RimWorld My colonies beloved, 190 year old, very forgetful tortoise, who moves about 8x slower than anything else and occasionally gets a confused mental break.

My colonies beloved, 190 year old, very forgetful tortoise, who moves about 8x slower than anything else and occasionally gets a confused mental break.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:20 AM PST

prisoner release

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:53 PM PST

Wanted to show you my best base so far, The Black Fortress

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:02 PM PST

So long colony....

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:26 PM PST

Ancient's Danger is Dangerous, as same as today's.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 07:59 AM PST

And today's winner for literal names is

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:32 AM PST

Before my colonists leave the planet, I thought I'd show off my humble colony.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 06:15 PM PST

Greenworld, a simple cosmetic mod I made to change dirt into grass

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:00 PM PST

I seem to have forgot about the 225 chicken eggs I bought

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:31 PM PST

Psychology + 51 colonists = One hell of a linup for candidates.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:30 AM PST

Hanging Out is Better When You're Alone

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:50 PM PST

Greed was my downfall. Hunted alphabeavers, they went manhunter and quickly destroyed my door.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:53 PM PST

Ooooooh these fucking table problems are literally ruining life of my pawns

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:40 AM PST

Looking for a mod for silent kills.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 07:41 PM PST

I'm looking for a mod that will allow me to pick off a pawn that is by himself without aggroing every enemy on the map. I'd love to invade another factions base with a lone sniper and use some mgs skill on them.

submitted by /u/Todo744
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Phoebe is unexpectedly vicious.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:36 PM PST

Playing on Pheobe. Normal difficulty. In the space of less than a week, I get a psychic ship with two centipedes, a fallout event, a volcanic winter, and an eclipse. Thank the fucking lord I already got my last harvest in.

Edit: Also a cold snap, and then a poison ship. Wtf?

Edit 2: Then a 20-person raid that left half my colonists incapacitated. One now has a scyther blade for a hand, and another gained another artificial leg. Then ANOTHER poison ship immediately after. What the actual fuck Phoebe.

submitted by /u/Blitz100
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Installing a peg-leg on one of your pigs

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:04 AM PST

What speed do you guys play on?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 06:06 PM PST

I usually played on x2 and Max speed for most of my hours. But I made a decision with my current colony to play on only x1 speed. Even though it takes much longer for the game to progress, I find I make better decisions and feel much more in tune with my colonists, making the game more enjoyable and more relatable.

What do you guys think about speed?

submitted by /u/GangstaCat
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So, for my first colony, how bad does this look? x3

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:31 AM PST

Anyone else feel like solo rich colonist is actually the easiest setting instead of being considered as most difficult by devs?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:04 AM PST

I've played all the scenarios multiple times, and I gotta say I always last the longest and get the most enjoyment from the solo campaign. Not only is it easier to deal with just one colonist for a period of time while setting up, if you randomize your character for long enough you'll get one that has decent all around stats, and great stats in something like construction, intellect, or grow, though they are usually older. I even try to avoid taking on new settlers, but the game will just give them to me randomly, and it actually is annoying. I can handle my own raids alone with turrets, and my good rifle. Doing it solo is just easier/enjoyable in my opinion. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/8-------D___
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How Rocket Launchers Work

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:46 AM PST

I've been trying to figure out exactly how rocket launchers work for a couple days because I've been trying to make better use of them. This is what I have figured out so far but this may not be completely accurate so take it with a grain of salt.


Both the triple and doomsday rocket launcher, as well as all grenades, are considered to be forced miss radius weapons like the minigun. The only explosive based weapon in the game that isn't a FMR weapon is the incendiary launcher.

The doomsday rocket launcher has the smallest miss radius at only 1 tile which i understand to mean the 4 tiles directly adjacent to the tile you are aiming at, or a 3x3 square with the corners cut off (a cross). The triple rocket launcher has a miss radius of 2 so it covers a 5x5 square with the corners cut off. So for example when you target the doomsday rocket launcher you select a single tile and that tile is the center of the area that the rocket launcher will target. Then when the launcher fires it will randomly select one of the 5 tiles within that area to shoot at. If it selects the center tile (The one you aimed at) it is considered a hit. If it selects any of the other 4 tiles it will be considered a miss. The triple rocket launcher has an even higher chance to miss since it targets a larger area (and only the center tile is considered a hit).


*Note that many people believe the doomsday rocket launcher has 100% accuracy at all ranges but that's only if it were to select the center tile of it's target area when it fires. So basically 1/5th of the time it has 100% accuracy


So what does this all mean? Well missing isn't as bad as you think. When you shoot either of the rocket launchers you are actually missing most of the time but most of those misses are just as effective as a hit because as long as the rocket hits somewhere near the target you'll do damage.

Why is it helpful to understand that you are "missing" most of your shots? While a lot of missed shots with a rocket launcher will still work out the way you planned, sometimes other things can happen. When you miss a shot it has a chance to "go wild" or be "intercepted". For the purpose of rocket launchers, going wild is essentially the same as a regular miss since the rocket is going to explode. The one to focus on here is the chance of being intercepted. These dynamics are better explained in here:

https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/6uwr4f/what_it_is_and_how_it_works_forced_miss_radius/ all credit goes to the author of that post for explaining this.


Intercepted means that any object that is capable of providing cover and is in the path of the rocket can "intercept" the rocket. Meaning the rocket will hit that object and explode in that spot on the way to it's target. The chance for this to happen is low but every single object (that can provide cover) that the rocket passes over on it's trajectory can intercept the rocket.


So if you fire a rocket launcher at a target from max range and there is nothing but an open field between you and the target the rocket(s) will almost certainly behave the way you expect. However if you are firing a rocket launcher from behind multiple layers of sandbags or into an area with trees or a lot of scattered rock chunks then there is a decent chance for the rocket(s) to unintentionally be intercepted when passing over those objects. If you have ever fired a rocket launcher and had it seemingly blow up in your face this is likely what happened.

submitted by /u/Rahzix
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How do I give Pants to these people?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:13 PM PST

There's a settlement nearby that wants 18 pants, they'll give me silver in return. I clicked the blue thing and it disappeared. They were offering me a lot of silver and 18 pants is nothing. How do I give them the pants?

submitted by /u/thraddrobal
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When you didn't realize that there were THREE attackers with Doomsday Rocket Launchers...

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:04 AM PST

Understandable, have a great day

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:29 AM PST

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