True Dota 2 - Who are the best position 1 players in the competitive scene?

Who are the best position 1 players in the competitive scene?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

I want to watch replays of pro players to improve at the position but I'm not very up to date with the pro scene. Can anyone suggest players to watch? Thank you.

submitted by /u/silky_chan
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What to do against OD+repel

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:24 AM PST

I'm a 3.5K pleb and I've been matched with same duo twice, and they picked OD and Omni both games. They totally wrecked us as they win all the midgame fights with Omni constantly healing and casting repel on OD. That shit so invulnerable. How does anyone deal with this combo?

submitted by /u/leiviorin
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Laning against morphling

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 07:39 PM PST

Hi im a low 4k player. Wondering if there is any good offlaners that could actually pressure a safelane morphling. That doesnt die to him +1 or +2.he hits darn hard and denies everything. A stun is probably a kill for him. I last played shacker offlane and apparently i thought i could out harass or at least deny him farm but in fact i was too flimsy? Any thoughts about this? Thanks.

submitted by /u/earthkira
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When to build what on SF?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 07:48 PM PST

So I've been seeing a huge variation on SF builds lately, and in my games with him I'm often confused on what to get after the first to items. Depending on the game I'll decide to go either magic (most common) with blink euls and probably bkb, or if my team needs right click or I'm behind ill go drums yasha. I just see so many different builds on him after that, with shivas, bloodthorn, sny, skadi, octarine, etc. How do I decide what to build?

Also, should I get a bottle on him? These days I often skip it for a couple clarities and salves.

submitted by /u/m00t13
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Tinker Matches?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 05:57 PM PST

I'm looking for some good tinker matches to watch and learn from. Match IDs, youtube links, etc are fine. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/8days47
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How to deal with bristle late game

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 05:03 PM PST

We had a bristle against us as a brewmaster, sniper, sven, lion, and es. Once he got evasion and especially octarine it became impossible to kill him even with an ulting sven that had crit and silver edge.

How do you deal with him lategame? He doesn't do negligible damage and is impossible to kill even when locked down under 5 people alone.

submitted by /u/Toastwitjam
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Is Tread switching really that important?

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 04:52 PM PST

I've seen my friends do it, I've seen pro players do it, and some guides even recommend it.

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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