True Dota 2 - Don't Jungle

Don't Jungle

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:16 AM PST

It really doesn't matter what bracket you are in right now, jungling really sucks.

I'm sitting between 4.3-4.5k right now, and it very rarely happens but I just got a jungler "uncalibrated" in my game. It takes what is a very easily winnable game and makes it an instant loss.


submitted by /u/O_baby_
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Why is arc warden such a rare pick in the pro scene, and why is his winrate so low overall?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:27 AM PST

title explains most of my question.

I like the hero a lot, despite not being that great at him, but i really wonder, why is he such a rare sight at higher tiers of play. (i am ranked archon, and the only time i see him in my games is when i pick him).

submitted by /u/julian509
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Whats the point of brewmaster?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:02 AM PST

What does he give? what makes him a good hero?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Is there a way to watch/download lobby matches?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:39 AM PST

Basically title. I couldn't find anything on OpenDota or Dotabuff. There wasn't a match ID or a download button either in the Dota 2 client.

submitted by /u/Susam42
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What's with the resurgance of SD in competitive?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:04 PM PST

unranked matchmaking feels really really REALLY bad sometimes.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:27 AM PST

just played a game where my team is two level ones and one level 2, me level 47 and a level 28

other team is level 37, 24, 22, and two level ones

all 3 new players on my team are clearly VERY new to the game, which is fine, i want new players to join, but why are they being matched with me and WHY is the game giving me matches that are essentially 3v2 deciding who wins based on what team has the most new players OR what team has a smurf.... this shit is ridiculous, i cant learn heros in normal unranked if it wont give me games of even skill.

it never happened to me before, i guess its a result of the behavior score changes matching friendly people with new players? Its just.... incredibly frustrating.

i know im not that great at dota right now but i the different in skill is so different between me and these people its clear that they are very new.

Has anyone else experienced this?

edit: i realize that i should get games where the new people are on the other team and i certainly have had games like that but i don't want games like that, i want balanced games that i can use to practice heros without tanking my mmr in ranked.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Let's Discuss OD this patch

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:43 PM PST

He has been left alone for a while, simmering away. Counters AM, Medusa and other meta heroes. What items do you go? What objectives? Is he situational or almost always viable (except against Pugna, maybe Nyx etc)? I personally go Force Staff -> Kaya -> Hurricane Pike -> Rod of Atos/BKB/Scythe/Octarine/Shiva's with maybe blink or a midas in the right scenario. I would love to hear other builds/tips/suggestions on anything to do with his playstyle/items/skill build.

submitted by /u/000Infinity000
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How do you play pos 5 and 4 now?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:58 AM PST

Ever since TI I haven't played much dota as the wait was too long for the new patch and when it came out I wasn't that much interested. Now I'm trying to play back but it seems so much harder to get levels as a support now. I struggle to get to 6. Even after a few successful ganks, it seems I'm still low leveled. Plus jungling is harder cause u can't pull the hard camp now to the safe lane. Also it seems like I'm very reliant on my cores playing well in lanes and I'm less impactful as a support.

I know pos 4 was op previously and even before that the warlock and ogre pos 5 with no items can wreck the game. Seems like its so much harder now.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/Nickweekp
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2 1 2 vs 2 1 2 at low skill

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:42 PM PST

Lets just say I am your traditional not-very-good Dota player.

I play support, because I actually can only last hit on a couple of heroes. Actually, I can last hit OK, but I often get into a LOT of trouble in a lane. I play support because I don't like having a team of 5 carries.

I got some problems and I was wondering if there is something I don't know that is stopping me from winning my laning phase.

I'm trying to get better at 1 hero, right now. So I'm playing a lot of CM. I have about 280 games on her or so.

I have read that CM isn't a very good lane support, and I tend to agree on this, but maybe I'm stupid, I dunno. But my opinion is that if I was a carry and someone was going to be sapping XP from me, then I'd rather have omniknight, dazzle, or ogre mage supporting me than CM.

But I like playing CM, and I find that she is PRETTY strong if I can play "my" game, not get just lumped into "lane support". That's not to say I won't support my lane, but I don't like to babysit, and quite frankly, I can only save my carry 1/3 times if he's getting gone on.

The way I like to play CM is this: 0m - help secure rune 0m-1m - go mid, try to get a 2v1 gank on mid (I find this is REALLY sketchy, but the power of a 2 v 1 is literally the best chance I'll ever have at making a big impact. The problem is if my mid didn't block, this is maybe a 10% success. If he did block, it's maybe 60% success. I'll take my chances though, because even a frostbite on mid helps burn some regen and give my mid a small advantage. 1:40m-2m After that I go get two runes, and head to safelane. if I get to safelane with some time to spare I'll pull small camp and try to connect it.

This is where things start getting a bit weird.

Often, one or both offlaners will come contest the pull. I may die here, and it's always worse for my safelane if I die than if I deny some XP. Alternately, sometimes my safelane likes it if I pull, and sometimes not.

If my safelane is doing OK, should I just leave him and try to impact other lanes?

When I play CM early game I try to get XP by pulling, denying my own creeps in jungle. But in a 2/1/2 vs 2/1/2 I feel like I am literally the most useless hero in game just poking around in the lane. I Rclick for 40 damage, and I can do 1 frostbite which does F-all at level 1 for 100 damage. And if i'm doing literally nothing, why should I be in lane sapping XP?

If my carry is agitated that I should "lane support" him, should I just stand there and pretend to be useful?

I'm 1900 MMR. I used to be 2900. I've lost 1000MMR since the behaviour patch and I'm trying to recover some of it.

my usual build on CM is tranquils -> wand -> raindrops -> glimmer/pipe -> forcestaff

Then I found out about the 250 AS talent, and if I'm doing OK I'll build a Pike for some tank, then usually direct damage items like desolator (if we don't have it) or a maelstrom for the proc damage for a bit of extra magic damage between FB/nova/FF if the game goes late.

My major issues are: dying too much (every hero), not having good map awareness (this fluctuates), not making good decisions (all the time), not having good knowledge of power spikes (i.e. who can I kill), being greedy (chasing and getting out of position), and feeling obliged to help my carries who frequently make equally stupid decisions then dying needlessly.

All of these things add up to me bleeding MMR.

Should I give up on CM and just play tankier supports?

submitted by /u/The_other_lurker
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