True Dota 2 - How to Not Lose Games: An Old Thought

How to Not Lose Games: An Old Thought

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

Needs more Jigawatts!

Gonna start up the wayback machine for a bit here, but in July of 2015, I wrote what i consider to be the best piece I've ever written, entitled "How Not to Lose Games: A Thought."

It struck me as i look back at it, how timeless these ideas are, how relevant they are now, even to dota being played 2 years later. I hope some of you who didn't read it then might give it a read now, or those of you, maybe, on a losing streak, or with a friend in a bit of a slump, might take a moment and read this piece, or refer a struggling friend to it, and hope it helps folks get their game back to where it was when they were winning.

The Way Foreward

Shoutout to freelance_fox, who, I'm told by a great human being named loveisdead, has taken over the moderation of this subreddit since i last wrote here.

loveisdead moderated when i first came here and took an interest in the things I had to say about thinking the game of dota, was very responsive when i had questions for him, and basically was a great guy all around.

I'm beginning the process of putting together my next structured article, different from the "A Thought" segments, like this, and the one i put up yesterday (this will have more preparation, and more structure), not sure when it will be done (hopefully before next week), but the working title is "Dictating Play: Some Thoughts," and it intends to touch on how to find ways to make your opponents play in a way you can exploit, or is otherwise beneficial to your team, involving individual play, certain items, or heroes, a few examples, some normal, some whacky (anyone who read me 2 years ago knows I'm a whacky player), but also team combinations, and maybe even touching on drafting.

Until then, attack the meta, challenge what you know, and go win some games!


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submitted by /u/goblinbiddin
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"Pro analysis - Col.Kyle analyzing Liquid vs Secret G1"

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:12 AM PST

How do you decide the item order for Spectre?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

This is generally for 4k games I guess (for old mmr because I haven't played ranked since forever)

So I've noticed that the first item choices tend to hover around diffusal, blademail, vanguard and radiance (mom actually doesn't seem that popular?), but some people get radiance before blademail, some get diffusal then radiance etc etc. And it doesn't seem like they're adapting to the enemy either, it's just that they prefer blademail into radiance or some other build.

So, how do you decide on the item order? Diffusal and radiance I can kind of guess, but when would blademail/vanguard as a first item work?

Also, anyone find spirit vessel to be worth it? You get 30ms and 250hp from the windlace + vit booster + 600 gold recipe, and of course the improved active. Seems like a pretty good vanguard alternative. Finally, was there any situation where you would get skadi + satanic instead of heart?

submitted by /u/GalerionTheMystic
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Tinker's Level 15 Talent

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:52 AM PST

Why does everyone choose the spell lifesteal on tinker? I mean, I know +40 ms is not that good but why do you need spell lifesteal on tinker? If you get to a place where you're losing hp on tinker you would probably die anyway?

submitted by /u/Hileneria
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Mid-game Midas for 3,4,5

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

When is it ever worth it to pick up a mid-game midas?

Eg. kpii on:

Is there a justification for this pick up? He did not get EXP talent, and you only pay Midas off around 17 minutes after

submitted by /u/renlireb
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What do to with your advantage

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

I've been in situations where my team is ahead but we blow it by either passively farming for too long so the enemy catches up, or by taking poor engagements. I have a couple questions:

If we are ahead, what sort of things should we be doing?

When should we all group as 5 and force a team fight? (a lot of the times we're split even or we group up and we get split pushed and lose towers)

How should we initiate team fights?

submitted by /u/alabamanigs
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What makes LD such a popular competitive hero?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:46 PM PST

Any videos/articles that go in-depth about maintaining creep equilibrium in mid?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:52 AM PST

I understand why/when to keep the lane steady/shove to enemy tower/lasthit under mine. What I don't -- is how exactly do I make waves do exactly those things?

Say I fast-clearer the wave under my tower. Where will the next creeps meet? What should my next step be? How do I sucessfully pull off doublewave? Say I return after a rune and creeps are on enemy HG. What approach do I use to make the next wave meet back at my tower? At what locations do I want to kill my ranged creep, or the opposite?

Any feedback appreciated

submitted by /u/Captain_Iceblock
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Does behavior score even matter at all?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:10 PM PST

I rarely get abandons and always have <3 behavior score. Yet I frequently enough have toxic players on my team with a behavior that takes away the fun factor from the game (assumes by the losing factor shouldn't matter. Does matchmaking account behavior score?

submitted by /u/Speed_Demon_db
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How do I make my spirit bear stop autoattacking?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:22 PM PST

Title. I've got it turned off on my hero but apparently this little special snowflake has taken it upon himself to fuck up my CS mid. How do I regain control of my delinquent child?

submitted by /u/Hobo124
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How can low MMR players practice solo offlane?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:13 PM PST

I've recently been playing a lot of 3's and 4's, and want to start practicing solo offlane. However, I'm a shit tier scrub (haven't calibrated, but I'm guessing I'm low-mid Guardian), so with the nerf of jungle, getting a solo offlane in pubs is hard. Bots almost never let you have a solo lane either. I don't want to do it in ranked cuz I don't want to feed and tilt my team (I need to practice it to actually be decent at it), but that's basically my only option. How did you guys practice it when you were low MMR?

Edit: Also, what offlane heroes are best to know how to play in scrub tier pubs? I personally like Tidehunter and Omniknight a lot. I can also play some 4's as 3's like SK, Shaker, Nyx, etc. but they (except for SK) normally feel pretty underwhelming.

submitted by /u/Kurry_King
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