Grand Theft Auto V - Rockstar games > Ubisoft

Rockstar games > Ubisoft

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 05:36 PM PST

I just found this. Does anyone know what it refers to?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:54 AM PST

Delivery in style

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:09 AM PST

The rims may look good, but I can't take my eyes off those LED's

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:22 PM PST

"I didn't know you could put flame livery on the-- Eeeew."

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:48 AM PST

Anyone else think rockstar should add the ability to sell Apartments

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:43 PM PST

I got 2 apartments and 1 garage which I only used for cars space which I don't need anymore cuz I have the CEO garage

submitted by /u/North1man
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Bunker or Hangar?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:22 AM PST

I've saved up enough doing Doomsday heists and Import/Export to buy either a bunker or a hangar and I'm just wondering which one to buy.

submitted by /u/Therileyv2
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Anyone know if i can turn off skippable cutscenes?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:37 AM PST

Most games make you hold a button or at least have it as pause and I keep hitting 'x' by accident and skipping cutscenes...

submitted by /u/xXKnucklesXx
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Found a replica of an existing Malibu beach house at Chumash.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:44 PM PST

House in GTA:

House in real life:,-118.6024724,3a,60y,189.33h,86.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQ1JhzJ9p-IaQiqOO6-wdUQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

The real life house differs from the in-game version since there's no houses next to it, it's surrounded by undisturbed coastline for less than a mile.

I also found an additional replica of 4141 Hayvenhurst Ave. (Encino) around Rockford Hills... not sure where exactly in the game though.

submitted by /u/A7M28
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Helicopter backflip.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:13 PM PST

Nailed it...?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:54 PM PST

Modding problem is getting out of hand

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:53 PM PST

Trying to finish prep missions for new Heists

Gets 3-4 modders in every session just ruin everything for you

Got inviited to their apartment and just got stuck there, had to restart the game and redo everything again

Nice game.

submitted by /u/kapisch1
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[PC] Social Club not letting me sign in

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:33 PM PST

Just as title, I can't sign in no matter what I try. I don't know if the captcha gets wrong or what because the error message goes away instantly and gives me some generic BS message about "Not having signed in on this machine before so you can't play offline" Anyone got a solution to this or?

submitted by /u/Vasdul
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What are some of the best looking customized cars?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:09 PM PST

I have lots of cars for racing so they don't have to be fast cars. I am just looking for cars that have lots of customization options that look really good just for cruising around or for at car meets. Please provide pictures if you can. :)

submitted by /u/tucker1332tucker
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To customize something like a nightshark, do you need a mobile operations center?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:58 PM PST

I was gonna buy an armored vehicle but someone said i need a MOC to customize it :(

submitted by /u/strikermph
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Decent ways to make money now?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:50 AM PST

I have been away from the game for a couple years now but some of the new vehicles and features got me interested again. Problem is most of the new vehicles I really want to use, like the Oppressor are 3+ million and I have 250k. Without buying shark cards... are there any decent, even if grindy ways, for me to start making some money? I tried googling but kept finding really old videos and articles from 2016 or older. Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/EJA_Paraguin
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Help with custom plates

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:40 PM PST

Not sure if anyone else has had this problem but I'm not able to add a second custom plate. I put in the order in ifruit, get the in-game notification that says my upgrades ready, go to LSC, drive in and nothing happens. It's worked for the first plate but not the second. Help!!

submitted by /u/jonphish
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What is the best armored car, weaponized car

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 02:52 PM PST

Nightshark: Worth 1.25 mill?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 02:34 PM PST

I want an armored car with guns. This seems like the best one. Lmk. Pls asap lmao

submitted by /u/strikermph
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Want to buy an armored vehicle with guns. What's the best one for >1.5 mill?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:30 PM PST

I'm thinking about the nightshark or whatever it's called especially because i need a 4x4. Is there something better? Thanks, what do u recommend?

submitted by /u/strikermph
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How do I invite someone to my garage?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:27 PM PST

I either forgot how to do it or that you can't do it. I can't find any answers anywhere, the only search results are how to invite to the apartment. I can only invite while in apartment garages and it invites them to the apartment, not the garage. I can only invite people to CEO garages.

submitted by /u/TheSuicideMachines
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I keep reading that VIP missions are the best way to earn money. How do I start one?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:18 PM PST

I have 800k in my bank and I went to the interaction menu and now i'm a VIP. How do i start the missions that everyone says makes so much money? Thanks, need help ASAP

submitted by /u/strikermph
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What kind of business should I buy?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:46 AM PST

Looking at the Cocaine, but what could make me the most money quickly? Thanks!

submitted by /u/mackmeengsxii
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