ARMA Why I believe Korea would be a cool setting for ARMA 4

Why I believe Korea would be a cool setting for ARMA 4

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:30 PM PST

Here is why I believe the Korean DMZ and its surrounding area would be an interesting setting for ARMA 4.

Varied Terrain

From steep mountain ranges to urbanized population centers, areas surrounding the DMZ would provide different types of terrain in a single map. It's a healthy mix of rural & urban environment.

Heavy Militarization

The existing area is already heavily militarized. These Mad Max-esque guard posts and guard towers dot the landscape within the DMZ proper.

Even areas where civilians reside are heavily fortified, with various tank traps, anti-aircraft installations, military bases, pill boxes, and etc being very common. Even the coast is no exception

ARMA players would feel right at home

Varied Units

I won't get too much into this since I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs of potential units, vehicles, weapons, and etc that Korean-setting would bring.

In short, it would be extremely varied.

BluFor and OpFor both operate healthy amount of classic Cold War-era weaponry all the while opearting state-of-the-art US & domestic weaponry (BluFor in much higher proportion than OpFor).

Because BluFor has technological superiority, factions would have to be asymmetrically balanced just like in real-life.

An example of this would be: OpFor vehicles would have extra armament jury-rigged on their chassis in an attempt to gain as much edge over the BluFor as possible while BluFor vehicles would have much superior sensor and stabilization.

Naval Units

I don't think there is any better setting for ARMA series to delve into naval conflict than the Korean peninsula.

These islands are among several islands that are located near the maritime border between South and North Korea known as NLL (Northern Limit Line). Satellite imagery

Waters surrounding these islands are are one of the few places in the world where it would make sense for two navies to enage each other in gun battles using small patrol boats.

These engagements have actually occurred numerous times and it's a perfect for ARMA's scope. They wouldn't need to put in large destroyers or frigates, but rather smaller ships such as patrol boats, corvette, missile boats, and midget submarines

Meanwhile, the island themselves could serve as a perfect secondary map like Utes or Stratis as a scene for island-defense scenario against amphibious attacks by OpFor.

Large contingent of marines are actually stationed on these islands in preparation for that exact scenario. They're supported by armor, attack helicopters, and artillery that are stationed on that island as well.

In conclusion, Korean terrain has the potential to give players taste of something new and unique all the while bringing back the classic cold war-era large-scale conventional warfare "feel" to ARMA.

Your thoughts?



After reading some of your comments, I've come to a realization that a real-life nation as a setting sounds very unrealistic.

They could, however, take an inspiration from this setting and create a fictional East Asian Island nation based on Korea or Taiwan, which are the two largest source of potential conventional war in the region.

Former would be similar to Sahrani as far as geopolitical situation goes, with North & South Fighting for dominance. Major difference would be the level of militarization and a distinct militarized border that would separate the map.

Meanwhile, the latter option would have a unified & heavily-fortified Island nation pitted against a much larger state located in the mainland, and this would give us a expanded focus on amphibious and naval assets.

Going with any of these routes would allow the creators to have more artistic liberties as major East Asian powers are in the process of developing and/or fielding next-gen ground and air assets that would fit nicely with ARMA 3's "futuristic" aesthetics.

If they want to scale down on that, they could always go with current equipment, as the regional military powers are known for operating a food mix of both old and new equipment.

submitted by /u/mojave955
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So apparently the T-100 has really really good torque on the dev build...

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:15 PM PST

"Remember, no Roger"

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:19 PM PST

Now on dev branch! Pacific camouflage for NATO.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:48 AM PST

Challenge: recreate this screenshot in Arma 3 (no retouching/reshading)

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:15 AM PST

Shining some light on New Development! KOTH Vin & RHS

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:28 PM PST

Hey All,

Really new to the Arma 3 Reddit, but I was told this was the best place to put said post! So please be kind as I am only here to spread my love for the game!!

Quick disclaimer I am not a member of the team. Just a part of my own community who like their idea/foundation and want to make it bigger as their development is going in the right direction!

I have recently stumbled upon a new King of the Hill team called VX Labs KOTH. They have built up quite a decent game mode but really lack the exposure so I am hoping this might help them with their development!

If you guys are interested in looking at their take on King of the Hill, they have also done an RHS version! I'll provides some links! I know it would be greatly appreciated by their team that's for sure! Also want to note its not affiliated with Sa-Matre meaning there rules do not apply to being banned or connected. As I know some people would be worried about that! I also know they have an AU server for us lonely guys and some USA ones!


Hopefully you guys can go check them out!

Thanks guys for the time reading this and if you would love to support please spread this around and help with testing!

submitted by /u/RidRaff
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When the mission breaks mid-op

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:47 PM PST

"He was only shot once"

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:02 PM PST

Malden Defence Forces

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:06 PM PST

Simple request for next update.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:32 PM PST

Can you please add Land_HeatPump_F to the editor? I can only add this with a mod or with CreateVehicle(), but I want to be able to use this in the editor. It has scope =1 and cannot be placed. Thanks. It would only take 1 minute to change this. And the runway papi lights. It is annoying that there are some items that we cannot place easily.

submitted by /u/bejiitas_wrath
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Was messing with the settings and clicked a 4:3 ratio and now arma looks like its on mobile.

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:04 AM PST

Help with Russian Squad / Team names?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:03 PM PST

Hey guys, Im working on a campaign where you play as the Russian Federation and I need some help on how to name squads or teams, how to name the army (like 23rd Motor Rifles or something similiar), and such. One of the first missions you play as a VDV paratrooper and setup a camp so I would like to know how I should name the units for this. I also have a mission where the MSV mounts up on 3 BTR's and disembarks outsides a town while attacking. Each team of the squad will be named like Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, with their own BTR's like "Alpha BTR" "Bravo BTR" etc. If one of the BTR's gets destroyed it will be announced over radio like "Shit! Alpha BTR is hit!", but obviously it doesn't make sense to name it Alpha BTR, or first squad Alpha, second Bravo, and third Charlie because this is not US Army.

Help would be greatly appreciated! I want to have some authenticity to my campaign :)

submitted by /u/allleoal
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Sherman-y Firepower

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:28 AM PST

So I was poking around on Dev Build and found something curious (Tank DLC related) ... What does it mean?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:02 AM PST

Is there a mod which adds black/ fog to un-explored areas of the map?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:58 AM PST

Want to make a survival zues mission type of scenario and wondered if there was a mod which added fog of war to the map? Similar to RTS games

submitted by /u/Afdjones
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Best Ni Arms rifles?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 04:02 PM PST

Title. Im using weapon mods on my server, if you want any specifics, leave a comment! Been playing on a dedi Milsim server, and I have my own load-out to pick. I need something great for taking out baddies at distance, and breaching with my seals team quickly.

submitted by /u/Arbiter_Hildar
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Laser Lock Issue

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:37 AM PST

Hello, everyone. I've had this issue for a while now and I can't seem to get it working.

Basically, I have been trying to target a laser designated target in my jet, but I can't get it to target correctly. Tried my hot key, default key, no target cycling, etc.

The laser is on, I can see the actual laser on the target in Black hot mode, but nothing. If I hit the target key on a vehicle, say a T 72, it targets the tank, but never the laser. I've tried from all different altitudes, angles, etc and nothing. It'll work for a small window of time here and there, but most of the time, nothing. I've also tried uninstalling everything ace and re-installing to see if there was something causing a conflict and it worked for like 4 minutes, then stopped again.

I don't know if it's a bug or what but I've tried everything I can think of aside from a complete re-install of everything Arma. Only change I've made recently is playing from 64 bit to 32 bit due to a sound bug causing frames to drop horrendously in cockpit view. Anyone who has had this issue or even heard of it?

submitted by /u/AmericanAceGaming
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ARMA 4 FACTIONS ? Your toughts ?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:43 AM PST

What factions and time or conflict would you love to see in arma 4 now that its comfirmed to be worked on ?

My humble opinion,
Lets stay at the current arma 3 time, but make the factions look like the modern ones today no weird iranian alien helmets and full body protection suits.

And for factions how about ,i know it sounds crazy but lets have please something else then USA in every video game ever made.
How about a EU Army or EU-Nato if the devs wanna stay at the classical western blufor.

And for opfor , opfor in ARMA3 with Iran being a superpower in csat capturing limnos and having that alien helmets and suits felt so wrong that it simply never fit in for me and felt totally wrong.
My suggestion Russia (plz), China , or CSAT(but no 99% Iranian csat)

submitted by /u/Irrlicht88
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