Guild Wars 2 - Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 2 A Bug in the System Trailer

Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 2 A Bug in the System Trailer

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:02 AM PST

that_shaman on Twitter: "The creepy movement Palawa Joko's painting does at the end of #GW2 S4E2's trailer is barely noticeable. In case you've missed it I've looped it:"

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

Anet, please make all of your trailers as awesome as that one

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:31 AM PST

I don't think I've ever been as hyped as I am right now. Kudos Anet.

submitted by /u/TheDetective13
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[Parody] The Marketing Team...

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:20 PM PST

Fractal Random Mistlock Instabilities

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:49 AM PST

Fear not this night cover in new trailer

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:31 AM PST

Title says it... could I please please please get a link to the full songgggg gahhhh so beautiful. Fangirling hard right now.

Thanks Gw2 peeps :)

submitted by /u/myth-rein-deer
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Due to the new weapon shown off in the trailer being far below the standard the community is expecting from such an investment I and a friend set out to rectify this! Please no looking until you've watched the trailer fams!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:01 AM PST

I did a M'Baku cosplay from Black Panther, let me know what you think!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:02 AM PST

March: Daily Sales in the Gem Store –

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 01:47 PM PST

[Art] LW Season 4 Episode 2 Movie Poster - Made from trailer screenshots

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:06 PM PST

Episode 2 Trailer Reveal and Analysis!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

[POOF]’s Story: A Guild Wars 2 Friend/Ships Spotlight

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:01 AM PST

New PvP Series by WP - Game of the Day!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:47 AM PST

All Path of Fire music boxes have finally been documented - Links to all videos.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:07 AM PST

The first track of all the music boxes is audible to the people around you and the music boxes give you a passive buff which plays music so you do not need to carry them around like the SAB Music Boxes. They are usable in combat and work in Open World, Dungeons, Fractals, Raids and WvW. They are not usable in PVP.

Dulfy has maps and videos out for all of the regular boxes which can drop these. They can also drop from big chests of various kinds but there are no comprehensive maps out there of those.

submitted by /u/generally-speaking
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New Player's View of GW2

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:59 PM PST

I just started playing GW2 about 2 weeks ago and before this I had played multiple other MMORPGs starting all the way back at vanilla WoW.

GW2 has been such a breath of fresh air for me when compared to other MMOs. The combat is more engaging then the majority of MMOs out now. It is a nice change of pace and adds to the new experience.

Some quick thoughts about the game so far:

• I enjoyed being able to choose the races solely based on their cosmetic looks. Giving them racial abilities would add another layer to this massive onion for people to argue about.

• Why in the world is every single name in this game taken. It is a bit frustrating to have to go to option number 11 or 12 to get a name.

• The base free game experience is the best free to play experience I have had. Other games have too many restrictions. They do eliminate some of the features for level 80, but by the time I was level 20 I knew if I wanted to by the expansions or not.

• I thought I would hate being leveled down in lower areas, but it is nice to not be able to face roll everything if you out level them.

• Skills based on the weapon you are using are very unique, but it sucks if you are looking to use a certain weapon and hate the skills chosen from them. My dream was a DW sword character, but I dislike all the sword abilities.

• It may just be me, but I hate the targeting system in this game. I'll be attacking an enemy look around briefly then use a skill and I am going across the screen to a whole new enemy. This could be user error though.

• Selecting a class can be as easy or as overwhelming as you make it. I have personally made it overwhelming and I am trying to step back a bit and not make myself so overwhelmed. Stay off the damn forums if you are just learning about the class you want.

• Surprised at the lack of YouTubers, but I do come from WoW where it seems everyone who plays the game has a YouTube channel. My favorite GW2 YouTuber by far is WoodenPotatoes and The Krytan Herald.

• Using pvp to try out elite specs is helpful, but I feel you get the same benefit with leveling and reading the elite spec on the wiki. Even watching the GW2 Official introductory videos for the elite spec was more beneficial then testing them in the pvp setting. Admittedly as a new play I was just looking at the spell effects and wasn't really looking at anything beyond that because I don't know what to look for.

• I wish they would give better descriptions on the specializations and skills in game like they have on the wiki. I could be missing this though. Revenant comes to mind because when I first picked that class up I had no clue what the stance did, and each stance had its own specialization tree and I had no idea what they helped.

If I was just going to start GW2 today I would give myself 5 tips on how to start playing:

  1. Look at all the armor types on all the races on GW2 wiki. This helped me choose my race and narrowed down the class choices.

  2. Look at all the classes on the wiki and mainly look at the weapon descriptions. These give a basic understanding of how the game play is with that weapon. There are a couple of YouTube videos about choosing a class, but I found looking at the weapon description to be just as effective.

  3. STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE CLASS FORUMS. I can summarize every class and how the forum views them. They are all shit and it doesn't matter what you choose no one will play with you because that class needs a buff. In general though there is hardly any good beginner information on the forums. There are much better unbiased resources you can go to.

  4. Once you decide the couple of classes you find interesting level them to 10 or 20. Choose one of these classes you want to level 1-80. Then if you have bought POF (unpopular opinion coming) immediately boost another class to 80. With this level 80 do the POF story and get the raptor mount. Then go back to the character you are going to level. The 1-80 experience is nice and I would encourage it, but having the raptor and the 1-80 experience is much nicer.

  5. Talk with people in chat. Everyone I have talked to is super nice. I have had my experience with ragers, and in most other MMOs I would have ran into a couple who think they are god's gift to the game and if you don't play their way they'll just trash you. **I have not played pvp yet so I assume this will change in that game mode. That is what ignore is for though.

I have had a blast and this will definitely replace WoW as my main MMO. I am still learning the classes and I doubt I have settled on one I will main in the future. I am contemplating switching to a more populated server so I can start WvW content on the right foot. This might help my indecisiveness with picking a class but who knows.

If you are on the fence about GW2 and you enjoy other MMOs then I would encourage you to download it. The free experience is totally fine to level with and you can decide if you enjoy the game enough to buy. Plus it is on sale right now! Getting both expansions for 25% is a steal!

submitted by /u/ICanBeYourBackpack
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[Art] Introducing the GW2 Tarot Club Contributors!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:58 AM PST

Guild Wars 2 Friend/Ships Spotlight: [POOF]'s Story

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:02 AM PST

Snow Diamond Infusion + Risen disguise = kinda neat

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:11 AM PST

Guild Wars 2: The Celestial Tournament - Canthan expansion idea

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:58 AM PST

Is this related to the new mastery? O:

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:28 AM PST

is it to late to get into Guild Wars 2?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:00 PM PST

I'm starting to get burned out from wow. I've been playing wow for 5 years but I want to try a new game. I like the idea that GW 2 rewards the player for map exploration. But, is it to late to get into this game?

submitted by /u/TeddySchlong
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Some love for the Choya

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:05 AM PST

What's your main, and why?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:54 PM PST

Title says it all. What's your main, and why? Do you have a different main for different game modes? Do you multi-class all the time and not really have a main?

I personally do not have a main due to indecision of what I want. Though my recent kick has been kitless Holosmith in PvE and PvP. I haven't gone into WvW yet.

submitted by /u/DalentZX
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30k Power Renegade Benchmark - Big Hitbox

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:41 PM PST

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