Hand of Fate 2 Announcing the Game Master's Toolkit for Hand of Fate 2

Announcing the Game Master's Toolkit for Hand of Fate 2

Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:48 PM PST

We're excited to reveal that next week's Hand of Fate 2 update will include a long-requested feature: the HoF2 Game Master's Toolkit! For hundreds of years the Game of Life and Death has been shaped exclusively by the Dealer, but at long last, the power of the cards is in your hands.

Armed with the very same editing tools used in-studio, players will be able to create their own encounter cards, challenges, equipment, dungeon layouts and more and then upload them directly to the Steam Workshop for distribution.

It's time to exercise your inner game master! Write that perfect goblin adventure you've long had in the back of your mind, give it a chance minigame, a tavern brawl, and a unique reward. String it together with a few more encounters and you've got a full-blown adventure - with the HoF2 editor the possibilities are endless.

We're keen to see the what kind of wild and wonderful encounters our community creates, and we'll be showcasing our favorites on a regular basis. You've bested the Dealer in combat - now it's time to become the true master of the Game of Life and Death!

The editor works through Unity and comes with all the documentation you need to create your own custom HoF2 adventures. To install the editor, simply search the Tools category of your Steam Library for the Hand of Fate 2 SDK and begin downloading the files.

Good luck, we can't wait to see your adventures in the Steam Workshop!

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