Dead by Daylight RAGE WEDNESDAY THREAD - December 06, 2017

RAGE WEDNESDAY THREAD - December 06, 2017

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:12 AM PST



submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Wraith Fan Art

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:13 AM PST

When you down the Obsession and someone runs over and jabs them with a pink needle

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:24 PM PST

When you're about to heal someone but then you realise they sandbagged you earlier

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:26 PM PST

Can we please get multiple loadouts?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:23 AM PST

It's annoying having to re-do all 4 perks over and over if I want to run different builds.

I'd love the option to create different perk layouts and name the build, that way I can quick-switch to it.

EDIT: Possibly with the ability the equip an item / addons & offering for that specific build if available.

submitted by /u/woozels
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Did Decisive Strike get buffed?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

one pallet boi

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:12 AM PST

Ace in the Hole rework idea

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:08 AM PST

Here's the change I would prepose. Lady Luck always seems to be throwing something good your way. When retrieving an item from a chest, there is a 50%/100%/100% that you will get an add-on in your first slot also, there is a 0%/0%/50% chance that an add-on will be in the second slot the add-ons can be up to Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare. Let me know what you guys think

submitted by /u/Laike9
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How is d/c to keep items still not patched?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:41 PM PST

I understand it may not be a priority fix but I'm tired of survivors d/c to keep their stuff rather than just dying on the hook.

submitted by /u/KnownAsRoq
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Literally Unplayable

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:55 PM PST

Baby Hag's first 4K.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:13 PM PST

Whats the community like in DBD?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:07 AM PST

So i bought the game today because i have been watching for awhile to see how things were. My first few games were okay but then as soon as i stepped into the killer role the amount of BM and rudeness is mind boggling.

Ive played about 8 hours so far survivor and killer combined and ive had maybe 10 games where people were not rude. Im talking anything from dragging games out for 30+ minutes or being abusive in after game chat if your not a good killer, And its always people with alot of hours.

There isnt even any real matchmaking so if i want to play killer, im most likely going to get someone with 1k+ hours that i just cant do anything about.

Is the community actually this bad or am i just having really bad luck. Most of my games have left a sour taste in my mouth so far

Small edit: Im rank 20 killer getting people with 2000 hours and groups of players, Doesnt seem like a good matchmaking system

submitted by /u/PM-ME-YOUR-BOAT
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Lockers or Closets?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:06 PM PST

What do you call the red place I can only assume Dwight keeps all the pizza? And additionally, why?

submitted by /u/TheSpicyGinger
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I honestly think this is one of the best feelings in the entire game. Like sinking into a perfectly warmed ho-tub.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:31 AM PST

If a Dev has time, Could we maybe get an insight to what they're doing about Killers Insta-DC'ing and Survivors being punished for it?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:08 AM PST

Hey I don't want to sound rude or anything, but..

I'm just wondering why Survivor's don't get safety-pips when the Killer DCs immediately?

Thanks for your time

submitted by /u/CuriousCuestions
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Ace in the hole nerf with new Bloodweb changes

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:10 AM PST

So Anti-hemorrhagic syringe and Odd bulb became ultra rare. Now they're actually rare! But no longer can you get these items from a chest using Ace in the hole,since Ace in the hole only gets you addons of very rare rarity or lower.

Why do Ace's perks have to be so trash now? :(

submitted by /u/Roud72
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Post game chat

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:57 AM PST

To be honest, this stuff is absolutely ridiculous. I get slaughtered as Leatherface, which, we all know is not the best killer at the moment. I get taunted and roasted into f***king oblivion by toxic survivors. Just venting a bit since this made me really angry.

submitted by /u/Jay3650209
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Lobby Dodging?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:01 AM PST

I'm currently having trouble finding a single lobby that I don't get kicked out after waiting for a few seconds. I'm trying to queue with a friend of a similar rank as me, and we aren't carrying any items. Are killers around rank 6 really dodging duo swf groups or is there a bug that just breaks lobbies? As I'm currently spending more time in the menu than in the game, and if it keeps doing that I'll probably stop playing for a while to be honest, because it's just getting annoying.. I'd get it if we were a 4 stack with all items you can dream off, but its literally just me and a friend, trying to play a few games for fun, it shouldn't be this hard to find a frickin game at this point.

submitted by /u/AkathrielAva
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DLC Killer Aspect : Carnival of Rust ( The Harlequin )

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST

I made Claudette in the Sims 4, she doesn't seem happy with her new family (The Nurse is her new mom)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:45 PM PST

Can Deja Vu PLEASE Change?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:29 AM PST

From what I can remember Deja Vu has been untouched since the launch of the game and the perk is a complete joke to everyone, and if that's not true then the buff was so pathetic that I can't even recall them buffing it which is worse. You only run this perk if you're running a Meme Build.

Every time the subject comes up the devs and others say that Deja Vu exists to help new players, and on paper, hey this sounds ok. The game is very non-newbie friendly. HOWEVER:

It makes no sense to have perks specifically for new players when the progression system is completely random.

These new players basically NEED to get Deja Vu at levels one through four in order for it to be the most optimal perk for them to use. If they are leveling Dwight, the survivor with arguably the worst teachable perks of the starting characters, they will get Bond at level FIVE which is clearly better than deja vu.

I have about 1500 hours in this game and have introduced the game to many if not all my friends at this point, and not a single one of them has read the description of Deja Vu and said anything like "wow this perk sounds super helpful!" In fact all of them who have actually gotten the perk have pointed out how terrible it sounds.

At the moment it exists to make the grind for all perks 3 levels longer.

TL;DR Devs, please stop pretending Deja Vu is fine because it's for "new players" when the progression system is random and odds are most players will have lots of clearly better perks unlocked by the time they get it.

EDIT: In an effort to actually give suggestions instead of just complaining, here's a few buff ideas off the top of my head:

Deja Vu reveals the auras of EVERYTHING for 8 seconds (Killer, players, totems, generators, gates, hooks, etc).

Deja Vu walking near a generator tracks it. When standing still for a few seconds all tracked generators' auras will be revealed to you. Map charge consumption is more efficient. (Now it's what self care is for medkits and sabo is for toolboxes)

When a generator is completed the aura of the next closest generator to being completed will be revealed to you for a few seconds. Ties will reveal all generators involved in the tie (example: if all other gens are 0%, you see all the gens)

I don't think any of these ideas are even that great that, just stuff off the top of my head that's at least a little decent.

submitted by /u/Darkwing_Dork
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So I'm pretty new to this game, but I feel like I would much prefer longer queues to this...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:12 AM PST

New Killer Idea: The Teacher

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:45 AM PST

I know the Teacher isn't an original character or concept that hasn't already been discussed, but this is my take on it and hopefully you guys like it ;) This is based off that Killer weapon found in the files with the Ruler lol This is my first Killer idea, I attempted to make it "worth it" and balanced but idk, constructive criticism is appreciated.

The Teacher

Lore - Stacy Addams was once a teacher at St. Solvani's Private Academy, a re-purposed mansion formerly owned by a wealthy landowner. Stacy was known to have a fiery temper and short patience in the school and was disliked by those in the Academy. She was known to give harsh discipline and horrible punishments to any student who dared cross her or simply annoy her. She was so despised by the students that they created a plan that would frame and get her fired from the academy, bringing an end to the mistreatment that they received. The students hid various types of "evidence" around her classroom and created an anonymous note to the headmaster. When her classroom was inspected, the headmaster and the staff were disgusted and immediately fired. Stacey packed her bags in great anger and caught a glimpse of the students that were sneering and laughing amongst themselves. Two days later, 31 students were all found dead in their homes, bloody and mutilated. Police officers immediately suspected that Stacy was involved but she was never seen again.

Weapon: Ruler - lol like the one in the files, a ruler with a blade attached to the end

Appearance - old 1960 teacher attire, except bloodied and ripped

Ability: Discipline - The Teacher has the ability to switch between two weapons. The Ruler (Judgement) and the Wooden Rod (Discipline). When the Ruler is equipped, the Teacher uses her weapon to injure and down Survivors (as normal). When she uses Discipline, she hits Survivors and applies a stack of "Shame". When a Survivor is hit by Discipline, no speed boost or Injury is applied to the Survivor, but the Teacher still has her "successful hit" but at a faster recovery speed (like STBFL)

Shame stacks: 1 Stack of Shame: Aura-reading decreased by 8%(?)

2 Stacks of Shame: Killer Stain visibility decreased by 8%, very small and sporadic bloodstains appear

3 Stacks of Shame: Survivors will make quiet groans of pain (even when not injured, not as loud as normal groans)

4 Stacks of Shame: movement speed is decreased by 6% and vision is affected (moderately dimmer lighting, shadows on edge of screen like Invisible Wraith, Killer stain further decreased by 4%)

5 Stacks of Shame: Survivor will begin a slow bleedout timer (longer than Borrowed Time 3) and will bleed out unless the Shame is reduced. (The Teacher can see Survivors downed by Shame within a 12 metre radius)

Shame stacks are also earned each time a Survivor dies. Survivors can lose one stack of Shame by completing Alturistic actions (unhooking, healing other Survivors)

Healing/unhooking Survivors will remove a stack of Shame, but performing another alturistic action in a short period will not remove the Shame stack, but instead cause the stack to gradually "decrease" (like Doctor's madness kinda maybe not as long). But if that cooldown is over, then a Survivor can perform another Alturistic action that will remove a stack. Performing an Alturistic action at 5 Stacks of Shame will remove one stack, cooldown or not.

If you are the last Survivor, Shame stacks will automatically begin to gradually decrease, unless they have 5 Stacks of Shame.

Teachable Perks:

Supervision - Nothing is hidden from your watchful eyes. After breaking a generator, within a 10/12/14 second window and you are within an 14/18/20 metre radius and a Survivor begins to repair the generator, their auras are revealed to you for 4 seconds. Effect persists even after Survivor stops working on the Generator. "I can feel it. She's watching us!"

*Hands Off! *- It infuriates you when someone interferes with your work. When a hooked Survivor is saved and you are more than 30/29/27 metres away from the hook, the Survivor who unhooked the Survivor has their aura revealed to you for 5 seconds and you receive a 4/5/6% speed boost for 5/5/6 seconds. "When did I give you permission to touch that?"

Hex: Failure - Whenever a Survivor fails a skill check, they gain a Token, up to a total of 5. Each token decreases action speed of that Survivor by ?/?/? %. (not sure what percentages are balanced for something like this) "I can't do this anymore!"

submitted by /u/cptkez
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Cmon man WTF what am I supposed to do?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:16 AM PST

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