Showing posts with label War Thunder. Show all posts

War Thunder [Development] Heinkel He 177 A-5 Greif: The Flaming Arrow

[Development] Heinkel He 177 A-5 Greif: The Flaming Arrow

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:29 PM PST

Several user made vehicles have made it to the game in the past under the War Thunder revenue share program and we are pleased to announce that another user made creation will be making its way to the game with update 1.77 "Advancing Storm". Pilots, welcome the long-awaited German He 177 "Greif" strategic heavy bomber to War Thunder!

Development of the He 177 began in 1936 as part of the Bomber A specifications issued by the German Air Ministry (RLM). The specifications called for a long range, high speed bomber with a payload of 1,000 kg. Despite the very demanding specifications, Heinkel began working on a mockup which was submitted for review in late 1937, with an order for 12 experimental machines following shortly after in early 1939. However, throughout its development, the He 177 suffered from a range of problems, some of which weren't even fixed before further development stopped. For example, one of the requirements (which was soon rejected, since it was impossible to implement) from the Air Ministry was the ability to bomb from a dive, that's why the engineers had to make various workarounds to provide the required flight technical characteristics. To reduce aerodynamic drag and to ensure flight range, two DB 601 engines were installed in pairs on one gondola and worked with a common shaft which rotated one four bladed propeller. Thanks to this it was possible to create the aircraft using a two-engined scheme. But for this reason, the vehicle suffered from severe engine overheating issues and more often than not experienced mid-flight engine failures and frequent fires. In the process of fine tuning the aircraft, the weight was significantly increased, so it became necessary to install a massive frame which could not be hidden - a relatively thin wing or tightly packed nacelles wouldn't fit. As a result, each frame was divided into two racks, each with a single wheel that could be retracted into the wing on opposite sides of the nacelle.

The He 177 Greif will be available to all War Thunder players and fans of German aviation with the upcoming update 1.77 "Advancing Storm" as a heavy bomber of Rank IV of the German aviation tree.

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

[Development] Squadron squads

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:40 PM PST

One soldier does not make a battle, but two soldiers do make a squad! We have created a special feature for people who like team play in War Thunder: in update 1.77 "Advancing Storm" it's much easier to band together with other people from your squadron and play in your favorite mode!

In the window of your squadron, a new "Squadron squads" button will appear. Click this button to see a list of all the squads whose leaders are members of your squadron, and you can also find out detailed information about each squad: the current and maximum number of players in it, the list of squad members and its current status (e.g. "In queue: Squadron arcade battles"). Important: squads led by other players, where the members of your squadron are ordinary members, are not displayed! Don't forget: leadership of a squad can be transferred.

But the most important part is the "Apply" button! You will be able to ask to join a selected squad with a click of a button, and all the squad leader has to do is accept your request!

Join squadrons, band together in squads, and play War Thunder together!

The War Thunder Team

War Thunder [Development] M1 Abrams: The Desert Warrior

[Development] M1 Abrams: The Desert Warrior

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 04:36 PM PST

A fighting vehicle that needs no introduction - The M1 Abrams is one of only a small number of tanks that have gained such a reputation and worldwide fame that surpasses legendary status by a long shot. War Thunder tankers and fans of modern military vehicles rejoice! The M1 Abrams is charging at full speed to the top ranks of War Thunder's ground battles with the upcoming update 1.77 "Advancing Storm". Get ready!

Once the unsuccessful joint German-American MBT-70 project had been shut down in 1971, the Congress redistributed funds to the further development of the XM815 project, later known as the XM1 Abrams. The development of the XM1 Abrams was a competition between two designs of the Chrysler and General Motors companies, respectively. Early July 1973 marks an important date for the project after representatives of both companies travelled to Great Britain to witness the development of the new composite armor, named Burlington. Impressed by what they saw, both companies decided to reevaluate and optimize their designs' armor layout to increase its effectiveness, with General Motors changing the front shape of the turret to a sloped surface, whilst Chrysler retained its vertical design. By 1976, the XM1 prototypes were being readied for testing, with the finishing touch being the installation of the M68 cannon.. Testing of both prototypes took place in the presence of the new German Leopard 2 tank, which was shipped to the U.S. for comparison purposes. Once testing was concluded and the results evaluated, the turbine-powered Chrysler design was proclaimed the winner of the competition and thus the Chrysler design would soon enter production as the M1 Abrams.

The first production version of the M1 Abrams has been dispatched to the troops fighting on the front lines and is due to arrive with War Thunder's update 1.77 "Advancing Storm" very soon. Stay tuned to the news to find more about the next upcoming major update for War Thunder. Until then, stay safe on the battlefield!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] T-64B: When Good Is Not Good Enough

[Development] T-64B: When Good Is Not Good Enough

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 02:21 PM PST

Whilst the T-64A was entering service, research for potential improvements was already underway. The conducted research eventually led to the creation of the T-64B in the 1970s, which amongst other improvements, was given the option to fire ATGMs through its main gun. Fans of Soviet armour will eagerly await update 1.77 "Advancing Storm", as the T-64B will be one of the many new vehicles coming soon to War Thunder!

Development work on the T-64B started in the early 1970s, with Soviet engineers conducting research on firepower improvements for the T-64. Specifically, they wanted to give the T-64 the ability to fire ATGMs through its main gun via a complex guidance system. This attempt succeeded and resulted in the construction of the Object 447A.

The T-64B mod. 1984 is coming to War Thunder as part of update 1.77 "Advancing Storm" at rank VI of the Soviet ground forces tree. Stay tuned to the news to find out more about the next major update for War Thunder. Until then!

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] AMX-30B2 Brenus: Modern Ironclad

[Development] AMX-30B2 Brenus: Modern Ironclad

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:23 PM PST

The AMX-30B2 Brenus is a late modification of the famous French second generation main battle tank, which most notably received ERA armor to increase protection against modern ammunition types. Players can expect the AMX-30B2 Brenus to make its appearance in the game as part of the update 1.77 "Advancing Storm"!

During the mid to late 1990s, AMX-30B2 tanks of the 1er/ 2e Chasseurs tank regiments, which formed France's rapid reaction force in peacetime, underwent upgrading under the Brenus modernization program, whilst two further regiments received modifications to quickly upgrade their AMX-30s with the Brenus package if needed (2e/5e Dragons). The Brenus upgrade package (acronym for briques réactives de surblindage) most notably allowed for the installation of 112 ERA blocks developed by the GIAT company across the front portion of the hull and turret. To compensate for the additional weight of the ERA packages, an improved 8-cylinder 750 horsepower MACK E9 diesel engine was fitted. The Brenus modernization upgrade was among the last to be fitted to the original AMX-30 tank.

The AMX-30B2 Brenus will become available to all players of War Thunder at the top rank of the French ground forces tree with the upcoming update 1.77 "Advancing Storm". Stay tuned to the news for more information on update 1.77. Until then!

Check out the Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] Dagor Engine 5.0 New landscape creation technology

[Development] Dagor Engine 5.0 New landscape creation technology

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:34 PM PST

Today we're going to talk about global changes to the creation of landscape surfaces, and we'll demonstrate the improvements that players will be able to see in all the familiar ground locations.

We recently discussed our new algorithm for landscape relief detail (displacement mapping), that we're planning to introduce to the game after the release of War Thunder update 1.77. However, the biggest change that Dagor Engine 5.0 will bring to the game is a new technology for creating surfaces in locations for ground battles. We have reworked the technology for creating landscapes in War Thunder in order to enhance the level of detail and realism in their component materials. So, in addition to the previously existing normal textures, translucency and albedo coloured textures, we are introducing a detailed roughness map, ambient occlusion maps and a ground type map (such as grass, sand, dirt, etc) allowing us to enhance the shading quality while adding a whole new level of ground detalization.

This required us to improve the landscape of all the game's current locations in the current update. It's a tremendous amount of work and we believe that it was worth the effort: familiar landscapes now look completely different thanks to the new realistic land and ground. Take a look at the level of landscape detail we have managed to achieve:

And for the any new locations, changes in technology will allow us to achieve even more detailed and diverse surfaces.

We should also point out that the new technology for creating landscape surfaces, together with displacement mapping, display the operation of tank suspension with a new level of detail. Before, the suspension worked only for fairly large objects: boulders, borders, and bumps. After the release of War Thunder 1.77, we will be able to see the suspension working on less uneven ground like ruts, features on dirt roads, and broken ground. It will look like this:
The changes to the technology for creating landscapes are global in nature, and they will function on all graphic settings in the game. Now even people playing on slower PCs with ultra-low graphics settings will notice a big difference in the landscape detail:

Check out the original Dev Blog on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] Dagor Engine 5.0: light and shadows: Global Illumination, contact shadows, shadows on effects

[Development] Dagor Engine 5.0: light and shadows: Global Illumination, contact shadows, shadows on effects

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:35 PM PST

Today's edition of our devblog will discuss how the updated Dagor Engine 5.0 render will add volume to the War Thunder world. It's all about light and shade!

Global Illumination

Several lighting and shading algorithms are used when rendering each frame in War Thunder. In the updated Dagor Engine 5.0 render, we are improving the lighting model with Realtime Global Illumination. Global Illumination is the common term for lighting algorithms, this includes not only direct illumination, but also reflected and scattered light from surfaces and area lights (such as sky and clouds). Our game will have shadows that objects cast from ambient illumination and the sky making the visuals more volumetric and detailed in shadows. Global Illumination will also introduce light reflected from other objects and the environment. All of it will be implemented in real time for large scale locations (the average WT location is 32x32 km) for destructible and dynamic objects

Like other upgrades to the game's visuals, Global Illumination will be available as an option in the graphic settings menu and will be enabled by default for high graphical settings.

Global Illumination - is a complex mix of algorithms, a very difficult and high-technology task. It's enough to say that at the moment there is no game or game engine that has a fully fledged dynamic GI for large-scale locations. Algorithms where the objects are supposed to be static or require preliminary calculations won't work in War Thunder: dozens of large-scale location will require excessive memory and hard drive space while destructible environment affects the whole geometry very significantly. That is why some of algorithms and improvements will, perhaps, become available after switching on some personal settings after update 1.77 is released. Meanwhile, a general list of changes is already available.

See the difference in shadow rendering and visual perception of the volume with the new Dagor Engine 5.0 shadowing algorithm.

Shadows on effects

Effects are often separate from the rest of the photorealistic rendering, as most effects are simplified versions of much more complex processes, like smoke and fire. That's why the effects render is usually a separate process. In the Dagor Engine 5.0, we have calculated the shading of effects by environmental objects, such as exhaust fumes or clouds of smoke from a burning tank, making them look more three-dimensional and natural in the final image:

Contact shadows

In our new Dagor Engine 5.0 graphics engine, to be introduced in War Thunder 1.77, we're presenting an algorithm for creating contact shadows, which make the image more realistic and give depth to maps. Technically, the algorithm for drawing contact shadows relies in fact, on rendering each frame, every pixel in the image undergoes ray tracing for a short distance toward the source of light. The tracing takes place through other objects already drawn on the screen. If an obstacle appears in the ray's path, an additional shadow is created.

Changes in the grass will be particularly noticeable: grass in the game could previously take shading from other objects but couldn't give off shadows itself. The technology of contact shadows not only allows grass to give off its own shadow on the ground, but also give shade to other grass. As a result, grassy meadows and fields will now look deeper and more realistic, both up close and at distance.

Apart from grass, the technology of contact shadows provides a means to create great depth in all objects far away from the player. For example, window frames, rivets on vehicles, and other objects receive visually more correct sub pixel shading, in contrast to classic shading methods in which shadows at great distances are drawn only on large objects.

Read all about it on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

[Development] Magach 3 - Chariot of War

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:24 PM PST

The Magach series of armored fighting vehicles were Israeli modifications of the American M48 and M60 tanks, which were gradually improved over the course of several decades to fit Israel's ever changing military needs. War Thunder players can expect one vehicle of the Magach series to make its way to the game in the upcoming update 1.77. Tankers, meet the Magach 3!

During the 1960s and '70s, Israel purchased a number of M48 and M60 tanks from West Germany and later the USA. These tanks and their subsequent upgraded versions were named Magach. The first two Magach tanks were for the most part "stock" versions Israel initially received, without any significant retrofits. However, the first wave of major upgrades became visible with the Magach 3. This version intended to upgrade the Israeli M48s to the A4 standard, following the Six-Day-War of 1967. The Magach 3 introduced several major improvements over the previous versions, including the replacement of the 90mm with the L7 105mm cannon, an improved diesel engine and transmission as well as a low-profile commanders cupola, just to name a few.

In the meantime, stay tuned to the news to find out what else the next major update for War Thunder has instore for you. Until then!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] M4A1 FL10 - The Charming Sherman

[Development] M4A1 FL10 - The Charming Sherman

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:50 PM PST

The French M4A1 added a unique turret design to the classic Sherman tank in the form of the oscillating turret, which was designed by the French and also used in the French AMX-13.

Oscillating turrets consist of an upper and lower part and enabled the cannon to elevate by tilting the entire top of the turret, whereas the lower part connected to the turret ring and enabled horizontal movement. This design provided multiple advantages, including high gun placement, smaller turret size, and a simpler, more reliable autoloader mechanism.

The M4A1 FL10 is being readied to join the ranks of the upcoming French ground forces tree as a premium vehicle for the intermediate ranks.

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] Char B1ter: A Blast From The Past

[Development] Char B1ter: A Blast From The Past

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:45 PM PST

The Char B1 remains one of France's most iconic WW2 era tanks not just due to its instantly recognizable visual appearance, but also due to its widespread use during the Invasion of France in 1940. Coming with update 1.75 "La Résistance", aspiring French tank commanders will have the chance to try out the final and most advanced modification of the vehicle's series, namely the Char B1ter.

The Char B1 was one of the most produced and widely used indigenous French tank designs employed during the Invasion of France in 1940. The Char B1 came in three modifications, with the ter modification marking the third and final one. Each modification brought with it several changes that would improve the design's overall performance, from the installation of more powerful engines, over enhanced armour protection and anti-tank capabilities to increased ammunition count. Although the Char B1's development began as early as the mid 1920s, the B1ter version was conceived around the same time the Char B1bis entered serial production, in 1937.

The Char B1ter will be available to all players as part of a bundle in our online store. Besides the regular benefits that come with a premium vehicle, namely bonuses in research point and silver lion income, the Char B1ter will also grant owners direct access to the French ground forces CBT as well. Be on the lookout for the Char B1ter with the upcoming release of the French ground forces in War Thunder's update 1.75! See you there!

For more information, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

War Thunder [Development] AMX-13 SS.11

[Development] AMX-13 SS.11

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

The AMX-13 SS.11 is a modernized version of the well-known AMX-13 light tank developed in the late 1940s. This Cold War version of the tank was retrofitted with ATGMs to complement its 75mm cannon, in an effort to boost the vehicle's effectiveness against hostile armour. Be on the lookout for this small, but very deadly French predator, coming soon with War Thunder's update 1.75 "La Résistance"!

Initial development of the AMX-13 began after WW2 ended. In 1946, the French army needed a new fighting vehicle to support paratrooper units. This new vehicle needed to be fast and lightweight with a maximum weight of 13 tons.The contract was awarded to the state-owned Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux (AMX) company, which was located close to Paris. AMX was able to quickly design the new vehicle and build the first prototypes in just 3 years.After successfully blazing through initial trials, AMX started producing the AMX-13 in the early 1950s. Production continued well into the 1980s as the aging AMX-13 was continually modernized, modified, and upgraded.The AMX-13 SS.11 is a modernized version of the AMX-13 developed during the Cold War. By 1962, the AMX-13's standard 75mm cannon had become less effective against the armour of contemporary tanks, some of which had begun using composite armour.

Use the AMX-13's speed and maneuverability to strike hard, fast, and avoid enemy fire. With a maximum top speed of 65 km/h and relatively low ground pressure, the AMX-13 SS.11 can take advantageous positions faster than other vehicles, which makes it a great ambush predator.

For more information on this vehicle, read the full Dev Blog article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]

[Event] CTF: Classic Mode

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:40 PM PST

[Event] CTF: Classic Mode!

From now to December 4th 07:00 GMT
Capture and defend, one doesn't work without the other here. Try and bring the enemy flag back to your base, while not forgetting to protect your own from your opponents. That's how it works.

  • The event is available for vehicles of rank 3
  • Vehicles of BRs 4.7-6.7 are available to play in the event. Your line-up will be balanced according to the vehicle with max BR.
  • A player who captures a flag can be seen by both sides on the minimap and is marked by a flashing marker.
  • If the flag bearer's vehicle is destroyed, the flag remains on the spot where he was destroyed.
  • A player may retrieve the enemy flag when dropped, a dropped friendly flag will return to its start position when touched by a friendly player.
  • Allied point is marked with blue rhombus and enemy with red. If the rhombus is empty - there's no flag there. If there's a circle inside it then the flag is within the point
  • 7 respawns are available.

War Thunder Rank VI: Mobilization

Rank VI: Mobilization

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Recently we released the update in which we greatly simplified research progress[] and it is now much easier to get modern ground vehicles!

We would also like to thank those players who have already reached rank 6, so especially for you we have prepared a special event.

From right now, the 30th of November until 11:00 GMT on the 4th of December
  • Be sure that you have purchased at least one rank 6 ground vehicle for any nation
  • Activate the code "I_HAVE_RANK_6" on the special page[].
  • After entering the code launch the game and play one battle
  • Get +100% RP booster for 10 battles
Don't forget that thanks to previous changes added earlier, some vehicles have been moved from rank 5 to rank 6. If you have already purchased such vehicles, that means that you have already completed the terms of the event. You can check the list here! Hurry up and research then purchase rank 6 ground vehicles before the end of the event and then you will receive the booster!

War Thunder [Development] North sea + Navy test schedule

[Development] North sea + Navy test schedule

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:51 PM PST

"North sea" is a location for naval battles. This location was inspired by the landscape of the Frisian Islands and the Jade Bight. The battle will take place amongst the rocks and smaller islands in the bay that is covered from 3 sides, light motor boats may perform fast attack maneuvers and then hide behind the rocks for protection whilst destroyers join the battle from the open sea. Aircraft will be able to reach the epicentral area relatively safely, but then they do need to take heed of the numerous AA-guns of any combat vessels.

We hope that you will enjoy this new location, see you on the battlefield during pre-beta closed tests!

From 17:00 GMT on the 24th of November, till 05:00 GMT on the 27th of November, Naval battle testing for all who purchased Naval packs!

24th November
  • 17:00 GMT – 21:00 GMT
25th November
  • 01:00 GMT – 05:00 GMT
  • 17:00 GMT – 21:00 GMT
26th November
  • 01:00 GMT – 05:00 GMT
  • 17:00 GMT – 21:00 GMT
27th November
  • 01:00 GMT – 05:00 GMT
For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums![]
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