Hearthstone - Turn 1 Azari, Luck finally on my side.

Turn 1 Azari, Luck finally on my side.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:22 AM PST

Unlikely Counter to Psychic Scream?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:13 AM PST

What are you doing in shcool?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:13 AM PST

I think it's a little bit over the top for dev interaction

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:59 PM PST

This week's Tavern Brawl is "Venture into the Wild" (February 21st, 2018)

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:07 AM PST

Description: It's getting a little wild out there! Pick a class and we'll arm you with a Wild deck fit for battle!.

Chalk Board

This is a premade deck brawl, no collection required! Decks are Wild.

Druid - Aggro/Egg Druid

Hunter - Midrange Hunter

Mage - Tempo/Secret Mage

Paladin - Dude (Silver Hand) Paladin

Priest - Big Priest

Rogue - Miracle Rogue

Shaman - Aggro/Midrange Shaman

Warlock - Demon RenoLock

Warrior - Pirate Warrior

Reward is a Standard Pack.

submitted by /u/tharic99
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Posted: 20 Feb 2018 07:47 PM PST

Long story short I've been in a relationship with this chick for two years and a few months, we used to play a lot of games together but Hearthstone was like OUR thing. We've been separated for 9 months, yesterday she spectated me playing with a girl I'm dating right now. She decided to send me a rude message regarding this girl while spectating the match so i just kick her out and unfriend her on battle.net.

Today i woke up to discover all my cards are gone, I'm 100% positive it's her doing as she knew my account password, I didn't bother changing it as I didn't think she'd be childish enough to take revenge on me.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day, mine is pretty much f*cked!

UPDATE: I've already contacted blizzard, I've been honest about it and told them exactly what happened.

No golden millhouses were crafted.

There's no grudge, i just feel sorry for the money i lost.

I am 100% aware that this is my fault, i was just too lazy to change my password after we broke up.

I will not quit playing hearthstone, I can still craft some decks for fun but i can't take hearthstone seriously anymore after basically losing my progress, so no more really competitive matches for me.

If you want to go all Reddit detective on me read the comments first, I already explained more than i should have. I posted this so you guys can get a bit of a laugh out of something I experienced, nothing more.

submitted by /u/ArmandoBorsan98
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Got a pizza at work, didn't want anyone to have any, freehanded Kobold Geomancer.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:05 AM PST

Day9 finds and loses lethal.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:17 PM PST

Spell animation time shouldn't waste turn time

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:18 AM PST

I just lost a cubelock mirror match because I calculated out a defile boardclear into giving me 6 doomguards but my turn timer ran out before I could finish attacking with all the doomguards and he ended up winning. Long ass defile animations should not consume half of my playable turn since you can't execute commands until the animation finishes, at least not on mobile.

submitted by /u/MildlyUnusualName
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Players required for Hearthstone league

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:12 AM PST

After fellow redditor's kind help playtesting, I think I'm finally ready to launch the community hearthstone league site I've been writing:

The site is https://www.hearthstonefightclub.com

The league launches on Friday so please sign up if you would like to play. There are wild, standard and pauper leagues to choose from so hopefully something for everyone. You will be put into groups with a number of other players from your region and then have two weeks to play your games. Each group winner gets entered into a draw to win 7 juicy card packs of their choice.

Alongside the league, there are also some quick play formats available which I would love your help playtesting.

This is the first website I've ever made so any help on layout, bugs or usability would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and hope you have fun :)

submitted by /u/hearthstonefightclub
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After playing kobolds and catacombs for a while I finally realized what was lacking.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:47 PM PST

On the new game board there are hundreds of coins, and some even flip. But I can't click any for a coin flip. How else am I supposed to make hard decisions? I just want one coin that I can click and it pops up heads or tails randomly.

submitted by /u/avalisk
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Turn 6 is not what it used to be #wild

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:15 AM PST

Turning Treasure into Tears

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:55 PM PST

I can deal with some RNG, but the scale of it is *way* too high right now.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:22 AM PST

Okay, so Hearthstone is a card game. There will always be some amount of RNG even if you removed every instance of the word 'random' from all card text, because at the heart of it, you're drawing (or not drawing) cards that answer (or don't) your opponent's plays. Like it or not, we're not getting away from this.

This much I can deal with. And I can accept a few instances of actual randomness like Avenging Wrath, MC Tech, and even OG Rag/Sylv, as to some extent you can play around them, they have appropriate opportunity cost, and they come later into the game.

It's the scale at which the RNG is currently occurring that feels like a problem.

Now we have the Spiteful Priest matches. Do you have it by turn 6? Congratulations. Did you roll a 5/7 Old God? Or a 12/12 Dragonlord? Congratulations. How about a 5/5 Togwaggle or a 6/6 Tirion? Congratulations.

A mirror match earlier ended up with my opponent getting three Spiteful Summoners (one off of Drakonid Operative) over turn 6, 7, and 8. I hadn't drawn mine by the time this game was over, despite drawing a few times off of a Cleric my opponent played a 1 attack minion into.

This is insane levels of RNG. Truly just fucking ridiculous. Game winning/losing dice rolls that you have no control over. No one is going 'oh my god! what a crazy, fun moment! I'll tell all my friends about this!' they just think 'fuck this' and close the game.

This is without even getting into Barnes or early game juggles, which have made a fun comeback. It's not fun to lose your whole board to random chip damage that no one is controlling, or a turn 3 Y'Shaarj into Y'Shaarj into fuck you.

Please, T5, chill out with these mechanics, and fix some of the really OTT stuff. We don't want to suffer a year of 'oh, he highrolled, guess that's that'. Cap the summons by rarity, or make Spitefuls summon a lower statted copy of a minion as Shadow Essence does.

Something. Anything.

inb4 'lul salt' etc.

edit: well done to the guy going through and downvoting everything I say.

submitted by /u/i_literally_died
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Finja sure looks like Zool

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 05:39 PM PST

Welcome back Lil' Exorcist

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:10 PM PST

We need to talk about how great the Omnislash channel is.

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:31 PM PST

I'm not on their payroll or anything like that, but Omnislash simply makes something I call 𝔾𝕆𝕆𝔻 ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝔼ℕ𝕋. Kibler, Firebat, Frodan, Zalae and StanCifka all together in one team is awesome.

submitted by /u/tupi_or_not_tupi
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Scroll of Wonders Mulch destroyed nothing and gave me the minion while my opponent had 3 minions on board

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:40 AM PST

Advanced arena priest gameplay

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:05 PM PST

LPT: You can tap to 10 cards if you have a demon in hand and skull on board

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:33 AM PST

The skull triggers before the draw, so if you want draw, dont be afraid of tapping when the "you have 9 cards in hand' shows up.

I read a lot of cubelock guides and never saw someone mentions that.

submitted by /u/Niilista42
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Quest for Packs update

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:39 PM PST

TL;DR: Soon, not SoonTM


Prizes haven't been distributed yet. That's why you can't find anyone who has gotten them. Going out soon. Not Blizzard soon, actual soon :)

submitted by /u/troggnostupidhs
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