Skyrim - I'm fine...*sniff*

I'm fine...*sniff*

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:58 PM PST

Ever notice how Mirabelle Ervine tells you outright that you'll just be a figurehead as Arch-Mage?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:33 PM PST

Good to see Markarth has a super relaxed PDA policy

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:54 PM PST

I thought that it was awesome that we have a high elf fighting in the Legion against the Thalmor

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:52 PM PST

About to play Skyrim for the first time!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:37 PM PST

I finally got around to buying Skyrim and I'll be playing the special edition on Xbone. I've heard that this game is legendary, so I'm just wondering if there is anything I can read up on or learn that could enhance the experience? Or would it be best to do it with no spoilers?


submitted by /u/Corysinthehouse
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View of the sunset from the steps of Dragonsreach. Skyrim is a beautiful place.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:58 PM PST

Couple questions by a newbie for my build.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:41 AM PST

Hi guys, first, playing on the switch so no mods are available.

So, i am enjoying my game so far, but i need a little help with my build.

I am currently a level 12 breton necromancer/vampire. I have perks into enchanting, conjuration and destruction right now, and things are going smoothly for the most part.

My main issues are that first, raising corpses seems to take a while. Like the animation of them coming back. Is there any way to speed this up? It makes trying to get a minion in the middle of the battle with multiple enemies difficult.

Second, i have the perk to make undead last 120 seconds. How long would they last with conjuration dual casting?

Third, what destruction magic type is the best of the three to focus on? I am assuming not lightning, since i cant reanimate a pile of ash?

Fourth, i can't seem to use any of the vampire powers. Like night sight, and the vampire thrall. I equip them but it doesn't look like i can use them? I am at a loss.

Fifth, it seems like the negatives of vampire are quite annoying. Mostly the lack of regeneration in the day. Should i decide to cure my vampire form, how do i do this? On a side note, does the vampire form have perks? I noticed my werewolf save did, although i never used the werewolf form.

Sixth, does this game have a reusable soul gem? I believe oblivion did. Azura's star? It would make getting black souls really easy so i can make some good enchantments.

Seventh, does the healing perk that increases magic used on undead help put this type of build? Like say increasing the effects of illusion spells to buff my undead buddies?

Thank you so much guys. Sorry for all the questions. I just want to have a character i really enjoy to do all i can in skyrim. I got bored with my dual wield nord around level 19, but didn't really complete any quest lines except the companions.


If there are any tips or skill suggestions you guys want to add, say if you have played this type of build before, please feel free. Always looking for advice on improving!

submitted by /u/Jamirus2
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RIP Bandit Thug

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:01 PM PST

kitty flip kill

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:26 AM PST

Are crafting skills necessary in the later stages of the game, if I’m only playing on adept?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:31 AM PST

I can't quite figure out this one aspect of the game. All crafting (enchanting, smithing, alchemy) seems like a terrible chore to me, I really hope it doesn't turn out to be "necessary" later on. It's the only thing I don't enjoy in Skyrim. I don't like doing it, I don't like grinding for materials, I don't like the space/weight the materials take up in my inventory.

It seems to me that precisely all it offers is increased damage/health. I mean of course, right? So anyone who is concerned with obtaining these increased bonuses would likely want to play on Expert or above difficulty as to not make things too easy for themselves, yes?

But would a craftless character on Adept not take/deal exactly as much damage as a crafting character would take/deal on an increased difficulty? Am I missing something or is it just completely arbitrary? The only difference between the two styles of play should be, in theory, that one character has an inflated amount of time played due to performing crafting chores - while the non-crafting Adept character simply uses found/purchased items that scale in power to whatever point in the game they're found/purchased. But while in combat, having the same exact experience.

Unless I'm missing something?

submitted by /u/LazyDiscernment
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Just got this on the Nintendo Switch

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:33 PM PST

holy crap this is so awesome to play handheld mode i feel addicted

ive beaten the game several times on PC and have 200 plus hours logged onto my steam i have an awesome gaming rig but i prefer to play it on my switch LOL

submitted by /u/FrodoMan123
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Sound issues in Skyrim on bootcamped Windows on a MacBook Pro

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:42 AM PST

I was interested in getting back into Skyrim after a long break so I went ahead and installed Skyrim and many mods only to find that footsteps, swimming, and player character combat sounds weren't playing. After some googling and troubleshooting on my copy of the game, I've found that it looks to be an issue with anyone running Skyrim (SE or not) on a bootcamped Windows partition on a newer touchbar MacBook pro ( I was just curious if any of you have had the same issue or have found a workaround that doesn't involve moving soundfiles to a USB drive or external harddrive.

submitted by /u/seacucumber3000
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Feckin thalmor

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:26 AM PST

Krosis: an Easter egg

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:30 PM PST

So I was just digging through Magic: the Gathering lore and I found something interesting. There is a time period in mtg known as the "Dragon War." One of the 5 primeval dragons is named "Crosis," a name meaning death, and could kill his enemies by "screaming the word of death." I think we can all see the parallels with Skyrim's history, dragon language, and the thu'um here, but what intrigued me is this is storyline in Magic is from 2001.

submitted by /u/eochaid1297
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That's... almost a bed.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:30 PM PST

Public Enemy: Mudcrab

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:21 AM PST

So ... anyone else go bald after becoming a vampire?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:03 PM PST

!HELP! Get the music to play when tabbing out of the game.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:45 AM PST

When you tab out of the game, it pauses, but any dialogue or sound effects that are active continue to play out, as do environment sounds like rain and wind.

I like that the game pauses, so I can do whatever I need to do... and I love the soothing sound of the skyrim landscape as I answer an email... but is there a way to make sure the music continues to play? Its super jarring having the music pause when I tab out for a moment. How come the sound FX keep playing but the music stops?

Google searches have only led me to solutions to stop the entire game from pausing when tabbed... where I want the game to pause, but the music to persist.

Help me please GREYBEARDS!

submitted by /u/Wrigglemania
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Waking up at sunrise

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:41 AM PST

Hagraven claw?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:29 AM PST

They call me Buddha

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:33 AM PST

Found this gem

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:16 AM PST

Breaking Miraak's control across Solsthiem

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:12 AM PST

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