Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: Hist Bark

[Daily] Set discussion: Hist Bark

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

Hist Bark

Obtainable as: Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor

Type: Craftable

Location: Rivenspire, Greenshade, Shadowfen


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
2 Adds 2975 Physical Resistance
3 Adds 129 Health Recovery
4 Adds 1206 Maximum Health
5 While you are blocking you gain Major Evasion, increasing your dodge chance by 15%.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Trade Tuesdays - Post your ESO trades here!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to our new recurring post to help you trade items in ESO!

You can post any ingame items you would like to sell, buy or trade, start your comment with WTS / WTB / WTT.

Please do not post trades for out of game items / cash, or anything that may break the ESO Terms of Service.

As always, be polite and respectful, and happy trading!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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I love making gear for people

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:34 PM PST

So I have really found that I like crafting for people.

I watch chat for people asking for a crafter and always try to see if I can make what they want, sometimes I can't as I'm still Nirn-learning a few things. But I make some good gaming friends this way and it's really rewarding.

So I reply to a player who wants level 4 gear, it is a true noob who has a friend helping him he has some idea what he wants.

I make him some NB gear with cool daggers he loves it, glyphs and all ... deck him out. Tell him he can break it all for Inspiration or re-use it on alts.

8 hours later I get a blue chat, it's the same guy, he must have written my username down as he hadn't friended me yet. He's level 37 and wants to buy another set. So I make him another set but he can't wear it. He's 37 gear is 38, so I take him to Skyreach.

He sees me put it on vet and is like WHOA NO, I tell him to trust me. We go in and smoke all the mobs and he is one sliver from 38, so we do the chest.

We almost die a few times he's running for his life most of the fight from huge mobs of skeletons, but all are nuked and we get the chest and he hits level 38 as the boss dies and he can put on his new gear.

Who says crafting is boring?

submitted by /u/youfknbet
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After three years of wishing, the Breton hero statue is finally mine!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:23 PM PST

Eso PvP in a nutshell.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:37 AM PST

I think I broke someone's immersion. :D

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:42 AM PST

[Media] I finally got my Dro m'athra skin and vMA staff! :D

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:44 AM PST

PTS Patch Notes v3.3.2

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:02 PM PST

Should I get vampire for all of my mag characters if I intend to DPS, and only use the passives?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:31 PM PST

As of this patch, do you still think this is the optimal way.

submitted by /u/Kiux97
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Where do you get your gold?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:37 AM PST

Hey guys, I'm just wondering where everyone get's their gold from... I currently just sell gold mats for like 9-15k per piece. I just never seem to get any, what are some other nice ways to get gold?

submitted by /u/Nevarc_Xela
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"I need 10k for a horse, I'm a scrub!"

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:38 AM PST

Then you look at their profile and see that they got a trophy for becoming a vampire in 2015. On PS4 (and I'm guessing something similar on XBOX) you can scroll up to a person's text in zone chat and view their PSN profile. This will give you a nice hint if they are lying about their ESO playtime (although they can switch this to private). I'm sure on PC that there are 4000 add-ons that allow you to see what the person looks like in real life or something (yes, I'm jealous of you PC people and your add-ons).

I called out a guy for this exact situation and he then said he was kidding and wanted to know how I figured out how long he has been playing.

If you see people openly asking for 10k for a horse I highly advise not giving it to them. They are almost all lying.

If you want to help new players I advise doing what I have done: goto the starter islands (or Vvardenfell perhaps) and hand out level 1 food to the noobs getting fresh off the boat. It's quite useful for them. Sure, give them gold if you want, but the food will hopefully get them in the good habit of always keeping that buff up.

submitted by /u/Hazenjonas
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This game..

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:11 PM PST

Is too good, 250 hours in and just got my BoE set, can't wait to sink in another 250.

Great job ZoS

submitted by /u/durkelel
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[Discussion] Top 10 Dungeon Truths

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:38 AM PST

Started doing dungeons in earnest about 4 weeks ago. What have I learned?

  1. With the right build, many dungeons can be run solo. This is how I started doing dungeons. They take longer, but can be challenging and fun.
  2. PUGs can be great. PUGs can suck. Guild groups with known players (and expectations) are best. Still looking for a guild where enough people do dailies in the evening (XBOX NA).
  3. A good tank can make a difficult fight fairly easy. A bad tank can make it unwinnable. A tank who can control a fight and put out a little DPS is even better.
  4. A good healer can save even some squishy players. A bad healer can keep the team from winning a fight. Be prepared to heal yourself some during a dungeon run though.
  5. Good DPS make everything go faster and smoother. DPS who are too squishy or stay standing in big red circles and die make it more difficult for everyone.
  6. If you have not run a dungeon previously, do EVERYONE in your group a favor and do a search on it. A walkthrough exists for every dungeon explaining mechanics for each role.
  7. Do dungeon quests on Normal. If you are doing the quest, let the group know in chat. If someone in your group is doing the quest, be considerate and give them time to finish it (don't leave the group immediately after the last boss fight).
  8. Some people are very considerate and willing to share equipment at the end of the run. That is a great attitude to emulate.
  9. Not everyone has 40k stamina. Running through the dungeon uses resources that may be needed in a fight.
  10. Dungeons are fun. Enjoy them.

Anyone have additional insights or suggestions?

submitted by /u/kriezek
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Fastest way to level Undaunted?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:36 PM PST

Does buying the drinks for the people still work and then I just have to complete some dungeons?

submitted by /u/gitony
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Do I Actually Need Gold?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:57 PM PST

Hey there, I've just started playing ESO.

I'm an ArcheAge player, but I've finally had to stop playing it. One of the reasons, was the constant need to grind gold.

So I'm giving ESO a try. But I find myself doing the same thing. I've just spent a couple of hours mining ore to sell. But do I really need to do this in ESO?

Apart from buying a horse, extra bank space and repairs, is there any reason to have a lot of gold in ESO?

You see, I'm not interested in PvP, I just want to role play, explore and do quests.

My needs are quite simple. I don't want the best gear or anything like that (quest gear and drops seem just fine).

So can I ignore the 'gold grind' and just play the game? Will I make enough gold just from questing (and stealing stuff)?

Thanks for any advice.

submitted by /u/Kexby
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[Spreadsheet stuff] The Elder Scrolls Online progression sheet

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:38 AM PST

With text and stuff and jolly colors.

By the nine eight, what is that ?

It's a big-ass spreadsheet on Goggle drive that I use to keep track of, uh... stuff. Important stuff. I swear

Lots of colors. Color are cools. No bright as fuck colors, I'm not that sadistic.

List for features (sort of)

  • Updated for the last version of TESO (Clockwork City v3.2).
  • A handful of handy tabs to keep track of stuff across different characters. (see Tabs below).
  • No wiki links for now because i'm a lazy fuck.
  • Allows you to fill it with green. Experts said that green is a calming color. You'll never be able to rage at that goddamn DPS standing in the red again.
  • Want to track a new character ? Just add a new column (or 3 for the Regions tab).
  • Does not contain Dro-m'Athra. No one want to get ganked by a Dro-m'Athra coming out of a spreadsheet.

What may or may not be added one day

  • Fancy dropdown selection. I'm lazy, alright ?
  • Cadwell's Silver/Gold tracker. Slightly redundant with the Regions tab, but still useful I guess.
  • Whatever you guys suggest that sounds relevant and interesting :
  • Dro-m'Athra.


  • About : Stuff about the spreadsheet. You can delete that one safely if you want.
  • Skills : All skill lines, with a special icon for Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild so you can be reminded that you never even picked them the last time you were on ESO+. Also tracks mount training at the bottom.
  • Regions : Allows you to see wether you just rushed the main storyline or if you're a decent methodical person (or a goddamn completionist).
  • Dungeons : Tracks group dungeon completion. Does not include the dungeon's quest, but includes trials.
  • Style : The tab of tears. Look at all those very low drop chance style pages you'll never get. Sad, isn't it ?
  • Research : The other tab of tears. To remind you that you'd be done with researchs if you started them early, but now you're 3 years in and you still dont even have half of them.
  • Lists : Don't touch that one. It is used to generate the dropdown menus and manage various icons.

Why ?

Because I'm secretly Sheogorath in a tutu. Oh look behind you, a Dro-m'Athra !

submitted by /u/ZeShmoutt
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[Discussion] Capes and Cloaks

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:33 PM PST

Given that it's been a couple years and performance is striving to become as good as it can be, what are your thoughts on capes or cloaks, could they ever feature in ESO in full form? Would you be okay with them if ZOS managed to figure out a way in which they do not impact the overall performance of the game? Perhaps make em' difficult to earn via trials or other hardy quests so you can truly look like a hero.

My personal opinion is since capes featured in the beta trailer and looked equivalent to a well made Oblivion mod, I think I'd be down for it barring a Cyrodiil shitstorm. If you compare a base game motif to, say, Skinchanger I think it's clear the level of detail in newly released motifs is rising and the motifs are becoming less like skins on your character and more like actual armor, I don't think cloaks will impact gameplay that much but I don't know a nickle or dime about game design.

With capes added too, I can finally create Saitama or Serana in ESO and life will be complete lol.

submitted by /u/Jafades
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[PC] Alchemy Crafting Question

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:10 AM PST

So I've got 50lvl in Alchemy recently and I still get Alchemist Vessel VII not VIII (that I guess I should be getting, cause I do my writs in Craglorn).

I got all skills maxed in Alchemy (not sure if that was needed, except for Solvent Proficiency). I have also every single reagent fully researched.

Is there something I miss? Or getting Alchemist Vessel VII already counts as master crafting?

submitted by /u/Vandirilol
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Stam Nb set info?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:58 AM PST

Hey all, im currently playing a wood elf stamina nightblade on xbox. I enjoy the pvp cyrodil side to the game but not to much success as after doing some research i lack any sort of set items and food/potions to help my cause.

Reading up on some sets i believe the hundings rage set is a good place to start. I understand this is craftable. Are there any main hub cities where i can request this to be made and for what price, is there a going rate or does it vary as i dont want to be taken advantage of for having a lack of knowledge on the market.

With that said is this the best set available to me as a stam nb?, i tend to use duel wield and bow.

Any info would be great

submitted by /u/UnitedsNo7
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The Nerf Mentality is not Healthy until everyone is on an Even Playing Field

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:52 PM PST

Well the Title explains it all, but I look across the Forum & Reddit and people getting Frustrated about better Performing Classes/Playstyles.

I mean I pretty much Main a Warden Healer and I haven't had anyone screaming at me to do better Heals, but when I hopped on my Bowden, people scream at Non-Templar Healers and it makes me really curious.

If Zos Equalized the Playing Field would people still Rage? Probably, because people like to yell.

I really think that ESO needs a Shot of Equity. Where we bring all classes to be able to perform to the same result, rather than just Nerfing the Top Performer until everyone is bad.

I hope that Zos looks at the Data and Find ways to build up the levels of all the classes to the Needed amount, but in order for that to be accomplished we'll need to be Precise in our feedback as well as look what each Class might need in each role to achieve that goal.

Any who, those are my thoughts.

What would you like for overall Balance?

submitted by /u/Mr_Stach
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Error 301 and Port Triggering

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:36 AM PST

So I am trying to setup port triggering but my router is also asking for a public port. What do I put in the box? I cant find and info online covering this or what if any this port is for ESO. Please help. Thanks.

submitted by /u/We_Are_Tanuki
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Magicka DK bars and rotation

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:15 AM PST

I've just noticed I've been playing my DK in a fairly random way and pretty much forgot to think about the rotation and what I have in the skillbars. So, I might have to start over.
This is what I have in the bars:
bar1: Lash, Unrelenting Grip, Engulfing Flames, Burning Embers, empty slot; Standard of Might
bar2: Blockade of Storms, Flames of Oblivion, Eruption, Coagulating Blood, Molten Armaments; Thunderous Rage. Can I get some suggestions for the order of the skills in the bars so it made more sense from rotation standpoint?
I'd also like to point out these are the skills I intend to use, and I will not be adding stuff like trap, Inner Light etc.

submitted by /u/WalrusInAnus
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So how much fun is magdk?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:45 AM PST

Is it fun enough to balance out the repeated nerfs? I like fire and such, wich is why my stamdk is using skoria and red mountain. But I don't really like playing at range. Anyway biggest concern is the viability

submitted by /u/huschdeguddzje
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Paladin PvP build

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:18 PM PST

Hey all. Looking for a magplar paladin build. Heavy armor sword and shield with resto on the back bar. This will be for PvP. Any and all info would help. Thanks all. Craftable sets preferred

submitted by /u/Kalstark
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[Xbox] Skill Point Quest

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:38 PM PST

Is there a website that list what quest give you skill points? Would use add ons but i play on console.

submitted by /u/Shames285
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discourage "staying far away" attitude?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:19 PM PST

hey, so as a main healer i've noticed how annoying it can be when there are dps in my group (normally dungeons) who do range dps, and decide to stay halfway across the room from the boss, making my healing task much harder, i have also noticed that there are a lot of incentives to stay away from boss.

bows do more damage from far away, mag wardens do more damage with their birds, and pretty much any mag dps that isnt DK can stay away from their target and do their job.

I'm wondering what people think if ZOS discouraged "staying far away from the boss" other than "because your healer said so" because no matter how much i ask the dps to not stay far away they dont really listen, sometimes they even dodge my healing when they see i stand behind them to align for combat prayer (a behavior im still baffled by.)

i'm not saying to remove the range from abilities, there are bosses with mechanics meant to put everyone away from them, im just wondering if it would be beneficial to remove passives and skills who benefit from "more damage the farther away you are from target" and replace something else there.

submitted by /u/barduk4
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