War Thunder [Development] M4A1 FL10 - The Charming Sherman

[Development] M4A1 FL10 - The Charming Sherman

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:50 PM PST

The French M4A1 added a unique turret design to the classic Sherman tank in the form of the oscillating turret, which was designed by the French and also used in the French AMX-13.

Oscillating turrets consist of an upper and lower part and enabled the cannon to elevate by tilting the entire top of the turret, whereas the lower part connected to the turret ring and enabled horizontal movement. This design provided multiple advantages, including high gun placement, smaller turret size, and a simpler, more reliable autoloader mechanism.

The M4A1 FL10 is being readied to join the ranks of the upcoming French ground forces tree as a premium vehicle for the intermediate ranks.

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums![forum.warthunder.com]

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