RimWorld *Clap* *Clap*

*Clap* *Clap*

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:20 AM PST

My colonist got engaged to one of my prisoners.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:26 PM PST

If I release her will she join? Do I just keep her in my labor camp? Dont really know where to go from here

edit: she started a slave uprising and was shot during the revolt so that problem solved itself

submitted by /u/manpie60
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Monogamy is hard...

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 05:48 AM PST

When you're bored at work, and you know it, clap your hands *Clap* *Clap*

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:47 AM PST

How to destroy a 293 day old colony in one simple click...humanitarians hate him!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:19 AM PST

I started a colony with only the "Prepare Carefully" mod back in B17. I started the colony with myself, my fiancee (at the time now wife IRL), brother, and best friend. I aligned our real life attributes to the characters to make it as realistic as possible (except mining because none of us mine and someone needed to be good at it). As all of you know, we form a bond with our pawn over time and become protective of them. This feeling is amplified when the pawns are personalized to mirror your loved ones (I would suggest everyone make a colony this way at least once).

My colony's forward progression was largely due to this sub. This sub taught me to tame boars that lead to over 400 born before our fall. The most I had at one time was 184-ish. Boars don't eat too much, will put up a good fight, haul, and reproduce like...well boars. Like all colonies, ours grew with new additions. I learned that the best use for pyromaniacs is to send them out alone to negotiate with Raids, naked.

Prior to the collapse, we had only lost one original colonist. My poor best friend was shot in the back of the head by our own turrets on Day 107. It was an instant kill and a hard lesson learned. My wife built his Sarcophagus because she was the best at construction and my pawn was pretty distraught over the incident.

The Fall:

On Day 291, a negative psychic pulse affected the males of the colony, two of which were fighting off an infection from injuries suffered due to a recent infestation. On Day 292, a pack of man-hunting Timber Wolves attacked the colony. Mortars were manned by those well enough and the turrets were doing their job at keeping the wolves out of the base. As the number of Timber Wolves dwindled, I noticed that most all my colonist had neutral moods, borderlining negative. No worries though, I had saved a positive psychic pulse just for this type of occasion. My "me" pawn strolled over and activated the machine. The WARNING sound rings out and a Red Message appears. I had activated the Man-Hunter pulse. Over 100 infuriated boars lost their shit within my colony walls. Light machine guns are going off in bedrooms, the kitchen, the freezer. My brother releases a volley of mini-gun fire in the recreation room, destroying a chair and a hydroponic basin. But nothing could slow the onslaught of generations of inbred boars killing everyone. We were all dead before a single wild animal breached the colonies defenses.

Moral of the Story: Don't push buttons at 2 a.m.

PSA: Started a new personalized colony with additional friends and family in a Mountainous region. Again, this sub was right. Starting in Mountains has made defending 100% easier.

submitted by /u/Buddin3
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Meet Kirk: The most reliable chef, in life and in death

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:00 PM PST

A hint to new players: the value of sterile tiles

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 12:12 PM PST

Sterile tiles. Yes, they are expensive in both steel and silver to lay down, but they do have a very useful and valuable purpose.

To understand this you have to understand how a colonies "cleanliness" is computed. People and animals will carry dirt and filth with them. Occasionally this will fall off them and land on the ground. If this occurs on any natural surface, it vanishes without effect, but if it lands on any finished floor it remains until cleaned.

You also have blood and vomit, which can land on any surface and will remain until cleaned or rain washes it away.

All of this will reduce the cleanliness of a room. This means that stoves in the room are more likely to produce poisoned food and that anyone with an injury is more likely to get an infection.

Sterile floors are the way to mitigate the dirt. It is the only floor that can have a positive cleanliness rating, signifying that it fights dirt and infections.

Of course this means that any hospital rooms you have should have sterile tile floors as soon as you can put them in.

However, there are two additional locations where sterile tile can help.

The first is a kitchen. We just established that the cleanliness of a room will have an impact on food poisoning occurances, so having a kitchen with a sterile tile floor will make it less likely to poison your colonists.

The other surprisingly is research. I can't remember who first noticed this, but there is a slight improvement in research speed if the desk is in a sterile room.

So don't neglect to save up for sterile tiles and to lay them down in hospitals, kitchens and laboratories when you have time. Your colonists will do a bit better when you take this time. Hospitals first though, that's the most important place.

submitted by /u/mvargus
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For the huge challenge Cassandra Extreme is supposed to be, she sure does love regularly donating an entire caravan's worth of items to me

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST

The best kind of herd migration

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:28 AM PST

I will have to send a lot of silver

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:49 AM PST

Started playing again for the first time in a while. ORGANS ALL THE WAY!

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:35 PM PST

I just bought a Warg with the remains of an uncooperative prisoner who also helped train my doctor. I could care less about the mood penalties at this point, I'm making hats!

submitted by /u/Kelidoskoped37
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Any tips??

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:27 PM PST

Just starting my first save. Any tips? Played through the tutorial. Should I have rooms connected or apart? In a mountain or on plains?

submitted by /u/Emoti723
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The caravan guys were nice enough to give me meat when i was low on it

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:16 AM PST

434 days still no AI persona core...

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:18 PM PST

2nd game ever. Tribals 1.5 years in. How am I doing?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST

How do I determine where raiders will attack?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:35 PM PST

I have a decent amount of material and have been working on upgrading my base defenses. I built a perimeter wall around my base and then created a doorway guarded by turrets and sandbag embrasures. I had previously been under the impression that raiders that start at the edges of the map will attempt to enter through an exterior door and attack the base, but after building my defenses around the doorway the raiders have begun attacking my walls instead.

Do I need to make my walls thicker? How do I get the raiders to choose to attack headon against my turrets instead of being smart and avoiding my defenses?

submitted by /u/Carbon-J
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Planning tool for out of game?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:07 PM PST

Anyone have a good grid based tool to plan base builds outside of the game? (Not a mod.)

I expect something good already exists for D&D dungeons. Maybe something web based or a free tiny app? I've seen a few people who do it in excel. I personally find excel cumbersome but that might be a lack of skill on my part.

submitted by /u/Noneerror
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600+ mechas triple raid + poison ship with 250+ mechas at 1FPS.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 11:21 AM PST

I wanted action randy .

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 07:31 PM PST

240 pirates of the Dark Wasps vs Devastator Mortar.

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:14 PM PST

Send caravans off?

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:19 AM PST

Is there a mod/can somebody make a mod that allows you to send caravans away or reject them from coming onto your map?

i.e. bc of conflicting factions or a gigantic manhunter pack you don't want them to kill

submitted by /u/imadethisfirst
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Mental Break: food binge

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 10:31 PM PST

Good luck with that Baron, we are all starving already, LOL.

submitted by /u/GeekingThomas
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Any way to wake animals up and get them inside?

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 06:44 PM PST

I don't let them graze anymore since if we get raided at night they all die.

submitted by /u/DtEm0bAWmaecNtX4GOWi
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