Should I take this..? 7 Days To Die

Should I take this..?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:50 PM PST

PlayStation just sent me this email. Man I freaking love this game

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:52 PM PST

Motion sensors are freakin boss

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:06 PM PST

Motions sensor are so cool to use!

I created an early warning system on my multiplayer with friends that detects the zombies and immediately sounds an alarm for that side or corner and also activates a spotlight in that direction.

I couldnt be more proud of it right now, it works so well!

submitted by /u/ObsurdBadger
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Comparing 7DTD with NMS (Why I like that it's still in Alpha)

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:12 AM PST

So after reading a lot of posts recently asking for a Beta or full release, the comparison with No Man's Sky came to my mind.

I really hate NMS. I hate it because I really want to love it... but it's empty and boring. For all those quintillion plants, you do the same boring stuff over and over again. I firmly believe that this is due to two things - a small team (too small for the price of the game) and a rushed launch.

Both games do very similar things. Crafting, combat, exploration, looting, building. 7DTD.. does all of these things better (except NMS flying up into space - that's pretty cool the first 10 times you do it). Both games have small teams. The big, big difference, however, is that 7DTD remains fun even if you stick to the same 1 mile area for an entire (40+ hours) playthrough. There is so much more complexity here, so many more possibilities. There are goals set by the game and the game naturally forces you to set goals for yourself.

7DTD is already better than NMS.... and I honestly believe that's because it is still in Alpha. It can afford to take it's time and add in new mechanics, goals, POI's etc. For me, the new skyscrapers set in larger cities were game changing. I still want this to be built upon further - larger cities, more skyscrapers. It would be great to have more variety between cities. I really, really want decent AI. If they can find a way to have settlers in your builds - even better, with jobs (building, mining, transporting etc) and with survival needs (FO4 but better) then I would be over the moon. Furthermore, if there were settlers (and AI enemies) in settlements in and out of cities then I would be over the moon. We know there are more vehicle types coming in the next Alpha.

I see all this as a distinct possibility. As the game is now, it has more complexity and better mechanics than so many AAA games out there. It's already an amazing game.

So, for the sake of slightly better graphics and perhaps a few less bugs... it's not worth coming out of alpha yet. There are too many huge potential additions that we could get. When there is nothing more to be excited about other than better graphics and less bugs, sure, go to beta stage. The reason this game is good and NMS isn't, is because this is still in Alpha.

submitted by /u/PatheticMr
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Dedicated Server 16.4 FPS drop only during DAY / Only at my build.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 05:50 PM PST

I am running my own random gen. map ver. 16.4 and have been building a massive city completely walled in with death pit all the way around and blade fan traps lining walls. Up till 1 day ago there was no issues with FPS base around 60 fps while we are at my build site. Last 24 hours or so not only is a friend being kicked and dropped from game randomly around every 15 min or less but, both of our FPS drop to 1-15 fps during DAY only, night is fine. If I teleport far away from our build my frames shoot back up to 200 fps or so. We have troubled shot everything we can on his end and on my end. I have stopped server reloaded, defraged system checked firewalls, adjusted in game setting down from my ultra to pure crap nothing works. Is it possible something got corrupt only where my build is? We removed a massive part of the build thinking the blocks were too much to load but, it changed nothing. As of now we cannot play at all unless I keep it night. Or maybe the electric stuff is not optimized yet and causing the problem? This is my system:

Core i-75930k CPU @ 3.500GHz 32.0 GB of ram 64-bit OP GeForce GTX 980 Ti I also have a water cooled system with overclocking.

I also run servers on Dark and Light, Ark Evolved, Rust, 7 Days to Die and some other games. I can run multi servers at once but, currently do not and am not I also Stream Lets Plays and play all my games on ultra. Suddenly 7 Days to die just took a nose dive for no reason that I can see. Can anyone give advice so I can get that server back up and running for people?


submitted by /u/All4Catastrophe
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Any ideas for making a secret stash?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:29 AM PST

Strange request but...

I play with this friend. He's alright and everything but tends to mess with me a lot when we get our game on (been doing it for years).

Basically I keep saving my best guns and bullets for horde nights then he goes and takes them out of my stash and goes rampaging on the map to keep up with me on the kill count lol.

I usually just give him half the bullets and guns anyway but he's nicking mine as well...

So any ideas for a secret stash (XB1) where it will be hard to find but easy for me to get in and out but maybe hard for someone who's snooping about to try and find would come in handy.

Then come horde nights I can just quickly take what I need and put it back after. Just keep the other half of bullets and guns I find at our base for him to nick from.

Edit: Also any trap ideas would be great bit harsh but he's got to be stopped.

submitted by /u/SpoilerULose
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Best Options to Maximize fps? More info comment section.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:03 AM PST

Can't get lights to turn on

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:59 AM PST

Wondering if anyone's had the same issue. On our multiplayer server, I've set up 'solar -> battery -> relay -> warehouse outdoor light'. For the life of me I Can't get the lights to turn on. I have a spotlight connected to the same relay, and it works. I've done the same setup in a cheatmode creative mode singleplayer to test, and it works fine. I've tried connecting light directly to battery, I've made sure everything is on, etc etc. Nothing will turn them lights on. The first time I set up the spotlight it did not work either, until I redid the same wire, which for some reason made it work. So I'm wondering if this is a known bug of some kind, and if there is a workaround? Thanks :) (oh I should mention, this server is not moded, and fairly new, i.e we set it up a week or two ago)

submitted by /u/Obzzarver
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