Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-22]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-22]

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Trostland - Loot a Lost Sector in the town of Trostland. Fallen Raider - Loot 3 Fallen supply caches. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Titan Lost Sectors: The Rig - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rig. Arcology Scavenger - Gather 10 Alkane Dust. Scourge of the Hive - Defeat 75 Hive enemies.
Nessus Lost Sectors: The Tangle - Loot a Lost Sector in the Tangle. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.
IO Pyramidion Raider - Defeat 40 enemies around the entrance to the Vex Pyramidion. Walk the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Taken - Defeat 75 Taken enemies.
Mercury Lost and Found - Complete a Lost Sector. Patrol for Initiative - Complete 3 patrols. Dead Legion - Kill 75 Cabal.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Cycle of Light - Create 10 orbs for your allies. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Osiris Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. Look Them in the Eye - Defeat 10 opponents at close range.
Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 20 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Bungie could remove Amanda Holiday right now and nobody would notice

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:26 AM PST

The NPC for ships and sparrows yet everything is stuff on Eververse, faction rallies, Iron banner and holiday events.

Sad her only purpose was to appear on a cutscene at the beginning of the campaign.

submitted by /u/elscape13
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Until Destiny 2 catches up to and surpasses Destiny 1, Bungie deserves no praise for introducing new features. Especially when those features are returning from the previous game.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 10:35 PM PST

Christopher Barrett confirmed earlier today that exotic quests are returning. Before that, each faction received a new sparrow and ghost shell. Before that, Heroic Strikes returned to Destiny 2.

Right now, Destiny 2 is in a regressed state from Destiny 1. The minor improvements in the sequel are vastly overshadowed by the disappointments and missing features from the previous game.

Bungie has expressed that they are listening to our feedback and are going to fix many issues with the game, issues that were created by the regression of Destiny 1 features/mechanics, things like 6v6 PvP, Exotic Quests, and the balance shifting for Eververse items towards in game progression and activity rewards and away from Bright Engrams.

These are not fixes that are deserving of hype or praise. They are simply Bungie reselling us features we had in the previous game a second time and calling it "new". These are not new. Destiny 2 is not a new game in a new franchise. It is a SEQUEL. It should have included every feature from the previous game, and expanded upon them. I cannot think of a single successful sequel that didn't do this. Many see Destiny 2 as a brand new game, when it isn't. It is a continuation of the Destiny franchise. There is no excuse for removing features, only to return them to the game.

Destiny 2 is a SEQUEL, not a new game.

submitted by /u/victini0510
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Please re-enable Trials & IB on D1

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:42 AM PST

First off, I have no idea what the technical limitations are with regard to re-enabling Trials and Iron Banner are, back on Destiny 1. Second, I also realise how counter productive this would initially be in regard to moving forward with Destiny 2.

That being said, whilst you take on feedback and bring D2 back toward a place of fun sometime toward Fall 2018, how about instead of losing player base to other games, you let us go play what we know and love whilst we wait? Call it a 'Destiny Waiting Room' if you want.

Think about it, all the wonderful, repeatable raids are still there. Private matches? Yep, those too. All that's really needed is Trials and IB, and I have no doubt that your fanbase would happily go play D1, simply while we wait. We don't need new loot drops, new quests, new maps. Just D1, as-is.

Yours hopefully,

A Guardian.

submitted by /u/dcage135
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When are Bungie going to admit that the new Weapon system of 2 primaries and a power just isn't working.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:29 AM PST

I've known since the beta that this new system was sub par to the OG system of primary, special and heavy . it took me all of 5 mins of plinking away at the mind on the Nessus strike to go , well this is boring and unfun.

i've heard reports that this was a hard sell to the internal team at bungie with many being skeptical of it , i think its time to admit that the gamble hasn't paid off

submitted by /u/Kobayashi64
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Datto: 5 Things I'd Like To See Bungie Do For Destiny 2

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:15 AM PST

A Forbes article from before destiny 2 even released predicted the current stale horrible pve gameplay mess we are in

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:54 AM PST

"Constantly switching between primaries is dull, and putting all the "fun" weapons, all secondaries and heavies, in a single slot now, is not a welcome change. Sure, one primary has a burn and the other doesn't, but honestly, who cares? They're all the same weapon classes and feel extremely similar as a result. Destiny 1 felt like it had a good balance of using primaries, secondaries and heavies in specific situations in PvE content, but this new system feels far less intuitive. I'm constantly checking the elemental icon to see what gun I'm even using at a given moment, and now essentially two types of primary ammo are dropping while heavy ammo (now used for old secondaries) is nowhere to be found. Even when the ammo issue is fixed, you're now in a situation where you have to choose between rolling out with a D1 secondary or a D1 heavy, as you can no longer have both.

I just don't like this system at all, and for PvE, it feels like a solution in search of a problem. Sure, there were some problems with Icebreaker/Gjallarhorn spam in PvE content previously, but that was mostly tied to specific weapons, not the entire concept of the loadout system, meaning I don't understand why this kind of radical change was necessary. Again, something that makes some amount of sense for PvP creates a totally screwed up situation for PvE because Bungie pretends like these two modes have the exact same needs. They don't. They clearly don't to the point where I don't understand why this keeps happening.

While those are the two major issues that are pitting PvP and PvE against each other, I can feel PvP's influence everywhere in Destiny 2. The Hunter's much-mocked class skill is something that offers no utility for a team in PvE content, but makes sense for 1v1, 1v2 duels in Crucible with dodge/reload/recharge functionality. Also, the general slowness of movement in Destiny 2 compared to the original also feels like it's trying to solve PvP mobility issues and make it feel more like Halo. And even something like the removal of Machine Guns as a heavy weapon type again feels like a sacrifice to PvP, as it was possible to rack up too many kills on one heavy ammo dump with that type of gun, even if LMGs were rarely a problem in PvE, if ever. I'm also willing to bet that Sunsinger revives were sacrificed to the gods of Trials of Osiris, because of how that skill affected the mode, even though that was a fantastic class for Warlocks in PvE.

Honestly, I don't get why Bungie does this. While they should definitely be trying to balance PvP to some extent, Destiny is not exactly the most competitive shooter out there. There are no huge global eSports leagues, there's not even ranked play. And yet so, so much is given away and redesigned to accommodate PvP, and now we're reaching a point where many core aspects of the entire game have been hamstrung to make sure PvP is improved. The result, at least in this beta, is a slower, more plodding game which uses less guns, and dramatically decreases ability use. The core of Destiny is still fun, but these fundamental changes to gameplay have made many aspects of the game flat-out worse than the original, even if improvements are being made to mission structure, strike design, storytelling and so on. Destiny will lose a lot if gameplay becomes less fun. And these changes have absolutely made it less fun."

submitted by /u/Modshroom128
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We should organise a week where we pretend D2 never happened, go back to D1, and talk about it on this sub like the good ol' days

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:14 AM PST

I went back to Destiny 1 and there's a shocking amount of players there and a lot of them are low level

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:04 AM PST

I was shocked to arrive in the tower and see more than six people there consistently. Not only that but a lot of them are under level 20! I think it's a testament to D1's awesomeness (or D2's suckishness) that people are still buying and playing the game today, even with a sequel out!

submitted by /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit
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Forbes: Destiny's Biggest Content Creators Change Gears As The Sequel Struggles (2018-01-22)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:29 AM PST

So I got notified of this article and I think it's heavily relevant to the state of Destiny 2.

The following content creators were mentioned (And the writer does actually interview some of them, I'll put a $ after their name if they are interviewed in the article - Written by Paul Tassi

Here are some of the content creations who have said something for the article

Destiny 2 loremaster MyNameisByf "Personally I live in a space where my content is evergreen. Lore is always in season in that sense I'm not planning on leaving, but I think this is a call for an improvement in the quality of the content on my channel as well as a little diversification. [..] Regarding the general shift, this was sadly par for the course. In a sense Bungie is lucky that this is happening now instead of in six months' time. A shift away from the game like this would be disastrous with Anthem being released at the same time. At this moment however, we're seeing the Destiny community feel a little lost. We would cover other games like Warframe and The Division but they already have established communities. We are for the most stuck. I feel fortunate that I have Patreon to keep me going but right now we've all just accepted that the next few months will be some of our worst."

Gothalion - "My coverage plans won't change, honestly. People are jumping to conclusions simply because I changed badges to help further my own growth potential. I've planned to play every update and every DLC, to read every twab [This Week at Bungiie] and watch every live stream. I have nothing but faith that Bungie will eventually right the ship. I don't like people assuming I've 'given up on Destiny' or 'turned my back on the community' simply because I'm making a sound business move, as I've said nothing to indicate that."

submitted by /u/scorchgid
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I finally beat the Daughters!!

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:52 AM PST

I suck at platform jumping puzzles. And I suck at performing under pressure. But I love King's Fall (given the right team, of course).

Just yesterday, I found an LFG post - couple of cool guys and gals needed 1 at Golgoroth. I thought, let's give it a whirl, why not. So I join them, and we down him in one go. We cheer and move ahead, take our time chillin through the dick wall section.

And then we reached the Daughters encounter. Till yesterday, every single one of my clears was when I didn't get Torn. In fact, I would take it for granted that we are not gonna succeed every time I got Torn. But yesterday, I kept getting Torn again and again. After a couple of fuck ups, we started again..

As soon as we moved to the encounter area, I get torn. And I didn't fuck up any jump this time! We melt the first sister, and I felt butterflies in my stomach! Excitement was super high. And in that moment, I got Torn again! I was so afraid I would completely fuck it up, knowing my history. But I took it slow and managed to complete the platforming, got back to the team and DPS! And we finished it in that run. No clutches, nothing. I yelled out a cry of joy!! It was something that I had given up on long ago, but I managed to do it perfectly in that run!

Nothing else, that's it. Just been feeling elated about it since yesterday, and have no one else to share with, so I thought I would just post it here..

Obligatory edit: Wow, this blew up! Thanks for all the positive response guys. Hope y'all have a great day!

submitted by /u/MrEquinox17
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Bungie, we have asked (demanded) a lot of stuff and you have, in some matter, listed what you will fix. But could you also adress what you won't ever change, add or fix also?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:54 AM PST

For example shaders? Can I just leave my hope of it going back or be permanent in some way? There are more stuff, but this is one thing I would love to have changed.

submitted by /u/dnlgrnr
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Destiny has more twitch viewers than D2 !!!

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:44 PM PST

Ok Kraftyy was streaming D1 but that is what I noticed when I got home from work this monday afternoon and checked twitch, like I do most days. D2 - 1,728 D1 - 1,843 (1,541 kraftyy)

submitted by /u/artmgs
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You know what Destiny 2 is missing? That “feeling”

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:09 AM PST

I'm not sure exactly how I would describe that "feeling" but I can tell you places during Destiny 1 when I would experience it.

The main screen. Then and now. When you're logging in and in the character screen. The music is just perfect and the black background together just hits the right note giving off that "destiny feel." The feeling of wonder and to delve more into this world but at the same time knowing this world is unforgiving, dark, and dangerous. I don't know why but the background being BLACK actually feels significant compared to Destiny 2's WHITE background. The white just doesn't give off the Destiny feel. It's too safe.

I got the "Destiny feel" when I did my first night fall (back in year 1). The feeling I got was one of conquering overwhelming odds, thinking fast on my feet, using all tools at my disposal and to NOT DIE. I just hate the timer. Destiny's nightfall used to be one where you had to take the encounter slow and to properly clear the rooms and you could NOT just go in guns blazing. The current nightfall does not give off this "feel" at all. Nightfall in destiny 2 was hard but it's just not the same.

Finally I got this feeling when I played VoG and Crota's end. Do you remember the first time you ENTERED the vault or jumped down into the pit for Crota's end? The places are dark, dangerous and you truly feel like a little light roaming around a large dark room. This is something I think Destiny 2 is lacking and it's the fact it has forgotten the incredible atmosphere and world that it had in the first Destiny. The Leviathan raid genuinely bothered me with it being all gold and so damn bright. Now that I think about it, Destiny 2 is just so too damn BRIGHT.

Destiny 1 used to give me that incredible feeling that you can't really describe with words because Destiny 1 was an experience. This feeling was contributed to its incredible atmosphere. The world used to be so dark, mysterious like places such as the moon. Titan almost gets the atmosphere right. Almost. Now Destiny 2's world is just so lacking of that mysterious feeling.

Maybe it's the music that's changed too. The music in destiny 2 is incredible no doubt about that, but in my opinion isn't really fit for the world that destiny set out to be.

I'm not sure if I'm insane but if you read this far thank you and I'd like to hear your destiny 1 feeling or experience if you want while I'm/we're reminiscing on the past.

submitted by /u/roundhousekock
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Arcadia of My Youth [LEGO D1 Jumpship]

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:42 AM PST

LEGO Arcadia Jumpship

The guardian looked at the derelict ship in mute wonder.

"It's been here a while," said the ghost. "Hasn't made a jump in centuries." He floated above the ship, scanning the hull for damage.

"Arcadia," the guardian whispered. The ship that carried humanity through the Golden Age. The guardian stared at the battered hulk. Emotions unfelt for centuries welled up and coalesced behind the guardian's faceplate. This was the ship that carried our dreams.

"Will it fly?"

"I can make it work."

. . .

This custom LEGO Arcadia Class Jumpship took two months to plan and build. Part count is roughly 2300 pieces.

As games, Destiny and Destiny 2 may have missed the mark (YMMV), but I remember being filled with awe and excitement, watching the first reveals for Destiny. A new universe by one of my favorite developers since Pathways into Darkness and Marathon. There was so much mystery and promise and possibility.

Thanks, Bungie, for making games that inspire me to create.

Edit: Thanks, everyone, for getting this to the front page of the sub! The build is pretty fiddly and not for the faint of heart, but I'll try to post instructions online. At 2300 pieces, it's quite the financial adventure, too.

submitted by /u/blackhand_id
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Later down the line in Destiny 2, or even in Destiny 3 if that is happening now, can we move the progression focus from milestones to actual gameplay.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:16 AM PST

The main problem with progression right now is that you just have to log on once/twice a week to do your task list and then that's it. I don't know any other game that has progression that is linked to time to artificial length the game, it just feels like they were too lazy to add any meaningful progression to the game.

submitted by /u/minminrules
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I honestly just wish in D2 they kept everything the same from D1 just the new weapons and planets and stuff like that.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 10:05 PM PST

Milestones being the primary way to get "powerful" gear makes gearing up boring.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:41 AM PST

It takes all the excitement out of loot drops. It feels like we are getting paid to do chores, not finding cool gear. It also feels like it was deliberately done to slow down players. Once you've completed your milestones for the week it just feels like, "Well guess I'm done until next week now unless I grind like a fiend."

I don't think finding gear can be exciting in Destiny again until this milestone business is reworked.

submitted by /u/bfodder
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Josh Hamrick on Mobility and why it doesn't affect sprint speed (ongoing discussion)

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:46 AM PST

Josh Hamrick was asked on twitter why mobility affecting sprint speed could break the game, and if ads/ready speed could be increased with mobility.

Here's his reply:

Player top speeds affect world loading and whatnot. That's why you hear us say we have to be careful with increasing it.

Changing ADS speeds is possible, but it tends to mess people up when it's variable, but we can and have done it.

LOTS of things touch weapon ready / reloads.


I'll try to update if we get more insight. If you join the conversation on twitter, try to be civil about it, I feel like we're more likely to get a response that way.


someone else on twitter speculated:

Pure speculation: I think the areas that you're allowed to sparrow through have been designed taking this increased travel speed into account. Long winding corridors. Areas where you're restricted from sparrow use might not have been designed to allow you to travel that quickly.

Josh replied:


submitted by /u/Supreme_Math_Debater
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Remember when imbalanced Crucible rewards were one of our biggest gripes..?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:58 AM PST

I was reminded on FB of a photo I posted a year ago after a round of Crucible, where one of the biggest problems we had with Destiny 1 was the seemingly imbalanced reward system:

image link

Instead of reigniting anger after seeing my above-par final score rewarded with a blue shotgun, I was instead left saddened by the memory of receiving one or EVEN two good pieces of loot after each Crucible match. Gone are those days.

Just another reminder of how much of a backwards step Destiny 2 has felt

submitted by /u/PieTPukka
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The thing I miss most about grimoir is knowing if someone may need a hand or not

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:47 AM PST

One of the things I used to love doing in d1 in btwn clan activities was flying into the tower and examining people to find someone who was new.

See a lvl 7 check him out "oh he's got 4800 grimoir he's probably good"

See a lvl 12 check him out "oh he's only got 500 grimoir lets send him a message and see if he wants to join up and show him some stuff"

I just liked to use it as a wayfinder to find random people to help out and welcome them into the community. I know I can still do that in d2 but this lack of accomplishment tracking gives me no idea whether a lvl 7 is on his 3rd or even 8th toon or if he just picked up the game and is possibly completely lost.

Please bungie if you dont want to bring grimoir back at least give us an easy in game way to see a players knowledge of the game and achievements.

submitted by /u/chaz_almasy
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Step into the taken bubbles, step out of the taken bubbles for 5 second buff. During which time, you shoot the big bubble in the sky.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 02:17 PM PST

Heroic Taken Blight Public Event

submitted by /u/Kahiyao
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Playing Destiny 1 PVE as if it was Destiny 2

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:05 AM PST

I booted up Destiny 1 and decided to play it as if it was destiny 2... by that I mean I only used my primary weapon and a rocket launcher at all times and didn't use my supers or grenades, never titan skating and lowering my mobility. It wasn't fun at all and I almost immediately got bored of doing the strikes since tickling every enemy to death with primaries and shooting a rocket at yellowbar ads got stale and wasn't very diverse gameplay wise. Killing bosses wasn't really that exciting either as I'd always run out of rocket launcher ammo and just resort to tickling them to death with my primary as well.

After experiencing this I have truly understood that no matter what bungie does to eververse, or if random rolls get re-introduced, Destiny 2 will still be infinitely inferior to its predecessor. If the gameplay itself is cookie cutter and lame then who cares if the grind is longer or not.

submitted by /u/Modshroom128
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I have faith in the Live Team, they did a great job in D1. But I don’t have faith in the Sandbox Team. Their track record is mainly nerf, nerf, nerf...

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:37 PM PST

The live team came up with the books, SRL, events, strike scoring and a ton of great stuff in D1. And Barrett has been the one guy who is communicating with the community on a regular basis. But the sandbox team is another story. They slowly degraded the crucible to the sticky/sidearm/Ice Breaker meta that ended D1 (still more fun that D2 though). They also made tripmines not sticky in D1 for no reason (remember, we were all saying, Wut? Why?) The sandbox team lobbied hard for fixed rolls and told us they could do many more sandbox changes with fixed rolls. They came out with this team shot meta, killed aerial accuracy and reduced the skill gap to a microscopic size. And in the sandbox change in December, nerfed shoulder charge so your striker could be more average. Honestly, the sandbox team functions more like the Fun Police, ensuring we don't get carried away with our space fantasies. They don't have a great track record in D1 or D2 and that is what worries me most.

submitted by /u/TearUANoo1
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Port Destiny 1 over to pc

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:21 PM PST

I honestly don't know why this hasn't been done already, it would boost your sales immensely and thousands would be able to experience the first Destiny

submitted by /u/Turkeyblasta
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Not sure if this is known, but Christopher Barrett confirms all development updates mentioned will be free, regardless of dlc.

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:59 PM PST

All of the features outlined in the development update will be free to all players.

Not sure if this was known, nice to hear though. I know people were concerned the improvements would require dlc. Personally, it's a bit hard not to feel for the live team. The Dev Team, headed by silent Luke Smith, creates a beautiful pile of poop for the live team to fix up. Who knows if it really does take that long to roll updates, and I understand that is what the live team gets paid to do.

submitted by /u/1chip2CHAD
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