Path of Exile Stories from Development: What came from the Original Design?

Stories from Development: What came from the Original Design?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:42 PM PST

By late 2008, our founders had put together a detailed game design document outlining the plan for Path of Exile. Surprisingly many of the elements described in this document made it into the full game, including ones that were implemented many years after Path of Exile's release. Today's news post outlines the parts of Path of Exile that came from the original design, and draws attention to a few that we just didn't think of until later.

Click here[] to read more.

Behind the Scenes: How Weta Workshop made the Kitava Statue

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:47 PM PST

Tencent, our publishers of Path of Exile in China, recently worked with Weta Workshop to create a sculpted version of Kitava for promotional purposes. Weta Workshop is based here in New Zealand and we're very excited to see their immensely talented team working with Path of Exile concepts. They've created a video of their collaboration and the result, which we're excited to share with the wider community.

Click here to check it out!

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