Elder Scrolls Online - Typical conversation while dungeoneering.

Typical conversation while dungeoneering.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:40 PM PST

My Bosmer Warden Healer (And Her Doom Wolf Mount)

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:24 PM PST

ESO made me into an Elder Scrolls fan.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:51 AM PST

Its been nearly a year since I originally began playing ESO after being disappointed with WoW: Legion and in need of something that shook things up. Taking a chance with ESO, knowing very little about the world (a brief foray into Skyrim way back in 2012 but nothing too spectacular) I went and got the gold edition off a sale and decided "what the hell."

Suffice to say, the game hit that MMORPG need I've been craving for and everything about ESO hit me just right. The way the world looks and presents itself, the amount of world-building you can read about, the sheer customization available to you when it comes to gameplay from the open ended skill lines and gear sets, the engrossing narrative (Orsinium, Morrowind, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood and Clockwork City easily makes ESO the best story-teller in MMOs right now) and, not to gush, but I began to really fall in love with Tamriel. I loved the way how Khajiits spoke, how Argonians named themselves, how Altmer were haughty fucks, how Nords were fierce and imposing. Personally, I think Dunmer are the best "Dark Elf" in fantasy. Not annoyingly flawless ala Night Elves, not stupidly cruel and backstabbing like the Drow, their culture is the best blend and the fungal forests you see in Morrowind are pretty fucking rad.

So with all that said, I went and began to go back in time to play the previous games in the main series. While I can't seem to find a way to play Arena or Daggerfall, I've played with Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and shit even that card game to kill waiting room boredom.

While many played ESO precisely because they were a fan of Elder Scrolls, for any lurking and wondering about trying it out despite knowing nothing take it from someone that went in blindly and came out completely absorbed that this game could be a gateway to something fuckin' awesome.

With that said, Ebonheart Pact is the best faction to be and only vagrants and tramps go AD.

submitted by /u/IHateShovels
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A dead man in the Imperial City Prison

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:52 PM PST

[Media] Welcome to the White Gold Tower

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:45 AM PST

An argonian with a distant relative

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:20 PM PST

[media] High Hiking High King Emeric

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 07:04 PM PST

Pay attention you Daedra: A tale of VMA rage

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:21 PM PST

I've been working my way through vMA over the past couple of months, just kind of taking it easy in going bit by bit. Got stuck on stage 5 for quite a while, but finally figured out that I was being overwhelmed because I was doing too much DPS. Went back to start stage 6 last weekend and ended up in stage 9 over a couple hours - things were going good, so I decided to finish it up.

After numerous deaths (don't keep count) and a few attempts where I got the final boss under 5% only to die to greed or lack of resources, I finally squared off with Voriak Solkyn having full HP/Magicka/Stamina for the final burn:

Boss is at 5%

Drink potion

Drop Elemental Rage

Shields up


LA > Liquid Lightning > LA > Wall of Elements > LA > Force Pulse > LA > Force Pulse LA > Force Pulse



It wasn't actually rage, more a feeling of complete emptiness...

I'll go back, one day.

submitted by /u/Red_Eye_Stone
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Best duo for husband and wife newbies

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 03:56 PM PST

Hello all,

I just built my wife a new pc so we can game together. I want our first game to be ESO. I just purchased and installed two copies. I want to know what would be the best duo to play through the game? I understand any two character classes will work, but I want to create the best possible duo to ensure the best experience. Keep in mind one limitation will be that we want to be the same race (or same faction Incase we PvP) and I prefer to create a character that's racial abilities complement the class. Thank you for reading and take care.


submitted by /u/Markariah
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The Super Mega Beginners Guide to ESO

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:55 AM PST

Hey Y'all I've been noticing an influx of people coming in and asking questions about how to start, what's important, which Race "Is Best", and all that Jazz.

So just to start, the Bottom Line is to HAVE FUN, you play Video Games to Enjoy your time, get that Competitive itch scratched or whatever.

So Bottom line, play how you want, if you want to be a Magical Kitty Healer with a Giant Sword, do it. But my goal is to be able to help you optimize your Fun, explain how you can play your fantasy and complete the content you want to do.

First off: Races and you:

Ok so I just said you play whatever you want, which is true, but for those who want a bit of a boost to stats or get some interesting bonuses, your Race can be a very important Choice. Races can be divided into two categories: Stamina & Magicka. Stamina Races give bonuses stamina focused builds that uses Swords & Shield, Dual Wield, Two-Handers, and Bows. Magicka Races give bonuses to Magic based builds that use Destruction & Restoration Staves.

Stamina Races: Imperial, Nord, Redguard, Orc, Wood Elf, and Khajiit

Magicka Races: Breton, High Elf, Dark Elf, & Argonian

I play mostly Argonian because they have a Passive that gives you Health, Magicka, & Stamina when you use a potion, which for me is awesome.

Next are Attributes: Health, Stamina, & Magicka

Health: Your Hit Points(When this hits zero, you Dead) also Abilities that scale with health will be affected by your health.

Stamina: Stamina affects your ability pool for Physical, Disease, & Poison Abilities, Stamina also affects your Sprinting, Blocking and Dodge Rolling. The Higher your Stamina the more damage the abilities that scale with Stamina will do. If you use physical weapons, Fully Charged Heavy Attacks will restore a bit of stamina.

Magicka: Magicka affects your ability pool for Magic, Fire, Frost, Lightning, & Healing Abilities. With Frost Destruction Staffs, Blocking will use your Magicka pool if you have the Tri-Focus Passive. Your Damage & Healing abilities scale off the total amount of magicka you have. Fully Charged Heavy Attacks from Resto & Destro Staves will restore a bit of Magicka.

So we got Races & Attributes down, we're now going to talk about Classes & Abilities. Each Class comes with 3 skill trees that have both Active and Passive Abilities. Passive abilities don't need to be activated by the player but are always there, or if it requires an action such as taking a Potion, the passive effect will automatically activate. Active abilities require player input to use, such as Snipe from the Bow Skill line. If an ability Requires a resource to use, then the effectiveness of the ability scales off that resource pool. There are a few abilities that use magicka that scale off Health, but those are few and far between.

There are 5 Classes as of right now: Dragon Knight, Sorcerer, Templar, Night Blade, and Warden.

Some of these classes make better Tanks(Such as Dragon Knight & Warden), some Make better Healers( Such as Templar & Warden), All Classes can DPS, but every Class can play all roles, some just have more tools for that end.

So the last thing I wanted to mention was leveling your skill lines, so when you gain experience everything currently equipped on your character, this means Armor, Weapons, & Skills, if you don't have them on, their skill line won't advance. So to combat this, I like to have one of each type of armor(Light, Medium, & Heavy), the Weapon your using, and a Skill from each of your class skill lines, so they will all level equally. If you plan on having two different weapons later have one of the skills from the secondary weapon on your bar so you will have skills to but on your back bar at lvl 15.

Anyways I hope this helps, if you have any more specific questions, please let me know.


Side Edit: I just realized on mobile there's a picture of Sterling Archer, here's an Argonian to fix that

Edit#1: I totally forgot Crafting, start researching traits ASAP, you'll thank me later.

Edit#2: Start training your Horse now, you can train every 20 hrs

Edit#3: /u/thefluffyburrito gave a great input! Over on the side bar there is a Link leading to some really detailed new player Tips, check them out! If you're on Mobile, here's the New Player Tips

Edit#4: /u/Spaexus Also had a great point! With your Race Choice also comes an Alliance Choice which determines your PvP Faction, this can be circumvented with the "Any Race, Any Alliance" that comes with the Adventurers Pack in the Crown Store

Edit#5 Fixed some Phrasing

submitted by /u/Mr_Stach
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I'd like to see the option to change the background of our characters on the character select screen.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:38 PM PST

Just like personalities (which I wish there were more of), this would be a good way of customising your characters. At the moment the background only reflects what faction the character is in, which is becoming increasingly irrelevant. I'd like to see different environments to choose from, a workshop for a crafter, a shady hideout for a thief, the dense jungle of Black Marsh, the ash covered ground of Morrowind, the verdant woodland of Valenwood etc.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/FireproofFerret
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Issue with normal dungeon xp...

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:12 PM PST

Noob here... past two days I've gone in to Normal dungeons after entering group finder... and no xp at the end... I go back to activity finder right after it ends and I'm allowed to queue immediately.. any idea what's going on?!

submitted by /u/audreeelysse
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Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:35 PM PST

Is there even a point to this ability now? Any useful builds or techniques with it?

submitted by /u/BehrHuggie
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Logging in today, I haven't seen the game this populated since launch week.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 05:18 AM PST

ESO+ Event working miracles.

PC EU btw

submitted by /u/i_am_milk
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Overview of the new outfit system

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:37 AM PST

I'm sure most of you know all about this by now, but for those of you who can't be arsed to download the PTS and just want a quick summary of the new outfit system, I made a short video - https://youtu.be/oHDUSFfJ-IA

Of course, there are already videos out about this, but I thought I'd share anyway. I blame my job for preventing me getting in there early!

submitted by /u/The_Natty_P
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Looking for skill changer addon

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:09 AM PST

I am looking for an addon that makes it so that i can switch skillset easily without having to manually change skills, but the ones that I find are all outdated.

Help would be appreciated :)

submitted by /u/sundvall
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What is with all the Bots?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 02:00 PM PST

Almost every zone I go to now has a HUGE train of folks going in circles killing everything in there path...






Malabal Tor


I've reported my fair share of them. Going to the most extreme lengths. Screencaps...sending videos and reporting every player I could.

Sometimes this process takes up to an hour.

My question is...

What the hell is Zenimax doing? I've only ever seen one GM in-game and that was during beta telling folks about bugged quests. I get nothing but an automated reply telling me to add them to a limited ignore list.

If ZoS wants me to "ignore" them I can and will! I can gladly just stroll past them ignoring whatever they are doing...

Who knows what happens after we report them. All I do know though is that after a rough week of Incident Reports and a couple dozen emails back and fourth every single ticket says...

"Status: Unresolved"

So much time wasted reporting.

submitted by /u/loafy420
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[PC] Looking for Addon: Better trait select while crafting.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:54 AM PST

With the amount of released and incoming motifs finding the style you want to craft is getting more and more of a pain with the standard sidescrolling. Is there an addon that has a grid view or something for some easier selecting?

submitted by /u/Badelord
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Body markings unlock question (new player)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:48 AM PST

If I buy the body marking cosmetic pack do I have to recreate my character to use the markings or can I just equip them at the collections like costumes?

submitted by /u/idcRandom
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[Guide] - New to Gold Coast DLC? Read this.

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:15 AM PST

There's 4 dailies total: You can only have one of the pair at a time, and only get one or the other each day.

Anvil - Buried Evil and Common Good - These are Delve dailies. Kvatch - Looming Shadows (Folly) and Roar of the Crowds (Arena) - These are the World Boss dailies.

If you have one of these, especially Folly (F) or Arena (A), please share them. These quests give you the chance at motifs, as most DLC dailies will. Folly = Minotaur, Arena = Order of the Hour.

Share your quest with other players, and stick around for them to share the other quest with you. Most people will do the world bosses back to back, and the delves back to back.

Welcome to the Gold Coast. If you haven't heard, there's a hidden evil corrupting Kvatch. They best not be talking about you.

submitted by /u/upotheke
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What is wrong with this servers?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:34 AM PST

I have around 50-60 ping in every game other than ESO, when it comes to ESO around 200 what is wrong with this servers.. such a good game with bad servers

submitted by /u/Ashwig
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[PS4 EU] Thank you DOOM.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:59 AM PST

After 1 year of playing and 740CP I have finished my first vet trial with my guild DOOM. I know that vAA is not really hard but I am not (and probably never will be) a decent MMOplayer. I am just an ESO fan waiting for the next TES game. I played ESO as a solo game for the first 6-7 months because i find it very hard and uncomfortable to interact with people i dont know, yet with the help of my guild I first beat every normal trial and now my first vet trial getting myself a gold vicious ophidian neck. Especially GM was very helpful and encouraging while we wipe twice on last boss (Although I cant help but feel as a teenager making love with an mature person, i mean he keeps giving us directives and compliment our progress even we fail :)) Tldr shut out to DOOM, best guild i ever have. Edt: Grammar, sorry for bad English.

submitted by /u/shinzakuro
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Bow viable in pvp

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:29 AM PST

Hi, so i think playing a bow nightblade is fun but last time i tried pvp other players dodgerolled every arrow and then killed me. Is it possible to play with a bow in cyrodil and still have fun ?

submitted by /u/Kronowak
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A weight lifted off my chest

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:24 AM PST

I finally took the night and pushed through maelstrom shits just not fun but I atleast feel don't feel the absolute obligation to complete it anymore. Got a now for my stam so and warden I'll farm the staff later but i feel good about it

submitted by /u/cadeross
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