't need an overhaul, but rather, a few slight changes here and there that will really unleash the potential of his kit:

  • Finally make it so that hard cc (and ONLY hard cc) can interrupt his drinking. He shouldn't be flinching to displacements.

  • Perhaps make Brewmaster's Balance baseline. It's too good a talent to give up for anything else on that tier at the moment.

  • Accumulating Flame (E dps build) needs a dps buff. Right now both his Q build and his W build are pretty good already, but he needs a bit more..."heat" in his flames.

Chen should be the Bruiser to shut down hyper mobility heroes like Tracer, Genji, and Lucio with his damage over time, his mobility, and his slows. He can be an amazingly fun (and needed) addition to the meta.

As for Artanis, he's in a perfectly good spot at the moment, but he has some issues in my opinion that should be addressed:

  • Amateur Opponent should be baseline. It's too good a talent to give up, and is such a valuable and integral part of his kit as a Bruiser and solo laner. With AO being baseline, we could look at a slight buff to Reactive Parry (perhaps a 75% reduction instead of 50), and a questing talent for Q that rewards bonus dps if both dashes hit the same target, or gives increased shield cdr.

  • Without Shield Surge (4), his base Shield Overload is a little too weak to have an impact, especially in the early game. As he needs to stay in fights, he absolutely needs Shield Surge to do his job when things get intense. It allows him to "edge out" the sustain war, whereas it's nearly impossible to do so with his baseline shields. This can perhaps be addressed by either buffing his baseline shields (and lowering Shield Surge's bonus value), or by removing Shield Surge altogether and give him increased shielding the lower his hp is (kind of like how Garrosh's armor trait works).

  • Shield Battery and Plasma Burn need to be reworked. Since Artanis's shields are there to absorb damage (and are usually depleted rather quickly), talents that depend on their uptime basically counter the point of his trait, and get very little value, if any at all. For Shield Battery, rather than its current functionality, why not make it an active talent (D) that gives Artanis a second shield, with a 30s cd that can be reduced by aas? This will be much, much more effective than the current version. As for Plasma Burn, it should be more like Phase Bulwark, in which the effect stays for a fixed duration after the shields are activated, no matter how quickly they are depleted afterwards.

Again, I'm perfectly fine with the way Artanis is right now, but that doesn't mean he's issue-free. He's got some old talents that need updating, and a few tweaks to be made to stay up to date in the current version of the game.

submitted by /u/TpsyFreezy
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Enforcer Greymane has been given the wrong gun!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:21 AM PST

We all know Greymane has a slow 1 per second attack. Why did you give him a submachine gun/AR that's supposed to be rapid fire, bliz?! Literally unplayable!

He should have something like a desert eagle instead!

submitted by /u/theshiningnova
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Lunara has been announced to join Hearthstone as a Druid Hero

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:49 PM PST

I think Guldan's Q range is visually unclear right now.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:03 AM PST

So I was matched against a Guldan a few times today. And I noticed that area of his Q is actually a little longer than the fel wave he throws. So there are these annoying cases of me getting hit while the animation does not touch me.

I think Guldan's Q animation should be fixed a little bit so it is visually clear when it stops.

submitted by /u/_Weyland_
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Michael "Sixth Guy" Udall Joins the Western Clash Analyst Desk!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:05 PM PST

QoL Can we change Kerrigan's W to be a clamped ability so it stops messing up the combo.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:20 AM PST

Right now if you try to cast W->E combo and your cursor is just out of W range (which is ridiculously short to begin with so this happens way too often) instead of walking a step forward, casting W at the target location and then E, the system just cancels the W and executes only the E, which is useless. By clamping W it will instead cast W at max range not cancel it so people no longer have to Shift queue the whole combo.

submitted by /u/AVRadev
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Heroes of the Storm WTF Moments Ep. 103

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:41 AM PST

I just had a match in Diamond 2 with someone who didn't know what abilites Abathur had

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:45 AM PST

What the fuck is this clown fiesta. Sorry for the vent post but what the actual fuck. This guy actually died to Aba locusts 3 times because he didn't know that they weren't normal minions. He also just attacked the evolution like a normal hero and spammed his heroic as Greymane on it (Go for the throat too). Checked his profile, less than 150 games played. Meanwhile I am in diamond 3 with 2500+. What the hell is this? His profile says the same thing. Insane qm winstreak then insane HL loss streak, like 17 games.

submitted by /u/Sometus
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Adapting to Your Rank

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:12 PM PST

Hi friends; Here's the TL;DR: I have a main account and started a fresh account. The former just got demoted to Gold 4 in Hero League, the latter just got promoted to Diamond 2 in Hero League. How is this discrepancy reconcilable?

I've been playing HotS for over 2 years now and started in bronze, working my way up over time before plateauing in gold (I got to high platinum last season, and was placed as such twice at the beginning of the season, but after two resets, I was put back in gold).

After hundreds of games (I play a lot) I have managed to somehow remain Gold 2-4 despite having an above average theoretical understanding of the game. I've always felt my rank was not reflective of my understanding of the game, so I decided to see if I could make it in a higher rank.

I played with a few friends who were very highly ranked in QM on a new account, since I heard this would raise the hidden mmr once I did HL. Then I did my placement games. I did relatively well, 7-3 and then placed Diamond 4. I continued to play this account and had more success than on my main account. After several games, I ranked up and got promoted to Diamond 2.

My win percentage on the gold account hovers around 50% and on my diamond account, it hovers at high sixty. Here's what I suspect is going on. My knowledge of the game well surpasses my mechanical ability. In gold, no one ever seems to know anything about the theory of the game. People simply pick heroes they are mechanically skilled with. Half the time, people don't know what the solo lane is let alone what heroes are solo laners.

In diamond, I am placed with people who, while often ignorant of many concepts, still have a much better general understanding of the game. This allows me to actually put my knowledge to use with synergies and camp timings. Games are just overall more fluid and I feel as though playing in this bracket is causing me to improve very quickly. Improvement which is allowing me to climb in Diamond, but causing me to fall in rank in Gold.

I don't believe this discrepancy is unique to me as I've seen it in friends of mine. I believe this discrepancy arises because there is a greater percentage of players who compensate for a lack of knowledge with mechanics and there aren't enough players who have a solid balance in lower tiers of play.

Quick match is the most obvious problem, as it's the most common mode of play but leaves players woefully underprepared in terms of game knowledge when beginning their Hero League journey. What do you guys think about this? Do you think the system is fine? Do you think we need more education about game concepts made more accessible?

submitted by /u/Trickzzinoth
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We need more supports that aren't from Warcraft

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:05 PM PST

Number of support heroes in the game by franchise:

  • Blizzard Classic: 0
  • Diablo: 2
  • Overwatch: 2
  • StarCraft: 3
  • Warcraft: 7

As a support main, I'm always down with more diversity in this role. Blizzard, let's make it happen!

submitted by /u/Areyouguysateam
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Lost Vikings are f2p now

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:04 AM PST

Just to let people know of this rare occurance ;)

submitted by /u/Nino_Chaosdrache
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Enforcer Johanna...

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:02 AM PST

If I recall correctly, someone posted a Riot Gear Johanna idea long ago. Now we are getting Enforcer Johanna. Pretty sick.

Riot Johanna

We can now wait for Janitor Leoric and Horde Zarya. High chance they will happen too!!!

Images :

Janitor Leoric : (https://imgur.com/oBL2fZi)

Horde Zarya : (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1r4X2)

I do not own the above images, credit to u/TehSasquatch and some other talented artists and ideas u/LilDiita and u/KnightValor

submitted by /u/Rogue_Nomad
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How does this game have such a bad reconnection. System that it takes over 15 min for a game to reconnect

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:36 PM PST

Dced out of a HL game (sorry team), i went to reconnect within 2 min of dc, have currently spent 15 min at a screen with no options, no loading bar, and no way to exit it besides alt f4. Like wtf? Pre-pre-pre alpha games have a better reconnect system than a blizzard game with a world champion tournament?

submitted by /u/c0rk13s2
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I finally turned Quick Cast on and it feels amazing

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:21 PM PST

I put it off for so long, but I'm not sure why. I got tired of the delay on some abilities and during a death I just switched it over. I can't recommend it enough, guys.

Almost everything feels better. My combos feel so much more dangerous as Diablo. My spell output is much higher as Jaina. The only real downside is not knowing the exact range of my lesser played heroes' skillshots, but I won't be using those much in HL anyway.

submitted by /u/RealMachoochoo
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Thrall – Abilities, Quotes, and Skins Lore

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:59 AM PST

"We came to this world as exiles and outcasts, but together we can be more. A weapon to break the chains of oppression. A bastion for the hunted and the lost. A family bound by blood and honor. And if our enemies do not give us peace, we will give them WAR! Victory or death! This I pledge as your warchief — until the end of days, I live and die for the Horde!"

Heroes of the Storm: Thrall Trailer

Hello, folks.

So I know I originally said I was going to post the followup to my Thrall lore thread on Sunday, but because I'm lazy I wasn't able to finish the thread in time for that. I also figured there wasn't much point in posting it yesterday since it would likely just get buried beneath to the announcement of the STORM skins and the Medivh and Sonya reworks, so instead here we are, only about 48 hours late.

Anyhow, as usual, this thread will be dedicated to explaining the lore of Thrall's abilities, talents, quotes, character interactions, and skins. Not much more to say, so I'll just get straight into it.

Thrall lore thread

All previous "Lore of" episodes


Thrall in Heroes of the Storm is based on the Far Seer, a hero unit for the orc faction in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and the shaman class in World of Warcraft.

Thrall wields the Doomhammer, a legendary orcish weapon which was forged in ancient times on the orc homeworld of Draenor by an orc named Gelnar and subsequently passed from father to son within the Blackrock clan for generations. It eventually came into the possession of Telkar Doomhammer and finally Telkar's son, Orgrim Doomhammer, who wielded the hammer in battle until his death while aiding Thrall in liberating the orcs from the Lordaeron interment camps. Thrall subsequently picked up the weapon and later added a Frostwolf symbol to the hammerhead to denote his ties to the Frostwolf clan.

  • D: Frostwolf Resilience - References the orc clan to which Thrall belongs, the Frostwolves. The clan originally lived in the cold heights of Frostfire Ridge on Draenor and derive their namesake and symbol from their close bond with the snow-white frost wolves. Led by their noble young chieftain Durotan, the Frostwolves fought alongside the rest of the Horde during the genocide of the draenei race and part of the First War, but Durotan's defiance against the Horde's corrupt leadership led to the Frostwolves being exiled from the Horde. The clan settled in the frigid Alterac Valley, but Durotan and his mate Draka were later assassinated. Their son Thrall was found and raised by humans as a slave until he escaped to freedom, learned of his heritage, and united the defeated orc clans into a new Horde as their new warchief and the chieftain of the Frostwolf clan. The Frostwolves, however, chose to remain in their new home in Alterac, where they continue to reside to this day, though they've recently come into conflict with the dwarves of the Stormpike Guard, who seek to scour Alterac for ancient relics.

  • Q: Chain Lightning - Chain Lightning is a Warcraft III Far Seer and World of Warcraft shaman ability which functions much the same way it does in Heroes, hurling a bolt of lightning that damages an enemy and then jumps to other nearby enemies.

  • W: Feral Spirit - In WC3, Feral Spirit is a Far Seer ability which summons two wolf spirit units to assist in combat for up to 60 seconds. In World of Warcraft, Feral Spirit is an ability for Enhancement shamans that summons two spirit wolves that automatically follow and assist the shaman for to 15 seconds. Unlike the Heroes version, WC3 and WoW's Feral Spirit summons wolves with more of a ghostly or spectral appearance rather than a fiery lava one.

  • E: Windfury - Windfury Weapon was an Enhancement shaman ability which infused the shaman's weapon with wind for up to 60 minutes, giving each attack a 20% of triggering three extra attacks. It was removed in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, but Legion introduced a passive Enhancement shaman ability simply called "Windfury", which provides a similar effect to that of Windfury Weapon.

  • R1: Sundering - This ability is not based on any previous shaman ability, but the name appears to reference the Great Sundering, a cataclysmic event that occurred at the end of the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, when the magical fount called the Well of Eternity imploded in on itself and tore Azeroth's single continent — Kalimdor — apart, destroying most of its landmass and creating several smaller continents and islands.

  • R2: Earthquake - Earthquake is the WC3 Far Seer's Ultimate ability. It causes the Far Seer to channel and create an earthquake over a large area for up to 25 seconds, continuously damaging buildings and slowing units by 75%. In WoW, Earthquake is an Elemental shaman ability that creates an earthquake in a target area, dealing Physical damage and sometimes knocking down and briefly stunning enemies who stand in the area. Heroes of the Storm's Earthquake leaves behind a large symbol of the Frostwolf clan on the ground.

  • Level 1: Echo of the Elements - A World of of Warcraft shaman talent which originally gave damaging and healing spells a small chance to instantly duplicate their effect. It was redesigned in Warlords of Draenor to instead give a chance for the shaman's next short-cooldown ability to not trigger a cooldown. It was redesigned yet again in Legion and now simply gives an extra charge to several abilities, similar to how Heroes' Echo of the Elements provides an extra charge of Chain Lightning.

  • Level 1: Crash Lightning - An Enhancement shaman ability which instantly deals damage to all enemies in front of the shaman. Hitting 2 or more targets empowers the shaman's weapons for 10 seconds, causing their Stormstrike and Lava Lash abilities to also deal AoE damage.

  • Level 1: Rolling Thunder - A passive Elemental shaman ability which gave a chance for the shaman to refund a small portion of their mana and generate an additional charge of Lightning Shield (which will be familiar to Heroes players as Rehgar's W ability) whenever they cast the Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning spells while Lightning Shield was active. Rolling Thunder was removed in Warlords of Draenor.

  • Level 4: Mana Tide - This talent references Mana Tide Totem, an ability for Restoration shamans which summoned a totem that increased the Spirit (a stat that increased mana regeneration and has since been removed from the game) of nearby allies. Mana Tide Totem itself was removed in Warlords of Draenor.

  • Level 7: Maelstrom Weapon - A passive Enhancement shaman ability which previously caused the shaman's melee attacks to have a chance of granting a stack of Maelstrom Weapon, reducing the cast time and mana cost of their next Nature-based spell and increasing the effectiveness of their next healing spell. Maelstrom Weapon was redesigned in Legion, and now simply causes the shaman's auto attacks and Windfury attacks to generate Maelstrom, a secondary ability resource for shaman added in Legion.

  • Level 13: Grace Of Air - A shaman ability which passively granted a slight buff to the the Mastery and Haste stats of nearby allies. It was based on the removed Grace of Air Totem ability, but Grace of Air itself ended up being removed as well in Legion.

  • Level 16: Thunderstorm - An Elemental shaman ability which instantly calls down a bolt of lightning, damaging and slowing nearby enemies and knocking them away from the shaman.

  • Level 16: Alpha Wolf - In Legion, in which the Doomhammer becomes an equippable artifact weapon for Enhancement shaman, Alpha Wolf is one of the Doomhammer's unlockable artifact traits. It causes the Crash Lightning ability to also cause the spirit wolves summoned by Feral Spirit to attack all nearby enemies for 8 seconds.

  • Level 20: Worldbreaker - Just as this talent improves the Sundering ability, the talent name is possibly inspired by the corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing the Destroyer, also known as the "Worldbreaker", who caused a disaster similar in scope to the Sundering when he triggered the Cataclysm by erupting into Azeroth at the start of the namesake World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. Much of Cataclysm was focused on Thrall uniting with the other Dragon Aspects to defeat Deathwing.

  • Level 20: Earthen Shields - Possibly a reference to Earth Shield, a Restoration shaman honor talent (a special max-level PvP talent) which grants an ally a shield that reduces damage taken and also heals them for a small amount whenever they take a sufficient amount of damage in one hit. In Legion, there is also the similarly-named Earthen Shield Totem talent, which causes damage taken by nearby allies to instead be redirected to the totem.

  • Level 20: Wind Rush - Wind Rush Totem is a shaman talent which summons a totem that greatly increases the movement speed of nearby allies for 5 seconds.

Removed talents
  • Level 7: Wind Shear (removed in 2.26.0) - A WoW shaman ability which interrupts an enemy's spellcasting.

  • Level 16: Forked Lightning (removed in 2.26.0) - Forked Lightning is an ability used by the Naga Sea Witch hero unit in Warcraft III. It works somewhat similarly to the Far Seer's Chain Lightning, but instead of sending forth a single lightning bolt that jumps from one target to the next, it instantly strikes up to 3 nearby units with separate bolts of lightning. In Legion, Forked Lightning is an Enhancement shaman honor talent which causes the Stormstrike ability to also damage up to two other nearby enemies with lightning.

Poke quotes

Warcraft III Thrall quotes

I am the warchief. - WC3 select quote.

The spirits are restless. - WC3 select quote.

Huh? Oh, that's right, we're doing the joke thing. Sorry, it's been a while. - The idea of repeatedly clicking on units to produce odd or humorous quotes originated in the Warcraft RTS games, stretching as far back as Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. For a long time, Thrall did not have such quotes himself in WoW until he received new sets of on-click quotes in Warlords of Draenor and Legion.

[sigh] I miss real-time strategy. / The isometric perspective, the epic large-scale battles! / Can't say I miss all this 'poking', though. - Thrall made his first canonical in-game appearance in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, so he feels nostalgia for those days as opposed to the MMO nature of WoW or the MOBA nature of Heroes.

Earth, wind, and fire! Let's groove tonight. - References both the American band Earth, Wind & Fire and one of their more famous songs, "Let's Groove" (1981), and the WC3 phrase "storm, earth, and fire", notably used in the Shaman unit's summon quote ("Storm, earth, and fire, heed my call!") and as the name of the Pandaren Brewmaster's Ultimate ability (I'll go into more detail on that in the Chen post).

Take your warchief's advice. Don't run around doing stupid things just because someone yells 'For the Horde!'. - I feel like I've seen a Thrall quote somewhere that's similar to this, but I can't quite remember.

Which came first, the Doomhammer or the Doomhammers? Think about it. - "Doomhammer" is both the name of the ancient weapon that Thrall wields and the family of Blackrock orcs to which the hammer originally belonged. To answer Thrall's question, as far as we've been told in official lore, the family only began being called "Doomhammer" after the creation of the weapon, so the Doomhammer came before the Doomhammers (though, of course, you could argue that the family already existed before the creation of the hammer and that they just weren't called "Doomhammer").

Hm, let's see what abilities they gave me this time. Chain Lightning... always good. Feral Spirit. Windfury! Sorry, Rehgar. Looks like I got all the good stuff.

After a couple of Heroes of the Storm expansions, Blizzard replaces me with Garrosh. - At the start of Cataclysm, the third expansion to World of Warcraft, Thrall stepped down from being warchief of the Horde and instead gave the position to Garrosh Hellscream.

The blow that killed Orgrim permanently dented the backplate of this armor. It serves as a constant reminder that the enemy can strike when you least expect it. - Orgrim Doomhammer was an orc of the Blackrock clan and a close friend to Thrall's father Durotan. Orgrim led the Horde to victory during the First War and continued to lead them during the Second War, in which the orcs were defeated by the Alliance and imprisoned in special interment camps in the kingdom of Lordaeron. Orgrim managed to escape and live as a hermit, and later worked with Thrall to liberate the captive orcs. During the attack on one interment camp, Orgrim was impaled from behind by a human knight's lance. As he died, he bequeathed both the Doomhammer and his distinctive black plate armor to Thrall. Thrall made sure to restore, but not replace, the back plate that had been pierced by the lance and continued to wear Orgrim's armor for many years thereafter.

Wait, what? What do you mean there's lore in this game? You guys actually paid someone to write a story about Raynor meeting Diablo? Isn't this precisely what fan fiction is for?! [sigh] I didn't approve any of this! - Pokes fun at how, even though Heroes is explicitly non-canon, with the basic premise being little more than a not-particularly-serious crossover between Blizzard universes, there are still some elements of a story in places, like in character interactions (which are basically just fanservice, to be fair) and things like the original Heroes of the Storm new player tutorial (which doesn't exist in the game anymore). In this quote, Thrall appears to be speaking from the perspective of Chris Metzen, former Senior Vice President of Story & Franchise Development and the voice actor of numerous Warcraft characters, most prominently Thrall, who is sometimes accused of being a self-insert on Metzen's part. The specific mention of Raynor and Diablo might simply be because they're two of the most recognizable characters from their respective franchises; alternatively, it may be an indirect reference to the Heroes of the Storm cinematic trailer or the aforementioned new player tutorial, both of which feature Raynor fighting Diablo.

Interaction quotes

(Generic boast) Thrall: "Lok-tar ogar! Victory or death!" - "Lok-tar ogar" is an Orcish war cry translating to "Victory or death". The words are included in the sacred blood oath that new members of the Horde swear, and in the oath the phrase is described as embodying the most sacred and fundamental truths to any warrior of the Horde. (Also, before anyone asks, in-game the word "Lok-tar" almost always spelled with an apostrophe as "Lok'tar", but according to Blizzard historian Sean Copeland the hyphenated version is the canonically correct one.)

Thrall: "Well met, friend." Alexstrasza: "Well met indeed, shaman." / Alexstrasza: "Ah, shaman. I'm always glad to fight beside one with such respect for life." Thrall: "Indeed." - Thrall played a central role in helping the Dragon Aspects heal and Azeroth and defeat Deathwing with the Dragon Soul during Cataclysm, even temporarily taking the place of the Aspect of Earth, the position once held by Deathwing.

Thrall: "Are you ready to watch the Doomhammer at work, dwarf?" Falstad: "I'll take me stormhammer any day o' the week!" - While Thrall wields the Doomhammer, Wildhammer dwarf gryphon riders such as Falstad instead wield magical, lightning-imbued weapons called stormhammers.

Falstad: "And so then he says, 'Isn't Falstad dead?'" Thrall: "[sigh] I wish you'd stop telling this story." - References an event which occurred at BlizzCon 2010, in which (now former) Blizzard employee Chris Metzen (who is also the voice actor for Thrall) mistakenly thought that Falstad Wildhammer had been killed off in the novel Day of the Dragon and was subsequently corrected by a fan named Ian Bates, more commonly known as the "Red Shirt Guy". You can check my Falstad lore post for more details.

Gul'dan: "The Son of Durotan. I pray you are not as disappointing as your father." - Thrall's father, the Frostwolf chieftain Durotan, frequently opposed and spoke out against Gul'dan's corruption of the orcs and the Horde, eventually leading Gul'dan to exile Durotan and the Frostwolves from the Horde entirely. Not long after that, Durotan and his mate Draka were killed by assassins loyal to Gul'dan, leaving the infant Go'el (Thrall) to be found by Aedelas Blackmoore.

Thrall: "Hrm. Garrosh." Garrosh: "All I did, I did for the Horde!" - Garrosh was the son of Thrall's late friend, Grommash Hellscream. After discovering Garrosh in Outland, Thrall brought him back to Azeroth to serve as an advisor, and eventually passed the title of warchief to him. While Thrall had hoped the mantle of warchief would give the hotheaded Garrosh perspective, the young Hellscream became increasingly brutal and tyrannical in his war against the Alliance and his treatment of other members of the Horde. Thrall participated in the Darkspear Rebellion that successfully deposed Garrosh and later chased him to the alternate Draenor, where Thrall finally killed Garrosh in a mak'gora duel. Garrosh's response in this interaction is a direct quote from And Justice for Thrall, the cinematic depicting the final confrontation between him and Thrall.

Garrosh: "You never had the strength of a true warrior!" Thrall: "Then it's a good thing I'm one hell of a shaman." - References another part of the And Justice for Thrall cinematic, in which Garrosh tells Thrall ""You never had the strength of a true warrior" and Thrall replies that "I do not rely on strength alone, Garrosh. My power is all around you" and proceeds to kill Garrosh with the power of the elements.

Thrall: "Jaina, it's been a long time." Jaina: "Nice to be on the same side for a change." / Jaina: "It's been a long time since we fought together, Thrall." Thrall: "Indeed it has, Jaina." - Thrall and Jaina forged a close friendship as they battled against the Burning Legion during the Third War, and both continued to strive for diplomacy between the Horde and Alliance during the years that followed.

Thrall: "Jaina. It's been a long time." Theramore Jaina: "Warchief Thrall. Not nearly long enough." - Thrall and Jaina's friendship effectively ended when Garrosh dropped a mana bomb on Jaina's city of Theramore, with Jaina resenting Thrall for having appointed Garrosh as warchief.

Theramore Jaina: "Thrall, shouldn't you be dropping that hammer in a hole somewhere?" Thrall: "The waiting ends shortly. I hope your tongue follows suit." - Pokes fun at how, near the start of Legion, Thrall drops the Doomhammer into the Maelstrom while fighting the demon commander Geth'xun. After helping a shaman adventurer retrieve the weapon, Thrall yields both the hammer and leadership of the Earthen Ring to the adventurer.

Thrall: "Well met, friend." Medivh: "I always knew you'd find your destiny, Thrall." / Medivh: "So, we meet again, young warchief." Thrall: "Indeed." - During the Third War, Medivh guided Thrall to lead the Horde away from the Eastern Kingdoms to the western continent of Kalimdor, where the orcs worked with the humans and night elves to defeat the Burning Legion and eventually created a land they could of their own in the form of Durotar.

Thrall: "So, they sent... you." Ragnaros: "You called, little shaman, and the Firelord has answered!" - Ragnaros' response is a direct quote from the patch trailer for Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands, in which Thrall asks the elements to send him a message but is instead granted a vision of Ragnaros, who torments the orc with visions of the Hour of Twilight.

Ragnaros: "Thrall... what a fitting name for a servant of the elements." Thrall: "The waiting ends shortly. I hope your tongue follows suit." - Aedelas Blackmoore gave Go'el the name "Thrall", meaning "slave". Shaman such as Thrall derive their powers from respecting and working with the elements, asking them for aid instead of taking their power by force.

Thrall: "Greetings, brother shaman." Rehgar: "The honor is mine, Warchief." / Rehgar: [...] Thrall: "Formality doesn't suit you, Rehgar." - I wasn't able to find Rehgar's corresponding line in the second interaction, but in any case: Rehgar is a shaman much like Thrall, and after leaving the life of a gladiator owner behind him, he became one of Thrall's most trusted advisors.

Thrall: "Hail, Champion of the Horde!" Rexxar: "Warchief. It is good to fight alongside you once more." / Rexxar: "Warchief! It is an honor." Thrall: "Come, Champion, there is battle to be waged." - Rexxar aided Thrall and the Horde in securing their new nation of Durotar from the forces of Daelin Proudmoore, and Thrall granted him the position of Champion of the Horde for his efforts.

Valeera: "Thrall, you're warchief again? What happened to Sylvanas?" - Pokes fun at the anachronistic nature of Heroes of the Storm and how some characters come from different points in time than others. In this case, the Thrall that is represented in Heroes is from around the time frame of Warcraft III, classic World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade, or Wrath of the Lich King, when he was still the warchief of the Horde. The Heroes version of Valeera, on the other hand, is from the Legion expansion, when Thrall has long since stopped being warchief, with the title first passing to Garrosh Hellscream in Cataclysm, then Vol'jin in Mists of Pandaria, and finally Sylvanas Windrunner in Legion.

Varian: "Warchief Thrall. Much has changed since your time." Thrall: "Easily said, but not easily proven." - While Thrall stepped down as warchief in Cataclysm, Varian continued to serve as the leader of the Alliance until his death three expansions later, in Legion.

Thrall: "Varian. I hope that temper of yours won't be a liability." Varian: "Only my enemy shall know my rage. And I intend to keep that promise." - Varian is known for his ferocious personality. Yeah, I don't have a lot to say about this one. Sorry.

Kill quotes

Demon: "The Horde bows to no demon." - The Old Horde was created when the orc clans were manipulated into forming an army by the demonic Burning Legion. When Thrall created the New Horde by freeing the orcs from the Lordaeron interment camps, he worked to recover their old pre-Horde traditions and to ensure that no orc would ever be enslaved by demons (or humans) ever again. He later led the Horde in defeating the Burning Legion alongside the humans and night elves at the end of the Third War.

E.T.C.: "Give the Earth Mother my regards." - The Earth Mother is a gentle and loving creator deity mainly worshiped by the tauren, who believe that she is the creator of the world and the tauren and that An'she (the sun) and Mu'sha (the White Lady, the larger of Azeroth's two moons) are respectively the right and left eyes of the Earth Mother, which she tore out in grief when some of her tauren children fell prey to corruption. Besides the tauren, some centaur, frost nymphs, and a number of orc shaman (including Thrall's mate Aggra) also worship or at least acknowledge the Earth Mother.

Garrosh: "Once again, you disappoint me, Garrosh." - Reference to a line spoken by Thrall to Garrosh in the Secrets of Ulduar patch trailer and repeated in the Siege of Orgrimmar ending cutscene: "You disappoint me, Garrosh".

Jaina: "Farewell, Jaina." - Nothing I can say about this I didn't already explain in the interaction quotes section.

Varian: "I expected more from the great Lo'Gosh." - After being split into two separate personas by the dragon Onyxia, the amnesiac fiercer half of Varian's personality became a gladiator in the Crimson Ring arena network, eventually earning the moniker "Lo'Gosh", meaning "Ghost Wolf" in the taur-ahe language. Of course, Varian's two halves were later combined back into a single body.

Killing Thrall quotes

Falstad: "Stormhammer: 1. Doomhammer: 0." - Another reference to Falstad using a stormhammer while Thrall uses the Doomhammer.

Garrosh: "You were no true warchief." - Though he originally respected Thrall, Garrosh eventually came to see him as weak and even as being unworthy of being called an orc.

Garrosh: "You failed me!" - Another quote from the And Justice for Thrall cinematic.

Jaina: "A pity you would not listen to reason." - Nothing I can say about this I didn't already explain in the interaction quotes section.

Dreadlord Jaina: "'Thrall' always was a good name for you." - As previously mentioned, the name "Thrall" means "slave".

Theramore Jaina: "You should have stayed warchief!" - As previously mentioned, Jaina came to partially blame Thrall for the destruction of Theramore, as it would likely not have occurred if he had not appointed Garrosh as warchief.

Medivh: "The sands of time have run out, Son of Durotan." - A direct quote from Thrall's Vision, the opening cinematic for the Prologue campaign in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, in which Medivh grants the sleeping Thrall a vision of the imminent return of the Burning Legion.

Maraudin' Muradin: "BOOMhammer beats DOOMhammer, ha hah!" - Thrall wields the Doomhammer, whereas Maraudin' Muradin uses a hammer which doubles as a grenade launcher.

Ragnaros: "The end comes, Son of Durotan." - Another quote from the Rage of the Firelands patch trailer.

Rexxar: "Forgive me, warchief." / Samuro: "Not even a warchief can impede vengeance." - As previously mentioned, Rexxar and Samuro are both fiercely loyal to Thrall.

Sylvanas: "That was for giving the Horde to Garrosh." - After becoming warchief, Garrosh and Sylvanas clashed on several occasions, particularly during the Forsaken's campaign in Silverpine Forest, with Garrosh viewing Sylvanas' methods as being no better than the Lich King's. Sylvanas later assisted in Garrosh's downfall during the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Varian: "From one former gladiator to another, I salute you." - Thrall and Varian have slightly similar backstories, in that Thrall was raised from birth as a gladiator slave by Aedelas Blackmoore until he learned of his true heritage and led the orcs to freedom, while the fiercer half of Varian's personality became a gladiator slave in the Crimson Ring arenas in the service of Rehgar Earthfury until he learned his true identity and reunited with his other self.

Zul'jin: "You may carry his hammer, but you be no Doomhammer, boy!" - Thrall's weapon, the Doomhammer, was formerly wielded by Orgrim Doomhammer, who led the Old Horde as its warchief during the Second War. During that time, he also forged an alliance with Zul'jin and the Amani trolls. After the Horde was defeated at the end of the war, the Amani returned to the forests, and Zul'jin later declared war on both the Alliance and Thrall's New Horde.

Other quotes

Aka'Magosh. (social - thanks) - Orcish for "A blessing on you and yours".

Blood and thunder! (attack) - A greeting quote used by generic orc NPCs in World of Warcraft.

Elements guide me. (move) - This is Thrall's attack quote in Hearthstone.

For Doomhammer! (attack) - Refers to Thrall's mentor and predecessor as warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer. Also one of Thrall's attack quotes in WC3 and his start-of-match opening remark in Hearthstone.

For honor and glory. / Hm, dabu. / Yes. (move) - Slight variations of some of Thrall's WC3 move quotes. "Dabu" is an Orcish word which hasn't received a direct translation from Blizzard.

For the Horde. (move and shop) - An extremely common battlecry, greeting, and general phrase among orcs as well as most other members of the Horde. Also used as Thrall's "warcry" quote in WC3.

Lok-narosh! / Your time has come! (attack) - WC3 attack quotes. "Lok-narosh" is another untranslated Orcish phrase, but may be the same as "Lok-Narash", which appears to mean "Arm yourselves".

I thank you. (social - thanks) / Sorry that happened. (social - sorry) / The elements will destroy you. (taunt) - References Thrall's "Thanks", "Sorry", and "Threaten" emotes in Hearthstone, respectively.

Throm-ka, warrior. (social - hello) - "Throm-ka" (sometimes spelled "Throm'ka") is an Orcish greeting with no known canonical translation. In the old Warcraft Role-Playing Game, it's translated as "Well met", but the RPG is not considered canonical by Blizzard.

What is it you wish, friend? (shop) - One of Thrall's old WoW click quotes is "Lok-tar, friend. What is it you wish?"

  • Mag'har - The Mag'har are a faction of orcs who dwell at the village of Garadar in the Nagrand region of Outland, formerly Draenor. Garadar was originally used to quarantine orcs who had become afflicted by a virulent disease called the red pox many years ago. As a result, the villagers remained isolated from the rest of their people as the orcs formed the Horde and became corrupted by fel magic which turned their skin green. Thus, the inhabitants of Garadar retained their natural brown skin color and took on the name Mag'har, or "Uncorrupted" in Orcish. After the reopening of the Dark Portal in The Burning Crusade, Thrall journeyed to Garadar and met with the Mag'har, among which were his grandmother Geyah as well as Garrosh Hellscream, the son of Thrall's late friend Grommash.

  • Earthbreaker - Based on the skin description, this depicts an alternate universe wherein Thrall, upon temporarily taking the place of the Aspect of Earth to stand against Deathwing with the other Dragon Aspects, he was transformed to gain an appearance reminiscent of the humanoid form of Deathwing, the original Aspect of Earth. The description also appears to feature a callback to the short story Charge of the Aspects, in which Deathwing torments Thrall, whose spirit is exploring the deep places of Azeroth in an earthen form, by having him experience what it is like to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders. Earthbreaker Thrall's belt buckle features a stylized version of the Horde's insignia.

    • Dreambreaker - This skin's name and coloration appear to be a reference to the Emerald Dream, a mystical, forested spirit dimension that exists alongside the waking world of Azeroth. The Dream is watched over by the green dragonflight led by late Dragon Aspect Ysera and can be visited by druids such as Malfurion.
  • Hellhammer - Depicts an alternate univers in which Go'el, seemingly a fel orc (that is, an orc who has become mutated and corrupted by continually consuming demon blood, gaining red skin and growing various horns and spikes) was not a member of the Frostwolf clan, but rather the warlord of the "Ashwolf" clan. The Hellblade Samuro skin is from the same alternate universe as Hellhammer thrall.

    • Draenor Hellhammer - Draenor was the home planet of the orcs and various other races, notably the bird-like arakkoa and brutish ogres, and the temporary refuge of the draenei race, but it was eventually torn apart into the shattered realm of Outland by the sorcery of the orc shaman Ner'zhul. Draenor Hellhammer Thrall features the brown skin of an uncorrupted or Mag'har orc. The name Draenor, in this case, may refer to the alternate past version of Draenor featured in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, in which Garrosh Hellscream convinced the orc clans to forge an Iron Horde free of demonic corruption. Thus, most of the alternate Draenor's orcs retain a brown or gray skin color instead of green.
    • Felhammer - Fel magic is the dark, corrupting, life-consuming energy of demons in the Warcraft universe. It commonly appears with a green coloration, and is the namesake of many green-colored skins in Heroes the Storm. It should be noted that while this variant turns Hellhammer Thrall green, green orcs are actually less corrupted than red orcs.
  • World-Shaman (former Master skin) - This skin references how at the start of the Cataclysm, Thrall stepped down from his position as warchief to instead become the World-Shaman and heal the damage from the Cataclysm, removing his old Doomhammer plate armor and instead donning a set of shamanistic robes. From Warlords of Draenor and onwards, Thrall began wearing both his old armor and his shaman robes, similar to the way that the World-Shaman Thrall skin combines the two appearances. It should be noted that this skin also adds a Horde symbol to the Doomhammer.

    • Dark Shaman - While regular shaman gain their elemental powers by humbly asking the elements for aid, dark shaman are shaman who forcibly torture and bend the elements to their will.

I'll be honest, I don't really have any idea of what character I want to cover next. I likely won't post anything for this Friday due to the work on this post eating up a lot of the time I'd have normally spent on a new hero thread, but I might not post anything the Friday after that either, depending on when the next hero is announced.

I'm thinking of finally posting that Tyrande lore thread I planned on doing a few weeks back but ended up postponing due to Maiev being announced. I might also do someone completely different, like Greymane to coincide with that new Watchdog skin of his. Alternatively, I could do a skin post covering Dreadlord Jaina (and probably also Theramore Jaina at the same time). All in all, I don't really know for certain, and any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated.

Regardless, I'll probably be back with another thread in 1-3 weeks. Hopefully. No guarantees.

submitted by /u/StuntedSlime
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Heroes of the Dorm Top 5 Plays Week 2

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:17 PM PST

The feeling when people who quit during hero select

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:21 PM PST

You have a well balenced comp, everyones on voice, everyone is cooperative and not toxic and you feel like this'll be a nice game...

But then somebody leaves

submitted by /u/UrWaifuIsShit_
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Missing Zul'jin's old Headhunter reward - Reveal heroes on map

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:53 PM PST

In case anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about: Zul'jin's old Headhunter talent quest required you to kill every enemy hero (just as it still does) to be rewarded. Now: it rewards increased basic attack range, whereas it used to reward the Headhunter ability - when activated it would reveal all enemy heroes on the map for 4 seconds with a 60 second cooldown.

I personally miss this reward/ability in the game, and would like to see it re-implemented somehow. Maybe with a new hero release. I thought it was an interesting reward that would allow team fight setups, avoid ganks, scouting, opportunities to psych out the enemy, etc.


submitted by /u/mfsabbath
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Ana Eye Of Horus change idea

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:05 AM PST

It's always been that if you cancel Eye Of Horus before firing any shot it would go on a 10s cooldown.

Now that is removed, and it seems it will be going down on full cooldown.


What if every shot was just a charge (max 6 in next patch) instead? Like other similar abilities that use charges.

submitted by /u/suppow
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Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:15 PM PST

TIL you can use the heal item on Volskaya Foundry while channeling mosh without canceling it.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:51 AM PST

After that i tried it with one of these auto turrets, but they are not usable while channeling mosh. Perhaps the heal item is bugged? Does someone know if it works with nukes?

submitted by /u/Mordreli
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Just my humble request that Blizzard would bring back the pirate bay coin mount for purchase

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST


Do you guys have some old event skins or mounts that you would love to see available in the store?

P.S. I am also super hyped for possibility to get Deckard Cain into the game, so don't let me down.

Sincerely, Rommitopi

submitted by /u/Rommitopi
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