Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-06]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-06]

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:05 AM PST

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submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[Spoiler] Curse of Osiris feels like a subscription required to continue Playing Destiny 2 as oppose to a DLC.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:16 AM PST

  • Prestige Raid locked.
  • Trials of the Nine locked.
  • Nightfall locked.

Seriously Bungie, locking access to content which paid users of the vanilla game had behind this DLC is not ethical in my view.

Furthermore, the entire storymode seemed like it appeared in the exact area, the so called "infinite" forest didn't seem infinite at all, and of the few missions that weren't on Mercury, one of them was literally the Pyramidian Strike, they didn't even bother to make us do the strike backwards this time.

submitted by /u/vigilancefoetracer
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I will not be purchasing Destiny 3 at launch. Not by a long shot. Bungie have gone down the same path of disappointment after disappointment in the first year of D2, and it's clear that we, the most dedicated fans, are being hurt the most by this.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:21 AM PST

Fool me twice, I had it coming, but now I know what to expect from D3.

Bungie is charging players to replay content they already bought at launch (prestige raid, etc.), which has a knock-on effect of locking players out of getting their platinum. Want platinum? Buy the DLC.

Curse of Osiris, beyond the story content and (I hope) the raid lair, is a huge let-down. The infinite forest underperformed and is not what Bungie led us to believe it would be. The patrol zone is one area, and one public event. There is no variation and no enjoyment from it beyond an hour.

Only a handful of QoL updates will be fixed in this DLC/update. We can sugarcoat this as Bungie listening all we like, but in truth, we're being milked of our cash on a game that, like its predecessor, is an unpolished mess. It has the potential to be incredible, but at every turn there's a problem with the basic design of the game's features, progression, reward, and replayability.

If by next September D2 has vastly improved and is on-par (or better, hopefully!) than D1 this time six months ago, then by all means enjoy the game! We all want to enjoy it. But as a player who wants to enjoy the game from the start, I will not be buying D3 in its first year. Instead I will buy it a year later, with a DLC bundle. Cheaper, and with no year 1 salt.

There are many other problems I have with Bungie, from a development standpoint as well as D2 itself, but that's for another thread.

I'm going to save my money in the future. And my sanity.

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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We have to call Endgame, Spendgame now thanks to CoO.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:06 AM PST

But seriously all those new ships are 10x as good as or better than any in Destiny 1.

Also saw a comment from u/un1cr0n1c that inspired me.

Edit: For those saying that I am 'karma whoring' I genuinely do not care about karma just thought that u/un1cr0n1c comment was funny and made a dumb post about it. It is just free internet points it means nothing.

submitted by /u/Sir_Oswald
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CoO is not worthy of being called a DLC. Its an update.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:40 AM PST

Its short and underwhelming. Doesn't bring anything game changer to the table. A long list of sandbox changes doesn't add on to a DLC. CoO is literally an update and It should be have been free. Locking people out ? Shame on you.

I barely dragged myself just to at least get one of my characters through Story. I wont even bother griding my other two through the story its that boring apart from the last boss which was fun.

Over all the CoO is average at best and D2 in general is a huge step backward. D1 was great towards the end of the year, Only thing they had to fix was fusion nades.

The recent shoulder charge nerf is so dumb. It's total useless now. It was already bad. Do you remember the shoulder charge sound from D1?

I would have much preferred D2 as a DLC for Destiny1 rather than a whole new game.

I honestly don't care if this get down voted to sh+t. But its my opinion.

EDIT: Whats your thought? Did you played CoO ? what do you think?

submitted by /u/noisia_steampunk
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Curse of Osiris and the next "expansion" should NOT be paid DLC - the season pass should only include major updates akin to The Taken King

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:25 AM PST

In Destiny 1, we experienced the Dark Below and the House of Wolves, which were essentially just small updates with a few extra hours of content. There was a lot of upset about the fact that these were both $20 "expansions", and that Limited Edition and Season Pass holders felt cheated of their money.

In response to this, we were told that in the future, with the help of Eververse, content like this would be available for free, as those of us who bought into microtransactions would be those funding the progress of the game. The idea behind this would then be that we would only pay for the large expansions, like The Taken King. This is what SHOULD have happened with Destiny 2, especially given the increased reliance on Eververse for cosmetic items.

But instead, we're right back to Destiny 1 - only this time, with microtransactions already in place. We were hopeful that Curse of Osiris would be a large-scale update, similar to Rise of Iron, but instead we got a new House of Wolves. A small new social space, a few hours of missions/quests, and a new end-game activity. Not a full Raid, but an end-game activity.

So here's the thing: Curse of Osiris (and given the release of CoO, the new expansion too) should be free. It should come as a seasonal update to the live game, to keep players engaged and coming back for more. With a release like this every quarter or so, Destiny 2 would be filled with content within a year. But instead, we're going to get another tiny piece of DLC in the Spring of 2018, and then no doubt there will be an actual major expansion at the end of 2018 - welcome the pyramid ships.

And THAT major update is the only one we should have to pay for. It should bring 10+ hours of new story, with all new adventures, locations, and MORE THAN ONE new Lost Sector. It should provide a full set of new end-game activities, with a new Raid, new, exciting exotic quests and weapons, and challenging patrol activities like the Archon's Forge, and Court of Oryx. That is an update I would gladly pay good money for. A $40 DLC to justify the $40 Season Pass price point. Not two $10 DLCs charged at twice the price.

Bungie, you've severely let yourselves down by pulling a Destiny 1 again. You should have learned. And as should we.

submitted by /u/Warden_Ryker
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In one of the pre-release streams, they said they wouldn't show Lost Sectors on the map to make Mercury "feel more mysterious"...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:55 AM PST

Turns out it's because there's literally one of them.

submitted by /u/timedonutheart
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Curse of Osiris is not a game changer. If you're on the fence, pass.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:05 AM PST

The story was linear, bland and uninspiring. Not to mention that apart from the final boss fight (which was pretty cool), there was nothing else apart from killing trash mobs.

The story is also extremely short. Furthermore, Mercury is the smallest planet. It's so small that as someone else posted is probably a scrapped 8v8 PvP map.

Most of the new exotics are from D1. All the cool emotes, sparrows and stuff is gated behind eververse ( Which is ridiculous).

With all that being said, there is room to enjoy the game. Season 2 comes with new weapons, and some of the dlc weapons are cool and fun to use, and crucible seems a bit fresh). They will fix this stuff eventually, however this is not that update.

Edit- Since this post reached the front page I just want to clarify that I mean no disrespect and I apologise if this post came off as aggressive.

EDIT 2- APPARENTLY IF YOU DON'T BUY THE DLC YOU CAN'T DO PRESTIGE RAID, PRESTIGE NIGHTFALL OR TRIALS. Seriously? Wow..... I don't know what to say. I mean especially for the PC Players this seems really unfair, and even for the console players, to be gated out of content they paid for and had access to. Just, wow. So I guess not buying DLC isn't an option anymore....

submitted by /u/PsnNikrim
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[SPOILER] Damn that was a beautiful DLC. But lazy, and especially lame AF.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:42 AM PST

Wow what a missed opportunity.

Mercury is possibly the most beautiful planet we have seen in Destiny to date, especially in the past, but playing the story left with with two main thoughts; lazy, efficiently produced story missions, and a lot of lameness.

Why lazy? Damn. The whole story is a goose-chase to find Osiris and get to the boss fight- a Ghaul-style churned outta nowhere super important boss with no precedence whatsoever in the lore or Destiny universe? This could have been an epic moment in Destiny, but it's just a jacked up Harpy we never heard of. The story missions themselves reek of adventures- go here, scan that, open that, kill a boss, let's find something else on another planet now.

The Infinite Forest is pretty cool - in theory, but these lego blocks are wayyy too small to give you any sense of an illusion of infinity - they're basically random lego blocks you can run through easily that form a bridge to the other side of the mission. Now I'm not saying this was lazy, just predictably disappointing.

As for Osiris IN the actual story....WOW. That was a major disappointment. This is supposed to be an old Warlock, Osiris, the most powerful guardian yada yada yada - billed up for three years (perhaps as Panoptes should have been!!) just so show up with 5 mins of meaningless dialogue, and nothing new apart from what we saw in trailers.

Now, for the lame part. Brother Vance's character update to an Osiris zealot for one, but also..Ikora.

Ikora: I'm sorry you have no friends. People like you, invariably don't. You don't need friends, and as Warlock Commander, you should not care about having friends, you have a massive Nova bomb, and seek knowledge yada yada yada. IF you're having a personal crisis, keep it to yourself please. Be like Zavala. That line at the

Finally, when I heard 'Panoptes', I thought "Ooh this is gonna be good"; a big ass Vex mind with timey timey powers like Atheon who we're gonna fight in the past/present/future. No, it's a rather silly Harpy with arms, with a hint of Faro Industries robots (Horizon Zero Dawn) which is actually a Cyclops ability-wise? I didn't notice much else it did but zap that purple ray.

Only cool thing about it is the Greek the name.

Ok, that feels better. Now we can be begin to downvote AND comment - because if you need to comment on it, it clearly does not add to the conversation.

Hope you hear us, Bungie! This is gonna get very, very salty very soon as we realise all the DLC locked content and underhanded shit there is in this DLC like an LFG emote!!! - only days after saying all that about transparency, D2 to be a hobby, and more yada yada yada.

I just hope Toland does not get this disservice.

submitted by /u/wilkie2726
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I'm going to be disappointed if the Prometheus Lens is neutered for PvE because of PvP

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:28 AM PST

I understand it's broken in PvP, but this is the type of exotic PvE needs. Truly a gun of legends.

submitted by /u/knives696
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Bungie, can you explain why we lost all our weapons and armor when you’re bringing all the old exotics back?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:56 AM PST

I was actually happy when I heard you were scrapping all D1 stuff because D2 was gonna be a whole new game. I shouldn't be surprised you lied again.

Now all these exotics are coming back to an already lackluster game and I don't even see many complaints about it. It's so strange to me how this is ok for them to do?

I guess all the creativity did leave at some point. Idk what team was working pre D1, during those e3 streams, I was I knew that team.

submitted by /u/Meiie
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Why are Bungie suddenly intent on undermining their story campaigns with kid gloves difficulty and their recent zero player challenge philosophy?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:38 AM PST

Like the D2 vanilla campaign before it, Curse of Osiris was a decent playthrough and had some good things going for it. But any semblance of satisfaction upon completion was completely undone by a difficulty level so easy and so weirdly passive that ultimately it was that aspect that lingers most in my memory now that it's done. What are Bungie thinking? Why is story Hard mode no longer a thing in Destiny?

submitted by /u/ChiefBr0dy
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With the DLC and new influx of items, we need even more inventory space when we already had problems

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:18 AM PST

Title. Please give us more space or some way of storing them.

submitted by /u/sunmimi
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If you aren't happy with the DLC, let Bungie know about it...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:25 AM PST

Take 3 minutes of your time and tweet @DeeJ_BNG, @Bungie, and @thislukesmith or if facebook is your thing do that. I literally almost never use social media but I logged into Twitter and let my discontent be known.

We need to let our voices be heard, I think social media is the way to go at this point. If you've played the DLC I don't need to point out the incredible lack of depth, literally recycled strikes, and spending nearly HALF of the insanely short $20 DLC running through the same hallway over and over and bouncing from one transporter to another.

submitted by /u/meddlingmages
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Ghost: "The Infinite Forest is huge! When the sake of the world isn't at stake, can we come back?"

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:12 AM PST

Bungie: "No"

submitted by /u/brewcrew_21
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There is nothing more demoralising then seeing a sweet new armor set then realising its mobility based.. :(

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:11 AM PST

I just can't understand the design decision in a looting game that punishers me for wanting to look cool af

submitted by /u/Draklyen
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Bungie, grinding XP isn't an endgame activity. I want the rewards to come from beating certain content, not from the Eververse.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:08 PM PST

The Eververse endgame has got to go. Making everything accessible to everyone didn't have to come down to just grinding XP.

I don't think Bungie understands that we were grinding the endgame not only because of the cool drops but because they were rare and hard to obtain, it was a badge of honor to wear those ornaments or shoot that gun. I understand people that didn't have the time or just liked playing solo didn't want to feel left out, but it was only cosmetic, who cares?, it doesn't effect the game play at all.

The solution to this seems fairly simple to me.

  1. For exotic raid weapons, It could have been a series of challenges complete x amount of strikes and lost sectors and turn in x amount of legendary engrams. Also please add ghost, ship, sparrow to the raid, because it's only cosmetic it has no effect on the game play for any individual other than saying " hey, I completed the hardest endgame activity and I got this!"

  2. Add specific armor drops, shaders, emblems,ornaments for both guns and armor into adventures and lost sectors. Always reward a shader if were going to continue down the path of consumable shaders as opposed to unlock and use as much as you like.

  3. Add Add specific armor drops, shaders, emblems,ornaments for both guns and armor too the new infinite forest area. Reward us for replaying the content with a chance at an exotic sparrow, ghost or shader specific to this area.

This would bring me back daily I think, I've done probably 5 lost sectors total and didn't do an adventure after I got my character to 270 or whatever it was.

Many other things need to addressed including mods for guns, I'm not sure how thins new master weapon thing is going to go down, so will save that discussion for another day.

submitted by /u/CGYflames01
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Destiny: The game where your numbers get bigger, but you don't get stronger.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:40 AM PST

Why did the prestige raid go up in light level? I'm supposed to be a bad ass guardian conquering its halls with my immense light levels. Most other mmos let you stomp the former raids, why not this one? I already ran out of things to do in the 6 hr i played this expansion D:

Edit: Holy time loop Osiris this has been awesome! To be clear I love destiny 2 cause the grind is fairly fun, and I did not expect so many people to say something! What I like about this community is how painful some parts of the game are to us we still get a kick out of playing.

Edit 2: Well after reading so many people talk it seems we all have some different views about how the game should play, I don't mind the light lvl going up for the raid, but it has the same loot rolls and mechanics so i think it just needs a little more spice. One day we will all be strong like real guardian but, when that comes just be prepared for a nerf lol. I am still way too hyped for how much attention this got so thanks again everyone!

submitted by /u/Icezcor
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Curse of Eververse is the first DLC that didn't even make it to the honeymoon phase

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:29 AM PST

Instead Bungie got shit blasted at the reception, told the bride to fuck off, made a pass at her mom and went home with the maid of honor instead.

submitted by /u/brian8225
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Trials is 100% getting canceled this weekend

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:15 PM PST

If you don't know what a Prometheus Lens does to your asshole in PvP then you are in for a rude awakening. We are talking Destiny launch Vex Mythoclast levels of broken.

Curious if Bungie can actually hotfix this thing or if they are going to just cancel Trials altogether. It's impossible to play crucible right now unless you have one.

submitted by /u/Bcider
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Bungie - you are hurting friendships not growing them

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:33 AM PST

There is no question that the visuals in this DLC are gorgeous. Comments about how great everything looks are all over reddit and the internet. What is also universally agreed is that this DLC lacks a soul. It feels empty. It is more of the same. Nothing feels unique (at least not yet). I get it, you want this to be a collection game - but collecting for the sake of changing the aesthetics?

Your big claim is that you want Destiny to be focused on forging friendships, you want this to be a game where you can hang out with the people you enjoy spending time with and yet - you are giving us little to no reason to come into a game unless it is to do more of the same and get more of the same - because so far nothing really feels worth it (or different).

My clan, which was a hardcore raiding clan in D1 is now falling apart thanks to the shit show D2 is. I remain hopeful that this will be corrected, but i'm not optimistic. By time D2 gets corrected (if it does), I may not even have a clan left.

Hard to believe that this game feels like such a giant regression from what D1 was. You focused so much on story and have dropped the ball, big time, on what keeps people playing your game - that's meaningful content - not aesthetic changes that do more of the same.

There are so many great and well thought out ideas floating around on here for how to make armor and weapons feel "special" and unique for PVE. For the sake of what my clan once was, what it might become and others that are in the same boat, I beg you to set aside your egos and pride and listen to what your community is advising.

submitted by /u/Butters0093
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Are we just slowly buying d1 back ?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

Dlc was fine $20 not a big issue Some "more" gear

But d1 already had the lighthouse and the "not VOG" but looks just like vog space

We already had some these exotics - I guess we found where Ghaul was hoarding them

Just because you remove a skill tree option does not Make it a new d2 item

Will the dawning be us just waking up to the fact that we are Getting d1 content?

submitted by /u/laxman976
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More and more I feel like Bungie's target audience is kids that ask their parents for money for the virtual slot machines.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:21 AM PST

They make the game easier while at the same time growing the loot boxes with shiny objects. That makes the kids the target while unsuspecting parents have no idea what is really going on.

It would explain why Bungie isn't listening to the community for endgame reward changes. Why listen to us when they can make their money off the gambling habits of children (and adults with money to blow on cosmetics).

submitted by /u/GeneralWoIf
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The nerf to Titan movement was a massive overstep by Bungie.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:16 AM PST

In case you missed it among the other notes, Bungie have decided that Titans can no longer use their shoulder charge ability to carry momentum -- it either drops you like a stone or removes all forward momentum.

It's totally unacceptable for Bungie to deliver what is nothing more than a straight quality of life hit to one of its 3 classes at a time when they need all of positivity they can muster.

It's bad enough that this expansion is fast becoming a flop with it's laughable story and "new" content, this needs to be changed back via hot fix ASAP.

Edit: To all the Hunter mains sending hate, yes I 100% agree that Hunters need a buff, that doesn't mean that Titans or Warlocks need nerfs in the meantime.

submitted by /u/MagickHammer
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Why is there so much stuff in the Eververse?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:15 PM PST

Exotic ships...that seems like a good post strike reward. Nope just put it in eververse instead. Exotic ornaments? Thats a good item that could randomly drop from lost sectors. Lets just put that in eververse instead.

Like what is actually happening Bungie? There's literally TONS of loot in the eververse. All that loot could be hard to get items from actually playing the game...

submitted by /u/Priestlyben
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The Eververse store is getting WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out of hand, it has a larger loot table than all end-game activities combined and then some.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:29 PM PST

To point out the major flaws with this game is directly co-related with Eververse. More resources and development in general tends to work towards updating Eververse and creating a diverse enough loot table to force players to either buy silver or to grind EXP to complete their collection game. Luke Smith said it himself, this game is turning into a collection game and Eververse is very much apart of our end game pursuits.


  • "Why are shaders 1 time use now?" -Eververse sells them in bundles.


  • "Why don't end game activities reward us with unique ships and sparrows?" -Eververse sells them but with exotic variants!


  • "Playstation exclusives suck, all platforms should be treated fairly!" -Eververse now sells, Eververse exclusive armor sets.


  • "Emotes are a great feature that we don't mind spending money on since it's only cosmetic" -Eververse now sells exotic emotes that are limited by a seasonal basis. To further this issue, there are only 3 and Eververse sells hundreds of products simultaneously, rare blue quality mods being an actual reward.


  • Eververse is the only vendor that exists from launch that got brand-spanking-new-armor.


  • Seasons. Seasons will wipe the exotic emotes from the loot table and add even more rewards to water down your chances at ever acquiring desired cosmetics. Seasons so far also have only shown to improve our cosmetic end game pursuits by re-skinning existing weapons and adding ornaments to existing armor. Vendor refreshes would be ideal on a seasonal basis, but this game is still in its infancy, so you get a pass this time.


  • Less rewarding end-game activities is a direct result of too much focus and resources being spent on Eververse. Prestige Loot is purely cosmetic, which follows the trend of Eververse having too much control in this game.


  • In summary, Eververse is an end-game simulator and the grind is leveling up for Bright Engrams. Our loot is less impactful overall and we are left to play the game with less of a power fantasy and more of a fashion/collection game. Changes in our loot system were dictated by how Eververse can simulate an optional end-game pursuit.


And now for some positives; Weapon Ornaments and Bright Dust. These two things work well together because now the EXP system is directly related to obtaining Eververse products. Weapon Ornaments are very affordable if you don't spend Bright Dust on anything but Ornaments. In the beginning, our EXP was throttled to the point where the game encouraged you to use Fire Team Medallions to create the illusion you were getting faster EXP.



I will be editing this post if I left anything important out that is worth mentioning.

submitted by /u/discourge
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