True Dota 2 - Dealing with Medusa, 7.07 edition.

Dealing with Medusa, 7.07 edition.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:44 PM PST

So, Medusa... the hero is pretty strong in the current patch, with her current talents she can be pretty unstopable. Im talking about 1v5 fights that she still wins etc.

So, how do u beat the medusa without that am or weaver in ur team? There is a couple of ways.

  • The first and obvious one, is to get a good early game lineup, maybe even a broodmother, someone that can not only apply massive preassure to the game, but also finish it early enough.

Remember, you are not going to outcarry a medusa, even sniper can be easily dealy with by medusa if she gets huricane pike.

  • The best counter to medusa in the late game, is getting a silver edge or heavens halsberd. Why? since medusa at level 25 will most likely have the modifiers talent. Medusa will also most likely have lifesteal, either a MoM, or a satanic, depending on game situation, but the main thing is, that once medusa has level 25, every attack will basically heal her as MoM Medusas damage * 0.15 + medusas damage * 0.8 * 0.15 * 3, meaning medusas damage * 0.51. Half of the damage u deal u heal(assuming u attack 4 targets), and u deal a LOT of damage, meaning you have a lot of hp that they need to deal with. With satanic, u will heal 0.85 of ur damage every attack, plus u have its active(healing x6.8 of what u deal every attack), basically, what makes medusa so strong in the late game, is that not only does she have mana shield to have 60% damage reductions, and with the +800 mana and +15% snake mana u basically have infinite mana, but she also heals a TON with her attacks. Basically, if u disable her from attacking, she will become a lot easier to kill, since a lategame medusa will have 300+ damage, that means around 150 hp per attack, and she has a lot of attack speed.
submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Radiance Weaver. Meme build or legit?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:56 AM PST

It's somewhat of an unpopular item on him, and I would assume that this only works in low mmr pubs, but oh boy does it work well.

I play Weaver a lot and recently decided to try out Radiance on him. The raw damage is very good (geminate, -armor), and you can farm waves with sukuchi+radiance without ever having to hit them. Jungling becomes a lot faster as well. And of course don't forget the invis Radiance chasedowns which are just as funny as effective.

It'a greedy, but uncoordinated enemies make greedy item builds work. And it does take a LOT of teamwork to kill a weaver.

submitted by /u/greatnomad
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Hotkeys for illusion based heroes?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:48 AM PST

I've been playing Dota for a few years now but never really got the hang of illusion based heroes .

I see people on stream that seem to be able to control them with ease and I struggle to figure out a control scheme to move my illusions optimally.

Any insight on best setups?

submitted by /u/jogurt
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Why does Mask of Madness get so popular all of a sudden?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:51 AM PST

I remember a few patches ago the value of the item dropped due to the silence debuff. Now it's popular all of a sudden, especially with range carries. Any reason why?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Huskar help

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST

  • Can bkb and other magic immunities cancel the stack of burning spears? If not what are abilities that can cancel the burning spears?

  • Mjolnir or radiance? If I reach late game and Im building Huskar with items to be durable, which item can work? Mjolnir has that active that procs stronger lightning and the passive synergizes well with Huskar when he is at a lower health. On the other hand radiance can work even if he is disabled and the miss chance also helps him against physical attacks. Both items also have decent damage/attack speed passive.

  • When is it good to get Aghanims? The really low cooldown allows me to jump to the frontline of the enemy then to the backline but Im not sure if its worth it especially since enemies can just disable huskar.

  • When to get armlet? The item is suggested in guides and even high ranked players rush it as first item.Are there times when maelstorm or sange might be a better first item? Maelstorm passive helps huksar farm lane and jungle really fast although he has to be at low health so theres a big risk. Sange gives extra strength for survivability that helps him survive after jumping using his ult.

  • What boots to use? Treads seems a bit expensive since the huskar already have an attack speed boost from his ability. Phase boots looks good although im not really sure.

  • What are hard counters to Huskarr aside from Axe and the hero that can use the green reapers sycthe?

Thanks, new to the game with about 40 hours online matches although I occasionally play dota 1 against bots.

submitted by /u/bot_yea
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Magic SF Guide

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:14 PM PST

What do you guys think of my magic sf guide. I based it off Kuku's latest SF game.

submitted by /u/n3on_tv
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Would anyone like to introduce a new Post game Statistic for items like lotus orb/Pipe Healing. something that would measure the effectiveness of your item usage

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:55 AM PST

What is Frostivus?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:11 AM PST

I have heard about this before but I don't know what it is. Can someone explain it to me?

submitted by /u/Freightrain21
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